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Monday, July 23, 2018


Leonora has a flashback to a conversation with Facundo (aka Funky Dodo): Funky says he plans to go back to Costa Paraiso. He asks her for forgiveness. She forgives & thanks him for a beautiful experience. Not wanting it to end, he asks her to go with him. He feels the family denied her the life she deserves, one that he'd offer her as his woman. She claims she had the chance, but was never brave enough to reach for happiness & feels she doesn't deserve it. He says it's her life, but he wants to thank her for helping him discover a heart that still beats. But due to her resistance, he can't resolve the sadness she feels inside. She nods and they bid each other goodbye.
Ana Let discovers her as he leaves. She confronts Leonora about her involvement with her FIL (father-in-law) and tells her she should be ashamed of herself. Leonora realizes she cant betray Ana Let. She heads to her bedroom & tries to get Ana Let to come to her senses before she destroys herself. She has an opportunity to make things right & cant play w/ others' happiness (speaking on her manipulating their perception of Ramiro). Ana Let says she plans to fix all that, claiming they always had something special but never realizing it until now. Leonora is skeptical since Llora & Ram have loved each other since childhood. Ana Let says that in fact he'd always been in love w/ her & merely confused/distracted by Llora. "Men are incomprehensible, you should know". Leonora recoils at her insinuation. Ana Let goes on "Don't act prudish, thanks to me no one knows about your transgression. Don't meddle & offer opinions I didn't ask for". Leonora says she only meddles to offer advice. "Think on what I said. Don't say I didn't warn you". Let blows her a kiss goodbye. (I love her sass)
Remedios prepared a special dinner for everyone in the hostel to celebrate Santi's return. As Santi kisses AnaLu, Orblando looks on in contempt. Inaki comes in, followed by Ramiro. Orblando is surprised to see him. Ramiro thanks everyone for everything they've done for Santicelo & is encouraged, by AnaLu, to sit next to her mother. Ram realizes who she is & also notices Orblando eyeing him. Uncomfortable silence ensues until AnaLu excuses her mom & urges her to say hi. Ramiro explains how he met Woe-ledad during his stay at San Nicholas w/ the "help" of Orblando. They talk of Chana & her skills at tarot cards. And Ram exclaims everything has come true so far, especially meeting Ana Lucia--someone who disappeared for years. Santi interjects to say that Chana was referring to him. .
Evaristo (or as my brother calls him, the Mexican Stan Lee) visits Chana. He gives her money & tells her it's the last time. He no longer needs her services since they won't be returning. She tells him that over time she grew fond of them while working for him, but that she's upset he lied to her about Ana Lu. He says he didn't want that weighing on her conscience. She offers to read his coffee & sees bad news. She asks him what he has & why he didn't tell her that he'd been sick. He says he's been sick for years. (Maybe it's leprosy from being around Ana Leprosa).
Ramiro sits w/ Rem & Solebad (who looks like she bumped him to the top of her sh*t list), discusses Santi & their friendship/brotherhood. When he gets to be alone w/ Soul-less, he tells her that in his investigation he was looking for a Sofia Hernandez. Although he's sorry for her loss, AnaLu isnt her now will she ever be. "You have to let her go" Just then AnaLu comes in w/ Santi to ask if everything is ok & they assure that it is.
Julietta & Viridiana have a funny discussion about hunting men like prey. Julietta insists that a successful man makes money, and a successful woman nabs him & spends it. Viri see things differently. While Jules might be married, she's very much alone. Jules thinks when he retires, they'll have the rest of their lives together. Viri hopes that when that day comes, they wont feel like strangers. Then she drops some wisdom: It's better to be single & alone than to be w/ someone who makes you feel lonely aka "I can do bad all by myself" (Sing it, honey).
