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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Amma ji and Madhvi talk about Ganga’s condition. Amma ji is about to leave for KUldevi’s puja when JP steps in her way. Amma ji asks Madhvi to take JP aside. I am going for a puja. Janvi observes it all.
Amma ji meets a Guru Ma outside the temple. She gives something to Amma ji. This is for your son and grandsons. Make sure it isn’t disrespected. Amma ji assures her of the same. She goes to do darshan.
Sagar sits by Ganga’s side all the time when she is unconscious. Madhvi and Amma ji notice him holding Ganga’s hand all along. Madhvi tells him to go to his room. You haven’t eaten anything. Doc said she will sleep for a while. Sagar refuses. I will go once Ganga gets well. Ganga would have done the same for me. She would have sat by my side and prayed to Kanha to make me well.
Should I not do this much for my Ganga? Janvi stands outside irked. Sagar adds that Ganga is his childhood friend. Janvi thinks Sagar worries a lot for Ganga. Sagar rubs Ganga’s hands. Ganga takes his name in her unconscious state. Sagar tells Ganga he is with her only. She opens her eyes after a long while. Ganga takes her hand away. She sits up, quietly refusing to take his help for the same. Madhvi asks her if she is alright. Do you need something? Amma ji asks her how it all happened. Janvi too joins them. I got worried when I saw you. Ganga replies she does not have to worry for her. Such small things wont harm me in any way. I can take care of myself. Sagar advises her to put medicine and sleep. You have so many rashes. Madhvi says Ganga will do it on her own. He insists upon doing it. I got a chance after much difficulty to repay her. He begins to put ointment at her rashes when Ganga moves her hand back. I will put it myself. She notices his sad face.
Sagar cannot sleep. He thinks of Ganga’s behaviour. Ganga can avoid me as much as she wants to. I should be with her. I know she is upset with me but! He opens the door and finds Janvi standing there. She suggests watching their favourite movie together. He politely declines. Also, don’t come in my room at this late. What will the family members think? I am going to be with Ganga. Janvi asks him if it is ok if he goes in Ganga’s room at night. He reasons that she is his friend. She points out that his friend insults him all the time. I observed everything today. He nods. She might not think of me as her friend but no one can actually understand how much she means to me. no one can be as close to me as her. Janvi tries to follow him but in vain. Janvi notices Ganga standing outside. You were eavesdropping. Ganga says don’t think of me to be like you. I was coming from bahu ji’s room when I heard Sagar’s voice. heard what place I have in Sagar’s heart. You only don’t understand. Janvi makes it clear to her that Sagar thinks of her as his friend only. Ganga says you are his girlfriend. Why he does not behave with you that ways? Be thankful to me that I did not tell him anything. Think what he will do if he finds out what you did today! He will throw you out of his life! You tried your best to hurt me but see what good it brought to me. Sagar actually came close to me instead of going away. He took care of me. He was so concerned for me. You saw it all, right? Janvi holds her hand. They both stare – glare at each other.
Janvi challenges Ganga. You are very proud of yourself, your relation with Sagar and how much this family trusts you. Being an outsider, everyone loves you so much! I will snatch everything from you in the next 7 days. Love, trust, Sagar’s support, everything! You think you can take throw me out of the house! I will throw you out in 7 days. Ganga says we will see who stays inside and who leaves the house.
Amma ji sits next to Niru. She asks him to wear the ring first. I brought it from Kuldevi Temple after doing a special puja. He reasons that he does not believe in all this. She shushes him. You know how much it means to me. He calls it a superstition. She asks him if he wont listen to what she says. He wears it. He is having trouble writing, so he removes it. It falls in the dustbin by mistake. Amma ji comes out to tell him something. She is shocked to notice the ring lying in dustbin. She looks at NIru. You could have told me if you did not want to wear it. You threw it in dustbin. He denies. It fell by mistake. Everyone comes out hearing the commotion. Amma ji tells them what just happened. She calls it inauspicious. Niru could have told me directly if he did not want to wear it. Madhvi tries to explain her but in vain. Amma ji says I am mad to do all puja’s and everything. I should leave the house. Madhvi politely says it will not happen. Amma ji is tensed thinking what Kuldevi will do now. Guide me Lord. Niru apologizes to his mother. I did not mean to disrespect anyone. She says it cannot be undone now. I will do penance. I will keep Nirjala fast for 7 days. I will neither eat nor drink anything.
Madhvi tells Niru to better Amma ji’s mood. You know how much she believes in Kuldevi. Niru remarks people say rightly, kids and elders are alike.
