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Sunday, July 1, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Damini mutters that she wont but urmi shall go out of the house, and not just the house, bu the world, as whatever is happening is due to her, as due to her, her husband is at the verge of divorcing her. Out of vicious rage, Damini calls the goon and tells him that she wants to see urmi’s dead body in the house, within the next half an hour, today only, or she shal get him killed too. Ishaani, who has been hearing this, is shocked to see this side of damini. She throws the phone away. ishaani meanwhile thinks that urmi is in danger, and cant believe that damini can stoop so low. she decides to call urmi, addressing her as mother, and tries her number, but she doesnt pick up, busy in her work. she gets tensed for urmi. She then decides
to go look for shaurya, but doesnt find him in the room. She hurriedly rushes out, and then finds diya and asks where’s he. She says that he went to the newspaper office. She says that she is leaving for the restaurant, and asks why does she look so tensed. She is about to spill, when damini calls her from a distance. but she ignores her and walks off. Damini is tensed wondering what happened to ishaani, as she storms out of the house in a hurry. Diya wonders what did ishaani want to tell her, but then went away so hurriedly. damini says that ishaani is like this only, and when she returns, they shall know whats the matter, as she would confide in her only, as her own mother is non existential for her. diya is tensed.
Later, damini wonders impatiently, as to why the phone isnt coming, as it shouldnt take this much time, and whats wrong. Anirudh comes in and presents her the divorce papers, saying that he has signed and now she needs to. he says that from this moment forth, their relationship ends as she needs the signatures now. she gets emotional, saying that in this age, a couple needs one another at this age, and he wants to divorce her, and insinuates if he wants to marry again. he asks how could she be so disgusting, and wishes that he had seen this side of her before, and her evil intentions, and wishes he had divorced her long back, or else he wouldnt have seen this day. she asks if he wants to divorce her now, as its too late, as they have kids and grandkids too getting married. He defiantly says yes. She asks how could he hate her so much rigthaway, that he wants to get rid of her right now. He says yes, adding that he cant bear her face for another minute. she says that she wont divorce him or sign the papers, and even if he wants, she wont leave his life. he says that she shall have to go. she is worried. She says that this is her house, and she wont go anywhere, and if he has a problem, he can leave, but she wont. he taunts her in compliment, saying that she did finally show him the true colours, as he was living in a false world. she says that he finally saw now, and then asks him also to see what he wants, to stay here or leave. He comes to her and asks if she actually thinks, he would stop out of helplessness, and assk her to forget such thinking, as walls crumble under much pressure, and thats what happened to their relationship. He says that he shall leave with his family and children, as then she can stay here alone, in this big palatial house. He leaves. She thinks that he is extremely angry right now, but sooner or later, he would calm down, when urmi’s dead body comes in the house, as then he would be out of urmi’s shade too.
Scene 2:
Location: Awaz’s office
Shaurya is busy working on the laptop, when chiku comes in asking for his gift. Shaurya waives it off. Chiku says that he wants his marriage gift. he teases him, while chiku says that he wants his gift, as due to his positive thinking, shaurya got married to diya, or else he had gotten hope long back. chiku says that he got married due to his convincing to god. shaurya is amused as he listens to chiku bantering about how only due to him, shaurya could get diya. he then teases shaurya about the wedding night, while shaurya gets enraged. he contineus to tease him, by being an emotional drama queen. shaurya asks him to stop the drama. Chiku says that he is emotional for diya, and asks how is she. Shaurya says that he is happy, but tells about how diya feels that this marriage is a compromise on his part. Chiku gets tensed. shaurya says that had he told before marriage, she would have accepted but now she refuses to accept. chiku again says that he can act as a saviour, as he bears a live witness to his romance. shaurya says that would be futile, as she wont comply now, and now he would have to prove his love, by expression not byu words. chiku is impressed and boosts him to do so. he leaves. Shaurya is lost in his thoughts about diya.
