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Sunday, May 27, 2018


We open our episode with Roberta seated in her office apparently working. At the least she has her butt seated in an office chair and is reading something in a blue file folder. German slithers in, asks if she needs any help and begins wrapping himself around her. His intention is to be closer. Boy, this guy is bold. They share a sloppy kiss—which Roberta seems to really enjoy—but then she abruptly breaks off the kiss and rushes from her office.
Matias is in Adriana’s office when Julieta walks in. A three way conversation ensues about the in and outs of maintaining the “lie-til-he-dies” polite fiction that Adri is Chema’s novio. She mentions the difficulties they faced in a recent running encounter with Matias’ Aunt Constanza.
Roberta, wandering by Adri’s office overhears the conversation. She is slyly delighted to have caught the “good kids” in a lying scheme and thought bubbles, “You guys agreed to lie” and “there may not be a scandal now but our roles will change”. I guess in Roberta’s twisted little mind a chance to slime her stepbrother (and former-fiancé) as a liar just can’t be passed up.
Hacienda La Bonita, Ensenada
Meanwhile back at La Bonita, Matilde and Carlos are spatting over newbie wine wonder woman Priscila. Matilde is jealous of Carlos’ old friend and work-mate. Carlos tries to soothe Mati by saying he “only has eyes for” her. But Mati is not so sure. She stomps her petite little foot in yet another display of her emotional maturity. Priscilla, whom I suspect IS indeed scheming on Carlos (because she is conveniently listening at their door) sniffs at Matilde as her competition. She never expected her competition for “Charlie”—to be a maid (sirvienta). Oooweeee, this Prescila broad is t-r-o-u-b-l-e AND she has class issues.
In the MASTER bedroom, Renata is helping Jero pack their matchy-matchy orange and red maletas as they get ready to go to DF for the new 2G (Gina plus Gonzolo) wedding. I hope they have packed matching Kevlar outfits as well. They enjoy a few well-deserved light romantic moments, when in knocks and then walks Manuela. As usual, she is wringing her hands. The crisis du moment is that she has not seen her granddaughter or Anibal for some time. Lazaro looked for them but it did not seem that they were to be found at La Bonita and a car is gone. “And you all think that the kids took it”, says Renata. Manuela shrugs helplessly.
Jero, Renata, Carlos, Lazaro and Manuela gather in the living room for the run down on the "missing" teenagers. Laz thinks the kids took the car and Manuela worries that neither of the kids knows the area and could be lost. Jero sends Super Laz out to look for the wayward teens while Renata reminds Manuela to calm down. Jero reacts somewhat hysterically himself and wants to immediately call the police. Now Renata tries to talk HIM off the ledge. An aside…Will someone please get that man a prescription for Xanax? Remember what they used to say in commercials about chewing tobacco, "jest a little pinch between you cheek and gum,"...One of those nice little blue pills under your tongue, Jerome, my man, and you will calm right down. Tranquilistete, Jero. You can buy it in a bottle if you can’t find it within.
Before the action can escalate, Laz walks right back in to say the kids have been found--they are with Señor Dunant, QTH...? And right on cue in strolls Augustin offering a toothless-but-wolfy smile and his best deep-voiced "Buenos Noches". Both Renata and Jero look very uncomfortable and Augustin looks like the cat that just swallowed the proverbial canary. It turns out the kids have taken a car to go sightseeing in the Valle and were found and returned by Augie after they ran out of gas.
Manuela takes the teens—Alison and Anibal—outside and chews them out for disappearing and taking the car without permission—that is stealing, she says. Using the triple threat of guilt, shame and fear she makes them feel bad for worrying her, reminds them that this is where she WORKS and tells Alison that she is at La Bonita on sufferance and could be at a clinic or—heaven forefend!!—back with Mom and Dad. After a little sass, Alison apologizes to her grandmother. She chastises Aninbal saying that the Linares’ opened the doors of their house to him on trust and this is how he repays them? Anibal hangs his heads at this but sticks up for his girl Alison and says it is entirely his fault. This is most noble and quite untrue since we know that Alison drove the car.
