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Sunday, May 27, 2018


Parte 1~~
At the hospital, Mia races out of Damian's hospital room yelling and screaming to her mama and grandma that he's awake! Unfortunately, the neurologist must explain it was a reflex action, nothing more. (Talk about yelling loud enough to wake the living dead-- oh well, since nothing else seems to.)
At the police station Santiago comes face to face with "Carolina" and disgusted, tells Antonio this isn't his wife at all. Tonio tells him he should have stayed home and let them handle this. Of course they learned she was a prostitute who decided to get her fifteen minutes of fame by claiming she was Caro. Go figure... And, therefore, Goody Godoy must call his wife to clarify this woman was not Carolina Rivas. Laura does a retraction and rebuilds the public's expectation level once again.....
Andres continues pawing Cintia, attempting to take her by force if not willingly. She wants information and so does he. This is the making of the [no big] deal and they both end up losers. Andres can't get no satisfaction (I believe) and Sin can't get no real scoop de poop.  (Bummer. I guess Sintia is a little beyond her pubescent use-by date.) He gets off her and threatens her that the Sin and Sissy better start looking for work, cuz he's going to make certain she and Raq hit the skids and hard.
Nico tells Lola that he heard it wasn't the first time their mama and Dam drove around together. Once in the middle of the night (he?) got a call/They were sleeping together. Lola blames him for keeping things in the dark when they could've intervened and prevented this thing from happening.  He refuses to take the blame.  Federico knocks on their front door just then, asking if their mama really showed up.
Miriam scolds Andres for lying about how busy he is managing the business during Dam's hospitalization. The sexratery already complained he's never around there so how could he be looking out after the business? She pumps him about that relationship between Dam and Caro.  How could he have known and then kept all in the dark about it. Andres thinks back 3 years to his unhealthy pursuit of Lola...
Andres has followed Lola home, threatening her family finding out about her little secret activities (aye! Papa don't [screech]); now that he knows where she lives.  He mentions that Raq is his S-I-L. Andy's there to get what he wants--to finish what SHE started with him. He's not about to let her make a fool out of him.
Inside Raq's living room, Caro and Raq are coming to terms on their new business proposal. Back at the office, Andy tells Dam that he's not to blame for the books not squaring; Raquel's been having him sign checks for sums of money which she's either cannot or doesn't want him to know about, and no, it's not the Foundation, since she always goes to Dam for that cash. Dam says he'll look into it. Mia and her new BFF blows Fede off when he tries to chat her up.
Caro calls while Andy's still in Dam's office, looking into the checkbook sums and tells him she's accepted Raq's banquet business partnership proposal. He wants to see her alone. She resists politely.
In the Becker's kitchen, Raq informs Santi of the same thing. She advises him not to be bitter; besides, the profits go to the Foundation. She tries convincing him that Caro will feel better about herself and life and he, as the hubby, will benefit. "--Uh, you understand me....right?"
Raquel, angry at the thought of Dam waking up at the mere mention of Carolina's name, walks into his hospital room and tries speaking her name numerous times with no result. She cries and scolds him for it. When she returns home, Sintia informs Raq that Andres was there today pumping her for information (oh yeah, you could say that). "--He wanted to know about money things, the insurance and so on. You need to watch him and be careful around him.  They are going to try to takes your money and possessions away from you!" Raquel says she's nuts. She's got better things to worry about, like Caro and all the grief she's caused everyone. Sin says she's learned it wasn't Caro. She's still missing. "--Poor Santiago." Kid Sis gets pissed that at a time like that all Raq can do is think about Santiago. "--What's with you, anyway?"
Rueda reports to Meerkat Miriam that Caro's still missing. "--When she does show up, you make it your job to see that we are the first to speak to her. Understand?" It''l be difficult to arrange that. Well, says she, that's what he gets the big bucks for....and it's paramount they learn all about who caused the accident and why.
end parte 1~~ --------------------------------------------------
Parte 2~~
Nico tells los Alvarado about Abuela's reward for information. Santi tells him all she wants is to find somebody to blame, starting here in their home. Lola adds, because she hates us! Just then, Caro's sister shows.
3 years back: Caro fingers an expensive pen and tells Santi she'd like it to be a present to the Beckers for giving him a job and for allowing her to work with Raq as her associate.  (I think. ) She'll do what she wants anyway, so what they hey, he answers. He gives her a kiss and all is well.
At the same time, Dam and Raq are arguing over the checks she's been writing to herself out of company funds. Raq conveniently sidesteps answering and then races off to the foundation saying one of the kids got a transplant finallyl.
Later that day, Dam just happens to be strolling by as Caro is stopped by a shop window admiring a pair of red CFM stilletto heels. They chat politely. He insists on buying them for her, as a gift. She cannot resist.
At school, Mia gets bullied and then trips clumsily over a chair and lands on the floor after some hunky Mr. Popularity determined to date/do her has greeted her. The whole class laughs at her.
Dam shows Caro some building (possibly their new catering business's locale). They're alone. He asks her to put on the shoes for him. There's a moment where she pauses, then he lifts her onto the work table in the kitchen area.  She lets him caress her thighs and legs, then lets him put the shoes on her. Viewerville is left with the distinct impression that although the shoes go on, the rest of those delicate duds come off......
Apparently, Caro's Sis is surprised she and Santi were not actually separated as she was led to believe. She tells Santi she's seen Caro a couple of times. Also their brother has as well. Then why was he lying to them and the police, to everyone?
At the hospital that same evening Raq's rage is halted for a moment when the nurse calls her out to hand over Dam's personal items on him when he was brought into the emergency room. Raq looks at the pen and remembers 3 years earlier.
Caro and Raq run into each other post her diddling dalliance with Dam. Caro had just stopped to admire how her red CMF stilletto's looked on her feet. She mentions the gift she was there to give them as a gesture of thanks and good will. Raq looks down at those shoes and is drop-jaw impactada. Caro lies that she bought them for herself on credit.
At the highschool, Lola's gym teacher corners her again and tells her he'd like to be her friend. Sorry, dude!  I don't make a habit of becoming BFF's with my male profs! (Yep, Viewerville is wont to opine that Gymmie is cut from the same pervy mold as Andres, but smoother and much better looking.  What a waste.)
After school, Mr. Popularity is asking to give Mia a lift home.  Fede swoops in and interrupts. She tells him in no uncertain words to drop dead, then walks off.  Mr. P sneers and chuckles. That evening, Nico gripes at her for having treated his BFF so meanly.  He warns her if it gets down to Fede or her, well, just don't make him have to choose cuz she will lose. His cutting remarks get her so upset she looks for her razor blades and contemplates the unthinkable.
Across the hallway, Raq puts the gift on top of Dam's side of the bed. He opens it and the minute Raq is called to Mia's room, he sneeks a peek at the note inside: "for you to write your story." He calls her to thank her and flirt a bit. "--If I were to write anything with that pen it would be your name."  He asks her if she actually wore those new heels to the office. Before she can answer Santi races into the kitchen. Caro starts talking business gibberish andsays give her regards to Raquel then quickly hangs up. Santi grabs her around the waste and she's so nervous she drops her special favorite set of plates. Lola walks in holding the new red heels up and asks her mama if they were hers.  Ruh-rohhhhh!
Stay tuned to FALL INTO TEMPTATION on UTV from Mondays - Fridays at 8:00pm - 9:00pm Mondays - Thursdays at 12:00noon - 3:00pm. You will then realize that, Somehow, all of us might… Fall into Temptation!!!! God Guide Us.

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