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Saturday, May 19, 2018


The elevator bell softly tones and the doors glide open as Hernan Ibarola enters and an eager Roberta runs calling out “wait, please wait!” She dives in, coffee first and christens Hernan with the hot brew. He only hesitates a moment before gallantly taking responsibility for the mishap. With a flourish born of practice, Roberta whips off her sweater and begins to dab at his suit coat. He responds with a gallant gesture of his own, smoothly encircling Roberta as he drapes his own jacket over her bared shoulders. “It’s my first day of work,” she offers, steadily gazing into his eyes as he wraps her in his jacket.
Gonzo is looking mighty sharp for his first day back to work. Adri, Matias and Hono help him settle and structure expectations for the day. Matias firmly but gently states his Dad is to return home after the meeting. Everyone is hopeful for this new stage in Empresas Monterrubio.
Hernan and Roberta exit the elevator chatting. The receptionist, seeing Roberta wearing Hernan’s jacket exclaims “Roberta, what happened?” “I had a small accident” she says, at first looking slightly embarrassed before they both grin. Gonzo, Mat, Adri and Hon meet Roberta and Hernan near the elevator. Gonzo throws Roberta an “Hija?” and confused look as only he can. Hernan asks if Roberta is Hija de Gonzolo, she answers yes. Hernan is surprised. Matias, focused on Roberta’s wearing Hernan’s jacket, asks what happened and Adri echos the question. As Roberta answers, Hernan takes over trying to explain the disrobing and exchange of garments, they both giggle and each claim responsibility as the Gonzo quartet look on more aghast than amused. Gonzo finally breaks the silly spell and reaches out to shake Hernan’s hand in welcome. “Pa, he’s going to work here? asks Roberta. “Not only is he going to work here,” Hon states enthusiastically, Hernan Ibarola is the new Partner in Monterrubio Enterprises!” Roberta’s face beams out the broadest, most sincere and brilliant smile I have ever seen on her – her canine chops dissolve in glee! Roberta is brought out of her private reverie by the offer of a pink sweater by the Receptionist which she graciously accepts. Moments later in the bathroom Roberta is already calculating as she recites her approval of Hernan and his role in EM to her beaming image in the mirror.
Giant 3D letters announce we are back at Hacienda La Bonita. Antonio is having coffee while Manuela stands near. Jero and Renta enter and greet Antonio warmly. Renata accepts Jero’s suggestion that she show Antonio around the Hacienda. After they leave Manuela tells Jero she needs to talk to him, they head for the study as we head over to the new headquarters of passive-aggressive preggo, Maritata. She’s on the phone talking to her Tio’s Nurse who passes the phone to Padre Severino who is still in the hospital. She informs her Tio about the need for complete bed rest and assures him she’s well cared for by a nurse and that there’s even an apprentice Padre in house. [Aww shoot, it was going pretty good then she had to start simpering “Jeronimo, te amo!” to the strains of her supposed-to-be-pity-inducing theme song!]
Manuela updates Jero on the attentive care Marina is receiving from the nurse and then delicately approaches the expected arrival of her granddaughter with anorexia. With all the matrimonial mayhem at Kari and Laz’s she wonders if her nieta can stay at La Bonita? “Por supuesto que sí;, Manuela!” says Jero with a sweep of his hand and a smile. What else did she expect? He takes her hands and assures her it is no problem, she’s welcome for as long as she likes. Carlos limps in apologizing for the interruption.
“Jeronimo, we have a problem we have to resolve”, starts Carlos. Carlos holds up his bandaged hands and says he’s half useless working in the winery lab. “Half useless?” quips Jero, lightening the moment. Carlos has difficulty making the mixtures and stuff for the wine “San Rafael”, he is afraid it will hurt the production schedule. Carlos proposes they contract someone to do his work, at least temporarily. Carlos knows someone, it’s just a matter of a phone call. “No problem, then call,” another problem falls in the dust at Jero’s feet. . .
Antonio and Renata walk arm and arm through the vineyards of La Bonita. The lush sensory palette of the countryside awakens memories of Antonio’s wife. Renata gently expresses surprise. “Yes, I was married and had a daughter but they died in a plane crash.” Renata expresses sympathy. Antonio explains that while it was an extremely difficult time in his life there were also good memories and being here at La Bonita has brought back so many of these sweet and beautiful memories. Regina deftly begins weaving with this touching conversational thread. She said the other day Regina had shown her a picture of her Father, Roberto, and even though she was only a year old or so it triggered incredible memories. Antonio asks what she remembered. Not exactly specific events, but colors and loving gazes and a feeling of being so loved. Antonio offers her a book that helped him and perhaps it can do the same for her, help her remember as a kind of therapy. Renata accepts, looking at Antonio with new eyes. A sweet scene.
