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Sunday, July 29, 2018


Raquel and Santiago acknowledged that they could not live without each other and broke the kiss, but perhaps not in time to avoid being seen or heard by Lola, who arrived carrying Benjamín. She excused herself, saying she was going up to her room. Raquel became concerned about her reaction, knowing that the possibility of a relationship with Santiago was not welcome to her own children. She decided to leave, and he asked her not to. Lola had barely put Benjamín on the bed when Juan called her on the heels of several text messages. “ Can't you leave me alone?” she answered. “ I want to see you. Where are you? Where are you right now?” he demanded to know. “ Are you crazy? I don't want to see you again. You almost just killed Bebo. This is insane.”
“ I'm not going to do anything, Lola.” “ This is abuse.” “ This is your fault, Lola! What is it with this guy?” He was working up a rage that would send anyone running for cover. “He's a criminal; don't you know that?” “ And you are a madman, Juan. What part of 'I don't want to see you again' don't you understand?” “ Lola, I can calm down if you help me,” he said as he went inside. “ You can't change. You keep saying the same thing but you will never change.”
“ [???] Don't say that to me. If I'm sick you can help me. Do you see? You love me, Lola.” “ It's over. If I see you coming too close to me I will call the police. Plese, don't call me anymore or send me any more messages.” She ended the call, leaving him in a rage of frustration.
Cinthia tried to kiss Fernando, who had the sense to pull back. “ I'm sorry.” “ I don't please you?” “ Of course you do. You're very pretty.” “ Therefore?”
“ I can't make this mistake twice. If I deceive my wife again everything goes to hell.” “ I understand.” “ I need you to help catch Rafael. I need something, like an incriminating recording.” “ Don't worry; I'll get it. I'll go.” She turned to leave. “ I didn't want you to. It's necessary you stay here.” “ No. You're helping me because I can be useful to you. Nothing else.” She started walking away. “ Cinthia, I only want to help you.”
“ I don't need your help, thankyouverymuch.” “ Listen to me –” he said as she closed the bathroom door behind her. “ Go away, please.”
Laura's boss congratulated her on the debut of her new program. He told her it needed more; she needed to get information that nobody else had. She told him she had first-hand information. There was nothing the police had that she didn't know. “ Laura, you're a reporter. What do you want to say? We don't look for the truth. We look for news . What people are interested in. If it's true, good. Justice can take its time to happen. We can't. So look for information.”
“ Do you expect me to make things up?” “ No. I'm not telling you to. Just to look into the police investigation. We need meat. Look for things about people.” “ Ah ha. Dirt is what you want me to deliver.” “ Exactly! Now you're saying something intelligent, mamita . For example, Galindo. Or the widower, so to speak. Or the one in the coma. Or the wife. You know very well what I want. Stuff your husband doesn't tell you.” “ Those are things he can't tell me,” she replied. “ Therefore, look for that somewhere else. Act like a female private eye. You have ways to get people to reveal secrets.” He winked.
“ And if I don't?” “ You know very well that your career is at risk. Laurita, you are being asked to bring in the news. Or find your career off-camera. Have a nice day.” He left her alone to think about this. She was beginning to question his ethics and whether she shared them.
Nicolás and Alina had just finished another round of their risky business on the couch in her office. Not only did he not get the reaction from her that he was looking for, she told him that she was a “free” woman who didn't want a life partner, at least for the moment. Especially not a “little boy” like himself. She had no desire to compete with girls his age. “ Girls my age don't interest me. You do.” “ That doesn't matter to me. It suffocates me. Imagine if we were exclusive.” “ I promise I won't suffocate you,” he said. “ Nico, I like having sex with you. It's the only thing that will happen between us. Don't ruin it.” “ But I'm in love with you.” She laughed quietly, then broke into a laugh similar to Angelique's from Dark Shadows. “ Why are you laughing?”
“ It's what you're saying.” “ Do you know Licenciado Rueda?” he asked. She stopped laughing. “ How do you know this gentleman?” “ At the courthouse.” “ What did he tell you?” “ To beware of you. Why did he say that?” He had caught her off guard.
