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Wednesday, July 25, 2018


We start with a couple of Llora/Ana Le and Ramiro/Santiago repeat moments. (Aren't there suddenly more repeat scenes in these double episodes at the beginning?)
Marcelo gave a very firm and convincing talk to Mariano’s lawyer friend Samuel. Marcelo will protect friends and destroy his enemies and Samuel better pick a side and fast. Mousy Samuel agrees he is better off on Marcelo’s good side. In that case, Marcelo instructs him to give him the key to the security deposit box and transfer all the money Samuel laundered abroad to Marcelo under the alias they’ve used previously. Samuel will also indeed represent Ana Le in the divorce. Marcelo will get a different lawyer. Samuel will make sure things don’t go Ana Le’s way in this divorce and that Marcelo quickly regains his freedom. Samuel is not to talk to Santiago Garcia. To him Santiago Garcia does not exist. Seems there are a lot of dirty deeds between these two, as Samuel did not even try to argue.
Evaristo is walking around contemplating getting his hands on the second key to the deposit box.
Meanwhile at the mansion Llora is running away from Ana Le, tired of listening to her nonsense. She trips at the top of the stairs and falls down. While Llora is trying to pick herself back up with a hurt ankle, Ana Le watches her from the top of the stairs with a smile and doesn’t even move to help.
Back at Remedios’s Ana Lu mysteriously and Suddenly feels pain in the ankle. Remedios and Susi spent the next couple scenes helping her ice the ankle, while Ana Lu informs Remedios that it is not the first time she feels inexplicable pain and even anxiety, as if in a case of transference of another person’s feelings. Well, this is beginning to sound too coincidental to Remedios, who adopts the facial expression of trying to compute a complicated equation in her head.
Simultaneously everyone at the mansion worries over Llora and whether or not she is hurt. Ana Le makes excuses for not helping Llora up and gives a fake impassioned speech on how she would just die if something happened to Llora. For the first time ever, Llora did not have the tender puppy look and even looked like she wasn’t buying this tale.
Orlando all but cries about mean mean Santiago, who threatened him horribly. Ev is excited about Marcelo’s appearance (no doubt dreaming about that key). Orlando, the true coward, is asking why Ev wouldn’t just kill Santiago – didn’t he provide Ev enough information on how dangerously close to Ana Lu he is. Ev, the master manipulator, in turn tells Orlando to be careful – his life is now in danger.
A charming side effect of a split personality, it appears, is loss of consciousness while changing over to another alter-ego. Santi comes to lying on the ground in front of the lawyer’s office buildings. A very concerned policeman wants to know he is ok.
Meanwhile at the restaurant Evaristo, in a king – or godfather – fashion is receiving the visitors one after the other. Orlando has already put in his two cents and is asked to scramble when Sole shows up. They spend some time arguing whether or not Sole could be considered Ev’s daughter. Sole thinks they are not at all alike: you see, she would like to believe that her only sin has been keeping Ana Lu to herself and loving her, while Ev really is a killer. (Nice selective memory on our would-be-killer/suffering mother). Ev philosophizes on the fact that everyone dies and every day brings him closer to death. Does Sole believe in hell? She does not. Well, Ev does and he doesn’t think that Sole’s mother will be waiting for him there. But Sole will join him when she dies, and won’t that be a party.
Evaristo also wants to know if Orlando is giving Sole any problems. No, he does not. Sole also confides in him that she made a pact with Santi. She is tired fighting that love, and if Santi wants to be with Ana Lu, then he will keep Sole’s secret. Ev is happy with this turn of events – Santi is the only one who can protect Sole and Ana Lu if one day Ev is not there.
Llora, who ran away from worried Leonor and Abue under the pretext of going to the rehabilitation center, is really at Ramiro’s. He informs her that Ana Le has agreed to be his girlfriend and Llora is incredulous that her own sister would do something like that to her.
Ana Le is very happy at the office, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Inaki. He wants to know what’s up and what she had in the past with Ramiro. Ana Le is surprised, as none of that is in the past – they are dating. He was her dearly departed husband’s best friend and so Marcelo would be very happy they are both giving love a chance. Inaki doesn’t believe any of this. He is sure that he, Inaki, is the best partner for Ana Le. She will get tired of Ramiro, and besides, she better start being very careful. Who should she be afraid of? Why, Santiago Garcia of course. Ana Le doesn’t know anyone by that name and is not inclined to go along with this game. Inaki is ready to tell her everything….at dinner tonight. Ana Le can’t swing that – she has a dinner at home that she will not cancel for Inaki. With that, Inaki departs, leaving Ana Le with the last bit of wisdom in the form of “don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when you know what hits the fan”.
