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Saturday, May 26, 2018


Warmed over from last week from the wonderful recap by Doc Carlos. Fina gets funds, Roberta gets instructions from mom and Augie, Matilde wlll get a surprise, Priscila wants to celebrate her return to her old beau with a great glass of wine. Alison and Anibal have a great little romantic tour of the valley around the hacienda and flirt while Anibal tells her what a deadbeat dad Augie is and she counsels his right to make demands on him but Anibal wants to stay far away from this cad of a dad.
The velorio continues with sad music and questioning neighbors who can’t believe Zeke’s life which seemed so sweet with wife, hijos and with more reasons than most to greet each day with gratitude instead resulted in his tying his rope into a noose.
Regina tells Roberta that lunch is ready for them as Roberta descends the stairs with her gift package saying she has a gift for Selene who is waiting in the car outside. She‘ll be right back.
Roberta sulkily hands the bow tied money to Mama and Fina says don’t forget that I need you and I love you. Robrata (not a typo) sneers as she jerks her body out of Fina’s clutches. The Psychiatrist astutely observes that Roberta doesn’t seem to like her, but when Fina tells him that she is her true daughter not Renata like everyone thinks and she is the one that will get him his funds, he decides it is better to be allied with than estranged from her.
Regina takes a very strange turn when Panchita spills the Fina sighting. She gets some details about what Panchiata says who even thinks herself that it was a vision that couldn’t be but she saw her in the car then saw Roberta go up to her and hand her the box with a bow. Roberta looks askance, while Regina stops the conversation when Roberta returns and wants to know what they are talking about. Regina pretends it is about lunch and Panclita leaves quickly getting the silence suggestion a whole lot better than Alfonsina or Matilde ever get it. Regina is cool and calculationg at lunch.
Augie Doggie texts Roberta that now is the moment for her to call her sister and tell her damnation to Zeke story. Roberta has her phone on the lunch table and leaves the room to take the message. Her parents don’t seem to tell her how rude this is but I will. Gonzo gets the dissonance but weakly asks if anything is wrong which Regina denies. I so want Gonzo to begin to occupy his body again.
Renata is comforting Alfonsina and gets the call. Roberta calls with her odd claim that this disgraced one is dead when he didn’t answer yet for taking advantage of her saintly virgin self. And forced her to have relations. Renata is so taken aback that she blurts out to a shocked Jero and Alfonsion and a grinning Aug that, Zeke abused YOU! Oops, Augie does still have powers over skank #1 aka evil twin sister, Roberta. I wonder what they will be serving for the post velorio dinner? Bitter breast of crow, poisoned veggies and Arely cured wine? What would Martha Stewart say about this? I’m eating peanut butter cups to fortify my resolve here.
Roberta gives the play by play account all innocent but just a bit tipsy from the fiesta last summer going back to Augie’s Cruz de Desamor. Alfonsina remembers the fiesta too where she saw Zeke leave with the sultry Roberta. She remembers the fact that Zeke didn’t come home until really, really late. She says, I can’t believe he abused Renata’s sister. Roberta on the other end of the phone stops laughing long enough to whine into the phone that she was too embarrassed to tell the truth. She didn’t want to cause more problems with Renata and Augie since he was so kind and helpful to them and she knew Augie had such confidence in his manager Zeke. So that is why at the earliest hour the next morning she left to return to Mexico City. Renata is indignantly doubtful that this could happen while Augie now waits smugly at her side. She tells Roberta, we are going to clarify all of this she can’t believe it. Roberta laughs again getting off and sayng well Renata didn’t believe me but at least I have planted the seeds of doubt in her nitwit sister. Augie says he can’t believe that Zeke disgraced him. Renata says her sister tells so many lies that this may not be true either. Augie suggests maybe his gullt was another reason Zeke wanted to kill himself. They argue about who would know what Zeke intended, perhaps his friends could verify it. Augie says maybe Lazaro would know. Renata insists that she go see what is happenng with Alfonsina right now. She takes off and Augies is right on her back with that ever present smile.
Jero catches up with Alfonsina who is recounting that Zeke didn’t come home with her that night but Jero counsels that Roberta lies a lot and maybe she shouldn’t be believed now. Alfonsina is out skanked and takes off. Augie feigns remorse and responsibility since he made Zeke take Roberta home.