In the main house the conversation continues between Jero, Nata, and Augustin about the lost and found teens. Alison says it happened because they were bored. To prevent any more shenanigans it is decided that Anibal will leave La Bonita and go to stay with his putative dad. Anibal makes sure he gets to take his motorcycle.
D.F. Empresa Monterubio
German telephones Roberta. He’s moving in on her like a boa constrictor on his way to lunch after a three week fast. Roberta is particularly animated and sparkly after helping Augustin pull off the con on Ezekiel & Co. She smiles coyly at her phone when she sees German’s name come up and doesn't answer.
Really, Roberta? I think she is seriously into this creep. But our Roberta deserves some comeuppance, dear viewer. Her behavior has been particularly reprehensible of late.
Hacienda La Bonita
Back at the velorio Alfonsina is one mad widow in black. After throwing a conniption fit, tearing up flowers, overturning furniture and preventing anyone else from mourning ‘Zeke, she returns for a quiet moment on her own with the casket containing the body of Zeke and REALLY lets him have it. She was cheated, betrayed. All her worst fears have been realized. What kind of man would do this to her and their children? Furthermore, knowing he cheated on her with Renata’s sister, who knows how many others there have been? In a rage, she tells Ezekiel that his whole life was a lie. A damn lie. Wow. Hard scene to watch.
Kind Kari is caring for her children so Alfonsina can rage all over ‘Zeke’s lifeless body. Hopefully, she will remember soon that she is a mother and that her kids still need her. Hopefully, Alfie will be able to forgive ‘Zeke when she discovers he wasn’t quite the villain she imagines and that Don Augustine of the white windbreaker had her man murdered in cold blood.
At the priest’s house POOR PREGNANT Marina is in bed wanting to know how Alfonsina is doing. This thing is horrible for Alfonsina and everyone she loves. Antonio is there visiting and he listens and is sympathetic. He advises Marina be patient and be concerned about her unborn babies. (Blech).
Back at The Cruz, Augustin shows Anibal his new bedroom in the hacienda and asks the boy how the room seems to him. The room is fine, says Anibal. Augie says, “Just do me one favor”. Anibal agrees. “Do not tell anyone you are my bastard”. —Did he really say that??? Please correct me if I heard that wrong! Anibal says, “No”, he will not tell anyone and Augustin leaves the room with an, “I hope not”.
In the aftermath of the missing teens episode, Manuela, once again twisting her fingers, approaches Jero to ask if (even after this trouble) her granddaughter can stay at La Bonita. Jero naturally says “Yes, if Alison can behave in a mature manner,”—heroic Jero once again. I personally am not sure just how generous this is, as it appears they could easily house all of the former ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protestors at La Bonita.
Next Morning, Hacienda La Bonita
“Mi Charlie”. That is how Pricilla the oenologist continually refers to Carlos as she breakfasts with Renata, Jero, and Carlos. At only her second meeting with her new employers this girl is winding herself around Carlos like the serpent in the tree in the Garden of Eden. She leans on him, she tilts her head coyly, she refers to their shared past, she touches his hair—they were novios in España—at breakfast with the Bosses. Renata seems less amused than Jero by this display—she is in a hurry to get to the airport to fly to D.F. Jero tells Prescila that Renata is the love of his life.
Naturally, Matilde overhears and observes Precila’s behavior with Carlos and is tortured by it. Naturally, the writers give us more of Mati and Carlos fighting over Prescila. Naturally, we in Viewerville think that Carlos is a dolt for thinking he could bring an ex to work alongside him and not have it bother his fiancé, Mati, who appears to have the emotional IQ of a 13 year old. And Matilde may have something to worry about. I predict that Pricilla has an AGENDA, and it ain’t about making sure that La Bonita wine wins gold medals.
