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Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Part 1
Madhu asks for her phone Sultans says.. wont get He asks CLEAR?
She says..yes.. his words.. tone .. mood.. but she also understood the kids fear.. dying hopes of freedom n childhood!
Madhu tells Aryan his fever is down! He asks if she will stay back? She says yes coz even if he is not scared ..she is ! She starts to tell him a story..he says.. he isnt weak to listen to stories. .n she says.. its a fairy story..he says..there are no fairies! Madhu tickles Aryan n they are laufing n smiling! Sultan listens to the sound of his laufter.. while lighting his lighter ..sitting all quiet..!
At the mansion Sikky looks on hurt at Dips..during dinner.! Dips asks him to eat she has to get up early ..! Sikky says..he thought its a cameo but its become longeo! He says..
he can see.. if not speak.. n that he saw it all .. she n RK! Dips says..nothing like that..! Sikky says..she has 403 pics of RK n not even passport size pic of his!
RK comes for dinner.. n Dips says.. Radha is busy..! Sikky asks RK when will Dips cameo end? RK says.. inquiry counter is on platform 12 .. n h is on platform 1.. ! Dips intervenes. .n Sikky says.. bahut yarana lagta hai! RK speak what he is allowed to. not more! Sikky walks off! Radha watches!
At the studio ..RK comes n sits while checking his moby..n asks heroine about Madhu..! She nods..its some other hair dresser! RK asks where is Madhu? She on leave!
Aryan n Madhu are doing hand wrestling.. n Aryan beats her.. n she says..he is getting stronger eating fruits..! They again repeat.! Sultan watches quietly! Madhu tells Aryan that its time to go n will miss him! She hugs Aryan n tells him to get well soon! Sultan asks Madhu what she Madhu says.excuse me? Sultan says.. he knows it all.. so better ask! Madhu says..he only knows.. about guns n bullets.. so better not talk of people! Madhu tells him that there are many things in world.. which can be done without money n guns.. a simple PLEASE will be enouf! Madhu asks if she has to tie a blindfold n he simply walks past him!
Madhu reaches the chawl n all are staring at her there! She enters her home, Trish opens n find RK waiting for her! He says that heard ur unwell n at home got to know ur on shoot! RK tells Trish its a personal screening..! Madhu tells RK he cant tell Trish to leave.. only he will leave! Trish goes out on her own! RK says. Samajhdar hai.. tumpar nahi gai! RK tells Madhu that..why is her nights being spent outside.. by lying to all? Madhu stays mum! She then asks RK ..why does he care if she is lying or not? Comes on set or not? Madhu says..firs the answer her..then she will try to reply back..TRY!!! RK-Madhu glare-stare at each other!
Part 2
RK tells Madhu that.. he asked first… so reply! Madhu says..keep the sawal with u.. raise it.. feed it.. n stare it..wont answer! RK asks who was the guy..n where was she entire night? RK shakes Madhu n asks who was that GUY..where was she whole night?
Madhu says..he is hurting her n he says.. she is.. hurting him! He says..he has right to hurt her.. to make her happy make her smile.. to make her cry.. ONLY HE HAS THE RIGHT! Madhu says.. NO . .NO RIGHT anymore! He had.. the rights.. but he himself broke it n destroyed it..! Madhu tells RK that he only told her.. she is his EX-Biwi!
RK says.. payback? Madhu says.. not a superstar.. to plan revenge for 4 slaps for the rest of life.. by destroying a life!
Part 3
Madhu says.. dun have time.. energy.. nor does he have that importance in her life that she has to sit n plan a revenge from him! RK asks if she is trying to make him jealous?? Madhu asks..he is jealous?? Rishabh Kundra?
Madhu opesn the door n says. .its a door meant to show the way out to some. .n way in to others..! LEAVE ..!
Precap –RK says..she cant hide HIM from RK for long..! Madh usays..keep voice low.. n dun take out ur frustration here..! RK goes out! Paddo overhears.. asks Madhu who RK was talking of? She slaps Madhu!
PART 1 :
Madhu shows RK the door. opening it, says LEAVE. RK goes out, stops n comes back, saying that he aint J n she wud never forgive herself one day for talking to him so.
She says that i regret everything realted to u but i promise, i will never regret this
He says she wont be able to hide him, She askes him to keep his voice down, He leaves.
Paddo is seeing all this.
Paddy asks her whats happening n Trish gets them both inside.
Sultan is working out…pushups. In white vest n making Aryan pich up dumbell Tells him to continue till he says. poor baby is tired, but doesnt give up
SS askes him whe
Ramukaka says that Bhujang had called n will arrive tinight. He asks why did he go to town, no one knows his face, but ppl know his name.
only police but others will alos be currious that he is back in India.
(i misses what AR said here)
Aryan is told to continue his workout even when RK objects, AA says that in this house only enemies are weak.
He asks Aryan to give 10 more
Madhu tells Paddy about SS n the truth about teh other night. Paddy is angry at being lied to n slaps Madhu.
SHe says that she went beacuse of teh kid.
Trish says she shudnt have lied.
Mb says he thretened me that is she reveals then he wud kill.
Paddy says that still u went with hi? and Mb says that he took me forcefully n that his boy was ill and he us innocent. paddy blasts at er for being a fool and tries to drag her to the police statation.
MB stops, saying that nothing can be done coz if they do than Ayan wud fall into trouble. She pleads that she will forget it all n never meet them again. to forgive all this.
Padddy angrily says do whatever u want to, u have become big to take your own decisions. She says a mothers has full risghts on her child always n dare madhu put herself in danger
Trish asks her what happened, Madhu refises to anser.
RK is punching hos punching bag, remebmring snipets of his dream n teh times he say Subala together. Madhu saying the NO HAQ dialogues,,,,,
He is angry and frustrted, breaks the bag!
Bittuji watches him seethe in anger n offers water.He pours the water on his face and asks BJ to find out about the MAN
BJ smirks n stands there irritaing RK n RK blasts him, but BJ says has he ever said no in his life to him?
Bhujang entry. Aryan is eating.
He asks about his BABA, and aryan negates he aint his BABA but sultan.
SS comes in, and tells Aryna to go to his room.
WHy have u come, asks SS
and BJ answers that after 9 he doesnt like it outside.
Aome people are sitting around SS n BJ says, so u are our new MALIK n asks him waht do we call u? BHAI ya BOSS.
He answers, my work will not TELL but SHOUT it.
He asks about some job, and the guy says that its done n gives SS his part of the deal.
BJ does pooja of food and eats it. SS is watching him while he priases the Khichdi.
SS asks about the ‘maal’ and BJ ansers
He says even woman dont want diamonds. and he has found a new monetyed party. Only one grm can make any man mad. he is talking about drugs. Heroin. and then something with S …
SS in angrily looking at him and grabs him, BJ keeps asking what happend but SS drags him to some storeroom sort of thing n douses his head inside water. he keeps repeating this till BJ is breathless.
and says its called ECSTACY. And asks wheteher he enjoyed, Drugs are the way to death.
He shouts there are two rules in my dhanda. First is NO DRUGS. we have kids, i dont wnat to destroy someone elses kids. I harm those who harm others. i dont want “harraam ki kamai”
BJ asks Sultan u said u have two rules, one is this which is teh second?
Sceen freezes on SS ka s*xy face
Madhu talking to aryan when RK snatches her phone and says if u ever call between RKs shot again, i will hit u so badly that U WONT EVER BE ABLE TO WALK.
Aryan hears this and is scared, phone drops down. SS sees aryans scared face n enquires what happened, SRyan says thta “he said u wont ever be able to walk” and when asked who siad it, he replies RK

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