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Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Ez asks Augi to think of his children, his wife. Augi smugly points out Ez should have thought of them. Ez keeps calling Augi desgraciado, as if he is cursing Augi, but Augustin just smiles and says “Adios amigo,” and thankfully the scene ends there. Oh that Augie is a bad bad dog. Next we see a split screen of Ez on the gurney and Aug in his truck, smiling and saying “If you go against me you won’t live to tell the tale.” The bastard drives up to the scene, rushes out and cries a bucket of crocodile tears over the body while Laz cautiously observes. Chema and dad are at the doc’s for a “Check Up” as Ben says in English. Chema wants to make it quick as he is keen to get back to work. Back at the body Augi tearfully demands how could Ez do such a thing? Laz says he knew Ez didn’t want to testify but he never thought this would happen. Augi pretends and exclaims now that Laz mentions it maybe Ez was much more affected than Augi thought. He says Ez had a great fear that the authorities would find out about something in his past, something that might end up putting him in jail. It happened a long time ago, when Ez left the Valle de Guadalupe to look for a better life. But we were kids then, says Laz, it was a very long time ago, 18 years ago at least. Manuela wonders what could he have done that was so bad? Aug says Ez committed robbery while in the U.S. and they put him in jail. When he returned home from serving time he never told them that's what happened to him. The others can’t believe it, more “No puede sers.” (That’s it? That’s the big crime of 18 years ago? Am I missing something?) Augustin is satisfied, believing he has secured his perfidy with a neat little knot of exaggeration. Yet behind him stands Lazaro, giving him a powerful stink eye filled with suspicion.
Thank you Sylvia.
It's a shame that looks can't kill because if they could, Agustín Dunant, clad in a distnctive white windbreaker, puffy collar curiously flipped up, chin jutting defiantly in a hideous rictus, would already be merrily winging his way to Hell where no doubt a corner room with a balcony view of the gaping maw of an eternal infernal canyon of flames awaits him... but pity... not today.
Meintras tanto, back at Zeke and Alfi's casa, as Luz quietly complains in her crib, Kari is gamely trying to comfort a brave little Panchito who realizes that he will never again see the daddy he loved so much. "No, mi amor, and I know that you'll miss him a lot."
He observes that he'll no longer be able to chat with his dad, but she informs him that is not the case and instructs him as she prayerfully clasps her hands and they practice. He follows her lead as he repeats her words
"Say after me, Corazón: Papito... I know you're OK... May you look after my mamita... my sister... and me... "
They make the sign of the cross. "Every night talk to him." She concludes as she gives him a long loving hug.
Alfonsina has arrived at the murder scene and is understandably distraught. Zeke is resting in a body bag which strangely enough is unzipped, exposing his oddly peaceful face.
She shrieks that she wants to see him but offers only token resistance as Lazaro and Renata gently restrain her. "¿Por Qué?" she pleads, weeping inconsolably. Manuela begins, but Laz interrupts her and explains what they have just learned from Augie. Jerry admits that Zeke told him about it just the day before. Augie confirms it and adds that being the good guy he is, he trusted Zeke enough to hire him and that in return Zeke was always a loyal and trustworthy employ who never robbed him of a single centavo... Gack... Next!
Alison, clearly a budding young lawyer, instead of flirting with Aníbal, suggests that he assert his hijo rights. "In the US, gringos can sue their parents," she explains. He's not so sure, his expression indicates that actually... he'd rather flirt. "Wouldn't hurt to look into it, you might win a lot."
Back at the crime scene, it occurs to Jerry that some of this could have been his fault for mentioning Zeke during his declaration... Gee... you think? Augie is offended that Jerry mentioned him and Renata intervenes, asking the both of them to respect Alfi's feeling. Well, Alfi says don't mind her, it's obvious that Zeke wasn't the saint that she had imagined after all. He didn't even trust her enough to share his secrets. Carlos suggests that perhaps he didn't want to hurt her but her disposition sours even more as she storms off muttering to herself. I'd love to cut her some slack, what with her husband newly dead and all, but I'm having a difficult time warming to Alfi right now. I preferred her much more as Gardenia in MEPS.
