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Monday, July 23, 2018


The episode starts with the last few minutes from last night, we find Miriam standing next to Damian's bed, she's getting ready to do something terrible, she tells Damian's comatose body "son, son of mine, this is no way for you to live, I always wanted the best for you and you don't deserve this agony (that's up for debate), it's best that you go in peace"- and then this crazy broad pulls out his breathing machine thingy and puts a pillow over his face.
Miriam was smart and locked the herself in the room with Damian, outside of the room the doctors and nurses are trying to get in and Raquel is screaming at her to stop, a nurse has to drag her away from the scene- Mia and Federico walk in on the madness. The staff is finally able to break in and they drag Miriam away, the doctors start to work on Damian and Mia asks "what's wrong with him?"- uh, your grandmother just tried to kill your papi, that's what's wrong!
Meanwhile, in another part of town Nico has finished boinking Alina, when it's over she gets up and starts to get dressed, Nico wanted to spend more time with her but she tells him that to her this is all a game, she sleeps with who she wants to, when she wants to and no one will tell her what to do, she instructs Nicolas to get dressed and leave, and she tells him not to call her- she'll call when she needs him. Then she waves in a flirty way through the window at another member of the office staff.
Raquel is still at the hospital with the kids, she says she can't believe what Miriam has done, Federico says he does not want his dad to die and Mia who is just a miserable cow looks straight at her mother and says "I bet you'll feel liberated if my dad dies" and really Raquel should have smashed her head in.
Back in the day:
Damian is his office looking upset, Azuzena comes in with some earning reports and asks him if he has a problem and Damian says that he does, she asks if there's anything she can do to help and he asks her for some coffee, as she's about to go Andres comes in and Damian asks her for some privacy, she leaves but not before giving Andres the evil eye.
Andres is there to annoy Damian about Lola working at the firm, he wants to know if Damian is also sleeping with her (punch him!), and he reminds Damian that he is also an owner of the company and asks Damian why he always gets angry at him "because I can't stand you" says Damian, Andres replies with "you might not like me, but we are still family, and I'm here to tell you that you can't have it all, your wife, your kids, Carolina...her daughter..." Damian kicks him out of his office but as he leaves Andres keeps commenting about how pretty Lola is.
Damian arrives at home and is less than happy, he tells Raquel that he has a lot going on at work and couldn't stand to be there any more, so he came home. Raquel tells him about the problems she's having with Mia. Mia's doctor suggested they have a family session and Mia freaked out and is refusing to go back for more therapy.
Damian goes to talk to Mia and she tells him that he is the reason she is having issues, then she asks him if he loves her mother and he replies that he does, "then why are you cheating on her?"- Damian denies any wrong doing but Mia tells him she's not stupid and that she knows what she's talking about- then she asks her dad not to hurt them (the family) and walks away from him.
Ugh, things get worse for Damian because Carolina's new assistant makes a comment about the pasta factory owner asking her out, Carolina is a dummy and assumes she means Damian, but the girl actually means Andres, but she never got his name and so there is now a huge misunderstanding and Carolina texts Damian and tells him that he is the worst person ever and that she hates him. Damian finally breaks, he tells Raquel that Mia blames him for all her problems, that he is having issues at work and that their relationship is also full of problems. Raquel looks him square in the eye and reminds him that she has been trying to get them to work things out, she tells him that she loves him and misses him. Damian is the worst because he asks poor Raquel for "distance"- he needs time to think and process everything that's going on, and he is leaving her.
We also get a flash back of Juan being a creeper- so basically Lola has been dealing with his crazy ass for three years?!
Current time:
Rueda meets Nicolas and warns him about Alina, then he goes to see Andres and tells him that Miriam tried to kill Damian: "with Damian in a coma and my aunt out of her mind I guess it's up to me to take care of the company" says Andres. Rueda comes back with a savage burn and reminds Andres that " Don't get ahead of yourself, I may do some work for you here and there, but I'm still your aunts attorney and my firm still represents this company, also you still have not paid back the money that you stole."- Andres offers Ruedas a deal "how about I return 50% of the money that you say I stole and give it directly to you?"- we don't know if Ruedas agrees or not.
Andres later goes to the hospital and learns that Raquel plans to call the cops on Miriam, he warns her not to do it "do what she has always done to you: Use her and manipulate her to get back everything she took from you, your money and the company, you have her right where you want her." Raquel tells him that she's not a Becker and is not used to using people that way, she wants to know why he wants to help her "because I still have hope that some day you'll see me as a man", bwaahahahaha, good luck with that buddy.
Miriam tells Mia the snot that she teid to kill Damian because he will have a terrible quality of life if/when he comes out of the coma. Andres comes in and tries to get her to see the light: they can pay off the hospital staff but not Raquel who can make a formal accusation of attempted murder, and she will end up in jail or in a mental clinic!

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