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Tuesday, July 31, 2018


Rehash of Rem finding out about Santi and Ana Le’s monologue to her bed-bound husband on not expecting anything less of him than to murder Daniel. She cheated, that is true, but he was neglecting her, working late, she just wanted attention. And Marcelo cheated himself. Ana Le loves him and will not divorce him. She also apparently generously forgives him and asks for the same in return.
New episode:
Abue for some reason feels the need to explain herself to Facundo, as she feels guilty for not finding him earlier. She promises she tried, but his nephew didn’t know anything either (Abue, you tried once two days ago. That hardly even qualifies to be an attempt.) She does tell him about Jenny and Facundo is very surprised. He offers condolences to Mariano, who has his “Ana Le has already shown me the light and I hate Jenny now” face on and so he changes the subject. Abue departs and Mariano wants to make it clear to Facundo that Marcelo is not on the list of his favorite people right now. He, Mariano, needs to defend his niece. Facundo, though, says Marcelo will need all their help as well. Mariano is skeptical.
La familia de pension all worry together about locating Santiago in the hospital and how to go about it. They interrupt each other with ideas, until Tadeo decides he’ll go check in with Inaki and if not, he’ll find another way to find out. With that, everyone is calmer and Tadeo is off on his mission.
Orlando is sitting on his bed, no doubt pondering the seventh circle of hell when Maribel comes in all bothered by these annoying worried people in the living room. Would they just worry and grieve quietly. Orlando calls her a hypocrite and rejoices that at least he isn’t one – he just wants Santi to die, plain and simple. (So very few things went right for Orlando recently, or at all in this series – mostly due to his own fault – but if this realization makes him feel better, we are happy for our resident non-hypocritical whipping boy as well.)
Ana Le continues with her monologue. This time she is on the topic of mistakes and errors – they both made some, many downright unforgivable, but that’s what is distinguishing them from the others – they love each other just the way the other person is.
Inaki’s friend shows up with Ana Le’s Costa Paraiso travel data. Looking around and realizing Inaki came into some money, the friend demands more than they agreed on. Inaki finally concedes and goods are exchanged. Inaki is very happy with what’s in that folder. (Which begs a question – how does he know what time exactly Jenny died to trace that back to Ana Le’s tickets? Or did he bribe a cop as well?)
Ramiro comes over to see Santicelo. Facundo meets him in the room and tell him Marcelo is better. Facundo is happy with his decision to call Ana Le, but Ramiro disagrees. They argue extensively over Remedios. Apparently Remedios is the most despicable person Facundo has ever known. (And wow, he must have led a very sheltered life). Ramiro disagrees on all accounts, but Facundo is not to be interrupted. While he is at it, Sole gets hers as well, as the woman who hid Ana Lu from her real family for years. Ramiro thinks Facundo sees world as black and white, but Facundo wants Ramiro to decide – is he with him and his son, or against them. Ramiro dodges the answer and is still trying to talk some sense into this bull-headed hermit, who now thinks that Santi loving Ana Lu and asking Ana Le for divorce simply must be Rem’s idea. Ana Lu better not show up here, declares Facundo, - he does not want to hurt Ana Le. Though, on a second thought, if she wants to show up here as a mistress, why does he care. Ramiro can decide if he wants her hurt that way, though none of these pension people please or else.
Inaki is receiving a surprise guest – his father. Tadeo sees the expensive furniture and forgets all about the reasin for his visit. He just wants to know where Inaki got the money and if he isn’t in some kind of problems. Inaki cries and tells all about the long-lost and reappeared mother, who needed a piece of liver for her son, and Inaki got her to pay for it. And son dies anyway, and she told him all those horrible things. Tadeo consoles him.
Ramiro sneaks out, looks around and calls Ana Lu. While he is busy answering her questions and passing on the info that the wife is here, and Ana Lu is not to come, the said wife appears from behind, grabs the phone and screams into it for Ana Lu to leave Marcelo alone, and calls her an unhappy cat. Who would have known it’s a terrible insult in Spanish :)
Ramiro is not happy about the phone grabbing, but Ana Le certainly doesn’t feel bad. Ramiro better make sure this mistress doesn’t show up at the hospital. Marcelo is her husband and she alone will decide when to give him divorce.
Ana Lu is describing the phone fight to the other pension inhabitants and she is having trouble grasping the context of her newly found societal standing as a married man’s mistress. What is her problem, wants to know Ana Lu – how dare she talk to her like that. Umm, honey….
