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Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Janvi continues to watch comedy shows on laptop but switches it off when Ganga knocks at the door. Ganga asks her why she took so much time in opening the door. Janvi says you still doubt me. Give me the medicine. I am in very much pain. Ganga gives her water. I brought medicine so I will make you take it as well. I don’t hurt even my enemies. Janvi tells her to keep it. I will eat later. Ganga tells her to eat it now only. You were in so much pain just now. I will have to tell Bahu ji as well that I gave you the medicine. Janvi takes it. Ganga leaves. Janvi closes the door right away and takes out the medicine. She takes the medicine that Yash gave to her. Ganga will be held responsible for whatever happens to me next! Poor Ganga, she does not know what is about to happen with her or what game I am
Sagar tells Pulkit and Supriya that he had a word with Janvi. We should stay back here for a little longer? Pulkit tries to deny but Supriya suggests saying if Sagar is insisting. Sagar mumbles that Bhaiya listened when Bhabhi said it. Pulkit asks him if he said something. Sagar shakes his head. The couple sits down at one place. Sagar talks about the old days. I love this place. I used to bring Bhaiya here as well. They both are all quiet. Sagar thinks to do something. He goes to bring ice cream for them. Sagar looks back at them. They are sitting quietly. Sagar takes 2 ice creams. He begins to eat one while gives one to Supriya. Please share it. Pulkit asks him why he dint bring one for him. Sagar says I only wanted you to eat the ice cream of Bhabhi’s choice. The vendor only had one. I also took other flavour. Share it with Bhabhi. Sharing increases love between people. Supriya holds out the ice cream for Pulkit. He takes one bite and gives it to her. She eats a bite. It leaves a mark on her face. Pulkit silently signals her. He mistakenly drops it on his shirt. Supriya cleans it. They share an eye lock. Sagar looks at them. I am will bring you (Bhaiya) close to Bhabhi!
Janvi opens the door of her room. You are finished now Ganga. Your game will be over. She comes to the kitchen and picks up salt. You will be blamed so badly because of this salt that you cannot even imagine. She mixes a few spoonful of salt in a glass of water and drinks it. Ganga comes there just then. She asks her why she needed salt. Janvi lies she was looking for sugar. I have a habit of eating something sweet after taking medicine. Ganga gives sugar to her. Madhvi comes there looking for Maharaj ji. She is surprised to see both the girls together. Janvi tells the same to her. Ganga tells Madhvi that she gave medicine to her. Madhvi takes Janvi to her room to rest. Call out for Ganga if you need anything.
Sagar goes to bring water. Pulkit receives a call from his client. He goes aside to attend it. Two men (in disguise of women) approach Supriya. They try to steal her bag when Supriya shouts for Pulkit. She fights with them to snatch her bag. Pulkit comes there just then and beats one of them. She holds onto him in fear. The second guy comes back to attack on Pulkit when he yet again beats him. They both run away. Supriya’s mangalsutra has been snatched off. She notices it in the hand of one of the guys. Pulkit hits a stone at his hand. The guy drops it and runs to save himself. Pulkit picks up the mangalsutra. Pundit ji compliments Pulkit for saving his wife’s mangalsutra. Now make her wear it in God’s presence and start your relation afresh. Pulkit puts the mangalsutra around Supriya’s neck. They both look at the idol. Sagar comes running just then. They tell him about the incident. Thank God that you are atleast fine!
The goons were actually Sagar’s friends. He thanks them for their help. They don’t mind doing this much for Pulkit. Pulkit holds Supriya when she was about to stumble. They share an eye lock. He suggests her to walk carefully. Her saree gets stuck in a plant yet again. He frees it for her. Sagar watches them from a distance. He thanks his friends for such a big gift. They take their stuff with them as they leave.
Madhvi brings Janvi to her room. Janvi thanks her for looking after her so nicely. Madhvi teases Janvi. I am taking care of you right now as you are ill. Once you become my DIL you will have to look after me. Rest for now. Call out for Ganga in case you need something. Janvi asks her if she can call her instead. Ganga may not like it. She gave me the medicine as if she did a huge favour on me. Madhvi agrees. Call me if you need something. She turns to go when Janvi vomits. She rushes back towards Janvi. Janvi says I feel restless. Madhvi takes her outside in the hall. I will just call Sagar.
Sagar asks his brother to sit on back seat with Bhabhi. There is all the puja stuff in the front seat. Pulkit agrees. Sagar receives MAdhvi’s call just then.
