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Friday, July 27, 2018


Indira awaits Rishi's arrival. When he gets late to reach home, she starts venting her frustration at Rishi's photo frame. Indira is left startled when Rishi makes a sudden appearance. Rishi asks Indira what she wanted to tell him. Instead of expressing her love, Indira starts scolding him. Amusingly, in between the scolding, Indira expresses her love to Rishi. Indira gets elated when Vidit arrives home. Vidit reminds Indira about their conversation which they had during their childhood. While going downstairs, Vidit slips from the staircase. It is later revealed that it was Indira's nightmare. Rishi tells Sanjay that he has arranged for everything through the night. Before disconnecting the call, Rishi learns that the person he was referring to was arriving from American Airways' flight to India. Sameer secretly follows Rishi and keeps an eye on his moves.
While keeping the glass on the table, Inder accidentally drops the glass. Indira notices it and angrily calls out to Sunaina and Mandira. Indira scolds Inder for not taking care of himself. She states that she does not have money to spend on his health and hence he must take good care of himself. When Sunaina and Mandira arrive, Indira asks them why it took time for them to arrive. While shouting Sunaina and Mandira, Indira inadvertently addresses Inder as her father. Unlike her usual self, Indira looks at herself in the mirror and decides to wear a dress which Rishi had once wanted her to wear. She gets upset with Rishi as he had not arrived home yet.
Jhumpa gets irritated when she learns from Radhey that Inder was staying at the Sharma residence and therefore the key to the shop was in the possession of the Sharmas. Jhumpa angrily barges inside the Sharma residence and grabs the keys of the shop from Munna. She accuses Munna of stealing the keys and trying to sell off her store. Unaware of the happenings in her house, Indira waits for Rishi's arrival. She gets upset with Rishi as he had not responded despite her leaving several SMSes for him. The Sharmas argue with Jhumpa over the key. On hearing the commotion, Indira rushes downstairs. Inder who manages to lay his hands on the key gets over excited and in the process develops severe chest pain and falls down. The keys fling and land where Indira is standing. Ishaan is surprised to see Indira's attire and compliments her.
Indira scolds Inder for coming out of his room. She learns about the entire scenario from Ishaan. Ishaan explains that the commotion was created because of Inder's shop keys. Indira states that if Jhumpa wanted to take the shop keys, she must also take Inder back home. The Sharmas get apprehensive when Inder's condition deteriorates. Indira orders Munna to call the ambulance immediately. Meanwhile at the airport, Sanjay hands over a puppy to Rishi. Sameer, who is secretly following Rishi, gets disappointed and leaves from the airport. It is later revealed that Rishi had tricked Sameer. Rishi meets the real Sanjay, who had brought Vidit along with him from the U.S. Vidit is wheel-chair bound and in a brain-dead state. Rishi learns from Vidit's medical reports that he had to take Vidit to Saugandh hospital. Meanwhile, Indira also gets Inder admitted to Saugandh hospital. Indira informs Munna that she mortgaged the house and arranged money for Inder's treatment. At the hospital, the Sharmas fail to notice Vidit along with Rishi.
Indira and her family rush Inder to Saugandh hospital, where Rishi has incidentally taken Vidit for treatment. Vidit is wheel-chair bound and in a brain-dead state. When Indira approaches the doctor's cabin, the ward boy stops her and states that the doctor was busy with another patient. Indira is, however, unaware that the patient was none other than Vidit. After examining Vidit, the doctor informs Rishi that they must help Vidit to recollect his past as he was in a state of shock. Meanwhile, the nurse informs the doctor about Inder's health. The doctor asks Rishi to wait until he attends to Inder. Rishi, however, is unaware about Inder's health. Rishi asks Sanjay to take care of Vidit and leaves from the cabin. Meanwhile, Indira arrives.
Vidit turns his eyes towards Indira when he hears her voice. However, he is not able to call out to her. Indira is worried about Inder's health and is in need of Rishi's help. She is also missing Vidit. Indira, however, fails to see Vidit in the doctor's cabin. At the medical store, Indira and Rishi are surprised to see each other. Indira confronts Rishi and questions him where was he the earlier night. Rishi is shocked when he learns about Inder's health. Inder expresses desire to talk to Indira, before his surgery. He asks Indira to keep his store's keys safe with her. Meanwhile, Rishi overhears their conversation and gets disgusted thinking how selfish Inder was. Rishi is surprised when Indira expresses desire to marry him.

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