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Monday, July 23, 2018


Amma ji also checks the video. Pulkit refuses to believe it. Who did this? Ganga looks at Sagar. Every person in the party is looking at Ganga. Ganga notices everyone staring at her. She explains to them that she did not do anything. I don’t know who this person is. Trust me. Amma ji sits down shattered. Ganga says I have been brought up by you. I cannot go wrong. Amma ji asks her if this is how she paid her back. She pushes Ganga away. don’t touch me! She requests Pulkit and Supriya to speak up. You know me. I dint do anything. Madhvi also is broken. You should have thought atleast of your Babu! Sagar is all quiet as well. Ganga asks him to speak up. Ganga can never be wrong. He is still quiet. Ganga looks at him in disbelief. She steps back in shock. You also don’t believe me? Janvi
smiles. Ganga says there is nothing left for me now when you only turned your face away. Janvi tells Yash he did a great job. You are intelligent. Yash says if I push the send button then the entire town will know of Ganga. He does so. Janvi compliments him.
People in Banaras check the video.
Prabha walks up to Ganga. She pulls her hand to make her turn towards her. Are you happy now? You have stained our name. You were found on road. Niru brought you from there. You deserve to stay there only! I wonder since when this is going and with how many men! She looks at Sagar. Prabha asks her to look at her. You used to speak so highly of self-respect. What happened to you now? Your name is Ganga and you do such things! She turns to Amma ji. I told you this girl will bring shame to our house. You dint listen to me! Ganga used to roam around town so openly. This was bound to happen. You were taking her side a while ago. You said you will not spare Ganga if she goes wrong. You have been shamed because of her today! She asks Ganga to say something. Is this what your mother and Bappa taught you? Ganga tells her to stop. Don’t say anything against my parents. I did not have my mother by my side for years but my Bappa took care of me very nicely. I am his pride. I can never do something which will make him look down. Prabha claps for her. you are still acting to be so good. Ganga declines doing anything like that. I don’t know from where these photos came. I don’t know that place or the guy in the video! I did not do anything. Someone has certainly! Amma ji slaps her. Shameless girl! if it was any other girl in your place then she would have killed herself by now. You are still arguing with us! Yash asks Janvi if she is enjoying. Amma ji requests the guests to leave. Pulkit tries to say something but Amma ji does not let her. She also quietens Prabha. People remark that Ganga has hurt Amma ji badly. The guests leave and so does Prabha and her family.
Amma ji asks Ganga if she does know thta guy. Don’t you know what was happening to whom? Should we refuse to believe what we saw with our own eyes? She is also in tears. Sagar stands there silently. Amma ji leaves for her room and so does Sagar. Everyone leaves one by one. Ganga continues to cry alone. She looks at her hands.
Janvi meets Yash. This was not in our plan. Yash says but it added spice to our plan. I thought Ganga and Pulkit’s video might not do justice to our plan. I used my brain then. I had Ganga and Pulkit’s photo. I browsed online and found a new video. I replaced the girl’s face by Ganga. A new video was made. This will create the kind of drama we want! You must have understood now how smart I am. I can jump in Ganga river for my beloved bhabhi. This is nothing. Ganga will not stay in the house now. No one will let a characterless girl stay in this house anymore! A girl’s respect is like mirror. If it breaks once then it can never be repaired. I did half of the job. You can do the rest. Sagar was stunned after seeing the video. He dint doubt even for a second. She says good job done. She gives him money. You deserve a big amount for such a task! He agrees. Janvi thinks to use this time to her favour. I should do something right now so that this family throws Ganga out of the house right away.
Ganga recalls the party scene and how Sagar stood silently. You did not say anything. Just like others, your face also had question marks. Amma ji comes there. Why are you sitting here now? Amma ji picks up her slipper. She asks Ganga to hit her with this. People are anyways going to do this only after knowing about the video. Ganga stops her from doing so. Trust me. I did not do anything. Why are you punishing yourself? Amma ji says how I will face people. What will I say to others? You did bring doom to the house! This is what I feared. Ganga says I did not do anything. The world, society can think anything. I don’t care. I know I did not do anything wrong. Ganga was and is pure as Gangajal. Amma ji replies we saw it with our own eyes. Your arrogance has brought your doom. You might not care but I do! I will have to answer people. Our respect is gone. You are still the same! Ganga says this is my confidence, my self-respect. Any lie, be it big enough, cannot snatch my self-respect from me.
Ganga tells Amma ji to hear her heart. I will also listen to my heart though. My heart says that I should fight till I am sure I am right. I should fight for myself and against the society even if I have to do it alone, even if anyone else refuses to stand by me. I should continue fighting for my self-respect and I will fight! Amma ji is all the more tensed. She might not care but I know the world more than you. A storm will come after this incident.
