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Thursday, May 24, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
urmi and anirudh make a plan that they shall catch ishaani in her own trap. Anirudh intentioanlyl speaks on the mobile, calling a prospective groom and his parents to see ishaani, while urmi is busy with Mamiji to prepare snaks and sweets for them. Ishaani meanwhile asks damini what to do now,a s he did so just to spite urmi, but this is getting serious. Damini asks her not to worry, as she doesnt have to marry the persaon, but whats the harm in meeting. ishaani is assured.
Later, when arjun, the groom arrives with his parents, they are given a warm welcome by urmi and anirudh and the family, while ishaani is upstairs. when they enquire about ishaani, they are shocked to find her descend down from her room, in a skimpily clad outfit,
and casually sitting down beside, arjun, asking if he is the one, wiothout bothering to wish or greet his parents. they are a little taken aback, but they dont comment. urmi asks her to offer arjun sweets, but she takes one herself and starts eating. She then starts chatting with arjun. his mother enquires from her what she does, and she says that she does nothing, as she doesnt have to. All are shocked, as she continues, that since she and arjun have to get married, they should talk, on the roof, while the oldies sit and eat here. They are shocked. But arjun’s father agrees, and anirudh complies. she takes arjun upstairs.
On the roof, she tries to give every possible bad hint about herself, being a mnoden woman, and nothing of the ideal wifey sorts, that everyone wants. She talks about her partying and clubbing, where she drinks hard liquor and smokes too, and how she had three serious relationships, that were at an advanced level, and then how she never wants to sire a child, as she doesnt want to spoil her figure, and how she wouldnt want to do any household chores, and then lovingly and endearingly asks him that she hopes he doesnt mind these teensy problems. Arjun is shocked, but doesnt express it and complies to everything she says. she is amused at the fun she is having.
Scene 2:
Location: Diya’s residence
Diya comes down with shaurya, while all are tensed. nirmala asks her to go and rest as she needs it desperately, and that if she needed anything, she could have called for anyone, and they would have given it to her. She asks them to come along. they are boggled and ask where, and also tell her not to go out anywhere as it isnt needed. she says that she needsw to file a complaint in the police station, and shocks everyone. devesh asks if she has gone mad. Niormala reprimands shaurya for finally giving and convincing diya to do this, as this would mean immense media publicity for him, his newspaper and his mother, which is what they wanted all along, and were using diya and her tragedy to their advantage. Shaurya is shocked, and tries to make them see why diya should go, as they should be punished, and not diya, since she is innocent, and did nothing wrong. Devesh asks her to stop this lecture. shaurya reprimands them how can they think about their jobs, and their position in the society without thinking about their daughter and her trauma. Her family tries to convince diya that this wont lead to anything, and would just mean insult and inmfamy to their family. But diya is adamant. Her father breaks down asking if she hasnt insulted them enough, and why does she want to make them morbid with embarassment in front of everyone. diya is hurt, while shaurya is shocked. Nirmala tries to point to diya that her family is her own, and not shaurya, who is just an outsider and that she shouldnt listen to him. Diya vehemently denies and protests, that it isnt shaurya’s influence, and that this is just her decision solely. nirmala keeps arguing with diya, that they are moving on even though it takes time, and persuades her not to be in the past. diya asks how shall she forget, and then asks nirmala to understand atleast, that she wont be able to get past this horrific nightmare. shaurya is apalled at the insensitivity of the parents, as diya recounts with disgust, what happened with her, and how she feels dirty all the time, as she sees their faces all the time. she says that she has been gangraped, and till she doesnt get the criminals convicted she wont be able to sit in peace. Her father says that she wont go to the police station, and thats his final decision. Diya wipes her tears and asks shaurya to come along. nirmala tells diya that if she steps out, then she should forget that her mother and father are alive, She continuesd waling. Diya’s father tells her that she should remember one thing, that if she steps foot outside today, she shouldnt bother coming back and then she is dead to them and they are dead to her. diya is apalled and distraught, while shaurya faces her sternly, wondering if she shall succumb to the pressure. she hesitates for a second, but then taking shaurya’s hand she continues ahead, while devesh screams at her. they are all shocked as she leaves with shaurya. the screen freezes on diya’s family faces.
Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Ishaani and arjun come down, while she is amuse.d all wait for their reaction. ishaani on anirudh’s asking, responds that she likes arjun, confident that he shall definitely turn down, and then her purpose is served. But to her horrific surprise, he says yes, adding that he always wanted a girl like this, when she points out that she was speaking the truth on the roof. Arjun happily says yes, while urmi and anirudh are amused. Alok and kanchan are happy. Arjun’s mother asks if he is sure. he complies. Anirudh begins to seal the deal, when ishaani is frustrated and gets up saying, that she is not okay with this. she stands up and says that she doesnt want to marry arjun, as she doesnt like him, and then cuts it rightaway and leaves.
anirudh sits resignedly. urmi and anirudh are amused. Alok is tensed that she said no to such a good, prospective groom, and gets to from anirudh, that she isnt serious and is just doing this to irk urmi, and they just played her in her own trap. Alok is amused too.
Scene 2:
Location: Police Station
As diya walks hesitatingly towards the office, shaurya assures that all wqould be right. they ask where the Fir has to be lodged. They are shown the way. Shaurya then asks the inspector, about the FIR for rape. All eyes turn to them. the inspector asks who has been raped. Shaurya indicates towards diya. All start leeringly commenting behind bars. Shaurya is enraged but controls somehow. Diya is mortified but puts up a brave face. She is then asked to narrate everything in detail from the beginning. Diya is apalled. the inspector says that they dont have time, and asks her to hurry up.she says that it happened a week back. The police asks why the delay. Shaurya says that she wasnt in a condition to file an FIR. the iinspector then maintains a serious face and then asks the case. diya tells that she was with karan, a week back. the inspector says that its a proper time for romance as she seems romantic, after he gets to know her relation with karan. she becomes brave, and starts narrating how the goons got enraged. the inspector hears with much glee, while shaurya sits beside her as a pillar of support. She fights back her tears streaming down her cheeks, and narrates everything. The inspector asks if she is sure about her report. shaurya asks if they look mad, as why would someone do that. The inspector doubtfully asks who is he. He identifies himself, as being from the media. the inspector says that girls these days use advantage against women abuse to their advantage. He tries to insinuate that diya too is like that. shaurya gets angry and asks him to simply take the statement. shaurya says that he shall do it. he asks the inspector to note everything down. When the inspector gets to know that she is from some location, and the rape happened in Kandiwali, he says that the complaint shall not be filed here, as it doesnt fall under their jurisdiction. shaurya asks why they werent told this before. he callously says that he told him now, and asks them to go to Kandiwali station. An angry shaurya takes her hand and moves out. they then move to Kandiwali police station, who also takes full interest and amusement at the story, where his embarassing questions, irk shaurya completely and diya is apalled. The inspector takes another casual call, and then when shaurya angrily eyes him. he cancels the call. she says that she was gangraped in the car. The police says that this means car was at a standstill and that she was raped inside. She tells them that the van was moving, and she was being raped. he asks if she remembers the area, and she says that she doesnt, but was callously thrown on some road, as shaurya clenches her hand, to give her strength to bear through this. when she is asked, if she remembers any landmark, shaurya points out that he is being highly callous, as to how a semi or an unconscious girl would remember a landmark for their convenience. The police casually comments that this means the van was moving all around the town for hours, while she was being raped, and hence its uncertain which police station, this case falls under, reluctant to take it himself. shaurya and diya are shocked. the police inspector says that they cant file this complaint under their police station. shaurya gets angry and asks where should they go then. He is told that they should go to he headquarters. urmi comes in saying that they shall not go anywhere, as this case shall be registered here only, in their police station, by him only. Diya goes to urmi and hugs her. The inspector asks them to take the drama outside, and asks urmi who is she to order them around. urmi identifies herself, as the NGO director, and he gets a little taken aback. he then explains why he cant file the report. urmi says that she has to speak what he should already know. urmi tells the inspector the law, that a rape complaint can be filed in any police station, and is referred to as a Zero Number Complaint. the inspector is left speechless, as urmi says that he shall have to write an Fir, as its mandatory and he has no choice. The inspector complies, and asks them to give the details. urmi and shaurya look around the crowd gathered. urmi says that they shall not give the statement here. The screen freezes on hr face.
Precap: The inspector points to urmi, that since she knows the law so well, she also knows, that the medical confirmation of rape should be done within five days of the accident, and that such cases when taken to the court, only result in insult, embarassment and humiliation. He adds that such cases become media publicity for a couple of days, and at the most, she wopuld geta couple of Tv channel interviews, with a veil across her face. Diya is apalled at his callousness.

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