Everyone is gathered in Amma ji’s room. She still talks about doing penance. Niru sits down beside her. I agree I don’t believe in religion but I do believe in you. You are my mother. I can never hurt you. Tell me what is to be done. I don’t want you to be punished for my mistake. Justice holds a similar meaning. Why will you do Nirjala fast for 7 days? She asks him if it is a son talking to her right now or a lawyer. He says I am talking as your son. She suggests an idea. We will have to do a Bhoj for 4 Brahmins. You only will on the stove and do everything. You will have to wear ethnic clothing for it. He agrees to do it for her sake.
Amma ji is relieved. She gives the rings for her grandsons to Madhvi. Madhvi gives it to Sagar and Pulkit. They both also don’t believe in it but have to do it for Dadi. Amma ji asks Pulkit to bring Supriya tomorrow. It is important that she is at home during the Bhoj. She gives the responsibility of Bhoj to Ganga. I will ask Sudha to help you. I will keep Nirjala Fast for 7 days if you do anything wrong. Ganga nods. Janvi thinks to use this chance to her benefit.
Next morning, Amma ji knocks at NIru’s door. He comes out wearing typical Indian clothes. Madhvi smiles seeing him thus. They all go to make food together.
Pulkit tries Supriya’s number but she is not picking it up. He is worried about everyone’s reaction. He thinks of her last words before leaving for her home. It means she will not come back for sure? What will I tell others? Sagar notices him tensed. What happened? Pulkit replies Supriya does not want to come back here. Sagar is taken aback. Why? Pulkit takes Saloni’s name. Sagar asks him if he told her everything about Saloni. Pulkit nods. I had to tell her. I cannot understand what to do now. Everyone will blame me for her absence today. Sagar asks him what he wants. I can bring Bhabhi if you are feeling awkward. She will come. Pulkit thanks him. Sagar leaves right away.
Sudha and Ganga are managing the kitchen work together. Sudha goes to ask Amma ji something. Ganga adds water in something when her hand burns. Sagar pulls her back in time. You would have gotten hurt just now. She wonders how he senses her pain every time and comes to help her. Why can you not understand the pain of my heart? He asks her if she is ok. She pulls her hand away. You don’t have to worry about me. He asks her whys he hurts him all the time. She asks him the same question. He reasons she is his best friend just like she was in their childhood. She refuses to acknowledge him as her friend. A lot had also happened in childhood which you forgot. Why do you keep talking about childhood always! Janvi cannot understand why Sagar is after Ganga all the time when she does not even talk nicely to him. She tells Ganga Dadi ji is asking for her. Ganga leaves.
Janvi next asks Sagar if Ganga said anything. He denies and walks off. Janvi thinks Sagar does not talk nicely to her because of Ganga. She remembers Amma ji giving the entire responsibility of Bhoj to Ganga. Maybe I got the perfect reason to throw Ganga out of the house. I have to take her away from Sagar. Just wait and watch Ganga what I do now! I will do such a big drama that the family members wont let you stay here for another minute!
Amma ji makes Niru light the stove. Niru remarks no one would believe judge does all these kind of works in his house. Amma ji continues guiding Niru on what is to be done. MAdhvi cannot stop smiling. Amma ji sends her to check on Sudha and Ganga in kitchen.
Sagar is at Supriya’s house. Supriya is still not ready. She refuses to go back to Chaturvedi Sadan. I had told this to Pulkit as well while leaving from there. Her mother speaks a bit rudely to her. Sagar calms her down. Don’t scold Bhabhi. I am sure there must be a reason behind her decision. I will agree to whatever you (Supriya) will say. No one will interfere, but can you talk to me for 2 minutes in private.
Sagar says I know what has happened with you. I have a lot to tell you which you don’t know but you should know. One day is enough to know what kind of a person my brother is. You did not get that one day also. He cannot speak openly before his family members only. You should spend some time with him to understand him. Come back here if you will still have complaints with him. She denies. Marriage was only a compromise for him. Sagar says one needs guts to do so. I know he did it for his family. Think, when a person can take such a big step for his family, he can do a lot for them. He thinks of Ganga’s words. Not everyone is so strong, I am not! He hurts himself by mistake. Supriya looks at him in concern.
Ganga burns her finger. Sudha blows on it. Ganga says I am fine. I have been through a lot since childhood. I wont die by such a small wound. Sudha asks her if something happened. You have changed. Ganga declines. Sudha replies I know you since childhood. Your face tells me everything. Tell me. Ganga says with time, everything changes. Sometimes one does not even imagine what all can change but it does! Ganga excuses herself to bring ghee.
Niru and everyone is busy in the preps for the Bhoj. Janvi observes them from upstairs. This puja is very important for Dadi ji which is why uncle got ready. The blast should be big. I know what I have to do but I have to find a way how to do it. Poor Ganga has no idea what is about to happen to her.
Ganga mutters to herself about her worries. I don’t know what Janvi will do next and now Sudha Bua! Pulkit is also speaking to himself about Supriya when he collides with Ganga. he notices her burn and puts ointment on it. On the other hand, Supriya too tends to Sagar’s wound

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