Madhvi comes to Janvi’s room but she is not there. Where would she have gone to at this hour? Janvi is entering back inside when Madhvi notices her. Janvi stops in her tracks. Madhvi asks her about her whereabouts. Janvi lies that she went outside for fresh air. I was feeling suffocated inside. Madhvi wants to ask her something. Hope you will not lie. I know you love Sagar but you are also insecure regarding Ganga. I know you dislike her and want to keep her away from you and Sagar. I am asking you directly. Are you involved in what happened today? Answer truthfully. Janvi acts hurt. How can you event think like that about me? It is true I love Sagar. It is also right that I don’t like it when Ganga comes in between us, but I cannot fall so low. I know how important character and respect are to
a girl! She thinks of Yash’s words and repeats them before Madhvi. Madhvi thinks if the MMS was true then. Is Ganga actually doing something like that? She heads to her room. Janvi heaves a sigh of relief. Thankfully, I remembered Yash’s dialogues or I would have been caught today!
Sagar thinks of the MMS and of Ganga’s words. He notices an axe kept nearby a piece of log. He is angry / hurt as Prabha’s words echo in his head. He cuts the log using the axe. Janvi asks him if he has gone mad. He goes to another corner. Janvi thinks Sagar is hurting himself for that illiterate Ganga. this is no time to fight. I will have to by sympathetic with him. She stands next to him. I understand the shock you and all the family members have just received. Think about Ganga once. She is young. What if she is a widow, she has needs. It isn’t wrong if she finds someone. It is wrong that the video came out in open. Ganga should have been careful before getting physical with someone. She should have checked if someone is looking or recording it. He is about to slap her and shouts at Janvi to stop. He stops his hand mid-air. Janvi is shocked to see him thus. You will hurt me? You will raise a hand on me because of that Ganga? She did not think of you or your family before doing something like that! Your family is being insulted because of her yet you will hit me? Why are you angry? What wrong did I say? Ganga is young and beautiful. She has no rights to live her life her way? It is ok if she wants to sleep with someone. He angrily tells her it is enough! He leaves from there. Janvi is angry. Sagar was about to hit me because of Ganga? His pain is deep. If Sagar is behaving like this then what about other family members?
Ganga is thinking about the incident. Her Bappa says you are angry with Sagar, right. She is so relieved to see him. He wipes her tears and hugs her. My Ganga is not weak! She never gives up. The people, who pray to Ganga diligently, pour everything dirty in it. This is because that is how Ganga River is. She envelops every dirt inside her yet stays clean. The same is with you. Ganga says Sagar did not say anything. He only had questions in his eyes. Bappa does not know why thta was so. But there are some good things and reasons which we at times get to know later. I know you can preserve your respect yourself. Your Bappa is always with you. Small obstacles can come but my Ganga only will win the battle! Have faith in yourself. Stand up and fight. Show them what my Ganga is and what all she can do. She hugs him. Her Bappa disappears. Ganga thinks Bappa is right. The world can try as much as it want to but Ganga wont stop. I will gather myself back and stand up. I will fight! She heads back inside.
Ganga is walking in the corridor when she collides with Sagar. They both look silently at one another. JAnvi’s words haunt Sagar. Ganga knows the silent questions in his eyes. You don’t trust me this much? Your questioning eyes are hurting me! He walks towards her when she signals him to stop. He keeps moving towards her while she steps back near the pillar. She thinks you should ask me whatever you want to. I am not scared of any question. She remarks he does not have the strength to ask any question. What’s the point of keeping them in your eyes then? She begins to go when her saree gets stuck in his jacket. She pulls it out and leaves from there. A part of her saree gets stuck in his jacket. He looks at it.
Janvi calls Yash. Is the work done? He says now no one will be able to save Ganga after what is just going to happen. There is no solution to the drama that is just about to happen. He asks for his prize. She assures to pay him well in return. She ends the call. I will see what this family goes through after my new attack. I will be at peace only after
Amma ji returns home. she is shouting out loud after people. Everyone rushes to her side. She asks Mehri to bring hot water for her bath. Maharaj ji shares that Mehri wont come to work now. Ganga offers to do her work. Madhvi looks unhappy. They hear Pulkit talking to someone on phone. He scolds someone for believing the MMS. MAdhvi is irked. There have been so many calls since morning. I don’t know what to say. The landline rings. Pulkit stops Maharaj ji from picking the call. Janvi tells them that someone uploaded the MMS online. I am getting every friend’s call. They all know Ganga is Sagar’s childhood friend. They are asking about this friendship. Amma ji says the news travelled everywhere. Janvi nods. I am feeling ashamed. I cannot even say it is a lie. Everything can be clearly seen in the video. Sagar hears everything quietly. Prabha comes shouting / running in the house. The goons are after me. She hides behind a sofa. People from the colony were not letting me come here. They were saying cheap things. Someone throws a stone just then. More stones follow. Everyone ducks for safety. Supriya gets hurt when she tries to alert Pulkit. Pulkit and everyone rush to her side. Sagar gets angry. I will see who it is. They all stop him, especially Janvi. They are dangerous people. Amma ji also holds him back. Janvi thinks Yash was right. The real drama has just begun. No one will be able to save Ganga from the attack now. She notices the papers wrapped around the stones. She reads one note – such a characterless girl cannot live in our colony! A widow does not deserve to live in such a pious town. Throw her out! Sagar angrily yells at her to stop. Prabha asks Amma ji how she will go home now. No one can go out of the house now because of Ganga! She speaks badly to Ganga. What wrong has this family done to you? She also taunts Amma ji.