Mia visited Damián in the hospital. She told him she missed him and went on about how they missed him and that he needed to wake up. “If you don't, Santi will be with my mother.”
Rafael went to Laura's home. It was in response to her call and she said she needed to know more about the Becker case. He asked if there was money in it and she said she would talk to her boss. Then he told her he had been removed from the case. This made him of no value to her and she told him to leave. Except that he told her that Fernando was talking to Cinthia, who was Raquel's sister. He insinuated that she was young, pretty, and that he knew her through “various business dealings.”
Santiago tried to talk to Lola, who told him that she was aware there was something between him and Raquel. She told him that this was “sick” and compared it to the affair between Carolina and Damián. She thought it was “revenge” and said “If you ask me if I'm okay with this, the answer is No. I can't.”
Federico was having problems with Marcos in the pasta factory. He had made comments about Raquel, repeating rumors that she tried to off her husband in order to get control of the factory, and Federico took major exception to this. Federico told him off, saying that talking this way behind the new boss's back was wrong. Marcos acted like it was a joke and Federico left him and Dani, saying they'd talk later. Marcos was amused at having provoked him and Dani told him that from this point on he was on his own. She wasn't going to help him anymore in his mission to get Fede.
Santiago and Raquel talked about his exchange with Lola. She was feeling guilty, thinking that the girl was right. Santiago reminded her that only they knew their own feelings for each other. She said they had to talk to their children. They wanted their relationship, but both knew that their children didn't want it. She wanted their relationship to be out in the open.  He invited her out to dinner that night, to a romantic place. She agreed to meet him there and to call him later to find out where. They kissed before she left.
Bebo told Antonio that it was impossible for his father to have committed the murder of Carolina. He asked to see him and Antonio said he could later. For the moment the way he could help him was to find a witness that was with Nacho at the time of the murder. Bebo asked whether Antonio believed that his father did the crime and Antonio said “the evidence points that way.” He then asked him to wait outside and he would let him know when he could see his father. Bebo went to the outer office area where Rafael started talking to him. Bebo didn't trust him. Rafael handed him his business card and said to call him if he wanted help.
Raquel arrived home to find Mia sitting on the couch texting on her cell. She asked whether Raquel was working at the company and she told her that she was going to do so in Damián's absence. “ Do you know what's happening with Grandma?” “ No; I know nothing about that.” “ Of course. You start working at the company and you abandon Grandma,” said the girl with sarcasm and a petulant expression. “ I don't abandon anybody, Mia. Your grandmother decided to do that the moment she tried to kill your father.” She paused a moment, waiting for Mia to react. The girl's face was bank. “Independent of this I am totally within my rights to look after your father's interests and ours.”
“ You were never interested in the business.” “ Because your father never allowed me to –” “ And now at these hours you were at work?” “ I was at Santiago's house talking about Nacho. Didn't you know?” “ Yes. What else is new, Mother?” She turned away, likely not wanting an answer to the question. “ And it doesn't surprise me because I know those construction workers are the worst troublemakers.” “ Mia, for God's sake, don't –” “ Mother, why does everything I say bother you?”
“ Let's do something now. Let's start over and talk. I don't want to argue with you. I need to talk to you.” She took her daughter's hands and pulled her back toward herself. “Mia, Mia –” “ What, Mother? You want to talk about Santiago? Do you want my permission to fuck him? I think you already are, no? I think you already have and that's quite enough.” “ We're going to be careful with our words –” “ Why don't you and Santiago watch yourselves? Because you are the same as Father and Carolina.” Raquel tried to respond to this, but Mia cut her off. “You just confirmed this, Mother You never paid this kind of attention to my father because you had been fucking Santiago.”
Raquel looked at her daughter in utter frustration, perhaps wishing she were the parent who could give her a good spanking. She thought back to a confrontation with Damián.