Ah, we are ushered back to the former hell hacienda, now undergoing a cleansing by the righteous Regina. [Got any sage, Regina!] Panchita, a matronly maid struggles out with a box of Fina’s clothing, Roberta has told Panchita in no uncertain terms she wants absolutely nothing to do with any of it! Regina instructs her to have the chauffeur take it to the church for charity. Panchita puzzles over a big red box that was in the back of the closet. What is to be done with it? It has baby things and pictures? Regina sends Panchita to make coffee for Gonzo and regards the red box with dread and slowly opens it as we are whisked away to the conference room at Empresas Monterrubio.
Andriana has just completed an introduction to EM for Hernan and Roberta. Hernan congratulates them and shares his enthusiasm to complete the formalities and begin working with them. The nimble-fingered Gonzo relays his welcome via his tablet and a few warm but shaky words. Hernan acknowledges that he is not the only one in the orientation and hopes that since they are both new they can be on the same team. Hon states that they would indeed like Roberta to take some classes as she has never worked, let alone has any knowledge of the import-export business. Roberta makes an awkward joke about being as soaked or drenched (empapar)with informationas they are with coffee. Adriana gives a kind of half amused forced and bordering on horrified smile and Gonzo just looks confused. Roberta smiles.
On to Regina’s Hope where the baby-bewitched Constanza is late for work and Corina, Mom of Amparito is worried, telling Ines she has called Constanza’s cell and not received a response. On cue Constanza walks in and hands Amparito over to Corina. Connie begins to cluck and coo happily over colorful bags of babystuff she bought, nearly oblivious of the Corina and Ines’ astonishment.
Back to Regina opening the red box with a big, apprehensive sigh. . .awwww, the tender and plaintive Regina/Regina Jr. songs swells as Regina brings the cute onesie to her face and then to her heart. She gasps again as she spies a delicate pink crocheted dress. . .then she pulls out a picture of an about 1-year old toddler and calls out lovingly, “Roberta, mi Roberta!” “You were so sweet as a child, but your gaze (mirada) changed. . .” cue menacing staccato strings! “. . .it turned cold. . .surely due to the influence of Pepa.” Regina tries to recover. “But now you’re with me! Now you’re with me! How many moments I lost of your life,” she cries, bitterness creeping back in. Regina tenderly strokes the little face on the photo and hugs it to her heart.
Back to Regina’s Hope. Constanza is holding Amparito again while Corina surveys the baby loot. Ines and Corina share the same puzzled look as they regard the baby-hypnotized Constanza holding Amparito with Madonna-and-child-like serenity. As Corina goes off to class Ines tries to break through the baby after glow. “It’s amazing how a baby’s smile can make you forget everything!” Connie sings. “Connie, you shouldn’t have bought all this stuff!” Ines scolds. “Why not, it’s to help her!” Connie says with a smile. Ines, not smiling: “We just cannot involve ourselves this way with any of the women who come here! We’re trying to teach them to be self-sufficient not shower them with presents or personally take care of their children!” “I know, but don’t worry, Corina is going to learn many things here.” Connie runs off, having forgotten to chop the veggies for the cooking class as Ines just shakes her head.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch (never had a chance to really say that), Carlos is talking to Priscilla about taking his place at LB working in the wine lab.
Next we’re with Kari and Matilde talking to a Lawyer about her divorce which apparently can be finalized almost immediately what with scumbag being locked up. Kari and Matilde are thrilled. She wishes to marry as soon as possible. The Lawyer her to remake (rehacer) her life the right way.