Inside Lazaro is comforting little Panchito, he promises that he isn’t his papa but he will be there to counsel him if he needs someone papa-like and he will look after his baby sister and mama too. Panchito says he knows his papa loved Lazaro. And I loved him, we have been friends since we were boys. When Alfonsino breaks in with the rage of a Furie. This is over, she screams, She wants the ceremony to end and everyone to leave. She screams, he is the worst of men when Ponchito, protests protecting his papa. Once again with the lack of sense and sensitivity of a dull witted woman she denounces Zeke in front of her son and all the neighbors. She calls him disgusting (asco). He was a man who wasn’t worth the trouble. Lazaro wisely covers Panchito’s ears and says don’t listen to her she is really upset and full of pain. She doesn’t know what she is saying. Your father was a good man and a loyal man a brave man. No he wasn’t she screams. She throws flowers around beating at the coffin with exploding blooms while the astounded crowd looks on. She even heaves one of those giant horse wreaths. It must have been powerful fun.
Alfonisna spreads her venom first to her baby daughter talking to Zeke but saying, I hate you, I hate you right over the baby’s crib when Matilde and Karina who can’t imagine why she is having this tantrum enter and stop her from screaming of her hate to the innocent infant. She wants them all to leave even though Matilde wants to stay with her. Karina wisely picks up baby Luz, then Matilde grabs the diaper bag and the two leave a raging Alfonsina alone in her bedroom.
Inez is pleased about the new foundation’s success. When she asks Regina why the long face, Regina starts to tell of the bad scene with Roberta as reported by Panchita saying she saw Fina, how strange.
Fina and Blanca discuss import businesses, Roberta can further screw up the business if she is on the inside. Blanca explains how they need to bring in someone who could pose as a client who would then have problems with some of the imports and demand an investigation.
Inez says being raised by Fina has caused Roberta to be awful. Regina seems mad that Roberta is accused, she is changing, she insists. Inez says change like that doesn’t happen in one day and one night. Regina is thinking and asks if Fina could have escaped and Roberta could be in collusion with her. Inez, says if it was Renata I would say absolutely not but with Roberta, well she is something distinct. They decide a call to the asylum is in order.
In the kitchen of the Center, the Trojan baby mom is further pulling Constanza in with how the baby cried all night and she is so tired. She has no money, Consta thinks she needs a doctor but Trojan Mom refuses to be taken. She pulls on Consta’s heart strings letting Consta coo and fuss over the sweet baby.
Chema shows up in the kitchen to inroduce Julieta to Consta he explains she is Matias girlfriend and Julieta covers by saying oh, yes you know how when Chema and Adriana got involved as novios, I met Matisas. Consta seems to get the game.
Back at Jardin de locas Blanca wants further to nail Daniele who betrayed her. As they woerry if the real daughter stands up and their money schmes is found out when the Dastardly Director of the Demented (see, more than one 3D man here, best put on your 3D glasses for the rest of the episode) approaches that their little escapeades out of the asylum are over. He is worried aobut the complaints of someone who called onbehalf of Regina Soberon de Monterubbio and wanted to assure that the Fina wasn’t escaping the asylum recently. It could blowing his cover. JFina is so disgusted up to here with that horrible Regina Soberon . Her revenge is more certain. He shlud be worried that the Blanca/Fina machine is more than he bargained for.
So Inez confirmed with Dr. DoNoGood that Fina is for sure in the prison asylum so Regina stupidly concludes that Ponchita saw badly. Hmm. This bad turn is interrupted with Julieta and Constanza bringing in a still buff looking Chema and he announces the big moment of his restaurant opening. Regina tells him she can’t come since she and Gonzo have a wedding and honeymoon so will be away. Chema gets a phone message from his doctor’s office who wants to see him the day after next at 10 in the morning. He has to work that in to the busy preparations of his grand opening and other big plans.
Adriana has apparently received the bad news that Chema’s tumor has grown. Matias asks did he take a bad turn? She hugs Matias while they question why do the good die young.
Honorio casually mentions to German that Gonzo is grateful for his taking Roberta under wing to make her feel good. German non-commital, says he was just trying to make her feel better and it doesn‘t mean more than that.