Inaki waits for Ramiro. Tadeo comes over to ask why hes MIA so much. Inaki says he likes to go to work instead of being a mediocre clown like him. Tadeo thinks they're not so different, says that Inaki wears his clothes like a costume. Tadeo replies "I take off my costume & remain the same. You can't fake being something you're not". He goes on to say he's not only ashamed of his dad & his origins, he's ashamed of himself. He understands his pain, but asks not to blame him for his mom's mistakes. Inaki says it was his fault she was miserable b/c she hated all this, so love isn't everything. But Tadeo corrects him, since she left him for another man. Inaki suggests it was someone more worthy. Tadeo reminds him that she didn't just become someone else's mate, but also someone else's mom. She abandoned & forgot them, which is why they should remain united. "Family & unconditional love is all you'll ever have. I don't care how many times you reject me, I'll always be here. By my side, you don't need a costume". (I think out of all the plotlines, Tadeo's story is the most touching)
Llora and TioM talk about the Ana Let issue. She asks that he doesn't get involved and let them work it out as sisters. He hugs her & offers his support no matter what happens. Then they playfully banter about not getting a signal. He tells her not to call him. She says uh yea, she can't. They bid goodnight. (So cute).
Santiago and Ramiro discuss Solebad. Santi informs him that AnaLu adores her. Ram suggests that may change once she learns about Sole's lies. Santi insists that Sole isn't wicked, just flawed (Well wicked or not, someone needs to knock her off her broom). Ramiro also discusses his encounter w/ Orblando, who stole his money. Santi says he has his own story w/ him, but thanks Ram for the warning. Santi then catches Orblando spying & sends him a death stare. Later, Orblando privately calls Evaristo to tell him they've got trouble.
But a snitch ain't one......
TioM finds Viri sitting alone and asks to join her. He apologizes that he didn't stalk her today. She tells him it's ok, he needed to babysit. He tells her she was right about Llora. He thought she was fragile, but she's actually very wholesome & strong. She wishes she saw, the admirable gaze he has, on her father (*Adds daddy issues to the cliche checklist*). She says she tried for many years to gain his acknowledgement (well, you can always call Ana Let for tips). TioM says that her dad probably didn't know how to express himself, since it's undeniable that she's an amazing woman. He confesses he wasn't ready to be a father back then, but this was the 1st time he saw his niece take off prosthesis (unlike Let who takes off everything else). "My little girl in so much pain, I can't do anything to make it disappear. I'd give my life to see her run & return her spirit". Viri says that if she can't run, then help her fly.
Leonora prays for the sisters' relationship & has another guilt trip flashback. Ana Let says she thought Leo was a saint nun & hopes she doesn't get in the habit of getting in bed w/ her grandma's guests. Leo refuses to let her speak to her this way. And Ana Let refuses to allow her to bite hand that feeds her. Leo tells her he's leaving & she won't see him anymore. But Let overheard his invitation, she mocks Leo's naivety that a man of his status would be interested in her. Leo thinks her cruel. Ana Let refuses to have her make them a laughing stock. Especially b/c he'd get bored & then send her to hell. "You'd forget us for good, think about us". Leo says there's no need since no one is more important to her than them. We then see Leonora put away the last letter from Dodo, leaving it unread.
AnaLu finds Santi sitting alone & asks for a sip of coffee. He bargains her for a kiss in exchange. Ana Let senses the kiss & has a flashback to Marcelo's lovemaking. She wonders what Marcelo wants & why he hides. Santi & AnaLu then discuss the awkwardness b/w Ram & Solebad. Sole barges in & asks her to come. "Same as always, she's always watching me. Not much has changed". She tries to give back his coffee, but he tells her to keep it. "Every sip is a kiss you owe me".
Ernestina has a flashback to the earrings discussion with Ana Let. Erny: Dont be a brat, here's a cookie (opens a box of random earrings). Ana Let: I don't want these crumbs, I want the big choco. Leonora enters the room & apologizes for taking longer than usual. Erny tells her to spit it out, they always share their pains. Leonora says it's just memories that weigh heavy & changes the subject to Funky. Erny says no one has heard from him since Marcelo's death. Ana Let comes in to demand the earrings. Erny doesn't remember where they are, but says she hasn't forgotten the dinner & is happy for her, yet wants to know why his identity is such a secret. Let says it'll be a surprise, he needs to be there to clear all doubts & asks Erny to reserve judgement for her happiness. Erny assumes the secret guest is Marcelo.