The tour is over back at La Bonita. Antonio offers a toast of admiration and congratulations for the beautiful La Bonita to Jeronimo and Renata who promptly begin to coo and smooch. Antonio announces he will take his leave and Renata offers to take Antonio to the parsonage. More smooching, “Adios Amor!” calls Jero, “Adios Precioso!” answers Renata. A few yards away Lazaro and some of the ranch hands are talking, Jero calls to Laz who comes a-runnin’. He asks Laz is it true he has a little plot of land. . yes, Laz replies, smiling broadly, sombrero in hand. . . it’s tiny but very pretty on the road to Valle de Guadalupe. Jero asks what plans he has for it. . . well, he wants to build Kari and little house, in the meantime he’ll rent and save until he can get it built. Jero el Hermoso, Generoso offers to float him a loan so he can start building right away. Laz trips over his tongue in surprise, expressing his thanks but he doesn’t know when he could repay it. Oh, why don’t you get the figures together, let me know how much it would take to build and I’ll loan you the money and you can take a lifetime repaying it, after all, I owe my life to you. He reminds Lazaro how he saved him during the storm. Lazaro is impactado with gratitude.
Well, there’s been too much sweetness and light in this episode: even Roberta supplied a kind of bumbling comic relief so now it’s time for eeeeevil!!! We’re in Awful Auggie Doggie’s Den with poor Zeke who probably has trembling nalgas. Auggie is asking what’s new with the resurrected Alvaro Nastay. Zeke answers that he’s gone to a maximum security hoozegow. That’s where he should have gone in the first place. But those who helped him (Alvaro) will pay drones Auggie. What do you mean by that, asks Zeke. Since when do I have to give you explanations? growls the Doggie. Tomorrow I will get the shipment that I need for the production of my wine Renacito in Ti. Zeke says he’ll be attentive. I think Doggie says he hopes Arely is like roasting in hell for what she did to him, the ingrate. Maid runs in, says the police are here to talk to Zeke who really gets nervous as the maid is instructed to have the police come in. What’s this about? asks the Doggie. I don’t know Boss, let me go see, “No, no, no, no,” barks Auggie, “wait here.” In comes casually clad police dude who presents the order that he appear to answer questions in the case of Dr. Alvaro Nesme. As Zeke stares into Auggie’s unblinking eyes, we can hear Auggie calculating about the best method of dispatching our poor Zeke as the frantic strings take off in a flight of frightful fancy. . .
Renata and Antonio tool down the road. He shares that he is hip to the Maritata story. . .Renata sighs and tells him how she was taken absolutely by surprise. They commiserate on the difficult tests life puts you through for love.
“Cuidado!” Antonio yells, his beady eyes bulging! Renata slams on the brakes as a motorcyclist swerves and falls onto the ground in slow mo. Antonio jumps out and runs toward the biker who is writhing on the ground, grabbing his right leg. Antonio cautions the biker not to move, Renata jumps out and runs to the biker, too. The biker takes off his helmet and a song begins as if his head were a music box! He tries to stand and the injured leg causes him to collapse in pain but he argues with Renata and Tony that he is fine. He tries to walk but collapses once again and Renata takes charge and insists he needs to see a doctor. Hmmm. . .he kinda looks like a scruffy Chema.
Back to the awful interrogation of our Zeke. . . “And why are they summoning you. . .what do you have to do with Nesme?” “I don’t know Boss, I’m more surprised than you are!” Auggie ain’t buyin’ it. “You were involved in his supposed death!” accuses Auggie. Feel free to fill in here, guys, I missed much of what came out of Auggie’s jutted jaw.
Anibal Quevas is the motorcycle dude, he’s 18, he proudly proclaims, still arguing against going to the Doctor. Renata makes a deal with him that after he gets checked out by a Doc, she’ll take him wherever he wants to go. He reluctantly agrees. Tony promises to take care of his bike as Renata helps him into the car.
Back at La Bonita Carlos brings Jero up to speed on the contracted worker for the winery: Priscilla. Carlos hopes it’s not a problem for Jero that it’s a woman. “For me, no, but for Matilde, you betcha!” Carlos’ common sense is limping as well as he declares that he doesn’t know why Matilde should be jealous since there is no longer anything between him and Priscilla. . .”Was there ever?” questions Jero. “Uh, well,” stammers Carlos, “we were novios. But she’s got great technical skills.” [Yah, I bet.] Uh. Ooooooh.
Kari and Mati come to visit Alfie who promptly curses the Fierro household and environs of the valley by declaring that everything is back to normalidad. Kari restates with conviction what she has learned from her nightmare on Alvaro street, that she must take charge of her life and not leave it to others. [Insert abrupt, random commercial] . .they bring her up to date on the Maritata situation when Zeke bursts in the door announcing and nervously unfolding his citation to appear in the Nesme case tomorrow morning. Zeke credibly declares he doesn’t know why he is being summoned. “Why because you know something!” goes Matilde with a kinda “duh” shrug, “but don’t worry, you’re not the only one they summoned!” “Who else did they call?” asks Zeke. “El Hermoso,” Matilde lightly offers, “he went bright and early in the morning to give his statement!” Drum roll of doom as a sickening realization darkens Zeke’s face.
