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Sunday, July 29, 2018


At the Martinez home, while Emiliano and Ximena are making out on the sofa, the nurse comes running in to tell Ximena that her mother is out of control. Emiliano decides this is a good time to leave.
Gerardo and Regina are sharing a tender moment together and they move in for the kiss---which does not happen because Regina moves away and says she can’t do this. Gerardo says, “Don’t you want me to kiss you?” Regina says, “Yes I do, but the problem is, I can’t do it this way. I need to resolve the problems in my own life.”
Gerardo’s phone ring. It’s Ximena calling to tell him it’s an emergency with her mother. She’s going crazy, asking for Gerardo, and the nurse can’t seem to get her under control. She asks her dad to come home right away and he agrees. Ximena and Teresa hug and Teresa starts to calm down.
Regina looks at Gerardo and says she understands. He tells her, “You don’t know how much I desire you.” Regina says, “Go to your daughter.” Then she leaves.
While Cecelia is visiting Mario, Naomi shows up. Naomi demands to know who she is. Mario tells Naomi not to make a big scandal and tries to explain that he was a good friend of Cecelia’s father and felt a need to help her out after her father died. Naomi is not buying it and Mario says, “For heaven sakes, I’ve known her since she was a child! Don’t be stupid! She is younger than our own daughter!” The argument continues while Mario goes into cardiac arrest and the machines start to beep. But Naomi is more concerned about Cecelia’s presence than she is about Mario and the doctor finally asks both of them to leave. Later the doctor tells both of them that Mario is to have no visitors. Naomi seems to be barking up the wrong tree, believing that Cecelia is Mario’s lover; she would be horrified to find out that Cecelia is his love child. Anyway, Naomi tells Cecelia to hit the road and to never come back.
Pacheco is with Isela, having drinks, pretending to “woo” her while doing his investigation on Cecelia. Ignacio comes in and Pacheco explains that this is part of his investigation and his revenge against the Governor. They drink to that. They talk about trying to uncover corruption in the governor’s office. Pacheco lets him know that there is trouble regarding the secretary of health office. Ignacio is asking for details, but Pacheco says for him to do his own investigation. “The only thing I need is a job offer from you,“ says Pacheco.
Regina and Daniela are in the office discussing Regina’s problems regarding Alonso. She does not want to go home. Daniela says, “Come over to my house.” Regina says she would love to but she can’t. She goes on to say that she didn’t envision her life this way, unhappy and everything they have worked for being lost. Daniela says, “It’s the price you sometimes have to pay when you are in politics and have this much power.” Daniela then tells Regina that she is the only one who can save this country.
Gerardo comes home and the nurse tells him that she did not think she was taking on a psychiatric case and does not feel qualified to do so. As they are talking, an obnoxious Teresa calls for the nurse as if she is a slave, “What are we paying you for?” As the nurse leaves to answer Teresa, Gerardo starts to follow. Ximena then asks, “What are we going to do Dad? I don’t want to send Mom to a mental hospital.”
Regina arrives at the hospital to see her father, but Naomi says he is not allowed visitors. “Why?” says Regina. Naomi explains that Cecelia came to visit and they had a very strong argument together and so Mario went into cardiac arrest. Naomi goes on to say that Regina needs to go home, fix her relationship with Alonso and fall into line with the program. Regina is not very happy to hear this and says she is not going to be pressured into doing something she does not want to do. She complains that her mother does not give her any affection or support.
The doctor comes out and says that Mario should not be under any stress or talk about something that can cause him any more difficulty because he is too weak to stand it. However, they can now visit for a short time.
Gerardo talks to Teresa who is in the middle of a melt-down. Gerardo tells her she can’t keep doing this because she must think of their daughter. Teresa claims that she is the one who has suffered and it’s all his fault. She says gambling is the only thing that makes her happy. Then Gerardo says that if she continues, she will end up before a judge and locked away without an income and without seeing their daughter.
At the elder San Roman residence, Omar walks in and says to Natalia, “So you have been telling the whole world that you are being kept prisoner here? Fine, I’ll give you a chauffer, that way you can come and go when you like.” She nods in agreement somewhat. Omar then says, “Later things will calm down, when you decide you are going to make love with me.” By this time Natalia is angry and says, “Don’t talk to me about love! What do you know about love anyway? For you, this is a sick kind of love. It is a love filled with menace. I’m just so tired of you, Omar!” Omar then says, “So you don’t want the chauffer? You don’t want to leave the house?” “Yes, I want to leave, I don’t want to be locked up here anymore.” “Ok”, says Omar, “No we are talking. You can leave as long as someone is chaperoning you at all times. It’s that or nothing!” Natalia accepts. But Omar slithers around her telling her she had better behave well tonight.
Alonso goes over to Cecelia’s place and she tells him about how Pacheco wants to lie about her. He complains about Regina, says she has changed. Cecelia says he needs a woman who can support him. Alonso goes on to say he needs a woman who will do whatever he wants. “Cecelia, are you that woman?” Cecelia says, “Oh yes I am.” Then he tells Cecilia to take off her clothes. So she begins to disrobe…HE grabs her and it looks like they are in for a night of rough sex.
Regina arrives home about the same time Emiliano is coming home. But Emiliano isn’t very friendly and obviously is taking his father’s side against Regina. He chides her for not being by Alonso’s side as he runs for President. He thinks she should set aside her own ambitions and stay by Alonso’s side. He shows her nothing but disrespect and it’s obvious that Alonso has turned him against Regina. He even tells her that if it weren’t for Alonso, she wouldn’t have become a senator, which is pretty much what Alonso said earlier to her, that she is only what she is BECAUSE OF HIM.