Spooked by this prediction, Ana Le quickly calls Ev (who is still calmly lunching with Sole). She is annoyed he still didn’t find Marcelo, and now she wants to know who this Santiago Garcia is. He could be connected to Marcelo, or working for him and trying to hurt her. She got the name from a friend. Evaristo is on it, he says.
Abue has come for her check up to Bernardo and everything looks very good. She is in good spirits she says, and soon she will come face-to-face with the person who was gone from their lives for years (she still thinks Ana Le is bringing Marcelo to dinner), and she will confront him. Bernardo tells her to hold her horses, she is not twenty any more.
Santi is recounting all his troubles to Ana Lu. The two victims of a phantom pain and unexplained losses of consciousness try to console each other that none of this is that bad. Neither is having much luck.
Elsewhere at Ramiro’s, Llora tells him all about Tin’s little secret about being involved with Gina and wanting to avenge her death. Llora is upset, because that means Tin never loved her. Ramiro is upset that he is the object of this vengeance. Llora decides she needs to talk to Tin, but Ramiro is against that – no reason for her to do that alone. Llora asks him to stop treating her like she is made of glass, but Ramiro says he never saw her as defenseless, he admires and loves her.
Just the person they are talking about – Tin – is remembering a scene when Gina, dissatisfied with their economic situation, was threatening to leave him. They argue and fight and all of this ends in a very oddly choreographed almost-bed scene that we hope we don’t have to watch again.
Mariano is reminiscing about the trip they took with Llora and what she said about Ana Le and the trap they set for her. Ana Le appears, as if she heard him, and asks cheerfully what he brought for her. Ana Le also moves very fast this episode, because in the next scene she is checking in with Leonor on dinner plans. Leonor thinks it is not too late to go back on all of this, but Ana Le is not interested in Leonor’s opinion.
Dear creepy Tin is staring at Gina’s picture and making coffee for…it turns out – Evaristo! He came to see Tin at his request and is offered coffee. Ev does not like Tin’s coffee. Well, Tin called him to find out why the murderer of his niece Gina, Marcelo, is still alive.
Ev, who doesn’t even bother to take his shades off, gives Tin a “I told you so” and you should have been careful with La Senora Salvaterra. By the looks of it, Tin gave him a sob story of his encounter with Ana Le. Ev’s phone rings and Tin listens to him make arrangements. Who are you disappearing now, Tin wants to know, with an evil curious smile on his face? Ev feigns ignorance. Tin switches gears – he needs info on Ana Le to use against her. Ev doesn’t think it would be necessary – her life is about to become living hell. So her husband is really alive? Tin gets so agitated that he spills the cup of coffee, but luckily for him, none of it splashes onto Ev’s perfectly pressed suit; else who knows if Tin would have lived till the end of the episode.
Ana Le sneaks in to Abue’s room (by the way, have we noticed before that her bedroom is the size of a medium apartment? It’s crazy!). Abue is not there and Ana Le steals the earrings from Abue’s night stand.
Abue, it turns out, is not in her room, because she decided to do some work in the office. Llora finds her there and they talk about Ana Le and her mysterious dinner. Abue, still thinking they will see Marcelo, is being cryptic on lost people, and explanations on why things took the course that they did, and Llora gets very confused. But never mind that, she is here to ask Abue to talk to someone – Ramiro. Abue begins to clear her lungs for a good tirade, when Ramiro sets Ana Lu’s bracelet in front of her. That’s right – he granddaughter is alive, nobody believed him, but he will find her. A round of hugs all around and everyone is happy and in love. Abue quickly forgave Ramiro, she will give him anything he wants if he brings Ana Lu back. All Ramiro needs is Abue’s respect back and Llora. Abue invites Ramiro to stay for dinner and they realize they forgot to mention something. After they explain their little deceit plan to Abue, she is not so inclined to be generous and her voice is back to that shaky timbre. She will let them go through with it, but if for any reason, things don’t work out the way they are describing them, Ramiro will have to leave forever, and Llora will never look for him again. Everybody agrees that is reasonable.