Ganga is washing utensils absentmindedly. She thinks of everyone’s expressions. Maharaj ji notices her tearful face. Let it be. I will wash them. She looks away. he says I know you, you are innocent. I have full faith on you. You may not understand but my God knows your pain is hurting me as much as it hurts a father. Sagar was passing by from there and stops to overhear their convo. Maharaj ji says, forgive me I cannot do anything for you even though I want to. My Ganga is pure as River Ganga. She cannot do anything wrong. What to tell to other people though? She replies that his words are enough for her. I see questions in everyone’s eyes, especially in the eyes of the one who I thought was my own. He tells her not to lose hope. May God give you strength? He goes out.
Ganga drops something. She bends down to pick it when Sagar immediately covers her back. Take notice of things. She asks him who he is trying to cover, her or himself. We can hide the wound on the body but what about the wound on heart. Everyone saw Ganga losing her respect but no one did anything about it. In this entire world, there is no solution or lap which can cover for it. She leaves from there.
Yash’s friends intentionally fall on Ganga and say sorry. Ganga asks them if they don’t have manners. Yash watched them from far. The guys ask her to stop acting innocent. Your truth is out in front of everyone. She slaps one of the guys. He forcibly pulls at her hand while she asks to be let free. Sagar comes there on time. He hits the guy and also checks on Ganga. Are you fine? He beats all the guys. Sagar shouts at Ganga to go inside when all the guys hold him from all the sides. Pulkit joins him and both the brothers beat those guys. Supriya calls out for Amma ji and everyone. Janvi and Madhvi are coming back from somewhere. Everyone is string at them. Sagar angrily picks up an axe to hit the guy. Ganga gives her swear to Sagar to make him drop it. The guys run off to save their lives. Sagar shouts after them, warning them not to come before him again. A police jeep comes there just then. The guy requests Inspector to save him from Sagar. Inspector questions Sagar. He notices Ganga. Look at your fault before pointing fingers at anyone. This girl has disrespected your family and family name. He arrests Sagar. I have to take action on the complaint. Amma ji and everyone panic. Pulkit leaves for police station.
The guy calls Yash. Your work is done. Yash says I saw it. Janvi notices Yash watching everything from far. Yash sends her a message. This arrest is not serious. Don’t worry. Sagar is Dadi ji’s weakness. She will throw Ganga out of the house as her beloved grandson is in trouble because of Ganga! Janvi is confused.
Amma ji packs Ganga’s stuff. I allowed you here so you can live with respect but we have had enough! Madhvi keeps telling her not to do so. Niru is also not here. Amma ji pays no heed to her words. She asks Ganga to leave her house right away. I saw how much you love your self-respect. Someone threw stones at our house. Sagar got arrested because of you. Madhvi requests her but in vain. Janvi receives another text from Yash. You see the reaction of the action? She smiles. Amma ji asks Ganga to leave the house right away if she respects/ loves them a little. You snatched our everything already. I beg you. Don’t come back here ever again. Don’t let your sins cast a shadow on my remaning days. Ganga agrees. I did not beg you to let me stay here even when Babu brought me here. I wont do so today too. You did everything to give me a good upbringing. You never asked for anything in return. You asked me something today for the first time. How can I say no? I am leaving. Amma ji looks away when Ganga touches her feet. She still takes her blessings by touching the place where Amma ji was standing. Madhvi is emotional. She stands quietly while Ganga touches her feet. Ganga says you have done enough favours on me. Do one more favour on me please. Tell Babu that her Ganga dint do anything wrong. She picks up her bag. Maharaj ji is sad to see her go. Ganga thinks of her first meeting with Babu. The colony people talk badly about Ganga. Ganga folds her hands towards Chaturvedi family. Amma ji goes inside. Madhvi takes a step forward but stops. She rushes inside. Ganga continues walking in the opposite direction when Janvi calls out for her.
Janvi hugs Ganga. She whispers in Ganga’s ears. Remember the challenge of 7 days? See, you are leaving today within the time frame and I did not have to do anything. Your bad deeds are making you leave the house. Ganga looks at her in confusion. Good and bad deeds are answered back in this very birth and life. I don’t care whatever happens to you but I will prove my truth in front of everyone. I neither say nor bear lies. I will never bear this cheap stain on my character! She leaves. Janvi smiles.

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