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Sunday, July 1, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Shaurya and diya awkwardly face each other. He comes to her and then hesitates to say something, and asks her not to take tension, as its mere rituals that are being performed by the family. he asks her to take it easy. she says that it mustnt have been easy for him, as it was with her forcibly, as she would have gotten married to sumit anyways, and situation is the same for her, only difference is the life partner. she asks him not to carry any burden or guilt in his heart. She than takes her pillow, and asks him to rest, as he must be tired. he then asks her to sleep on the bed. she says that its his house and his bed, hence he take the bed, while she sleeps on the sofa. he insists and asks her to listen to her once, requesting her. She
silently complies to his wish and then sits on the bed. he eyes her caringly, but she doesnt see his love and concern. She lies down. While she lies, he says that today or tomorrow, he would make her realise that his marriage is by his wish, and that she isnt his helplessness but his love.
At the breakfast table, the next morning, urmi serves anirudh tea while he asks if diya and shaurya are okay. urmi complies. Shaurya comes down hesitantly. Alok asks shaurya if all is okay. he hurriedly complies. Urmi leaves to get coffee, while shaurya asks where is diya. urmi asks if she wasnt in the room. Diya comes from outside, that she is back. urmi and shaurya ask where had she gone so early in the morning. as all gather, diya comes with papers and says that the way in which the marriage happeneed yesterday, was extremely unfortunate and there’s nothing that could have been done. She says that she cant change it but now she plans to do something about it, and has come up with a solution, to amend what they did wrong, by the marriage with shaurya. They are all boggled, but she shocks them by saying, that she plans to free shaurya from this relation, guilt free, by giving him divorce. diya shows him the divorce papers, which she has already signed, and its his turn to do the signatures, to free him from this unwanted relation. She says that from her side, the marriage is over. Damini is shocked yet glows in victory. Shaurya is distraught and asks if she has gone mad, and if this is a joke to her, as they have gotten married, and rituals were performed, and she is a married woman, and asks what she means. He asks if she can reverse the rituals, and asks her not to make it a joke. she says that its indeed a joke, as he has compromised. he asks her to stop it, as its not, since he likes her. She says that it might have been, but his likeness, his love and the girl he wants is someone else, and what he did is just a favour on her, for which she shall be indebted to him all her life. He asks why would sshe do him a favour, as he loves her. this shocks everyone including diya. DSiya refuses to believe saying that its just his sacrifice, and not love, and asks him to stop lying. she asks him to narrate what kind of girl he wanted as he told asha and what he told chiku in his inebriated condition. she says that he hates her so much he couldnt tolerate her for 24 hours. he says that he wasnt in his senses. she says that this is variable emotion. She asks him to hate if he does. He says that he loves her, and nsists her to believe, while she asks him to stop this, and just accept the papers. They are tensed while he angrily takes the papers and tears it to pieces, and throws them off in the air. All are shocked. Diya is surprised, as he plainly refuses to give divorce or call off the marriage. Diya gets upset and ruehs upstairs to the room. Alok then asks shaurya if he doesnt love diya, then why is he lying. Ishaani again asks urmi why she spoiled his life, as earlier he got married, and now he has to lie that he loves her too. he stands up saying that it isnt a lie, but its the truth. they are tensed. anirudh comes to him and asks if its actually the truth. he accepts and says that he loved all along, but realised late but stopped due to sumit. urmi consoles him. Alok says that if its so, then he should make diya realise his love. he says that he has said, but not anymore, as now his love shall speak. he is determined.
Scene 2:
Location: Undisclosed Location
Damini later pays some goons an advance to kill Urmi, saying that she shall give the remaining amount, after the work and also finish off whoever comes in the way.
Scene 3:
Location: Urmi’s residence
On the roof, damini comes to taunt diya, that her fate doesnt change, as she doesnt know how to congratulate, for her life being saved, or her marriage, as she did manage to come back, despite all her efforts to bundle her out of the house. Diya says that she did exactly what she wanted her to do. damini says that urmi infact thawed her plan, and then got her permanently here. she says that she hates urmi by the guts and doesnt know how to get rid of her. Diya asks her not to speak evil of urmi. damini taunts that she got so scared, and that this is the perfect couple of Saans-bahu, and asks her to take care of urmi, as soon she shall be ruined. Diya warns damini that she shouldnt try and hurt anyone, as this time around, she wont take it lyind down and be quiet and silent about it, and tell everyone about her evil and vicious plans. Damini asks her to shut up, as she isnt threatened by her. Diya again reiterates. She asks if damini remembers the rape, that she didnt spare her riminals. damini eyes her tensedly. Diya leaves. damini says that she should indeed remember it, or else she might have to remind her again. she finds urmi staring at her from the other end of the roof, angrily. urmi comes to her, and asks her to stop this game of hers, and asks her to maintain her respect in front of the new bahu. damini says that she doesnt accept diya as the bahu. Urmi asks her to accept or not, as it doesnt bother her. Urmi tells damini that if she tries to create trouble for diya any which way, then she would expose her in front of everyone. damini eyes her tensedly. Urmi tells her that once the truth comes out, she would be severely disrespected in front of the family. urmi says that she is digging a pit for herself, and she needs to be careful. She leaves. Damini is frustrated, and says that thepit is dug, but for urmi, and she just needs to throw her in it. she declares that tomorrow would be urmi’s last day. the screen freezes on damini’s evil face.
Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
In her room, diya tries to take off the bangles, while shaurya stands amused. Diya cuts her finger accidentally, and shaurya immediately rushes to her help. she tries to do it herself, but he asks whats the hurry and then gently pulls out the glass shard, and hurried for the first aid box, and tries to apply the medicine. But she wards off his hand, asking him not to intervene, as its a small cut, and she shall manage it herself, saying that she is already under his debt of favours, and doesnt want anymore. he sits tensedly, and asks if this too is in the category of a saviour act of favour on her now. she doesnt respond and goes to the bathroom. she comes out and gets to her chores. To teach her a lesson, intentionally. He starts coughing,
vigorously when she doest notice immediately. She notices this and hurriedly goes to get water. she gives it to him, but he says that he shall manage as its just cough. but the coughing persists, and she asks him to drink. he drinks it, and then says that he is extremely grateful for this favour of hers, which he shall not forget all his life, taunting her. he asks her to put it also in the same category. Diya stands flustered having been given her own medicine. she fumes and sits silently on the bed, attending to her cut, but not being able to successfully do so, while he stands amused. As they are setting up the bed, shaurya suddenyl starst screaming, and lands in the bed, shocking diya. He says that he is scared of cockroaches. she is scared but pretends to be mature, and tries to shoo off the insect. but when it starts flying, she too gets scared and jumps on the bed. he ducks her too under the covers. they then stealthily come out, to see if the cockroach has gone. This gets them intimate, and what follows is an awkward yet romantic eyelock.
Downstairs, urmi finds anirudh tensed and lost and asks whats the matter. he says that he is unable to digest the fact as to how sumit and his family could befool and betray them like this. he feels himself responsible for it. Urmi asks him to forget it. he says that he cant and cant even get over it, and that he was the one who had given a thorough background check on sumit and his family. damini and ishaani join in. damini hurriedly say that digging graves isnt required, and that diya had to become the bahu and its happened. he asks how can he leave, and that he shall get to the bottom of this, and find out whats the msytery, and what was it that he couldnt see, and wants to know who’s behind this conspiracy. urmi asks him to calm down and not increase his BP, as their time shall come, and when it does, then they can dcide whats to be done. damini tensedly asks him not to take stress, and think ahead, and let bygones be bygones. ishaani too asks him to to not let it be, so that they too find out who’s behind this planning. He agrees and says that he shall find out the truth, and excuses himself. damini leaves. ishaani addresses urmi, and says that she feels this is all her planning, as she wanted diya to marry shaurya all along, hence sumit’s sudden elopement. damini is amused by the angle. ishaani asks why else would urmi protect sumit’s planning like tis. urmi too asks damini to tell if she feels urmi is guilty. damini gives an indirect answer escaping the question. Ishaani says that she knows, that in all this, urmi is the planner. urmi says that she is wrong, and she cant help that. ishaani says that once anirudh unravels the truth, her image would be shattered. urmi says that the day she knows the truth, she would be shattered and not urmi. she leaves. Ishaani is tensed. Damini is worried.
Later, as all sit at the breakfast table, all compliment diya for her culinary skills. out of habit, damini doesnt refrain from making a snide comment, that she understood people’s likes fast. Diya still addresses him as Sir, and alok points it out. Shaurya is amused, while alok starts suggesting romantic names. diya stands embarassed, while urmi asks alok not to tease her. shaurya insistently asks diya what should and would she call. Diya says that urmi has given him a wodnerful name, thats shaurya. urmi says that she should address her as mother, and she can call anyone by whatever name she feels like. Shaurya too adds that she can, and even if she gives as much as a signal, he would come running, but she has to make the first move atleast. diya is embarassed. ishaani doesnt like shaurya’s behaviour. urmi says that its the anniversary, and whats special is that she shall introduce diya to the hotel staff, and asks them to come along, while she leaves rightaway. Urmi leaves. damini says that diya’s first day of the sasural shall be urmi’s last. she says that she urmi wont return as happily she went, as only her dead body shall return now.
In the room, damini calls up the goon, and then tells about urmi having left for the hotel, and that she should be killed without fail. he assures that he shall. She hears anirudh hollering for her, and cancels the call hurriedly asking him to get back soon on the update. just then, anirudh comes in screaming at her. he asks if she wouldnt get free from her vices, and would continue to play evil acts on others. She asks what she did this time around. .he asks her to stop this charade now, under which she pulled off this big a conspiracy. She asks why did sumit not come, and whats her connection. he tells her what she did, as he found out everything. she flusters and fumbles, and asks why would she do this. he says that she hates diya by the guts. Anirudh tells that he never thought she would be such a lowlife. she asks him to stop, as she is his wife, and hence he should refrain from using such words. She agrees and says that she did this. ishaani hears this from a distance, and is shattered to find that damini was behind this. she says that she cant bear diya reigning her life, and hence her reaction was inevitable. he says that this thinking of hers has ruined the life of everyone in the family, as tani’s life got spoiled, then ishaan died, and that everyone became quiet, but she didnt quiet down, and even after that, she turned ishaani against her own mother, by instigating ishaani from the birth. Damini says that she did this as she hates urmi, as she took her son from her, and hence she too took urmi’s daughter from her, and filled ishaani with hatred for urmi. he says that he is ashamed to have her as his wife, and is disgraced by her. she asks how can he be digusted by her, when he raised his hand on her. she asks what more can he do, as the maximum that he can do is raise his hand on her. he says that she doesnt deserve that too. she is shocked. Anirudh says that now there’s only way out, and thats to divorce her. damini is shocked and outraged. he says that he cant bear living with her under the same roof, as she is byond toleration, and hence she is out of his tolerable limits and his house too. he storms out of the room. the screen freezes on ishaani’s distraught and shattered face.

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