Over at the viewing, Julietta is still waiting for her husband, whose horse probably needed a new shoe from this harrowing long journey. Julietta is mad though and will not forgive him. She is not alone though and Viridiana and her niece, Ana Le’s friend, are with her. Viridiana is surprised none of the Alvarez del Castillo made an appearance. Who does make an appearance though, is Tadeo! Julietta drags him away into the room, explaining to Viridiana that he is her gardener.
Tadeo, it turns out, came to find out if it is his son lying in the coffin. Just as he is asking that question, the traveling husband finally enters, no doubt all dusty from the road. He is confused and wants an explanation –what is this man talking about? The three trade a couple of half-truths, and Tadeo decides he doesn’t owe an explanation to Sandro (the husband) and leaves. Julietta tells the story of Tadeo being an old boyfriend, way before Sandro. It is still not too late for a DNA analysis, if Sandro wants. Before he can decide though, she smartly changes subject to his absence during his son’s last hours. Sandro says that he, apparently, could not even imagine that Daniel would die of something like a liver failure. (Methinks Julietta has just been caught red-handed, so though justified, she can’t be too mad now.)
Llora comes over to Ramiro and wants to know what he and Ana Le talked about just now – looked like they were fighting. He doesn’t want to tell and they argue. Llora goes to get some tea and the whole family is upset Ramiro let her go to the cafeteria all by herself to get tea, and darn it, they are right – in any sane person’s book that would be equivalent to grand larceny or even a capital murder! To the gallows with the traitor!
Ana Le informs everyone she will be spending the night at the hospital and Ana Lu, in the meantime, impotently cries at the pension.
Remedios and Sole huddle. Sole frets that Santi is with Ana Lu’s sister – so close! Rem is upset about the whole situation and not being able to see Santi. Rem thinks it’s time to bring in the big guns – Evaristo. This Facundo is not letting her see her Santi and they have to stick together and protect their children at all cost. Sole is all over that suggestion.
Speaking of devil himself, Ev is at the hospital to talk to Ana Le. She wants him to return the money she paid him, as she found Marcelo first. Ev views his position differently – she pays him for guarding her against future problems, which – by the by – Marcelo is not. Ev assures Ana Le, who could not be happier to hear this – that Marcelo poses no danger and is not planning any vengeance. He doesn’t know anything about the ordered hit, and the only person who could tell him, is now dead. And Le wants to know if Ev did this. He did not, but someone else did – he says – and pointedly looks toward Marcelo. Ana Le is not too shocked.
Later that night Santi is remembering happy times with Ana Le. He wakes from his dream and on the couch nearby, Ana Le wakes up from the night’s rest with all of her make up intact. She starts again with her declarations of love and reclamations of lack of care for not telling her that he was alive. It doesn’t matter now, says Santi – what is done is done and he needs a divorce. Ana Le does not want that, she forgives him. That changes nothing for Santi – he forgives her as well, but wants his freedom.
Ana Le adopts a midcourse correction – he owes her a chance. She asks for time to correct her mistakes and she is begging him to return to her. If that doesn’t work, she will give him a divorce. She wants an answer right away, but Santicelo needs to think.
While he is thinking, Ana Le wants a little sugar and comes over to kiss him. This is witnessed by Inaki who has just arrived. Ana Le whispers to Santi that he is the only man for her and only with his kisses she can forget…and almost says Mariano. She corrects herself and begs him not to leave her. Unable to watch any longer, Inaki makes his presence known and Santicelo recognizes him. Ana Le realizes the two know each other. They met through Ramiro says Santicelo, Inaki lives in the same building as they once did.
Meanwhile, we get to see a new place in the capital – the whole pension is going to church. And Javier and Maribel, two detectives, come to the real estate agency to see Inaki and Adriana spills the beans that Inaki has just left to go to a hospital. Well, that’s all they needed to know and Javier asks for the name of the hospital and calls Rem immediately. The latter in return calls the only other cab driver in the city to ask for a lift to the hospital. Ana Lu is excited to go with Rem, but Sole prohibits it, as she doesn’t want Ana Lut to be a mistress next to the actual wife (supposedly, in actuality she is just working hard to keep her cracked glass from shattering).