Inaki & Ramiro talk about Santicelo's situation regarding AnaLu & AnaLet. He thinks he should let AnaLu go b/c she won't be happy to find out the truth. Otherwise, he should let AnaLet redo her life w/ someone new. Ramiro pries until he gets Inaki to confess his feelings for AnaLet. He assures Inaki that Santi plants to confront her soon w/ a divorce. Inaki says he supports him & won't betray him, but once the woman he loves is free, it's open season. He wants Ram to not expose him until he gets a chance to speak w/ Santi And Ramiro asks Inaki not to disclose the divorce to AnaLet. He also warns him that she's clever, disloyal, treacherous, & loves no one but herself. Inaki says he knows her better than he thinks & just likes her. But Ram insists that she's got issues & now that Santi is remembering her treachery, he plans to finally end it.
Solebad confronts Santi accusing him of betrayal. He says he didn't know they knew each other. She tells him that he did an investigation of her entire past. Santi placates her and promises that Ramiro won't talk, she can sleep sound. She then asks him "Are you sure YOU can sleep, Marcelo?"
Subplots: Leonora finally reads Dodo's last letter. She's a fast reader.
Inaki has a flashback to the bar fight. He remembers Daniel yelling at Ana Let that she's doing the same thing to him that she did w/ Marcelo. Inaki realizes he was her lover.
Santi goes to his bedroom mirror. Marcelo asks for his life back "I need revenge". Santi orders himself to WAKE UP. Marcelo orders him to REMEMBER.
Viri gets back to her boutique & likes the work they did. She hopes Sole stays w/ them & doesnt leave Mexico. She then picks out a few outfits for Llora.
Tio drops off Llora. She greets Ernestina, but is sad Let did't come to welcome her. Valentin surprises her w/ flowers.
AnaLu brings Santi coffee, & asks if he's ok. He says he had a bad dream, but he's happy to see she pays her debts. Although she says she owed kisses instead. She claims to have finished it in one sip. Santi doesn't argue. "You owe me one, but a very long one". (Hmmm, *mails Rulli a barrel of coffee.....waits patiently*)
Julietta is settling back in her house. Inaki arrives to pay, a still sleeping Dani, a visit. He mentions who he is & she drops her coffee cup. She makes up a lie that she burned her fingers. She stares intently at her long-lost son & tells the maids to let Dani know his friend is here. Dani appears & says that isn't a friend, just a gato who works for Ana Let's uncle. Dani wants a cat fight, but Jules intervenes. Dani says Ana Let doesn't want a poor guy, she needs someone at her level. Inaki remains unfazed, he offers an address Dani knows so well, "You know, the apartment that belonged to Marcelo while you had your affair. Oh & bring your bodyguards if you're scared". Jules asks if they're interested in the same woman. Dani confirms: "Yea but I'm not the one who's going to lose". (*snort* Dude, she dropped your behind already). Jules notices the paper & grabs the address.
Leonora found Funky & doesn't recognize him. He tells her came to escape reality. She says she finally read his letter. He's mad it took her 3 years, what changed her mind? She says someone needs him. He thinks she means herself,& he rants about how she abandoned him at the worst time of his life. Now he waits for death to reunite him w/ his son & wife. She ruined his life, yet here she is trying to fix it now? He wanted a chance to redo his life w/ her but not anymore. He tells her to get out. She reveals that his son is alive. He thinks she's playing w/ him. He buried him himself, he's as dead as he is. She promises to come back w/ proof.