Back at EM, Hernan, Matias and Roberta stroll together while she gushes excitedly about how expansive EM is, all she’s learning about EM and how she’s going to study and work as hard as she can. Still in galan mode Hernan offers his greater knowledge and experience of import and export business stuff which he will gladly share with Roberta. She accepts Hernan’s offer and marvels that she had no idea that her first day of work could be so incredible – “Estoy feliz!” she exclaims. [Indeed, I really think she is happy. Hard core redemption fans, take note!]
Gonzo seems tired and Hon yawns as they go over EM financial status of the past weeks. Hon lays his fatigue at the cute little feet of Amparito. Gonzo whips out a joke about Hon and Con having a baby on his magic tablet. Hernan-y-Roberta enter with Matias into the light moment. Hernan continues to heap praise on Matt for being such a creative young lion of industry, Matt grins, Gonzo declares his pride. [Hmmm, methinks Hernan praiseth too much] Receptionist announces Regina’s arrival to pick up Gonzo.
Constanza has come out of baby-trance and is holding cooking class with Corina in the kitchen. Corina asks if Ines is angry. “No, she just called my attention to our principles of supporting independence in the women who seek help here without becoming directly involved in their lives.” Corina insists innocently that she likes that she and her baby are treated with such care and concern and it doesn’t bother her one bit if Connie likes to take care of her. . .and Connie can even take care of Amparito without Ines knowing. . .ominous drum roll again as Connie gives Corina an “I get your drift” look.
Loose lips Blanca and Dr. Looneybin talk. Fina is not getting up off more cash unless she begins to see results toward what they asked him to do. What results you talking bout, Blanca? [Need help here, too, what results Fina is looking to see?]
Ensenada at the Dr.’s office: Renata firmly holds Anibal’s left arm, looking away squeamishly while the nurse tends his right leg and cautions him that he will be fine but will have to rest his leg and use (muletas) crutches. Anibal bristles at this. He cannot use crutches and he cannot rest. He has nowhere to stay here, he’s not from here but from Aguascalientes. Renata continues in mother hen, or at least big sister mode demanding to know where Anibal’s parents are and Antonio asks where he was going. He says to Cruz de Amor [Holy Guacamole!] The Nurse goes on about how well known Cruz de Amor and La Bonita are for their beauty and productivity. Renata kinda steers the nurse back to the matter at hand and she repeats her instructions to Anibal that he must not put weight on the leg and most of all he cannot ride his bike! Renata sends the Nurse goes off to get crutches.
Kari and Mati share news of the nearly immediate divorce from scumbag, and then happily trot off as Zeke is waiting. A tense Zeke follows Jero to the study to talk.
Back in Doc’s office Anibal huffs and puffs his frustration as Renata and Tony make small talk before he leaves. Anibal hobbles away on the crutches the Nurse brings and Renata promises to take him to get his bike fixed.
Jero and Zeke talk. Zeke says he’s not worried about what Augustin thinks about him but he is worried Jero will lose confidence in him if he knows of his past. Jero urges him to unburden himself, assuring Zeke that he would never judge him for something he’d done in the past. Zeke maintains his reluctance to make a declaration because he’s done time, he’s got a criminal record and he doesn’t want the townspeople to know.
Renata and Anibal at the repair shop. The bike can be ready in two days. Renata will pick up the cost. As they chat it is revealed that Anibal is related to Augustin, he’s evasive about how.
Zeke is upset and Jero assures him no one will find out about Zeke’s past incarceration from him. [How confident are you with that, Zeke?] Zeke seems a little less agitated.
Renata takes Anibal to Auggie’s. He heartily offers Renata a kiss on the cheek but doesn’t seem to know young Anibal. Anibal announces firmly that his Mother is Hortencia Quevas whom Auggie should know very well, no? Anibal is looking Auggie dead in the eye. Auggie remains cool, admits to knowing her but not seeing her for many years. Anibal is like, yeah, not since you abandoned her in Aguascalientes. Anibal’s Mom does not know he is here. If she knew I was coming she wouldn’t permit it. I came to meet my Father, him, Augustin Dunant. Renata looks at Augustin as Auggie turns ashen gray.

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