Scene 3:
Location: Hotel
Urmi meanwhile arrives at the restaurant, wherein all of her employees congratulate her. she orders them to give a 40% doscount to all customers today. She gets the flowers that she had specially gotten ordered. she takes them and presents them to ishaan’s pic, and says that today is the anniversary. she also tells him that shaurya is married, and it happened so fast, that she didnt get the time to tell her, but she knows wherever he is, he is watching over them, and must be knowing that diya is a wonderful girl, and hence on this occassion, she has called diya here. She says that shaurya is okay, but ishaani is highly upset with her, as they dont share the mother-daughter bond with each other, as ishaani only feels hatred and bitterness for her, and she waits impatiently for the day when she accepts her as her mother, and hugs her.
As urmi is catering to the guests, from the car, a shooter aims at them. She is suddenly overwhelemd as she hears ishaani’s voice addressing her as mother, and identifies it, as she hears ishaani calling her mother for the first time, and thinks its indeed a very lucky day today. urmi is emotionally overwhelmed to find her daughter having come to meet her at the hotel for the first time, as ishaani comes worried, asking if she is okay. urmi asks why is she so worried. ishaani tells her that her life is in danger, and takes her inaside, Urmi is boggled and asks her to clarify, as to who poses a danger to her. ishaani stands worried, while urmi grills her. Meanwhile Diya arrives in the auto and too oblivious of the shooting, walks towards urmi. urmi is suddenly apalled as she looks in the direction of the shooters. ishaani is worried too. Diya too turns around, at the click of the revolver. She eyes the revolver aimed at urmi and is aghast. The screen freezes on urmi’s shocked face.
Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s Hotel
Urmi hurriedly throws ishaani away out of the line of the revolver’s aim. The pistol is fired. diya and urmi stand shocked. The goons rush off after firing. Ishaani is shocked, and urmi is stunned, as she finds that diya came into the line of the fire, and herself faced the bullet in her stomach. Diya is herself shocked too and staggers and collapses on the ground. urmi screams out in horror, and rushes to her, along with ishaani. urmi asks ishaani to call the ambulance, while she is distraught to see diya like that.
Scene 2:
Location: Hospital
Urmi along with ishaani rush diya to the hospital, telling the doctor to attend to her, as she has been shot at. the doctor hesitates saying that its a police case, andhence formalities
need to be fulfilled before any action. she asks him to hasten up, as she knows about rhe formalities and would fulfill them while he saves her. He asks the nurse to take her to the OT and prep her for the operation. he then asks urmi to go to the reception and fill out the forms. She complies. At the reception, she overhears shaury and anirudh enquiring about diya and the shooting. She calls out to them. they rush to her tensedly. She tells that diya is in a very worse condition. they ask her how it all happened. urmi updates them. They wait outside the operation room. Anirudh asks how could someone have an enemity to diya. urmi narrates everything, while boggled, as to why someone did this, and adds that she just knows that diya sacrificed her life to save her, and knows that she shall never be able to forgive herself. she is in tears, and apologises to shaurya profusely. he comes to her and consoles her saying that nothing shall happen to diya. just then, the doctors come out and say that they have taken out the bullet, but due to the excessive bleeding, her condition is critical. He says that if she regains consciosuness in the next 24 hours, she stands a chance or else. shaurya hurriedly asks what he means. the dcotors say thart there’s no hope otherwise, and asks them to pray for her coming back to her senses soon. He leaves. shaurya and his family is shocked.
Scene 3:
Location: Goon’s hideout
damini thrashes the men for having missed their aim, and after she paid them to kill urmi, they shoot diya, while urmi goes unscathed. they apologise and say that their shot was perfect but she came from noweher and took the aim. she is least interested in their clarifications, frustrated at her failure.
Scene 4:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Ishaani comes in rushing asking where is damini, visibly agitated. rani comes and tells that she isnt home. Ishaani asks where is she. rani says that she went out, but doesnt know where. rani leaves, while ishaani sits on the sofa tensedly.