Cue in a very long and arduous scene, where Ana Lu gets into a fit of hysteria and shouts and screams that Santi loves her, not his wife, she wants to go, Sole has no right to stop her. (Meanwhile Sole is holding her by the elbow, clearly the ties that bind literally.) Ana Le finishes with a very dramatic she is better than Sole speech, Sole is afraid of everything and if Sole valued herself any, Ana Lu’s father would have stayed. (Wow, a week of fantastic children). She finally frees her elbow and runs behind Remedios, who is getting in the car with Curbas. As Ana Lu clears the gate, Orlando catches up to her, grabs her and under her constant kicking and screaming, and screeching, drags her into the room, where Soledad locks both herself and Ana Lu in. Screaming and screeching continues from this room as well. (I am sad to say this, but Ana Lu might have won the most annoying character award this episode, outperforming Llora by miles.)
Just as we started to wonder how come the other triplets do not spontaneously erupt in hysterical screaming, both Ana Le and Llora feel off and need to step out – from the room in Ana Le’s case and from the car in Llora’s.
Ana Le leaves Santi and Inaki to catch up. They talk about Ana Le and the love for both woman Santicelo feels with such urgency and passion. (Did anyone else notice Inaki/actor was wearing a wedding band in this shot?). Inaki then lends Santi his phone to call pension, with the prior advice that it is probably not a good idea for Ana Lu to come over. Santi calls the pension and Nerina answers. Rem isn’t there, so Santi asks to talk to Ana Lu. While Nerina goes to fetch her, ever lurking in the shadows Orlando, picks up the phone, tells Santi that Ana Lu knows all about his wife being at the hospital, and doesn’t want to talk to him. Nerina does not meet with much success either – Sole says Ana Lu is not available.
Remedios shows up at the hospital and runs into Facundo. They converse at length on the potential of her entrance to see Santiago, while Facundo insults and tries to bribe her. He doesn’t understand how she could possibly be worried and finally calls security and has her removed.
Abue in the meantime shows the bracelet to Mariano and tells him about the private investigator she hired. Mariano is surprised to see the bracelet. Abue apparently is entertaining grand plans of putting Ana Lucia in front of her sisters, and until that moment everybody – hush!
Busy Abue then goes to the hospital to chat with Llora. Llora is upset at Ramiro for keeping the Marcelo secret. Abue thinks it’s not as black and white and he was keeping his word he gave to his friend. Llora, though, expects loyalty apparently and she has not received that in this case. (We loudly laugh, as she is certainly the one to talk about loyalty.) Llora wants to know if Abue ever hid anything from her husband. Just as she is getting ready to confess something, in walks in Rodrigo with Facundo. Abue is surprised and agrees to coffee with Rodrigo, so nobody suspects anything. They argue over coffee on their past history and it all ends with Abue declaring that she doesn’t want to speak with Rodrigo and storming off.
Let’s get back to Ana Le, who went out for some fresh air, leaving Marcelo and Inaki to chat. She runs into Ramiro outside and has a chat with him. She is upset that he hid the information about Marcelo and warns him to help her stay together with Marcelo. If Marcelo leaves her, Llora will pay for it, and Ana Le will make sure Llora would leave Ramiro (sadly, we believe that she will accomplish that with no issues). Omnipotent Ana Le concludes that Ramiro’s happiness is now tied to her own. They are heading back in, and Ramiro says he needs to talk with Marcelo, so he goes ahead. Ana Le is stopped by Inaki in his brand new convertible.
Santi is having a busy day as well. This time Mariano shows up with a cryptic comment that he isn’t planning to go to jail. If he, Mariano, falls, then Marcelo will fall with him. Santi says he doesn’t know what this is about and Mariano takes it as a good sign, since they agreed to never repeat what happened. Ramiro walks in as Mariano departs and Santi and Ramiro discuss this. They determine Mariano has much to hide and Ramiro is sure it is something related to Gina’s death. Santi motivates Ramiro to continue investigating. He, Marcelo, needs that truth as well to keep his previous personality in check.
Mariano walks out of the room and remembers a moment with Gina, where he was asking her to leave Ramiro, as he felt bad about their affair or about sharing with Ramiro – couldn’t tell which.
Inaki is still trying to get Ana Le to go for a ride with him. She isn’t biting until he mentions knowing the reasons, for which Marcelo stayed away for three years. He finally tells her it is because he lost his memory and Santiago Garcia and Marcelo Salvaterra are the same person. Ana Le is stunned and we wish we could stun Inaki with something heavy for spilling the beans. Tune in tomorrow to see what Ana Le comes up with next.

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