Regina begins reminiscing about her earlier conversation with Gerardo as she lies on her bed. She thinks about the kiss that almost happened…
In the morning, as Alonso and Regina are getting ready, Regina asks, “Where were you last night? I waited up for you.” Alonso says, “Well when I got in, you were asleep.” Regina said, “Well you could have waken me up. We have something pending we need to talk about regarding our son.” Alonso says, “Well you know, we came out of that restaurant and all these reporters were there. Things couldn’t be helped. He just helped answer some questions and told the truth.” Regina spouts off, “Or all the things you ordered him to say. By the way, who are YOU sleeping with anyway?” Alonso shoots back, “I could ask you the same thing!”
In Ignacio’s office, his assistants present evidence that some money laundering is going on with the governor’s office that is driving up prices in medical expenses. Ignacio is ecstatic about the news and calls Gerardo right away.
Pacheco and Hernán are sitting at a bar and Pacheco wants to know the low down on Cecelia. He doesn’t know whether he can trust Hernán since he could be Cecelia’s beau. But Hernán reminds him that he’s a reporter and he is going to get what he wants from Cecelia so that he can publish news.
Regina is at the shelter asking about Susana and passing around her picture to see if anyone has ever known her. No one seems to know except for one lady who seems to recognize her. Daniela interrupts her reminds her she has an appointment with the textile workers.
As Alonso is saying goodbye to a couple of ambassadors, Magda comes to him with a new article about how he is involved in the problem of medical expenses escalating. The article further says that his father in law has something to do with it.
Ignacio presents Pacheco to Gerardo as the one behind the information that came from the Health Secretary. Ignacio asked Gerardo about why he didn’t seemed pleased to have Pacheco around. Gerardo says, “Well if he is willing to betray his old boss, what else do you think he can do? Will he betray me?”
At the textile worker’s place, Regina asks her supporters to trust her. They tell her about various problems, including those who lose their jobs. Daniela interrupts again to show her the latest article that came out about the governor’s office. Regina says, “Is there no end to the corruption there?” Daniela goes on, “The article mentions your father having something to do with this.”
Hernán comes to Cecelia and asks why Alonso was at her place. She says, “what, did you think you were my boyfriend?” Hernán says, “No I thought you were a slut.” Cecelia says, “Hey you are the same as I am. We both want the same thing. I just want the goods on Pacheco.” Hernán says, “Why should I? I’m not your boyfriend and I’m not your lover.” He walks out and says he’s not going to tell her anything else.
Natalie is at the hospital with Naomi. Naomi says, “I’m so glad you are here.” Natalia says, “Yeah, I’m here with my jail guard.” Naomi turns around and see the “guard” standing there. “So how is your husband doing,” says Natalia. “Oh he is recovering from his anger.” “What? I’ve never heard you talk that way about Mario. What is wrong?” Naomi tells her that Mario’s lover stopped by. Natalia says, “Are you sure? How do you know it was his lover?” Naomi answers, “Because I just know things like that, no one has to tell me.” Natalia shakes her head and sighs, “We are both victims of tyrants.” Btu the real reason for Natalia’s visit is to warn Naomi regarding Regina. She can’t say the details, but she knows that if Regina doesn’t support Alonso, she will be attacked. Naomi has to protect Regina.
Cecilia is speaking with her mother on the phone and Itsela wants to know why Cecelia didn’t tell her that her father was in the hospital. Cecelia tells mom that she inadvertently ran into Mario’s wife over there. Isela warns her that she is too close to the truth. “I ought to go over there to see him one more time before he kicks the bucket” says Isela. Cecelia says, “No that’s crazy.” Isela says, “So what is wrong, you sound worried.” Cecelia says that it has to do with someone named Pacheco who is giving her problems. “Oh yes”, says Isela, he was here at the Caberet. Is there anything I can do to help you out?” Cecelia says, “No, let me handle it!” But too late, Isela disconnects and who should appear behind her but Pacheco. She seems to have a plan in mind.
Ignacio is at Teresa’s place and Ignacio is turning on the charm with her. He starts flirting with her and tells her that she is desirable and wants to have a personal relationship with her. He says he has something planned for her.
The one lady at the shelter who seemed to recognize Susana’s picture came to Daniela to tell her story. She knew that Susana and other “girls” had something to do with a very powerful drug ring. She was a cleaning lady for the place. A “police officer” used to go by and take bribes from them to keep quiet. Then he asked what she knew and all of a sudden she was out of a job. The next day everyone was gone from the apartments and she had no idea what happened to everyone. The only thing she knew is that the policeman was referred to as “El Cuervo.” She asks for protection.
In Alonso’s office, he and Mauro discuss what is happening with the accusations. “I have to come out clean from all this.” Mauro is going to make sure that the whole blame falls on De La Garza, the Health Secretary. Mauro then says, “Hey have you seen the latest events your wife is doing? It’s like she is on the campaign trail. Have you fixed up things with her?” “No” says Alonso. “In fact, things are much worse.”
At the Caberet, Pacheco continues to “woo” Isela. She knows he’s up to something so she plays along. They go to Isela’s apartment and he is drinking pretty hard. He asks her to take off her clothes. She says that she is “all his” and leads him on. (I can’t wait to see where this is going.)
Regina arrives at the hospital as Natalia is leaving. Natalia says something about her freedom being at risk if she doesn’t leave. Naomi makes mention of someone else (Natalia) having it worse than she does. Regina wants to see her father, but Naomi reminds her that he is to have no visitors. “Well I’m not a visitor, I’m his daughter.”
“Hello, father. I have to talk to you about something.” Mario says, “Be easy with me daughter, I’m all hooked up to these tubes.” So Regina asks him, “I need the truth from you. There is an ongoing scandal right now coming from the Secretary of Health. Are you involved in these fraudulent activities?”

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