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Monday, July 23, 2018


Tin is asking fake Llora to not let TioM separate them. Tin will die if he loses Llora. In her fake faint, too sweet voice, “Llora” asks Tin what he has against her tio. Well, says surprised Tin, it is actually him – the crippled by TioM poor schmuck who is entitled to feeling snubbed. TioM made him like this!!!
Out at the get-away ranch, TioM presents Llora to Viridiana and talks about his never-ending love for his nieces. Viridiana is impressed, Llora is touched. They talk about Ana Le and Llora reveals they are triplets. TioM quickly says that the third sister is dead, but that doesn’t sit well with Llora. She asks him not to say that, they argue some, making Viridiana uncomfortable, and Llora excuses herself. Viridiana and TioM get back to staring and flirting.
New stuff (scenes somewhat consolidated):
Sole continues her futile attempts to convince Santi to leave Ana Lu alone. He will not, it seems. He says he is a different man – one, who now also sees how much Sole loves Ana Lu. He will not let anyone take Ana Lu away from her and the only thing he asks is that she doesn’t judge him. But if she decides she is against him, he can be very dangerous. He will fight for Ana Lu and her love.
While that staring contest continues, we are on to more entertaining scenes, and Ana Le was far from boring today, as usual. She stares at Tin, processing his accusation of her favorite Tio. No doubt having to bite her tongue, she softly whispers that, while regrettable, it is by no means her Tio’s fault. Besides, Tio has paid him a hefty compensation and it is also not Tio’s fault that the woman Tin was with took all his money and left him with nothing.
Towards the end of this monologue, Ana Le gets tired of faking Llora’s voice and continues in her own: it’s all Tin’s fault. That woman left him to marry another man, she must have never loved him at all. Tin is incredulous – why is Llora speaking to him like this? Ana Le continues to provoke him in a decidedly not Llora-like docile manner, until he yells out that Gina wouldn’t have left him if not for her (Llora’s) stupid ex-novio! Ana Le puts two and two together – Gina was the woman who left him for Ramiro. He is planning to exact revenge on her Tio and Ramiro. Well, no wonder Gina left him, says Ana Le – she would have as well, especially now that he probably doesn’t have much manhood left. A very late light bulb goes off in Tin’s brain, who finally realizes it’s not Llora. (He has definitely not missed his calling as Colombo.)
A short memory scene is plugged in here, where Ramiro is remembering Gina confessing her eternal love to him, and saying she would just kill herself if she ever lost him. Ramiro looks guilty. Back to the lunch scene, where Tin is beating himself up for not recognizing the deception and showing his hand so soon. Ana Le finds a much cruder way to make the detective joke. She relaxes at the table and puts her feet up (yes, pretending to have a limp must have been very tough on her, while seated). Ana Le wants Tin to know that she won’t let him hurt her Tio and she wants him away from her sister as well. Tin is not disposed to take orders, but Ana Le threatens him and says she isn’t Llora and he better be afraid of her. He spits some threats right back and mentions Marcelo. Now it’s Ana Le, who folds too fast and she lets on that she is aware that Marcelo is alive, giving the advantage back to Tin, or at least making them equal. (Well, neither one of them appears to be cut out for a career in law enforcement, though in Ana Le’s case we might not want to be so hasty. She may yet find her calling on the other side of the bars before the show is over.)
Somewhere in foresty paradise Llora wonders about Ana Lu. Does she think about Llora? Does she “feel” Llora the way Llora “feels” her? And Ana Lu does, it appears – she is walking around and nervously shivering. Of course she might just be worried about Sole and Santi.
Orlando asks Maribel about Ana Lu leaving Mexico city. Maribel doesn’t know anything about it. They trade some smart remarks and Orlando brags that he kissed Ana Lu, but venomous Maribel declares that she knew that already from Ana Lu herself, who told her it felt disgusting. Orlando proves he can dish out, as well as take, and asks Maribel if she would feel the same way about his kisses. Well, of course she wouldn’t, he continues – it’s just too bad he doesn’t feel like kissing her. Maribel is off to sulk somewhere else.
Inaki and Javier meet up to talk about Soledad and Ana Lu, as well as their own mother, who Javier misses and Inaki doesn’t remember by now.
Llora and Julietta sit down to chat, while our two would-be love birds – Viridiana and TioM – are off elsewhere. Julietta marvels at how different Llora is from her sister. Llora misinterprets that to mean her disability. Julietta clarifies she only meant that Llora is much more pleasant, and why didn’t her son fall in love with Llora instead. Mama Bear Julietta is upset that Ana Le does not appreciate her woman-beating, cheating, scheming, rude and unpleasant….err… that is to say great and fantastic…. son – a gift for any woman. Noble Llora, of course, thinks that is due to Ana Le still having feelings for Marcelo and his memory.
