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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


When The World Around You Is Crumbling, There’s Always Sex
• When Mia and Raquel return from the psych session, Jovita gives Raq the news that she’s got company: Gabriela is there to gripe about Santiago’s poor workmanship and his lackadaisical attitude in getting her kitchen finished. Otherwise, she’ll be forced to take action. Raq reminds her that she’s the one who raced to employ him. He’s excellent, Raq insists and comments that Gabi is simply upset that unlike other men, he’s not kneeling down at her feet enthralled.  Gabi gets more than miffed at that and starts to leave, but not before Dam gets home. Gabi whispers in his ear when kissing her greeting that she’ll meet him at his office but not to worry, she’s said nothing to his wife.
• When Nicolas finally arrives back home with the medicine for Benji, Mia’s there waiting. Lola takes Benji to his room. Mia wants to know where she stands with Nico. She wonders why after their steaming the sheets a time or two he’s been avoiding her—and IT. (I think.) He tries to show her he’s sincere, but though the heart is willing, the hamster in his Hayne’s is on strike.
• Meanwhile, the cops have recovered the black company car of Legato’s. Unfortunately, it’s been purposely burned to avoid their being able to place it at the site of the murder and, especially the tire treads are no longer able to be matched to the molds they took near the accident site. They’ll have to find another way. Antonio’s upset that his wife and/or her news sources are always a step ahead and that’s why the car is now a burned out useless hulk to them.
While chatting about the car, Antonio brings up to Godoy that they have to do something about Copper Rafael. They’ll keep mum and let him lead them to the top of the food chain and then they’ll swoop in on him and the local cartel.
• At the same time, Rafe yells at Cinthia he wants details about her “appointment.” Why? What’s the big deal??? It’s because this is the guy Rafe sent to prison (???). (I didn’t catch all of that.) She gets her money and it’s not that Rafe’s accusing SinCin but after she admits it was a ploy by the police, he tells her he’s the one with problems now, not her and he gives her the cash she’s due.
• Laura is having a discussion on the news with another talking head about the case. She mentions that Nacho is now a person of interest and their unproven theory that he could be connected to the murder.  (I hope the liable laws in Mexico are the same as here…..)
• The next day, Alina asks Nico if he slept with his girlfriend.  He admits he didn’t. She’s upset. When he tries pawing her again, he gets gritched at. She is his boss and he’s got a job to do; besides, she’s the one who determines when and where they’ll sleep together again. She shews him out of her office and Nacho shows up to get word on getting Bebo out of jail. She tells him that he’s been released. (There’s no case any longer, I think.) Nacho comments that he’s worried now that the cops consider him a suspect for Carolina’s murder.
• Raq and Santi drive over to see what to do with the catering business site. She feels Caro everywhere and says it’s the only thing she’s got of any value now. Santi doesn’t want to be anywhere around that place since it’s where the affair got started. Raq wants to sell it.
• Lola gets a delayed letter from Pati in the mail that morning which discusses Michael and Juan, She doesn’t trust Juan because he’s always hanging around her, harassing her, and gets very violent. Michael she doesn’t trust either since he’s dumped her and has threatened her.
• Lola calls Laura and gives her that letter. Laura suggests it could be that Michael killed Pati. She takes the letter to Antonio and gives it to him trying to get him to consider it as proof that Michael killed her instead of her committing suicide.
• Federico starts working in the factory incognito at Legato and gets an earful from the woman showing him around.  She says that Andres is 180 degrees opposite in his treatment of the employees from Damian, his cousin. Andres disrespects the lot of them in the factory and shows it.  Damian always treated them reasonably but Andres seems to have gotten his own way in the long run. Also the gossip in the factory is that Andres had something to do with the accident.
• Godoy follows up with Andres about the burned out car they located. Andres tells him that anybody could have driven it. They just leave the keys on the windshield for the next driver.
• Jovita and Raq start searching the closets for whatever jewelry is worth selling. Jovita has a pawnshop owner as a friend and she’ll take whatever they find there for her.  However, there’s a pair of valuable cuff links of Dams she cannot find.  In walks SinCin and she accuses her sister of taking them.  SinCin throws the money she just made at Raq and screams she swears she didn’t steal his cuff links or anything else. She’s leaving there!
As she opens the door she and Godoy share stunned expressions. Godoy asks Raq about that burned out company car and if Nacho could have driven it for any reason, or if she could have.
SinCin waits outside the gate thinking of her next move, literally. Godoy walks out and wants her there to spy on the household and fill him in. She thinks maybe she’ll try moving in with him if he’s single,  He tells her he isn’t.
• Mia has been having a cutting convo with Papi and leaves. She snipes at Lola in the lobby about having told everybody.  Lola explains she was only trying to get her some help. Mia hisses back she is a traitor and NOT her friend.
• Gabi shows up and enters Dam’s office. She threatens she’s not going to wait any longer to go to bed with him. She tries to seduce him, grabbing him and kissing him although he fights her off just as Lola walks up to enter for their appointment. Gabi says well, if not here, then, at my apartment we use when (we have business guests in town…..????) Lola walks away and then takes an emergency phone call from her dad.
• Caro’s begun bleeding and they’re all at the hospital. (Don’t worry. Mom just needs rest and no family feuding. Good luck with that.)
Dam learns that Caro's in the hospital. His secretary warns him not to show up there. She'll go instead and protect his reputation. • Andres mentions to Miriam that the police found the company car that was seen at the toll plaza on the security camera when Caro and Dam passed through. She knows, she heard. She says she hopes he didn’t have anything to do with that—or did he??? Andres is speechless for once…..
• Juan is again hanging around Lola’s front gate when she gets back from visiting Laura. He’s heap mean jealous when Bebo shows up and she gives Bebo a welcome home hug, leaving Juan alone to himself…
• Santi gets a phone call from Alina and they agree to meet later on. He’s with Raq. She tells him about the cuff links and that she doesn’t trust her sister. She mentions Godoy’s visit and the deal with the car and that they asked her if Nacho ever used that car. He asks her what she told them.  Certainly she put Nacho in the clear, right. Nope. Not necessarily, from the look on her face. They begin arguing and she wants to have her space. They’re already in one of the upstairs bedrooms, I believe. So, he’s again griping that he’s never allowed to show his affections and feelings because of their kids—or whatever else she dreams up. Finally Raq gives in and they begin undressing each other and rolling on the bed. Kids be damned.

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