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Monday, July 23, 2018


As Susana is about to explain to Regina about her being deceptively recruited into this prostitution ring and forced into this life, held captive, who should appear but the super-pimp daddy himself, Mario Barcenas. Poor Susana is mortified to see him show up at Regina’s office door and put two and two together and figured out that pimp-daddy is also Regina’s daddy. Susana goes running and contacts Cecilia for help.
Mario wants to know what is going on and Regina briefly tells him. “Well did she give you names or places,” Mario’s inquiring mind wants to know. Regina tells him that they were barely getting started when he showed up and she got scared and ran off. “Well, maybe she will return,” says Mario. “So what are you doing here?” says Regina. Mario says, “I have something very urgent to discuss with you.” They go back into her office.
Cecelia is with Hernán in his office and she tells him to publish the article they talked about the governor’s and senator’s marriage. She wants him to write about how Regina wants to run for President against her husband, the governor. Hernán wants to know why and she says it will earn her points with her boss. “Ok, you get points with your boss and I get nothing?” Cecelia looks back and says, “Alright, well wait for me at my apartment and I’ll give you whatever you ask for.” Hernán looks at her and his jaw just drops.
At the hospital, some men in suits looking a lot like the Secret Service approach Hugo’s mother with some kind of file they have on her. They open up the file and tell her that they have this compromising information on her business that they will expose if she doesn’t drop her charges against Emiliano, the governor’s son. Also, the Mexican IRS will freeze her assets and take her money for unpaid taxes from this spurious business she runs. If she cooperates, they will destroy the file. As they leave, Hugo’s mom stares back at them incredulously.
Teresa comes in her house and Ximena sits at the table with her tablet. “What are you doing here? Did your father send you to guard me?” “Enough of that Mother!” Teresa says, “You are a traitor. We had an agreement, didn’t we?” Ximena says, “Are you saying this is my fault? You are ruining my life and yours too.” Teresa brings up Regina Barcenas and says that she is the one ruining things. But Ximena tells her, “She’s much better than you are mother. At least with her, maybe my father could be happy. But you, you are just plain crazy!” At this point, Teresa violently grabs her daughter and attempts to hit her. “Are you going to beat me again?” Teresa finally lets go and just stares at her daughter. “I cannot stand this anymore. I would rather be dead than live with you,” says Ximena. Teresa walks out while Ximena cries.
Meanwhile, Gerardo is speaking to his friend Agustín about how Teresa makes life a living hell for him and his daughter. He suggests that they present a case in family court before a judge to declare his wife as incapacitated. “What are you referring to?” says Gerardo. “To take custody of your daughter.” Agustín suggests putting Teresa in a psychiatric hospital, but Gerardo says she is not crazy, she’s just an addict. (I’m no psychiatrist, but she looks pretty crazy to me!) Agustín says that you can present a case that the addiction is so severe, that it hinders her ability to take care of your daughter. Gerardo thinks a minute, but doesn’t want to send Teresa to a mental hospital because it would be like sending her to prison. Agustín says, “You may not have another alternative, Gerardo.” He stares down pensively.
Cecelia’s phone rings and she answers. It’s Susana calling frantically. Cecelia wants to know what she did. Cecelia tells her to go to Cecelia’s apartment and wait for her there.
What was so “urgent” that Mario needed to speak with Regina about? Seems that he wants Regina to step down and not run for President. He tells her that it’s her job to support her husband for President. Besides that her husband and his family have all the money and power. He suggests that she think about the things that are really important in life, but she needs to step down from any intention of being the Presidential candidate.
Mario’s phone rings and it’s Cecelia. But Regina wants him to explain more. He says that there is no more to explain. “If you don’t step down and support your husband, you’ll end up as nothing but a shadow figure in the Senate and no one will take you seriously. Right now, it’s better that you serve the people. And if you don’t do this, you will lose everything.” Then Mario walks out.
Mario then is on the phone with his other daughter. She tells him that Susana knows that Regina is his daughter and she sent Susana to her apartment. “Well done, my daughter. I’ll take care of things.” (It looks like Cecelia has set up her friend….)
At Teresa’s house, she puts a cheesecake in what appears to be a 10 inch springform pan into the oven and turns the oven on. (I guess she does not believe in preheating to 350 degrees). Ximena is on the couch taking a nap and Teresa sits down next to her. (Maybe she knows the cheesecake will take an hour to bake.)