“ I think that you owe me the truth,” she had said to Damián. “ I left because I wanted to put all this behind me. I couldn't respond to you, our children, the company. I'm confused.” “ You know what happened to you? You didn't talk to me, so I don't know if that's what was up with you. I know there were many problems in the business with you having to manage your mother, your cousin, but you never talk to me. Therefore, I don't know where to go. Whether you are hiding something from me. Are you?” Damián looked away from her. “ Problems with your mother? Your cousin?” “ Business problems. I was wrong. I never wanted to involve you in this, but it was enough that you and I build a life together. Without you I don't know who I am. I'm sorry. I've made mistakes but I promise we will be together for the good and the bad. Through the good and the bad, I will be with you.” They clung to each other and kissed. Raquel was crying.
Juan yelled at Lola, accusing her of ignoring him and driving him crazy. He threatened to accuse her publicly of leading on other guys to make him jealous. She felt helpless, as this was happening in his home. His mother came in during this and asked him what was going on. She wore the look of a woman who had at least some notion of what her son was and what he was up to. “ What have you been doing to this little girl?” She went over to Lola and looked carefully at her. “ Mother, don't interfere!” She was not afraid to look him in the eye and call him out on this. She then directed Lola to the door and out of the house. After the door closed behind them he let out an animal cry, like a wounded ape.
Sometime after dark Santiago came home drunk in Nacho's company. He was sure Carolina didn't love him. She got up and saw him dishevelled. She asked whether he was drunk. He evaded the question, put his keys on the sideboard, and said he was going to bed. She asked Nacho whether Santiago was drunk. “ We just had a little drink, nothing more,” he said. “He's just like this because he never drinks.” “ Yes; I've never seen him in this condition. What did you talk about?” “ About you, Caro. All the time about you. He loves you. This man loves you. Take care of him because you won't find another like him.”
“ Why are you telling me all this?” “ I don't know. So that you know it. Carolina, you know very well that Santiago is like a son to me.” She nodded. “He wants you to love him. Don't hurt him.” Carolina looked uneasy. “ I love him.” “ Then show him. Show him. Without you, Santiago is lost.” He left.
At the same time Raquel and Damián were in bed engaged in sex that may or may not have been like what they had been accustomed to before Carolina became part of his life. His facial expression carried a stew of conflicting emotions. Mia entered her brother's room without knocking and shouted. “I don't understand our parents. Not Father and least of all Mother.” “ Mia, why are you barging into my room without knocking?” “ Because I felt like it. Are you listening?” She grabbed the computer he was using and threw it on the bed. “Because I felt like it.” “ Hey, hey! What's up with you now?” “ Don't you get it? They're locked in the bedroom fixing their problems by having sex.” “ What? Why does that matter? Why are you butting into this?”
“ I'm butting in because they butt into my life! They always say I'm good or I'm bad or some other thing –” “ I tell you once, twice, thrice, a thousand times and it's always the same. You get me to do things that aren't good and that I don't want to do. I talked to Gabriela. She told me everything. I almost wanted to kill myself.” “ Did you just say that?” “ Yes. She denied everything. She said she was not Dad's lover. Now she wants to come and talk to Mother.” “ She's a liar. I saw them in the hotel. I saw her with Father. She –” “ It's always the same! Every time the same!”
“ Yes. I had heard that Carolina is Father's lover. You know what I think? That nobody in this family matters to them. You just think of yourself and they about themselves. Nobody thinks about me.” “ Mia, we're also important.” But she was walking away. “ I'm only important if I cause problems. And nobody really cares about what happens to me.” “ Listen to what you're saying, Mia!” He paused for a second. “Now I'm asking you. What is so wrong that you cut yourself?”
Juan's mother apologised to Lola as she drove her home. She was aware that Juan had issues and needed help. She promised to keep him away from her. However, she begged her not to report him because it could not only lose him his job but end his career. Lola agreed to this as long as Juan stayed away from her. She never wanted to see him or hear from him again. His mother promised. She most probably had no idea that she had no control over him.
Carolina tried to help Santiago undress for bed but he would not allow her to. He kept telling her he could do it himself and she should tend to the children. He finally laid down, hugged the pillow, and fell asleep. Carolina laid down on the bed behind him and embraced him.