Ana Le is prepping for the dinner with her stolen earrings. She declares that no other woman will ever steal what is hers.
Santi and Ana Lu are having a nice lovey-dovey moment, first at the park, then at the hostel, full of I-love-yous and I-will-divorce-and-marry-you-and-we-will-be-happy-for-the-rest-of-our-lives. It’s cute.
Viridiana shows up at the mansion with gifts for Llora and runs into Mariano there. She is very surprised – she didn’t think to find him there. (We know, what are the odds, Viridiana – such a random place!) Mariano invites her to stay for dinner and talks about time they spent together that week. Ana Le shows up and catches the tail end of that conversation – enough to know that something is going on. She throws a fit that Viridiana is not welcome and it is a family dinner. She is behaving very akin to a jealous wife, and Mariano is offering explanations – they just ran into each other, it was an accident. Finally Mariano excuses himself and Ana Le, and takes her outside to speak to her.
Ana Le claims she is there to protect him and he is not ready to date. Well, that is not her call. Mariano is not understanding what got into her, she should be happy for him. He admires Viridiana and enjoys her company. This sends Ana Le into a frenzy. Mariano is really misunderstanding everything Ana Le is about and finishes this by suggesting she has a lot to learn from Llora.
Llora, in the meantime, ran into Viridiana and took her upstairs to try outfits and help her get ready. Viridiana coaches her and gives her a pep talk on being confident and not hiding her personality. Having helped Llora, Viridiana runs into Ana Le downstairs. Ana Le asks for forgiveness and invites Viridiana to stay for dinner, but Viridiana declines. Mariano is mad, when he learns of it, as he assumes Ana Le drove Viridiana out again.
While Llora was getting ready, Ramiro went to say hello to Leonor, who wants Marcelo’s contact info to ask him something personal. This something personal – Facundo is sitting around in his hermit cave debating whether it’s impossible for Marcelo to be alive.
Santi and Ana Lu are concluding their conversation on mutual agreement not to lie to each other. Santi goes to his room and Sole comes in with a message from Ev. That message is to come see him at some warehouse, where….surprise – he has Ana Le’s lover Daniel, who he caught just for Santi.
Abue and Tio discuss the Ana Le/Ramiro situation – thy are unsure how to deal with it.
Elsewhere Julietta comes to see Inaki and warn him to stay away from her son. She doesn’t want Inaki near her family and Inaki can’t believe Daniel would send his mom to fight his battles. No, says, Julietta - he doesn’t know. If it is all about Ana Le, she will make sure Daniel doesn’t see her again. After all, Julietta never like her for her son, and if Inaki will permit some advice, he should stay away from Ana Le as well.
Finally the dinner begins. We witness a long wait while all the participants gather, and at last, Ana Le declares it was her fault everyone lost trust in Ramiro. She was mistaken, but not about everything – he never was after their money, but he never loved Llora. He loved her, Ana Le, and they decided to give each other a chance. Everyone is staring at her shocked and suddenly her cell phone rings. It’s Daniel. She picks up to tell him it’s not a good time, but it turns out that it is not Daniel, but instead- her husband Marcelo!! Collecting herself on a fly, Ana Le excuses herself to take this call and why doesn’t Ramiro just continue the explanations for now.
Marcelo asks her how long she’s known he is alive. They talk about the betrayal, especially betrayal by a loved one. Marcelo has Daniel and Ana Le wants to know if he will kill him. Ana Le is in shock, but Marcelo tells her to go back in and finish announcing her relationship with Ramiro, who – by the way- just tricked her and was in cahoots with Llora the entire time.
Ana Le’s night could not have gone any worse. With tears streaming down her face she comes back in to witness the scene of already reconciled Ramiro and Llora and angry and disappointed Abue and Tio. Abue demands the earrings back – they don’t belong to her, just as much as Ramiro doesn’t. She wanted to steal love from her own sister, Abue is disappointed and doesn’t want to hear anything. Ana Le tries to explain, but Abue asks her to pack up and get out of the house. Banished Ana Le looks at Tio for support, but doesn’t find it. We shudder to think what she will think up next to avenge.

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