Cecelia reads an article to Alonso that is to be published and he is very pleased. Then Cecelia shows him the picture of Regina with Gerardo as Regina passes by and peers in. Alonso sees her and comes out. He has a few words with her about her causing a problem regarding being jealous of Cecelia, he’s already told her there is nothing. “No that is not what I came to talk about.” She walks down the hallway and has Alonso follow her. “What is going to be a problems is what I have to tell you.” She explains in no uncertain terms that she is going to go for it. Now is the time to pursue her own desires and not his desires. “I am going to announce my bid for the Presidency.” Alonso sternly says, “I am the candidate for President!” But Regina says, “But right now, you’ll have to run against me.” Regina explains she doesn’t want to play dirty politics like he does. She tells him, “Remember when we got into politics that we did it to improve health, welfare, and education for everyone?” Alonso says, “Yes, I remember all of that, but this is the way things go in the political world.” “No” says Regina, “You are just desperate for power and control. You have forgotten the real reasons we entered politics in the first place. You are hungry for power and what you want no matter what the price is!” She reads him the riot act telling him he and his father manipulate everyone and it’s all dirty. She accuses him of losing all morals and ethics and if he continues this way, he is going to lose her.
Omar’s friend (don’t know this character’s name.) comes over but Natalia tells him Omar isn’t home yet. He says he came to discuss Regina. However, Natalia doesn’t like to get involved in politics thinks that Regina is a brave woman and that they are all wrong about her. He says that if Regina continues, it will only help the opposition. He comes over, takes her hand and tells her that Regina will listen to her. Then Omar comes in and is looking angry because he sees his friend innocently holding her hand as a friend. Omar tells Natalie to leave the room. Then Omar tells him that Natalie cheated on him in his own bed. Omar’s friend feels uncomfortable and leaves. Then Omar goes to Natalie and hurls insults at her, calling her trash.
He bangs at the door demanding to come in and tells her he is going to make her life hell. (I thought her life was already worse than Hell!) She just wants to be left in peace and he calls her a slut. A few minutes later, he comes and unlocks the door with a key. Natalie is frightened, but perhaps he realized that he can catch more flies with honey than he can with acid. He comes groveling and asks her to help him forget what happened and asks to make love to her so they can start anew.
After Regina is finished with Alonso, she walks out and thinks about the differences between Alonso and Gerardo. She thinks back to the time she and Gerardo were in that restaurant and how supportive Gerardo had been regarding Regina’s career. She is going over in her mind Alonso’s thirst for power above everything else contrasted with Gerardo’s kind ways. She then remembers how he told her that he never stopped loving her.
At the Senior Barcenas home, Naomi is with a member of the “geek squad” who is installing an application on her phone and computer. Looks like this is something she can keep track of Mario with.
Back in the office where Regina just left Alonso reeling, Mauro and Alonso discuss Regina. Alonso claims that he taught Regina everything she knows. He was her teacher and her mentor, by golly! And he’s going to be the next President of the country! Mauro advises that he reconquer Regina with lots of love in order to get her under control.
Gerardo goes inside the house, covers his face from the pungent smell of gas and finds Ximena and Teresa passed out on the couch because of the natural gas from the oven. (What happened? Did Teresa blow out the pilot light? What happened to the cheesecake? I guess it was never baked. Perhaps she took seriously when Ximena said she would rather be dead than live with her.) He carries out Ximena and calls for help and an ambulance.
At the hospital, Hugo’s parents are being questioned by the reporters as to whether the San Roman/Barcenas family was responsible the suicide attempt and Hugo’s mom says that they were not. Her husband takes her aside and asks what is going on. She tells him that Hugo was in love with Emiliano. She tells him that Hugo is a homosexual and does not want him exposed.
It looks like Hernán published another article about our power couple a la Enquirer. Cecelia wants to know why he published that piece instead of the one they discussed. He says that it’s because he hates the governor and he will ruin the country. Cecelia says that if he attacks the governor, he attacks her. Then Pacheco appears in the hallway and he’s mad as hell. He tells Hernán to shut his mouth and the he’s only protecting Cecelia because they are sleeping together. The get physical and Hernán threatens him. “This is not over”, says Pacheco.
Of course Alonso is angry because of the piece and sternly tells Cecelia to go fix things. Then Pacheco enters and Alonso starts questioning him. “How long have you worked for me?” He accuses Pacheco of not having his back and Pacheco says he won’t make a mistake again. Too late. Alonso says, “You’re fired!”
Regina goes to the women’s shelter looking for Susana, but she is not there. Daniela shows her the piece just written about her and Alonso.
Susana waits for Cecelia at Cecelia’s apartment. She hears the door open and thinks it’s Cecelia, but surprise, it’s pimp daddy Mario. His henchmen grab Susana and rough her up, then punch her in the abdomen for a final fatal blow. She dies on the stairs. Sad. Her last view of life is seeing Mario in an upside down position.

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