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Sunday, July 1, 2018


Part 1
Dips says.. Madhu hasnt lost teeth yet… She warns Madhu that she will have to pay for this n Madhu says. ..she has nothing left..! Madhu apologises to the parlour owner!
Media come at the parlour .. .! Madhu faces the camera..! They keep asking about RK ..n their marriage..! Madhu says.. they were married.. n living as a couple …but!! Media ask if it was a stunt?? Madhu says…she is a simple girl.. he a superstar.. n they live separately..! Madhu says.. the love in the relation ended..! She says…at times people forget real from reel.. n God forget to say cut scene goes on..! Madhu leaves from there..!
Bittu comes at Paddos place..asks for Madhu! Paddo says..she will come by evening but Madhu arrives n says..she quit..! Bittu tells
Madhu that he has quit his job! He cries.. saying.. no one can stay with him after what RK did! Madhu says.. its not right..! Bittu says.. he used to work for a person.. n relation.. not superstar..! Madhu asks him to resume.. but Bittu refuses! Madhu insists saying.. RK will break without Bittu.. so..n then requests Bittu as a sister to listen to her..! Bittu agrees! She asks to promise he wont forget her. .n he agrees. .n shakes hand!
Radha is delighted to see Bittu back.. n tells how RK screamed out for Madhu..! She says..they have to reunite Rishbala.. ! Bittu says..not now..! Radha says.. now itself.. so that the love blossoms between Rishbala! Media people call up Dips n thank her for giving them tip about Madhu..!
RK is on the phone n chides them for troubling him..! He sees Bittu ‘Subah ke bittu ji.. agar shaam ko laut aaye to unhe Bittu ji nahi.. Buddhu ji kehte hain’! Bittu says sorry! RK taunts.. him for realising his worth..! He calls security .. Bittu says sorry ..! Radha recommends Bittu..! RK relents..!
Dips is working out watching TV. Madhus interview.. n RK overhears..! Dips comments saying.. how will Madhu say.. that RK took revenge..! RK stays mum..! Dips hugs RK n says.. that seems his CHAWL-bala.. is missing him! RK picks up Dips in his arms n Dips says..she remembers..this moment.. then kissing.. touching.. n RK throws Dips on her bed n splashes water on her face..! RK says.. only he has right.. to hate.. take revenge.. or ridicule his ex-wife..!
Part 2
The TV is on n Madhu is watching but Paddo shuts off..! Paddo tells Madhu that she has learnt to fight n win.. ! Madhu takes out her red saree n Paddo offers to throw it. . Madhu stops her…puts mangalsutra on the saree ..!
Madhu says..these have value n meaning.. so cant insult it.. hence better not touch it..!
Part 3
Trish-Paddo ask her to get rid of it. .but she says..she needs them.. as it will make her stronger.. n the memory of this deception will help her move ahead!
Part 1
Madhu tells Paddo-Trish that the pain will make her stronger..and that she wants to move ahead! The memories of this betrayal will help her move ahead! Trish agrees! The duo hug! Next day morning.. Madhu packs Trishs tiffin! Bittu calls Madhu and asks her to come to the studio! Madhu asks who the film belongs to but he cuts the call..! Madhu is confused!
At Kamal Studio… the director is getting set ready for a valentine special shoot! The guy asks for the heroine n gets to know she hasnt come yet! Madhu arrives and asks for where the makeup room is..? No one answers! BG-Beintehan! RK arrives on the set… and walks past Madhu …! She feels his presence.. turns but misses him..! The set is ready. RK understands the scene from the director! Madhu is standing just near
the shot..! The director suggests to take a rehearsal.. RK agrees! The shot begins..! RK looks at the camera n walks forward slowly..! In the meantime, Madhu walks directly in front of RK with her back turned.! Suddenly the piece of cloth being flown is released and RK-Madhu collide with each other and the cloth falls on the duo..! RK-Madhu eyelock..!