Raquel, in the logic that can set in after chaos has left, told Damián that she didn't want this to happen out of pity. She wanted him there for the right reasons and it wasn't clear to her whether he was or not. She loved him and wanted him with her but not if he didn't feel the same way. She wanted there to be love with no guilt and no regrets. He claimed he had no guilt but she pointed out the business problems and Miriam and that this had an effect on the family. She tried to get him to resolve those things. He agreed, then said there was something else. “ What else?”
“ Gabriela. Mia saw her in the hotel I was staying in.” “ To see you?” “ Of course it wasn't to see me. It was to see Christian, who was staying in the same hotel.” “ And what? Do you believe that? Because you know she always wanted to boink you.” “ But not I her. I never wanted to boink her. You know perfectly well. You know me.” “ I know you? Yes, I know you.” “ She concocted a story to make me look bad. If you don't believe me, ask Christian.” Raquel got up from the bed wrapped in a sheet. “ Where are you going?” “ To think about things.”
Carolina was still awake when Lola returned home. Carolina asked her why she was so late and approached her. She saw some abraded marks on her wrist and asked what was wrong. “ It was only an argument.” “ What is this? Who did this to you? Tell me who did this. Was it Andres?” Lola did not answer. “Who was it? Who was it, daughter?” “ Juan. I didn't know what to do. I was afraid he would kill me –” Carolina dropped Lola's arm and started toward the stairs. Lola begged her not to tell her father. Carolina told her to calm down. They were going to tell Santiago and the next day they were going to go to the school to tell the director. Lola became afraid again but Carolina would not change her mind.
Santiago sent a text to Raquel to meet him at nine at the Brasserie de Lyon. He looked happy. Nicolás returned home and immediately they began talking about Alina. Santiago pointed out that this could not go anywhere, as she was much older. Nicolás didn't really want to talk about it and tried to go upstairs, but Santiago told him he wanted to talk to him about Raquel. Nicolás said that he was aware there was a mutual attraction but said he thought it was a bad idea because they would fall under suspicion in the murder investigation. “Do what you want, but I don't like this.”
Alina and Rueda had a confrontation. “ What is this about? Are you looking to interfere in my life?” “ Your life?” he asked. “You have destroyed my son's life. And I will make it my business to do the same to yours.” “ So you're threatening me?”
“ Yes. That is what I'm doing. Be careful, Alina. Be careful. Because you are going to pay for what you did to my son.”
“ Don't you get it?” Mia asked her brother. “Everything Grandmother said was true. Mother has been fucking Santiago.” “ Enough, Mia, enough! Not once more time!” “ I know she feels something for Santiago. I don't know it perfectly but she's right. They're a pair of cinicos.” “ For once in your life can you stop saying stupid things?” “ Why don't you ask our mother?”
Federico couldn't think of an answer to this challenge so he said nothing. “ You can't. Because you can't take the idea of toppling mother from her altar. Mother was with Santiago like Father was with Carolina. You just don't want to know.” She walked out of Federico's room. He paused for a moment, then went out himself. Raquel was sitting on the stairs reading a text from Santiago. She texted an answer.
Perfect. We'll see each other there in an hour.
She patted the stair next to her, indicating that Federico should sit there. Instead he went to a lower step and stood. “ What do you want to tell me, that you're seeing Santiago?” He didn't wait for her answer. “Mia told me everything. And if you hope I'll approve, forget it.” He walked away. She tried to call him back, but was not successful.
Nicolás' and Lola's words echoed in Santiago's mind as the alarm rang on his cell indicating that it was time to leave to meet Raquel. The same thing happened to Raquel. The only difference was that while Santiago's children sounded rational and Nicolás had a cogent argument against the possibility of this relationship, Raquel's children were irrational and misinformed. The guilt got to both of them. Santiago left a voicemail apology while Raquel texted hers. He sat down in his living room while she sat on her bed and finally leaned on the pillow. The beautifully set table reserved for them went empty.

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