Viridiana and Mariano talk about his pain and loss. Mariano cries and Viridiana consoles him. He is grateful to have her there …and it sounded like there was more to that scene, but it was cut rather suddenly.
Ana Le shows up at Ramiro’s ready to go celebrate their noviazgo.
Rodrigo and Miranda are chatting as well. Rodrigo can’t put down that dating app, and is trying to talk to this Dama Solitaria, who is not responding. Miranda looks very sly and insists that he should continue writing.
Back at Casa Alvarez Abue is reading these messages. Leonor catches her at this and they talk about Abue’s life and how she let her one true love slip away. Topic of conversation switches to Leonor – why didn’t she ever marry, when she had enough male attention? Leonor, it seems, always felt anger and shame at something her mother did. He mother became interested in someone she shouldn’t have, and Leonor paid for her mistake. Abue wonders why Leonor can’t forgive, if she - Abue - has forgiven. (And we wonder if that does in fact mean Leonor and Abue are sisters….)
Santi comes back to the hostel. Ana Lu wants to know what is going on, and Santi tells her he loves her and has decided to ask his wife for divorce. He will fight for Ana Lu and if she will have him, would be so happy to marry her. Everybody wants a reaction from Ana Lu, but she – a smart girl – wants to talk alone with him. Our Mercurial Marcelo lays it on thick how much he loves Ana Lu and wants to be with her. He was so confused before, but he isn’t any more. He took Sole out to talk, because he didn’t want her influencing Ana Lu, as she has already done many times. He wanted to convince Sole to trust him before speaking with Ana Lu. As far as Ana Lu’s concerns about breaking up his marriage – it was already broken and he was cheated on.
Ana Lu asks if he would be divorcing still, had she not been there as an option for him. Santi says that he would be, regardless. Ana Lu says that she loves him, but she cannot give him an answer right now – not until he is divorced and his situation is resolved.
Ana Le and Ramiro are happily dining and exchanging carefully crafted comments, fishing for information. Ana Le tries to find out if Ramiro knows who Gina’s lover was, the one she dumped for Ramiro (i.e. does he know who Valentin is?). Of course she claims not to know the name of said lover herself, and Ramiro didn’t even know of his existence until Ana Le brought it up.
Ramiro has some bait of his own. He claims that Marcelo confided in him that Ana Le has asked for a divorce, as well as that he followed her to the hotel room and saw her there with her lover. Marcelo knew Ana Le was cheating.
Having gotten over the shock of this bit of news, Ana Le handles it spectacularly. From the time she was a girl, she says, everyone’s attention went to searching for Ana Lu and to Llora. Nobody paid attention to her, Ana Le. And then she got married, and her husband was looking for Ana Lu day and night as well, coming home late, Ana Le felt abandoned. She wanted to show him that their marriage was in danger and so she asked for divorce. It was a bad call, and she regrets it. And when that didn’t work, she wanted to make him jealous. She only cheated the one time, and she felt dirty doing it. Ramiro doesn’t know what to think and whether to believe her. Point to Ana Le, well played.
Remedios and Sole are talking about Sole’s relationship with Ana Lu. Remedios is trying to guilt her – to no avail - by mentioning Ana Lu’s real family, who were looking for her all these years. Instead Sole says that now she has another person, who will keep her secret – Santiago.
Rem is shocked and later lets Santiago know as much. She is not happy that Santi will become an accomplice in this lie. Santi thinks it’s a bit hypocritical, as Rem is covering up for Sole herself. Santi is doing it in hopes that one day Ana Lu’s family will forgive Sole – after all she saved Ana Lu’s life. But even beyond that, he needs to protect Ana Lu from his own wife – Ana Le, who is a danger to her.
Mariano and Llora share a nice moment, he helps her put some ointment on her leg and asks her forgiveness for not spending more time with her.
Meanwhile Ernestina is remembering Marcelo’s funeral and his inconsolable father. She is determined to tell him she saw Marcelo alive. Leonor tries to talk her out, suddenly Ana Le comes from behind, fresh from her romantic dinner with Ramiro. Who are they talking about? Abue says they are talking about Llora and missing her. It was Abue’s idea to sent Llora along with Tio. Ana Le has a new target for her anger and hisses that she hopes Abue wasn’t mistaken – Tio wanted to be alone. No matter, what Ana Le wants now are those earrings Abue was going to gift to Jenny. Ana Le will wear them tomorrow to a dinner, where she will introduce her new boyfriend.
