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Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Part 1
Madhu wakes up n sees RK holding her hand! She removes her hand and tries to get up..n RK wakes up..! He asks her to have woken him up ..if she needed! She asks.. why RK was on chair.. what if his back sprained? RK says.. she knows how he sleeps..
She asks to go to washroom n RK offers to escort her Madhu says..she can go on her own but RK wont take no for an answer! Madhu asks RK to leave her.. but RK says .. he has HELD her hand so he has to STAY WITH HER! RK says.. he will come inside but keep his back to her..! Madhu says..enouf n RK says.. enouf …! Madhu says.. she has childishness but he is nuts! RK says..good she realised she is a kid who cries at a drop of a hat n Madhu says..she wont cry .. she is not weak but strong within! Bittu comes. . n brings nurse [Kabab me haddi ] RK asks her to escort Madhu inside! Bittu smiles..!
At the kitchen, RK asks the servant to get daliya … fresh orange juice..for Madhu n an apple for him! Radha comments first time RK is caring for someone! Dips taunts that its all Madhus trap…!
RK asks Nurse to leave … ! He sees Madhu in pain trying to tie the dori of her kurti .. ! Servant brings breakfast..! RK sends her off! Stops Madhu ..turns her around n TIES HER DORI Eyelock of Rishbala in the mirror Madhu feels shy n looks down.. RK turns sideways..! Madhu asks RK about his breakfast.. as RK tells her about her breakfast..!
Madhu is finding hard to eat with her hand.. ! She struggles …RK offers to help… ! Madhu says.. show me a khubsurat JHAKI n RK says.. glad she called him Khubsurat .. n Madhu says..girls are beautiful . .he is handsome n stops midway! RK tries to feed Madhu and tells the Mr. India story.. n feeds her the same way she fed him! Madhu says.. he wont look handsome with moustache and RK says..but she will look pretty with the veggie hat..!
RK says.. world is round… she fed him n now he is feeding her..! Madhu asks..hope he din have magical watch..during the washroom? RK asks..what if he did..! Madhu stares at him! Bittu comes and RK says…Fat Calendar [from Mr. India] is also here!
Bittu tells RK that the blood reports of Madhu have come and they need to talk.. RK excuses himself! Bittu tells RK in the hall that Madhu fainted coz of food poisoning not fasting! Dips suggests she must have eaten something..! Dips alleges that Madhu ate something while fasting it seems..! Bittu says.. Madhu ate only Sargi.. n that too Dips leftover Sargi..from the trash can! Dips face loses color!
Part 2
Radha asks Dips if she threw the sargi away? Bittu says yes.. and that he and Madhu saw with their own eyes..! He says that some sargi must be there still ..they can check..! Dips admits…she did threw it away..coz she was feeling pukish..but she did have some as Shagun..!
RK stares at Dips..! Dips says.. she dinno Madhu would eat her leftover sargi..! Its not her fault..! RK says..he din say anything …why is she explaining? Bittu says that Madhu ate from a zip locked plastic packet .. so no question of any other dirt mixing up..!
RK says so it means between Dips throwing away the sargi and Madhu eating it…Sargi became poisonous? How much poison is there in this house?
Part 3
RK storms into the kitchen and starts looking thru the cabinets..! Bittu asks what he is doing? RK says that Madhus report wont show poison .. just by poison in peoples heart..! RK keeps looking thru the kitchen cabinets! Radha and family also come in the kitchen..! All wonder what is up? Kuku scares Sikky saying he is searching for something to dig Sikkys grave!
Bittu shows RK different items required to make PAN ..! Radha comments. no one eats Pan in the house..! RK finds a bottle [same one Dips used ] Dips is panic stricken!
Precap — Madhu in saree all decked up .. n looks at RKs pic n says.. I LOVE U RK..! She closes her eyes..and says.. ‘I love u from my heart’ . .n says..this is nice..! RK comes and stands behind her and says.. Very nice..! Madhu is shocked..!
Part 1
Dips reasons that they had ordered pans for guests! RK asks Bittu since when women started to eat kemam in pan.. but if a fasting person ate, the person can puke! Dips gets defensive!
RK tells Bittu to cancel all appointments except one interview n walks off..! Dips cribs that Madhu is making mistakes .. n they hv to justify..! Radha says its better SHE KEEPS QUIET
Madhu looks at RKs pic n says.. I LOVE U RK .. n Madhu says.. if she stammers RK will say.. why are u stammering .. as if u killed someone n hid evidence! Madhu says.. TEDA HAI PAR MERA HAI! (it means — weird, but still mine). Madhu closes eyes and says ‘I love u .. from my heart’ n says.. this is very good.. ! RK stands next to her n says.. very good! Madhu starts to stammer n RK says the same line she had expected!
Madhu says.. ur an imagination n RK says.. if RK is on her mind then its not his fault..! Madhu decides to just imagine.. n rehearse! RK says.. good so maybe someday it will be Shot OK or PACK UP! Madhu turns n RK is gone!
Madhu starts to write love letter … n imagines RK n he says.. write.. PAI LAGU (it means — touching your legs for blessings)! Madhu zips him up! Madhu keeps trying and RK says..going for a walk n be back in 2 years.. till u complete! Madhu rushes to kitchen.. sends servant away and decides to cook something for RK … ! RK taunts.. making for a person ..but her RK is shaitan (devil)!
Madhu shooes him off..! Madhu is writing n says. her pulse drops.. thinking of him n RK says.. low bp! Madhu says.. she tries to make excuse to come close to him .. like that moby thing! Madhu says..she is a goner.. total goner…just for him!
She folds the letter.. puts it under the plate for lunch for RK! Dips comes and taunts n says…where is the fainting Devrani? What chavanprash did she have? Dips taunts saying.. the 4 pheras marriage is reaching 7 pheras.. n Madhu says.. so she should be happy!
Sikky-Kuku wake up and see two bodyguards standing in front of them ..Sikky says.. seems like M-I-B=Mushtande in Black..! Bittu shares that the duo will keep eye on them and report to RK …! Bittu shares that he has deployed a special person behind Dips to keep an eye on her!
RK comes to room and says..cant see Biwi..n calls out..! Madhu comes with lunch Bittu says.. lemme go check on the light post outside if its still standing!
Part 2
RK takes the plate n throws the tray on the floor The letter is all soiled..! RK chides her for not taking care of herself …and got busy to cook! Madhu is ! RK asks her if there is any more rasam (ritual) left to bhasam (injure/damage? i guess) her shareer (body)! He says..she is acting like other gals.. who think her hubby will live long by doing fasts!
Part 3
RK shares how his mom used to fast for his dad.. but it din work..! He says its all a sham! He says its all about ‘Meri biwi sabse nyari .. subah se mere liye iska pet hai khali’..! He says.. respect is to be earned .. not begged..! He walks off..!
Precap — Radha rues that she kept saying Ma.. Ma but she could not become Madhus mom! Madhu says.. she has no complaints with her..! Radha asks her from where she got such a large heart? RK comes and asks…what did it cost Madhu?
Update Credit to: Rimjhim

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