Janvi continues to vomit. Madhvi is worried for her. Amma ji is also concerned as Janvi is their guest. What if something goes wrong? Ganga has called doc. Janvi will be fine once she takes medicine. Janvi vomits again. Ganga gives her water. Janvi thinks Ganga can think good for her but only bad will happen with her. They hear a car honk. Sagar, Pulkit and Supriya have come back. Sagar rushes to Janvi’s side immediately. I told you to come to doc with me. Amma ji says I will visit Vaid ji. Sagar denies. Janvi is not used to it. He assures Janvi she will be fine. Janvi wants to go to room as she is feeling suffocated here. She gets up and acts like fainting. She falls in Sagar’s arms. He makes her sit down once again. He asks Ganga about the doc. She says he is on his way. Sagar is all tensed.
comes just then. He checks Janvi. Doc shares that she is all weak because of vomiting. He gives her an injection. Which medicine did you give to her? Ganga shows him the medicine that she had brought. He says she would have felt better after taking it. He checks the one that Janvi has. It is another one. Ganga says I brought the one written in the prescription. Doc points out that this particular medicine can have a very bad effect on an ulcer patient. Sagar looks at Ganga. Janvi is relieved now. the drama will begin now. Doc agrees to check back on JAnvi in the evening. You did wrong by giving her the wrong medicine.
Sagar sits down beside Janvi. Madhvi questions Ganga on the medicine. What if something had happened to Janvi? You are well educated. Janvi acts again. you hate me so much that you want to kill me now? Ganga declines but Madhvi supports Janvi. You could have asked me to take care of Janvi if you were not interested. Amma ji too reprimands Ganga. Pulkit tries to explain from Ganga’s side but Madhvi does not let him speak. Ganga turns to Sagar. I am saying the truth. I brought the medicine that you wrote. Do you think I can be this careless? He is clueless. We all just saw you brought the wrong medicine. Ganga feels hurt. You all think I am at fault? Janvi’s condition worsened because of my mistake so I will be punished. She too takes the same medicine. Everyone tries to stop her but in vain. Niru comes just then. He tells her to throw the medicine. You have to listen to your Babu. She vomits the tablet. He pats at her head asking her if she is fine. She nods. Niru asks everyone what’s happening. Janvi is tensed. He came a little early. Madhvi tells him everything. Niru tells Ganga to look at him. did you give her the wrong medicine intentionally? She declines. why would I do that with anyone? Niru points out that everyone knows she never lies. You all forced her to eat the medicine. Why should she be punished when she dint do anything wrong? Janvi says even I am not lying. The tablet is here. I got ill after taking it. niru says I am assured to see you healthy but I am fully sure Ganga can never harm anyone. Amma ji asks him why he is covering Ganga’s mistake. Niru asks her who is brining her medicine since last 10-12 years. Has she ever done something like that? Madhvi too knows Ganga will not do anything like that intentionally, but the mistake is huge. The consequence could be big! Niru says maybe the chemist made a mistake in reading it. I bet Ganga can never harm anyone! Janvi’s plan is ruined. Niru tells Ganga she made a mistake. Everyone was scolding you. would you punish yourself for it? Being a lawyer you should have known it is wrong to hurt someone. It is all the more wrong to hurt yourself! He leaves from there.
Sagar takes Janvi to her room. Ganga is in tears. Amma ji still tells Ganga she acted all careless today. You are testing my patience. Next time I will not spare you if you make any mistake. No one lets Pulkit speak again. He leaves for his room after assuring Ganga its ok. Ganga stands there teary eyed.
Ganga thanks Niru for coming there on time. No one would have believed me otherwise. I am very lucky to have you. You trust me just the way Bappa trusted me. He says both your Bappa and I know how honest you are. I still recall the first day I saw / met you. I could see honesty in you. I still haven’t forgotten it. I still recognize it. She thanks him. I will never fall weak till you trust me. He nods. don’t make this mistake ever again. what if something had happened to you? Janvi overhears their convo. Sagar is worried for Ganga and now uncle is taking Ganga’s side. What should I do now? Madhvi pats at her shoulder. What are you doing here? Janvi says I wanted to drink ice tea. Madhvi sends her to her room. Madhvi looks at Niru and Ganga. Ganga offers to bring tea for Niru. He smiles happily. she turns to go. Babu still trusts me but I did not see that trust in Sagar’s eyes today. she collides with the ink kept on the table. The bottle breaks as it touches the ground. She goes to bring a cloth to wipe it clean. Her feet are all red because of the ink.
Sagar holds her as she was about to trip. They share an eye lock. She backs off. Why do you come to save me every time? He replies that he cares for her. Did you get hurt? What’s this red color all about? She tells him that she got the ink in her feet by mistake. He says it looks good on you. It looks quite similar like Alta (the red colour worn by brides in their feet). She points out that he only brought colours in her life first and then took that right away from her! You only don’t want to give this right to me. He holds her hand as she turns to go. Will you only taunt me? She pulls her hand free. What about what you did to me? You looked at me with doubt. He explains that he knew he shouted on her as he got upset. I got worried seeing Janv’s condition. I was looking for you so I can apologize to you. Just give me a chance. I know you are angry with me. She reminds him that one gets upset with their own people only. You forgot that we broke our ties with one another. We had agreed not to talk. Why will I feel bad about what you say when our relation has changed? She leaves from there. Sagar looks at the red marks formed by her feet.

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