Next morning Leonor is in Ana Le’s room and asks her again about this boyfriend. After a bit of back-and-forth, no doubt out of desire to torture Leonor, Ana Le extracts a promise that Leonor won’t tell anybody, and confides that it is Ramiro. Leonor is shocked – what about Llora? Well, Llora is happy with Tin, who everyone likes. And Ana Le and Ramiro always had that attraction, and now that they both lost their loves and are alone, they decided to give each other a chance. Leonor thinks it’s ridiculous, but Ana Le reminds her that she is keeping one of her secrets and so expects that Leonor will keep this secret for Ana Le as a return favor.
Speaking of Llora, she and TioM are having breakfast. She mentions Viridiana, who TioM can’t stop staring at. No-no, he can’t think of anyone right now. Llora consents that Jenny’s death is very recent, but Tio can’t spend his whole life alone. No, says Tio, but you can also make a mistake if you jump in too fast – look at you, Llora, you jumped from Ramiro to Tin, and likely made a mistake. Llora doesn’t even care about Tin enough to ask what Mariano meant by this. She is off confessing that she never stopped loving Ramiro and describing the butterflies she feels in his presence – her one and only love. Tio doesn’t trust Ramiro. Ah, but Ana Le made us all believe that, says Llora. Tio wants to know what she means and Llora spills the beans about their entire plan. Mariano thinks it’s a bad idea and not a correct way to handle it, but he hopes that Ana Le did not lie. He doesn’t know if he could handle knowing her capable of something like that.
Bright and early in the morning Ramiro thought he would be off to work, when he receives a surprise visit from Leonor, who is there to read him the riot act on how not to treat Llora. Just as she is settling in her monologue, Santicelo comes out of the bedroom and Leonor is in for a surprise. Marcelo!
Marcelo, in the meantime, remembers a scene he witnessed, suggesting there was something going on between Leonor and his father. You are the woman, who loved my father, says Santicelo. Where is he? Leonor doesn’t now, she hasn’t heard from him in ages. But she does want to know how long Ramiro knew Marcelo was alive and what they are playing at. Santicelo explains about the memory and receives advice to talk to Ana Le immediately. He doesn’t want to do that, his life circumstances changed, and hers as well. Santicelo doesn’t think she wants to hear from him, and yet she will soon when he will serve her divorce papers. Leonor is outraged – that is no way to handle the situation. And what is going on with Ramiro and Ana Le?
Ramiro asks for time alone with her and explains the situation as best he can, explaining that Llora knows about this set up. He asks to trust him and Marcelo and keep their secret. Leonor will think about it, but she cannot promise anything. Ernestina, meanwhile, calls Jenny’s brother wanting to know where Facundo (Marcelo’s dad) is. Apparently no one heard from him in over two years. But lo and behold, Facundo appears living as a hermit somewhere in a little cabin, looking at Marcelo’s picture and remembering their conversation on Marcelo’s wedding day, when he asked his son to stop the dangerous life.
Inaki runs into Daniel and they exchange some niceties. Daniel apparently now has some bodyguards to protect him against Marcelo’s shadow. He came by the real estate agency to pick up Ana Le for lunch. Inaki is not impressed.
At lunch they talk about Marcelo, and Daniel is getting more and more nervous. He wants to leave the country and Ana Le calls him a coward. Not at all – he wants her to come with, and when she doesn’t bite, screams that they conspired to assassinate her husband and now he is looking for them. Ana Le is trying to quiet him and eventually tells him to go ahead and leave the country, disappear anywhere he wants, but she will not see him again. She does not need him becoming another problem for her. (He doesn’t either, we are guessing, because we all know what she does with her problems…)
Meanwhile Viridiana admits to Julietta that Mariano is making her nervous. Mariano is not ready to date though yet she thinks.
Soledad is at the boutique helping to get it ready for the opening. She almost has a heart attack when Ana Lu comes to visit (lest someone sees Ana Lu) and pushes her out the door so fast that it might have been the shortest scene of these two hours.
Santi is packing up to leave for the hostel. Ramiro questions him on the divorce, and Santi wants to know what Ana Le told Ramiro. The latter recounts the story of poor abandoned Ana Le. Santi doesn’t know what to think. Ramiro thinks he should talk to Ana Le about it, but Santi doesn’t think it’s prudent. What he needs is the name of a lawyer.

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