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Monday, July 30, 2018


Weiyang: Previously Xin’er but takes on Weiyang’s identity to exact her revenge
Tuo Ba Jun (TBJ): Bright & compassionate man who doesn’t care about royal politics and is the Emperor’s favorite grandson. Currently likes Weiyang
Tuo Ba Yu (TBY): TBJ’s uncle. He’s cold and ruthless but I think he’s slowly liking Weiyang.
Changle: Weiyang’s oldest sister who hates Weiyang because she thinks she stole TBJ from her.
Changru: Weiyang’s younger sister who’s in love with TBY.
Li Mingde (LMD): Weiyang’s 2nd brother who has some feelings for Weiyang.
Bai Zhi: Weiyang’s loyal servant
Jun Tao: Weiyang’s bodyguard & the one who knows her true identity
Chun Ming: Da Furen’s arrogant maid – hate her so much!
Ep 17: The scene begins with Weiyang’s mother begging Da Furen to see her daughter. Then a servant quickly arrives to tell them that TBJ is on his way.Changle became worried thinking that TBJ came because of what she did with the fan in the previous ep. She tells Da Furen this and Da Furen quickly tells Chunming something.
Then as TBJ arrives in the room, we see Chunming going into Weiyang’s room and ordering the guards to tie her up. Meanwhile, while everything looks peaceful at Da Furen’s place, Weiyang was trying to shout for help and escape the guards. Then a guard knocks her out TT_TTBaizhi finally wakes up but is still weak from her beatings. She tries to save Weiyang but was too weak to do anything.Meanwhile, TBJ says that since the doctor is here, he might as well look at Weiyang’s health. The Li family looked awkward but then Da Furen says that she already had a doctor look at Weiyang so they don’t need to waste TBJ’s doctor’s time.Weiyang’s mother quickly ask TBJ to save Weiyang as she’s in trouble which Da Furen refutes her by saying that she’s crazy. Of course TBJ knows that Weiyang is in trouble so he quickly left to find her.On their way to Weiyang’s room, TBJ’s servant quickly throws a knife at the sling (holding Weiyang by the neck) to save her from being hanged. Weiyang is still unconscious as TBJ and her mother runs over. TBJ then carries Weiyang to her bed to get her checked by the doctor who asks him to save her at no cost.Then we see Da Furen, Changle and Chunming look afraid as they definitely will be hated and punished by TBJ. serves them right! Afterwards, Weiyang becomes conscious and asks about Baizhi’s and Juntao’s wellbeing. TBJ quickly asks them to free Weiyang’s bodyguard, much to Da Furen’s dismay. When TBJ notices that Weiyang’s hand was bandaged up, Da Furen quickly tries to stop Weiyang from implicating her daughter. As Weiyang realised the severity of the situation, she says that it was her doing, in order to not bring harm to her mother.Da Furen quickly agrees but then asks about the fan. TBJ then clears the air and says that it was his, which fuels Changle’s jealousy. Then everyone left to let Weiyang rest peacefully.
Afterwards, as TBJ was asking who sent the message, his servant sees Changru and claims that it was her. TBJ went to thank her but Changru suddenly looked afraid saying that this news shouldn’t go out to Changle and Da Furen or else something will happen to her.Of course, now TBJ knows that it was Changle’s and her mother’s doing all along. Meanwhile, we see Changle crying while her mother asks “Do you even have any face to continue crying?”. The mother even says that if it wasn’t for Changle’s meddling which alerted TBJ, Weiyang would’ve been dead by now. Now all her efforts are for naught.Changle continues to blame Weiyang for not saying anything in the first place and thinks that it was Weiyang’s plan to make her bring the fan to TBJ…oh god girl! How big is your imagination?
Then we see Weiyang looking after Baizhi in her room. The 3rd concubine advises Weiyang to send Baizhi back to her room since she looks so much better now after taking the medicine. Weiyang refuses saying how Baizhi means a lot to her and she considers her as a sister, not a maid.Then Juntao comes in a pologising for not protecting Weiyang well enough. Weiyang then says that she can’t stay still anymore, especially since the people close to her have been hurt.
The next day, we see Weiyang meeting TBJ at a place in town. From her flashback, we see that it was TBJ who set up this secret meeting after he rescued her. Weiyang quickly thanks TBJ for saving her and TBJ asks her whether she wants to say anything to him in regards to this matter. He asks her why did she get harmed and why did her maid get hurt.Weiyang refuses to tell him the truth while TBJ tries to persuade her otherwise. Weiyang then puts on an annoyed pretense to get him off her case and says “why is he so interested in her”. TBJ then says it’s because he’s worried for her and he likes her.Then Weiyang tries to run away saying that she never had feelings for him in the first place. WHHHHHAAAAATTTT!
TBJ tries to question her again by bringing up the fan. Weiyang says that this fan was something he left behind and that she kept hold of it to return it to him one day. She then adds fuel to the situation by throwing it out of the room…why are you breaking my heart!!!TBJ the wordlessly left the room as Weiyang shed tears. She then quickly runs outside to get the fan even though the crowds are stepping on it and kicking it away. She grabs it and carefully wipes it clean.
Afterwards, we see TBJ angrily playing his guqin while reminiscing on some past memories with Weiyang.Meanwhile, Weiyang kept on looking at the fan, apologising to TBJ in her head.Then, LMD (who returned from his trip) comes into Weiyang room saying how he heard of Weiyang’s situation. He asks about her wellbeing then talked bad of the mother-daughter for doing this to her. Weiyang says that she will definitely return the hurt and pain she received from them. LMD says that he will help and support her in this.
Afterwards, we see the Crown Princess and Da Furen talking together. Da Furen then pitily tells the Crown Princess about Weiyang’s situation and how TBJ got involved. The Crown Princess looks furious, looks like she will do something bad to Weiyang Then, we see Da Furen trying to comfort Changle and said how she just visited the Crown Princess and that the Crown Princess will definitely not let Weiyang and TBJ marry. Changle looks happier after hearing the news, knowing that those two can never be together.Meanwhile, we see TBJ’s uncles being jealous of TBJ’s success and gaining their father’s compliments in public. Then we see the Crown Princess looking angry while TBJ looks flustered. She tells TBJ to tell her truthfully his relationship with Weiyang. TBJ defends Weiyang in front of his mother which displeases her a lot. The Crown Princess then says that she can’t accept Weiyang because she’s from a low status but TBJ says that Weiyang doesn’t have any feelings for him. The Crown Princess’ anger lessens from these words and tells TBJ that her daughter-in-law needs to be powerful and from a high status in order to help him carry the throne. TBJ refuses and says that he doesn’t want to be the Emperor, as well as telling his mother to not bring this matter up again.

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