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Friday, May 18, 2018


Episodes starts with Samar singh and karma, who are shocked to hear that manu has miscarriaged, karma is about to reveal the dreadful news to manu, but samar singh intervenes and evades the topic and refuses to tell manu about her miscarriage.
Tatya guru arrives in the village, he is bewildered to hear that manu has miscarriaged. He goes inside to meet manu but doesn't have the courage to reveal the disheartening fact to her about her miscarriage.
In the British Fort, Malcolm refuses to believe that manu has miscarriaged, but Nelson reassures him that she has... and they have come out as victorious.....Nelson reveals his future plan to malcolm which is to write a letter to fort williams which depicts that GR cannot maintain and control the law and Jhansi.....and requests for a battalion in Jhansi........
Fort Williams accepts the request written by nelson and aggrees for a batallion in Jhansi.....Nelson and Malcom celebrate their sucess......
GR arrives at the village and asks for manus whereabouts.....Mausi takes him inside......and reveals to GR that manu will face difficulty to conceive in the future....both manu and GR are taken back for a moment........manu looks down at her stomach.....and Mausi breaks the news that manu has miscarriaged.......manu and GR are totally shocked.......GR is bewildered at the current fiasco and holds manu responsible for losing his child......and is totally infuriated at manu and clenches his fists in exasperation......
Precap: Manu pleads to GR that it was not her fault.....she holds his hand helplessly but he lets go and walks out..manu is left overwhelmed with grief and cries out aloud....DEVA!!!!!
Episode continues from yesterdays last scene where GR holds laxi bhai responsible, Manu pleads to him but to no avail. GR leaves the village in a huff, Manu runs after him but tatya guru stops her as she has not fully recovered yet, but manu does not relent and runs behind GR......
GR reaches the palace and is totally devestated..........Manu also arrives and she clings onto her dad and breaks the news to him of her miscarriage, her father is flabergasted and holds manu responsible for the incident that occured regarding her miscarriage......Manu tries to give a clarification on her behalf but her father pays no heed and walks off in a huff.......
GR is in his room and turns to drinking to burn his sorrow and grief.......and continues to hold Manu responsible for the whole incident...............Manu enters the room, she pleads and asks for forgiveness but to no avail..........Instead GR starts to taunt manu and takes digs at her.....saying that she never had the desire to become a mother and this is the truth......manu is overwhelmed with grief at GR's current statement..........He also tells her from now on she will not live in 2 images......instead she has to choose between being a duitiful housewife or krantiguru.....Manu is shocked and does not know how to react...........he tells her the decision is hers...................Before leaving he also announces that from now on they will live in seperate rooms......Manu is shocked and hugs GR from behind and tells him not to give her such a big punishment as he cannot live without her......GR shrugs her off and walks away........
Gangadhar Rao walks away angrily after declaring that he is breaking all relations of a husband with Laxmi Bai and will start living in a separate chamber.
Indu tries to stop Siddesh who rushes towards Gangadhar Rao insisting that he wants to meet him. Not paying heed even to a child calling out to him, Gangadhar Rao marches to the court room.
As he sits on his throne donning the role of King, Gangadhar Rao is haunted with the thoughts. On one hand he imagines his subjects asking for justice and pleading him to free them from British rule. On the other hand, he imagines another set of his subjects accusing him of leaving Jhansi without an heir for the British to usurp. He also imagines Lord Dalhousie mocking at him for announcing about his heir without having one. Gangadhar Rao is caught in a dilemma.
Meanwhile, Laxmi Bai's depression turns into hysteria. She removes all her ornaments and dons black clothes. She goes into the kitchen and starts pounding chilies. She pushes aside the maids who try to stop her.
Laxmi Bai heads towards the open ground and climbs atop the malkhamb. Till late in the night, Laxmi Bai keeps performing dangerous stunts on the malkhamb as Indu and Chimnabai look on in horror. Towards, midnight the hysterical Queen leaves the palace. When her maids try to stop her, Chimnabai says that Laxmi Bai should be left alone for some time and allowed to release her depression and frustration.
Laxmi Bai reaches a river and recollects her horror. She then vows to herself that she will prove that she is not just a brave warrior but also an able mother.
Meanwhile, Samar Singh and Karma seek blessings from Daimaa and leave for the palace to condole Laxmi Bai and bid confidence in her.
The duo finds Laxmi Bai standing on the banks of the river.
Laxmi Bai is caught in a dilemma - should she decide to only mother Gangadhar Rao's child or should she be a mother to the kingdom of Jhansi?

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