Back at Empresa Monterubio, Matías and Honorario are busy defaming the characters of Roberta and Germán because Matt and Adri spotted them together in the restaurant.. They agree to tattle to Gonzo. "Yeah that's what we'll do."
Too late fellows, Germán is way ahead of you making a preemptive confession to Gonzo himself. Might have been misinterpreted by Matt and Adri, them spotting him and Roberta together in the restaurant and all. Gonzo, the designated dopey dad is looking even more befuddled than usual as Germán spins a clever web of deceit which leaves Gonzo agreeing that it'd be good for Germán to take Roberta under his protective wing in her inaugural days in a hostile environment. Kinda like another dad doncha know... after all she's about the same age as his son. Gonzo does know that Matías Honorio and Adri have it in for poor little Robi, doesn't he? Poor Gonzo looks like he's really missing his Etch-A-Sketch right about now.
At the center, Regina and Inés discuss Constanza's foray into maternal madness. Inés asks if Regina has fired her as head of operations. Nopis... Regina is "...certain that she do the correct thing." ... um OK... the phone for Nadie se Rinde rings for he first time... woohoo.
Meanwhile, Coni is doing her own version of the correct thing. She is enmeshing herself deeper and deeper into Corina's web offering both moral and financial support. No need to mention it to Regina...
At the clinic, as Chema undergoes a CT of his head (did this remind anyone else of Frankenstein?), it dawns on him, "Hey we already did this!" He smells a rat. The Dr. admits that he hasn't been completely honest. "Make an appointment and I'll tell you the truth."
Say what? Why not just say, "Hey, sorry but you have a fatal brain tumor, don't start watching any new telenovels or opening any new restaurants." ?... Or something to that effect.
Honorio and Matías arrive in Gonzo's office bearing chismes only to discover that Germán has beaten them to the punch. Gonzo tells them that Germán will be Robi's mentor. They wearily and warily agree to go along with this hare-brained plan... for Gonzalo and Regina.
At La Bonita, Manuela presents Alison to Jerry and Nata, as Aníbal, Mati, and Carlos look on. She apologizes to Renata for not informing her that Alison was coming. Everyone is going to prepare for the velorio, but Carlos remembers that he can't join them... he must pick up Priscila at the airport. Renata looks at Jerry as if to say, "WTF is Priscila?" Nobody seems to tell her anything.
Augie pays Melesio for a job cleanly done. He offers him the job as his capataz which has fortutously just opened up. Of course best wait until Zeke's in the ground... wouldn't want to appear unseemly. They both share a hearty laugh at this.
Hell is waiting for the both of you.
Karina offers to help Alfi prepare for the velorio. If not for the kids, Alfonsina wouldn't bother. She remembers Zeke's words to Luz,
"I wish I could cease being who I am and be the man that everyone imagines. Ay my daughter, if you only knew how much I want to disappear."
Alfi feels betrayed.
Augie makes a call to Robi insisting that she tell Renata about Zeke forcing himself on her... hoy mismo. She doesn't see a good reason to be calling her. He tells her to just call and ask about him. "She'll tell you that she's at the velorio for that infeliz." "¿Qué, Ezequiel is dead?" "Sí, and in a few hours, buried." "Agustín, don't tell me that you..." "Of course not... the important thing is that your sister learn that he took advantage of you."
Roberta is not so sure and doesn't really seem very surprised... or alarmed.
Seems to me that Augie may be over-reaching a bit with this ploy.
Roberta leaves to go home for lunch as Matías and Adri agree that they have done what they can about Robi and Germy, they'll just keep an eye on them from here on.
Surprise, surprise, Fina is waiting for Roberta in the parking garage. Dr. Icky has driven her over. She tells Robi that she won't allow her to stray from the fold (redil, a new word for me).
