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Wednesday, July 18, 2018


 We get another eyeballer of Raquel and Santiago finally having a bit of sexual satiation. Unfortunately, SN’s pillow talk is muffled due to her unique way of mumbling in such a low baritone that much is lost of the conversation. I do believe that Santi still feels guilty somehow—whether it is the lovemaking or the fact he remained blind to Damian and Carolina’s cheatin’ hearts.  Can’t say. Raq is a bit negative and too clinical about what just happened between them. It could be that it has just been a means of release for the two of them, despite their obvious feelings for each other but also that their “period of mourning” is passed, but Santi doesn’t agree.
He cannot forget Caro and what she and Dam did to the both of them, destroying their lives, making fools of them, etc., nor get it out of his head. Raq does think about her past relationship with Dam also. There is no relief, perhaps it is just a momentary release for the two of them after all. They agree they love and care for one another. Oh well….nothing puts a damper on a promising relationship like continuing to bring up one’s past bedtime habitués.
 Bebo gives Lola the rundown of his past couple of years away. He was caught by ICE and thrown in jail for being an illegal immigrant. He’s out now. (FF>>)
 Godoy loans out his old apartment to Cinthia.  SinCin is shocked he doesn’t want some sort of sexual favor in return.
 Laura argues with Antonio over reopening Pati’s suicide case. The letter she wrote shows that she was involved with 2 men who were abusing and threatening her.  Lola’s current squeeze, Juan, is aggressive and violent at times. So, it is reasonable to consider that if it wasn’t Juan, it very well could have been  Michael, and he is a close friend of Andres Becker.  And these two very well could be responsible for Carolina’s death and the accident in general. Dun-dun-dun-dunnnnn!
Tonio is suspicious of her meddling. “--Do you want justice or just a shocking headline???” He scolds her saying if she really wanted justice, she wouldn’t go nosing around her husband’s files and phone messages, second guessing their work and blasting it all over the news, impeding their investigation like she’s been. (Boy! Tonio is just racking up points all over the place, here. Keep it up, dude!) She’d be better off working with them in finding the guilty parties.  She tells him he hasn’t the right to talk to her about justice. When she came to him looking for justice, she got bupkis. He gave her the cold shoulder. She’s getting revenge, but it’s not clear to Viewerville on whom, and how it is actually justice at the same time.
 Juan skulks around a park/school entrance?? He watches as a guy and his girlfriend chat with her. He gets jealous of the guy since he handed her a flower.  He forces Lola to go back to his apartment and make love to him. He’s affectionate until she’s on her way out the door when he accuses her again of cheating on him and/ or being insincere. She walks away.
 At los Alvarado, Caro’s getting secret messages about how she’s doing from Dam. She tells him to stop texting her. He is distraught. He calls Raq who’s on her way to see Caro. Let him know what’s what, he tells Raq. BTW, he misses his wife and wants to hang with her-- “—for a change? It’s been a while! Fine, I will call you when I leave.”
 Santi comes in to Caro’s bedroom. He’s going to spend the day with her. No thanks!  Doesn’t he have to be at that job site. Well, then, he’ll wait for one of the kids to get back. Raq shows up and Santi’s headed back to Gabriela’s to supervise.
 Raq giggles and guffaws over Baby Alvarado. She’d love to have another, she confides to Caro, but hubby hates the idea. Oh? Caro’s got food for thought with that bit of news.
 At the manse, Federico has tortoise-itis, it seems, interpreting make-out signals from Simone whose obviously ready to go the full round of bases with him.  She’s finally got to get back home. He’s going to see her to the door, but Mia rudely intervenes and practically throws her out and down the stares with one nasty look. “—She knows the way out!” Fede backs down.  Simone exits and leaves the two of them grousing.  Mia wants to know if he’s slept with her. (WTF?)
 Later on, Lola gets home after Raq has left. She tells Caro that she saw Dam at the office but didn’t get a chance to talk to him before going to the hospital about her and the baby. Anyway, he was all nice and cosy acting with that Gabriela woman her dad’s got a job with.
 Michael pays a visit to Andres, meanwhile, to let off steam about Pati and her demands. He’s not “in love” to answer Andres’ question. But, the girl wants more and more from him and if he doesn’t leave his wife for her she’ll tell his wife all about their relationship. Andres warns him he’ll have to get rid of her somehow. Mike says nope, not like that. Forget he even mentioned it at all. Andres licks his lips lasciviously.  “—Well, if you need to get rid of her, well, you know….”
 Santi shows up at Gabi’s house to supervise.  She sneers at him.  “--Bout time.”
 Dam gets a call from Gabi threatening him that he’d better meet him at the apartment or she’ll give a tape of her convo with the unsuspecting Augustin to Raquel. He tries to wriggle out of it but nope, he’s going to have to go.
 Caro swallows her anger till Lola’s gone and then calls Dam to bawl him out for only taking 2 days apart before latching onto another squeeze. He tries to tell her she’s got it all wrong.  The woman knows about their affair and is blackmailing him. He’s doing what he can to keep her from spilling their frijoles. He starts to explain but Caro hangs up on him. He races off to the apartment.
 Fede tells Nico that Simone interests him but he isn’t a fast mover like Nico.
 At Gabi’s apartment, she’s dressed in a trench coat and her naughty lace knickers.  She pours wine for the two of them. Dam tries to explain there isn’t going to be any blackmail. He doesn’t want to head to bed with her. “—I don’t want a mistress.” “—Oh, that’s right.  You already have one.” “—That’s a mistaken conclusion of your own making!” Just then there is a click from a key in the outer lock of the front door. Dam races into the bedroom and listens from behind the wall next to the doorway. Charles (??) has a female companion with him—a little afternoon delight? He is surprised to see his wife dressed like she is with two glasses poured.  “—W-what are you doing here dressed like that?”

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