Orblando sees AnaLu come out of Santi's bedroom, then asks her if she has any respect for herself & basically calling her a slut. Ana Luchadora slaps him hard. "I'm sick of you!", she leaves. Marcelo comes out w/ his bad self & slams Orblando against the wall. With his muscles heaving, he threatens that he takes care of things differently than Santi. (*spritzes herself w/ water*). He demands every peso stolen from Ram & orders him to stay away from AnaLu. "Santiago doesn't want parasites like you, so leave calmly or I'll make you disappear". Confused by this, Orblando asks him who he is. Marcelo responds "That depends on you, I can be your worst nightmare". Santiago suddenly snaps out of it & asks Orblando what he's doing there. Orblando comically responds "I'm leaving".
Telenovela Luchador!!!!!
Villantin wonders why Llora seems to be avoiding him. She says they need to talk, but now isn't the time. He assumes this is TioM's doing, except she says Tio respected her decision & isn't in any way influencing her. He demands to know if they talked about him. She confesses they did & that she may have rushed to quickly into a relationship so soon after Ramiro. He pleads with her that he doesn't want to lose her. She says she's confused & needs time to think. She'll talk to him once she figures things out.
Ramiro pays Sedillo a visit, asking for his services & discretion regarding paperwork on behalf of Marcelo Salvaterra. Sedillo is willing, considering he owed Marcelo many favors. The secretary pages him that he has a visitor by the name of Santiago Garcia. Ram tells him it's someone they both know. Santi comes in & Sedillo is incredulous. After learning about his memory loss, Sedillo says he won't go behind his friend's back. He expresses loyalty to TioM & AnaLet. Santi asks for a few days before he notifies her about the divorce. Sedillo replies "Not even one". Ram thanks him para nada & they leave. Santi is worried he'll notify her. Ram asks if he remembers the favor Sedillo owes him. Santi says he doesn't. Ram apologizes & goes off to look for a new lawyer. Santi looks at his reflection in a window & Dr. Jekyll becomes Mr. Hyde. Marcelo barges in & asks for the key to his security box. He tells him that AnaLet cheated on him & Sedillo is going to help him exact his revenge.
AnaLencería in another Victoria Secret get-up approaches the front of her house & calls out to "Violentin!" who is waiting outside. She mocks him hoping he enjoyed her earlier impersonation. She tells him she was waiting for him to leave, so she can warn Llora about him. He thinks it'll push Llora into Ram's arms. She's not concerned saying "He's no longer interested in her". She gets closer to him, taunting him. "What'll hurt her more is realizing Tio lied to her about putting you in that wheelchair". She cackles as he pushes her off him. He motions for her to come closer & menacingly, he says "Tell her everything. Break her". Ana Let is taken aback, & asks if he's being serious. "The more you destroy her, the more she'll come to my arms". She smirks at his attempts to manipulate her at her own game. "Pass through in your carriage, bye Violentin!" (ahahaha, I love this woman).
Ana Let finds Llora, they hug & tell each other they miss one another. She tells her about the trip. Ana Let is glad she didn't go b/c she'd have been bored, she thinks that Tio is more interested in Llora. Llora asks her not to say things like that. Ana Let insists he's the only man who can love her seriously, since she can't live like a normal woman. Llora defensively says that thousands have done it before. "Why am I any different?". Ana Let says it's her personality. "Villantin is playing you & you're incapable of dealing w/ him. You believe any imbecile who tells you nice things". Llora tells her she always finds a way to hurt her. Unconvincingly, Ana Let apologizes for sounding so harsh, but informs her that Val is getting revenge on Ram through her. She confesses she impersonated her and found out about his past & intentions. He was Gina's former lover. Llora thinks she's mistaken. But Ana Let triumphantly laughs that he confessed it to her himself. "Haha I fooled him so good. She left him, now he's jealous of Ramiro & blames him for her suicide". She then says bitingly that unlike Llora, she knows how to treat men & get what she wants out of them. Llora can't believe this, he seemed so sweet. Ana Let is reveling in this "You should've seen his face. He wanted to die when he realized it was me!". Llora storms out.

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