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Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Finishing up a very pleasant dinner, Mariano makes a – what he regards as – gentlemanly attempt to pay for dinner. Viridiana wants to go halfsies , as she is an independent woman. Mariano concedes. Viridiana gives him an option to back out from the visit to a potential locale for her store, but he is very excited to see it. Truth be told, she is looking forward to getting his opinion as well. Well, isn’t that fortuitous and a fun coincidence, as he is looking forward to dispensing said opinion!
Having finished smoking their peace pipe, they are off to see the potential new spot. Viridiana likes it, but hold on – where is the owner? She is getting ready to start another rant, this time on the topic of punctuality, when Mariano confesses that he is the actual owner. The rant takes a sharp turn to “are you trying to be my rescuer” and “I will do it all myself, don’t you think I have a plan B!”, and finally ends with another lighting of the peace pipe once Mariano manages to calm her down.
At the end of the episode Viridiana shows up at Mariano’s office to sign the papers. Post-signing she gets up to leave and drops some papers. They both bend to pick them up, she touches his hand, there is a spark and a long drawn out stare. It is during this time that Ana Le shows up with a question to ask Mariano, observes this scene through the glass door and by the looks of it, is certainly not pleased.
Ana Le and Ramiro
These two continued to play their little cat and mouse game, except it is yet unclear which one is the cat, and which is the mouse.
Ramiro would like to think that he is the cat, luring Ana Le into the trap with a piece of cheese – there is just one difficulty. He has not quite figured out what type of cheese Ana Le would deem worthy going after, so he is shooting in every direction: they discuss Llora and how badly she would feel, he makes sure to compliment  Ana Le’s sensitivities when she claims to love her sister, tells her again that he has such deep feelings and is finding a whole new person in her.
Ana Le is almost ready to call his bluff though. She thinks he is just doing that to make Llora jealous, so she won’t bite. Ramiro tries to convince her that Llora doesn’t have anything to do with it. Isn’t he worried what Llora would think? Well, of course he is, but Llora would just have to deal with it. (I personally think that argument makes no sense whatsoever, but it’s not me he needs to convince to become his girlfriend). Ana Le is ready to agree, with the only condition – they keep it a secret. No dice, says Ramiro, it’s all or nothing. Ana Le will have to think about it and thusly they part.
Next morning Ramiro calls Ana Le to let her know he was thinking about her all night. She talks all softly to him in front of Inaki at work and agrees to dinner that same night. Inaki is suspicious and wants to know who that was.
Llora and Tin
Llora is still unable to concentrate on Tin and this doesn’t escape his attention. Llora explains she is just worried because Ana Le has not returned from dinner yet. Tin points out that Ana Le is a big girl and Llora can’t control her. (That is exactly what she is worried about , Tin.) Tin thinks Llora is too dependent on her family and she needs to mature and perhaps even live alone. Oh no, Llora couldn’t do that. What about Tin – does he miss his family? He lost them a long time ago, just like Llora. Llora reminisces how wonderful it would have been to have her mother next to her again, hear her voice. Tin looks guilty and uncomfortable.
After what must have seemed as a century to absent-minded Llora, Tin is ready to leave. Just as he is trying (for the umpteenth time that night) to butter Llora up, Llora responds with a phrase any potential suitor loves to hear: “My grandmother loves when you visit, so please come again.” Ana Le shows up from her dinner with “Daniel”, thus saving Llora from necessity to elaborate. Llora immediately switches gears: How was Ana Le’s dinner? Does she like Daniel now? What did he say? What did Ana Le buy that she has in a bag?
Ana Le responds to a few of these – dinner was fine. Daniel spent the whole time trying to convince her to give him another chance. Of course, she doesn’t care about Daniel, but maybe the time has come to pick another boyfriend from one of her multiple suitors. With that statement, Ana Le is off to her room.
Llora quickly shoves Tin into a car and calls Ramiro to report that Ana Le says “Daniel” told her he loves her and wants to be together. Ramiro confirms, that’s what they agreed on. He will follow through till the end. Llora doesn’t want to play any more – she feels bad tricking Ana Le and besides, she is sure Ana Le will not betray her. Ana Le already did, points out Ramiro and Llora needs to see it.
Ramiro and Santicelo
Ramiro returns home and Santicelo wants to know how the dinner went and if he kissed his wife for dessert. Dinner went very well, and Ramiro will do as promised – there will be nothing between him and Ana Le. (Exactly how he is planning to convince the over-sexed Ana Le to become his girlfriend without any physical contact is probably best left in the telenovela mystery category. What would he do when she says yes though – kiss her on the forehead and hold her hand?).
Santicelo shares a memory of Ana Le asking for a divorce and the fact that she was cheating on him. He saw the guy in his memory from behind and isn’t entirely sure it wasn’t Ramiro. Ramiro denies it, but Santi is not convinced. You may not believe me, but at least you are beginning to see who Ana Le is, says Ramiro. You once did the same for me and opened my eyes on to the real identity of my fiancé.
Whether Santicelo is satisfied with these arguments or not, next time we see him, he is chatting with Remedios over the phone. Remedios reports that Ana Lu is still leaving, though she was able to talk to her about Santi. Santi wants to see her. He cannot, says Remedios, until he resolves his situation. Divorce, then show up. Santi needs time. Well, it turns out that is the one thing he does not have.
Ana Le and her mysterious operation “Llora”
Ana Le tries the wig on in her room. Looks very unnatural, but she seems satisfied.
Next day she shows up at the rehabilitation center to talk to Valeria about Tin. What is his story? Llora has suffered for Ramiro enough and Ana Le is concerned for her sister and doesn’t want her to be hurt.
Life at the hostel
Nerina comes over to talk to Ana Lu at Anibal’s behest. They share each other’s sad stories: Nerina has spent all her money on the sick husband, and didn’t tell her kids how tight things were, and in the end she was asked to move out of the house. It was then that she came to this hostel. Ana Lu thinks sadness should be shared to make the person feel better. Wouldn’t you want to see your kids, asks Ana Lu? Nerina says she would not. She wanted to talk about Ana Lu though, and her career at Danzaire. Well, Ana Lu is moving for the same reason as Nerina’s – a broken heart.
Next Ana Lu goes to sun tan a bit, and Orlando catches up with her. He wants to follow Ana Lu wherever she goes, but she is not too keen on the idea.
Having left Orlando (she is surely having a busy day!), Ana Lu runs into Remedios. The latter puts in a good word about Santiago – he has not talked to his wife yet, he has not dared as he is still in love with Ana Lu. Ana Lu should talk to him, as this is all very complicated. Ana Lu does not know what to think.
She still has not made up her mind, and when Sole tells her she would need up to another week to finish the work for Viridiana, Ana Lu is happy for the delay. Sole worries Ana Lu changed her mind. Ana Le comes back to Nerina’s with a basket with sweets in tow. They chat and bond. Nerina finishes her sad story of how her own kids sued her. Ana Lu is incredulous and consoles Nerina.

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