Aueropuerto Internacional de Tijuana.
Priscila's here! Wow.
"¡Charlie! ¡Charlie!"
Oh yes, Matilde's going to pop her headband.
It's been 5 maybe 6 years.
I think Charlie says it all with, "...from here on, everything will be just like before." Yes indeed, Matilde will be thrilled.
Robi is impressed by Fina's mobility. Fina reminds her of who calls the shots. Right now, she needs money.
Everyone at the velorio is clad in black. The grieving widow is tastefully dressed in skintight black jeans, high topped black boots with impossibly high heels and a dark sweater that reveals a modest amount of cleavage. Remembering Dr. Nesme's farce of a funeral, she wants a look at the corpse. Laz dutifully pops the lid allowing her full access. She reaches out and discreetly holds a small mirror under Zeke's nostrils (actually I just imagined the mirror). She does feel his cheek and assures herself that he is indeed... muerto.
Antonio arrives as other mourners file in. He has Manuela point out the viuda. He offers a few words of comfort and then moves behind the coffin to intone the Lord's Prayer accompanied by a hunting feminine voice. Jerry and Nata arrives and Alfi repairs to another room. Antonio seems to have that effect on people.
Nata follows her into the bedroom, taking a seat beside her on the bed. She offers her shoulder. Instead of tears, Alfi sheds bitterness and disillusionment. Basically, all men are traitorous scum, and she gives Alvaro and Zeke as prime examples. Nata sees her Alvaro and Zeke and raises with Fina. There are . Then gives her stepdad as an example of a good man. I think this is supposed to be a hang in there pep talk but I find myself yawning so unless there is a request for an exact translation of these platitudes, I'll pass... Next!
Gonzo and Regina are wedding planing. Just family and Izzy and Inés. I presume they're going to forego the vocalist as well. Gonzo wants Germán and Mrs. Germán. Yeah... what could possibly go wrong there?
Roberta briefly joins them. She's home for lunch but first has to get some money for Fina. She neglects to tell them that second part.
Fina waits impatiently outside in the car. She looks on as her clothing is carted out in boxes and dumped unceremoniously into a dolly. Panchita is overheard saying how evil Fina was and what an angel Regina is. Ouch!
Robi stuffs wads of cash in a department store gift box. It's even topped with a bow.
"En el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espiritu Santo." The velorio seems to be winding down... but wait! Heeeeere's Augie!
Wow! Huge garish wreathes straight out of The Godfather.
He approaches the Widow Alfi and inquires, "¿Cómo estás?"
You murdered her husband! How the Hell do you think she is?
He pukes up the following:
"I don't want you to worry about your future, already too much tragedy is happening to you. "
She 's puzzled, "To what are you referring with my future?"
"So you want feel alone, I'm going to help you. I'm going to take care of the education of your two hijos until they finish their studies. Also I want you to know that you will continue receiving Ezequiel's salary as a pensión vitalicia."
"Excuse me what is vitelcia?"
"For life. Every knew that Ezeqiel was my loyal employee and that I loved him. His death affected me profoundly. He was always an irreplaceable person for me."
Jerry takes the opportunity to express doubt.
Renata upbraids him, telling him this is very gracious on Augie's part.
Jerry replys, "If it were gracious, he wouldn't have said it for all the world to hear."
Impervious, Augie continues, "Alfonsina, I can't offer you the position that Ezequiel held because I know that you already hold one at La Bonita, but I want you to know that the doors of my hacienda will always be open for you and your family." She is grateful as Jerry glowers.
I think I'm gonna be sick.
She rests her head on the coffin as Antonio whispers words of consolation to Panchito.
Robi has the gift box for Fina, telling Regina and Gonzo that it is a gift for Selene she hurries out to deliver it.
What's this? Regina looks suspicious.
Robi delivers the cash to a waiting Fina, but the best part is Panchita sees it and even better... recognizes Fina.

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