Jero and Renata are talking about Roberta being a liar. Jero details that she lied about the affair she didn’t have with him and with the one she did have with his brother and about the baby. Oh, let me count the ways. Regarding what Zeke did or not do, Jero suddenly remembers Selene who said not only was Roberta lying to Renata about having relations with Jero but she really was having a fling with Augie Doggie when Renata was engaged to him. He tbinks better of telling the true believer Renata that Augie is probably behind her sister’ sudden confessions but says It is probably Zeke but he prefers not to talk about it now. His moment of discretion is rewarded by Renata trusting him further and asking him to talk to Super Laz to confirm if Zeke had told him anything about this supposed violation of her sister. Perhaps Renata is less than convinced too. Jero casually agrees to talk to Laz for her. Silence serves him well here, and he has dodged Renata’s revamped defense of Augie.
Augie drives and talks on his phone that he wants Linares out of his way and something dastardly is planned for him to get all his money back. Who but “Mal Ecio” could he be talking to? Roberta isn’t in charge of kidnapping or executions yet.
Alison and Anibal get stuck in the car on they way home. They determine that the windshield wipers work so it isn’t the battery and giggle at their predicament of being in the middle of nowhere and out of gas.
Jero and Renata back home continue to talk that it is important to her to verify if Roberta is lying like she always has before or if there is dome truth in this claim that she was violated.
Priscila and “mi Charlie” come back in from their little tour. Renata and Jero cordially greet her. Priscila is glad to see the beautiful hacienda which Renata agrees is so pretty. They are trying the good wine and Jero and Renata decide they want some too. When Carlos limps over to retrieve the wine, Jero sarcastically says thank you MY CHARLIE.
Alison flags down a friendly car on the dirt road but Augie pops out and gets begged by an inonocent Aliosn to help them they were touring the fields and ran out of gas. Anibal, what are you dong with this car, asks Augie accusingly. You know this man, Alison is surprised yes this is Augustin Dunan. You mean your father? Where did you get this car? The innocent couple say, from La Bonita, Augie has the ability to make someone totally innocent feel guilty so they mutter, yes Renata knows we have it. We were driving around since everyone else is attending the velorio.
Jero and Renata excuse themselves; she is leaving tomorrow for the wedding of her dad and Regina and he is leaving right after to join her in Mexico City. More teasing ensues about the Charlie name. Priscila acting as though these will be her peers says she is enchanted with such a handsome couple so in love. Just when she is in full flirt, the funereal gang including Manuela , baby Luz carried by Kari, and Laz carrying Ponchito with Matilde still wearing her headband come in explaining they had to leave the Alfonsina storm and bring the children. In the confusion, Carlos introduces all including last his girlfriend, Matilde. Priscila openly gasps, you didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend, mi Charlie! Matilde steps forward to the pretty face and says, not only that I am his fiancĂ© and we are about to marry. In a bedroom, Kari and Laz talk while they tuck in the sleeping children. Kari ways well Mati stepped up and that Priscila is too pretty. Lax doesn’t worry when she asks about his opinion of the Roberta romp and says Zeke did tell him about. You knew, asks a surprised Kari. Laz says yes he did tell him, but he is pretty sure it was not a violation but a mutual seduction.
Augie makes some devil’s bargain. He is sure Renata want her car back, I will take you now and come back with gas tomorrow to get this car back to Linares. He leers at the young ones and licks his jutjawed lips, wonder if he ever cuts his own tongue doing that. He has more evil plans in the air than a circus juggler has tennis balls.
Roberta steps in talk to German about their working relationship which German takes into his own hands and as she presses chest against chest, He says his original intentions have changed. And what has changed, asks Roberta so coyly. I want to be closer to you. He now is enchanted with her and plants a big kiss on her ready lips. .
Next steps: Ha I avoided having to mention Maritatas but look out Elna June, she could be on your radar for Tuesday night. Jero and Renata look too happy and that can’t continue as we know. Trouble rumbles through the valley. I am feeling a bit sorry, but I know as a newbie you can let it roll off your back easier than I can. Good luck with your first CME recap and welcome back to the recapper gang. I know you will do a wonderful job. Just enjoy yourelf and we will all be there to aid and abet and support you in every way.

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