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Friday, July 27, 2018


First, as we suspected Ana Le is trying to weasel her way out of the predicament she created by accepting Ramiro’s advances. Nobody wants to hear her out though, except our gullible Llora. Before deciding to bare her lying soul, Ana Le goes into a rage attack and slaps Llora. Realizing that, should Llora talk about this, Ana Le will never get out of the doghouse, our scheming murderess asks Llora to keep the slap quiet from the family. After all, she – Ana Le – is going through so much. Marcelo is really alive and Ramiro knew this all along, so Ana Le only agreed to this relationship to get closer to Marcelo, who faked his death and is in hiding. Llora, of course, cannot believe this. She is instructed by Ana Le to go talk to Ramiro and say nothing to anybody else. So the joy of Llora’s tears and probably yet another break up with Ramiro is awaiting us in one of the next few episodes.
We were just discussing the mystery of Gina’s death and there has been much discussion of it today.
What we know so far:
· Gina left Ramiro a suicide note that he never read until this episode. He finally read it today after going to see Valentin, who assured him Marcelo was behind Gina’s murder. Ramiro showed this note to Santi, which triggered a memory.
· Turns out Santi forced Gina to write this note while threatening her with a gun. Santi couldn’t remember much more, despite Ramiro shaking him quite violently and likely spitting in his face, demanding to know if Marcelo killed Gina.
· The only other thing Santi remembered is that Mariano was with him that day, watching him threaten Gina over the suicide note. Mariano may be able to help in figuring this out, thinks Santi, and so Ramiro is on his way to see TioM.
· Mariano was visited by his lawyer friend, who cryptically implied knowledge of a life-changing event for Ana Le, that he could not discuss in detail, as his own life was at stake. Samuel discussed Mariano’s womanizing ways and lamented having helped him in something that changed their lives.
· Mariano, we find out from his own memories, had an affair with Gina while she was living with Tin and he was with Jennifer.
Still unclear what really happened, but many layers have been added to this murder cabbage.
And now for our titular reference, Santi has a civil conversation with Daniel and asks for his help testifying in court during the divorce. Daniel is on board and they part. Next morning Santi wakes up with a bloodied shirt on his hands, scraped knuckles, and a vague recollection of beating Daniel up to a pulp in the forest. He cannot remember much else and is convinced he killed him. He and Ana Lu spend much of the episode investigating this phenomenon with very limited success.
Daniel in the meantime is alive, but barely, and needs a liver transplant. Ana Le shows up with Inaki in tow (these two were scheming in her office when Daniel’s cousin, who apparently also works at the real estate agency – one of only four places that exist in Mexico, ran in with the news of him being in the hospital. Inaki, by the way, will help Ana Le and give her info on everything he knows just to have her near him. This arrangement seemed to suit Ana Le just fine.) Julietta is ecstatic to see Inaki – he must help her save her Daniel and donate part of his liver. Inaki is super confused, and Julietta takes him away for a private convo and confesses she is his mommy. Now he definitely doesn’t want anything to do with this and doesn’t care if Daniel dies.
In a surprising twist of events Abue, having mulled over Ana Lu’s fate and Ramiro’s quest, decides to retain the services of a private investigator and tell no one. This PI is, of course, Evaristo. Abue tells him all about her hopes and dreams for finding Ana Lu and that she knows Marcelo is alive. Omnipresent Evaristo absorbs it all, and I am sure already has an idea for how he is going to incorporate this into his master plan.
We also potentially find out why Ramiro’s father is behaving in such a detached way. Turns out Ramiro’s mother committed suicide due to a postpartum depression. Ram’s dad offers this tidbit of information to Ramiro for the first time, as the latter is reeling from Gina’s death and blaming himself. That’s what you call good timing. Just to make sure the blow sticks, the dad tells him he was only born to bring pain.
And we end on another fatherly note: Leonor brings Marcelo over to Facundo’s cave.

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