D.F., Empresa Office
German walks into Roberto's office. Roberta is reading something in a red file folder today. Why did you leave, he asks? Roberta says that maybe some folks are ok with pursuing such a situation such as theirs but SHE is different. “You are a friend of my father and you are married”. Right. Now Adri, who we remember is already suspicious of those two, walks in on this ‘moment’ and raises her eyebrows at German and Roberta’s chemistry.
Hon assures Gonz that all will be good at Empresa while he is on his honeymoon. Don’t worry about anything. Right…If Gonzolo comes back into his body for anything we hope it will be his honeymoon.
Padre Severino comes home to Antonio and Marina. Yawn.
At Hacienda Cruz we are now treated to the first demonstration of Augustin’s fine parenting style. While wandering around the house Anibal tries a door and ends up in a wide-open room with lots of mirrors. He picks up a fencing sabre (foil, epée? Anybody out there a fencer? Please correct my terminology) that just happens to be lying around. Augustin comes in and father and son cross swords. After a somewhat barbed exchange in which Anibal LIKES Renata Augustin ruthlessly uses his foil to disarm his son, holding—for just a minute too long—the sabre to his son’s carotid artery. We in Viewerville consider this to be a very menacing scene. If poor Anibal had seen what we have seen—the practiced way Augustin stabs his lovely leather desk blotter with a knife-like letter opener—he would hightail it out of La Cruz like a jackrabbit with a coyote on its heels.
At La Bonita Laz sees Jero alone. He checks in about the ‘Zeke/Roberta pairing—yes, they did hook up, Laz confirms, but Zeke would never assault Roberta. He is also not buying the story that ‘Zeke’s death was suicide.
Time is compressed and Renata quickly arrives in Mexico City and is at Daddy and Regina’s mini-palace in-a-telenovela-second. After a sweet hug and greeting between Regina and Renata, Gina can’t wait to give Nata the family news flash—Roberta is working at Empresa! Nata cannot believe it. They discuss Gina’s honeymoon and the upcoming boda de sangre (oops, did I say that? Sometimes a wedding is just a wedding, as they say.)
Corina brings the Trojan Baby to Constanza and spins a yarn that Amparo is very sick. Coni, once again, takes charge of Corina and bebe and they leave immediately to get help for the bebe.
Black Widow at La Bonita
At the former velorio Padre Severino returns to his pastoral duties and tries to talk Alfonsina out of her rage. He brings her a letter of condolence from Marina. He has a hard time believing Zeke did these things. “He did it”, she intones. She thinks her kids are better off without Ezekiel and he will not even be mentioned from now on. She bites the Padre’s head off and sends him packing after he reminds her of the obvious, that Zeke was the father of her children.
In the wine cellars of La Cruz Augustin pours Anibal glass of wine. Anibal says he prefers beer. Augustin says if the boy likes beer he will like wine too. O Anibal! Be very careful! Watch what you drink at Hacienda La Cruz. Augustin asks Anibal just what his mother told him about Dunant. Anibal says it was his grandma who gave him his dad’s name.
Empresa Offices
We cut to German sliding in for the seduction again, this time in HIS office. Now he tells Roberta that he has many problems with his marriage and has considered divorce. (Pobrecito). “But you are not a free man and I don’t want to be the ‘other woman’”. says our ever-needy purple-eyed Roberta. German implies that he might be tempted into leaving his wife. Since he met Roberta everything is different. ¿”De verdad”? She asks. “Yes”, and he covers her hand with kisses.
After Roberta’s machinations in yesterday’s capitulo, your recapper believes that these two deserve each other. Writers, bring on Sra German Ibarrola Moneybags and let the fun begin.
Finalmente, back at La Bonita Jero is just leaving the house to join Renata in D.F. when he is confronted by the police and arrested for conspiring in the supposed death of Dr. Nesme!

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