Later, damini cheerfully comes back and asks ishaani where was she going in haste earlier, that she didnt even listen to her. ishaani jerks her away and asks her not to dare touch her. Damini is shocked and asks her the reason to behave like this with her badi maa. Ishaani says that she is embarassed to call her badi maa. damini is shocked and asks whats the matter. ishaani says that she is a wonderful actor, and if she doesnt know what she did. damini is boggled and unable to understand. She says that she has seen her true side, that conspries against her mother. damini is enragedand shocked as she hears ishaani addressing urmi as mother. ishaani says that she knows about her plan to get urmi killed. damini tries to feign innocence and asks if she knows what she is saying. ishaani says that she has finally come to senses after a long time, and tells about how she heard everything and got to know her dark side, and wodners how could she play such a bitter game with her, just to torture urmi. She asks how could she deprive hjer of her childhood, from a mother who loved her so much, and this when she loved damini so much. she says that she always grew up thinking that urmi is wrong, and nhever fell short of disrespecting her, only out of damini’s hatred for urmi. She then talks about how could she do this to her, then urmi and then to diya, and that she is the reason, diya is in hospital, who saved urmi, and is battling with life and death due to her. she says that she mind games and conspiracies are all over now. ishaani tells damini that she shall tell her entire plan to the family and to the police too, and asks her to therefore be ready now. damini is distraught and stunned into silence. ishaani asks her to do all her games now in police. damini asks for a chance to explain herself. ishaani asks her to keep the drama to herself for jail, as she is finished now. Ishaani tries to call, while damini keeps requesting for a chance to hear her out. Ishaani says that there’s nothing left t be heard or talked about. while ishaani is busy dialling the number, damini spots a vase kept nearby. She strikes a blow on ishaani’s head with the vase, and she goes unconscious due to the blow. Damini is extremely tensed at everything falling apart and how urmi also took away her ishaani too from her and wonders how could she behave like this with her badi maa who loved her the most. she says that after all, she is urmi’s child and had to turn out like this. damini screams that she is her mother, and not urmi. Sheb says that she cant be her ishaan’s child. She then shouts and says that she wont fall short, and whatever relation comes in her way, she would finish it off forever, without any flinching.
Scene 5:
Location: Goon’s hideout
damini’s goon get ishaani to their hideout, while damini comes after them. they place her on the mat. damini is frustrated that their plan got ruined, and asks them not to mess it up further. the goon say that they wont make a mistake again, and asks whats to be done with the girl. damini eyes her and then turns away. Ishaani meanwhile wakes up with a headache, but then sensing the situation, she keeps her eyes closed. Damini tells them to do whatever they had decided to do with urmi. frustratedly, damini tells them to kill her, stab her, bury her, as she doesnt care, but she just wants her finished. As ishaani lays on the mat, pretending to be dead, she is shocked and distraught to see damini’s behaviour for her. She asks them to finish her today and then leave no trace that can implicate them or her at any cost. She tells them that she would pay them so much that they wouldnt need to work anymore. He says that he shall do it in the night. damini asks why wait till then. He says that its broad daylight and there’s the risk of the police takng notice, and its best done in the silence and loneliness of the night. Damini asks him to kill her before she regains senses. he says that he shall do it, as even if she comes to senses, her screams wont reach anywhere as its pretty isolated and desolate here. She insists that ishaani is unconscious when they kill her. damini says that if she comes back to senses, she would be in pain, and she herself wont be able to bear that. She begins to leave. The goon again asks that this is her real granddaughter. damini turns around and says that she cant be, as she is urmi’s child and maybe at one point of time, she was but not anymore. the goon bravely compliment her heart for killing her own family. she asks them to stick to their work. she eyes ishaani and then leaves. the goons leave after her too. meanwhile, ishaani opens her eyes and is unbelievably shocked at what she just heard. She isnt able to believe what a lowlife she is, and for this woman, she always wronged her own mother.
Scene 6:
Location: Hospital
Shaurya holds diya’s hands, and says that the docs are mental, as they are calling her condition as critical, as she is a strong woman who has braved many things, thne how can she succumb to such a minor injury and asks her to wake up and prove them all weong. he fights back his tears and asks her to get up, as the doctors are waiting for her to show a response, and their life hasnt even started yet. he asks her not to leave him just yet and then keeps ietrating, that she cant go anywhere, as it isnt an option. he caresses her face, while she lies unconscious. He eyes her lovingly. the screen freezes on both their faces.

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