RK removes the cloth piece and says CUT IT! The director says..another rehearsal..! RK glares at Madhu n she steps away from him..! Madhu collides with a light post and is about to fall n RK says.. MADHU! Madhu looks at him! He says.. ex-biwi..! RK says.. Ex for .. Experienced or Extinct? RK says..what brought her here? The desire to be insulted more? The AD says.. where is the new hairdresser of the heroine? Madhu says.. yes.. coming! RK says.. bal bal bache … so why are u here? To insult .. To slap?? Or want to melt in fire?? What sort of fire are u?? Wax which refuses to melt?? Well sure.. ur smart enouf not to burn…! Anyways.. its the days of love.. so lets love.. n well hate is evil step sister of love..! He takes a heart shaped balloon n says.. Happy Valentines Ex-Biwi..! Madhu walks past him but RK pulls her dupatta! He sings.. ‘Dil lena khel hai dildar ka’! Bittu ji watches them..! RK bursts a balloon sings ‘Khaya hai dhoka maine pyaar ka’! Madhu rushes out..n Bittu runs after her!
Bittu says..he dinno .. and Madhu says.. dun call Bhabhi ji.. RK says.. yes.. dun call anyone randomly that! RK walks away n comes to his vanity van! A reporter comes to ask about Bollywoods fave romantic movies..! He overhears Madhu tell Bittu that how he thought she will work where RK is? Reporter asks if they can put a red rose on his suit? RK recollects Madhu putting a rose on his coat.. n says no..! RK says.. he raised a lion which died after eating rose! Reporter think a big fan of his gave..! RK says.. no . n says.. that he wont answer if he doesnt like her questions..! Reproter says sorry! Reporter asks..which is his fave romantic movie? RK says.. Mr. India..! Reporter wasnt romantic n RK was. .n shoes the reporter off!
Madhu comes home in a huff.. n cribs about Bittu giving her work on RKs set! Paddo asks her if she is fine? Madhu says..yes .but rues that how muchever she tries to go away from RK ..he comes back in her life..what to do? The duo hug n Paddo assures..all will be well..!
At the mansion, RK is walking upstairs and Radha passes by .. without looking at him..! RK tells Radha that.. if she remembers she had a daughter in law.. called Madhu .. who came on the set.. today some people gave her work on his set..! RK tells Radha that she does not know her son..! He says that…she thought he will feel remorse seeing Madhu? Well he din..! He says..he din feel a single extra heart beat..! Radha walks away but RK calls her back and says …when she came before him..something pinched.. how can she start a new life ..?? so easily?? But ..then she was shaking. .n felt like..she would collapse n belong to the earth.. ! RK says.. n seeing that he felt happy .. very happy..!
Part 2
RK says..he felt bad.. ! He says.. wish ..she had broken when he had forcefully married her.. n then he din have had to do all the love drama n she din have to get betrayed.. n then it did be Madhubalas PACKUP .. FOREVER! RK asks Radha if he is right? Radha walks off..! Bittu stays silent..! RK walks off .. whistling..!
In his room .. RK pours out a drink ..n sits on the couch..!
Part 3
Madhu is setting the clothes.. and RK is drinking..! Both their radios are on and the song plays.. ‘Baho ke darmiya’! Both of them are taken aback..! Both are lost in thoughts..! Flashbacks of the past..! RK picking Madhu up in his arms.. their slow dance during the studio night Karva chauth! RK fumes.. and Madhu cries..! Madhu tries to shut off the song. .but cant! RK fumes more.. finishes his drink ..breaks the glass ..! Madhu closes her ears..! RK gets up and throws the radio n breaks it..!
Precap —- Madhu in RKs vanity ! RK pulls Madhu and says that.. why is she here? He used to think ..that she held her self respect dear.. but seems she loves to get humiliated time and again! Madhu warns RK to dare touch her.. ever again.. !

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