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Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Kunj and Twinkle rush Yuvraj to the hospital as he is badly injured due to the fire. Kunj tells Twinkle that Anita will again blame them for Yuvi’s condition, Yuvi did everything and still she saved his life. Twinkle says Yuvi just keep thinking about revenge and revenge but she think about Anita as she has only one child, there is no one except Yuvi for her and she will breakdown seeing Yuvi in this condition. Kunj says some people can never change. Just then, the doctor comes there and informs them that the patient is fine and they can meet him. Twinkle and Kunj comes to Yuvi, Twinkle tells Yuvi that today she will speak and he will liste. She scold him and asks what he have today? She tells him that he planned, plotted so much but what did he have today? She made him understand he have given her pain and his mother too, and to atleast think about his mother as she has no one except him and she is living for him, she did everything for him but he never thought about her and asks what was he thinking? She asks if he thought that he will die for her and people will remember him as lover who died for his love? But the girl doesn't love him, she is married and loves her husband alot and further asks what was he thinking and what have he done till now for her? Kunj says he has just given her pain, he has made their common lives hell just because he thinks he loves her, he doesn't know the meaning of love and love is not passion of getting anyone, love doesn't mean getting someone but it is to sacrifice in love and that he tend to lose in love, adding that if he loved Twinkle then he wouldn't have hurt her, whatever he have done till now with her after that she wouldn't even like to see his face and further asks Yuvi what he thought that by killing her he will become great lover? They would have spitted at his name. Twinkle plead with Yuvi to let her go as she don't love him, she love only Kunj, her heart just beat for Kunj and she will live as Kunj’s wife till her death. She tells him to end this madness as his passion is making them come more closer, and plead with him to try and understand. Kunj tells Yuvi what he did today was not expression of love but plain madness. Twinkle tells Yuvi that is not for them but atleast to end all this for his mother’s sake, she asks him to just look at himself, have some mercy on himself and end this. Yuvi looks at them tensely. Kunj and Twinkle starts leaving, Twinkle sadly looks at Yuvi while Kunj stares at him, and they leave.
Kunj and Twinkle comes back home, Usha thank God that Twinkle is fine. Bebe tells Surjeet that she have called him here today so that he don't let his cheap wife and her useless son to come in this house, she wish Yuvi to get eaten by insects and they can't bear him anymore. Surjeet asks his elder sister did she think she is over-reacting too much?. He tells her that Yuvi haven't done something that dangerous and asks what's the fault of innocent Anita in it? Bebe says Anita is innocent? She asks what has happened to him? She tells him that the Anita which she know has never given peace to this house, she is always after Kunj and Twinkle’s lives, their kids’ lives are at stake and she can't let her stay here. Surjeet asks his sister what has Anita done? Leela says they have crossed all limits, earlier they used to do small antics but now they are after Twinkle and Kunj’s life. Usha also says she is right, people like Anita and Yuvi make people lose faith from humanity. Bebe says to Surjeet that Yuvi and Anita can't live in this house now and that's final.
The next morning, Twinkle sits in her car and tells the address to the driver where she want to go, she looks up and sees that the driver is none other than Yuvi and Yuvi starts driving the car. Twinkle asks why him and what is this new drama?. She tells him that if he don't stop the car then she will call Kunj and this time he won't spare him. Yuvi asks why he hate him so much and what she don't like about him? Twinkle says it's useless to ask all this and she hate him. As Yuvi drives fast, Twinkle says he can't make her scared by doing these stunts. Yuvi again asks why she hate him so much? Twinkle says it's always about him and himself, he is selfish and just do everything for his gain, and that he haven't learned how to love and live for others but he just want to get anything by hook or crook that he want and that he is even the most cheap person. Yuvi is hurt to listen to all this and he drives fast. Twinkle says even if he get what he want then he won't be able to hold it for long as she hate him and he have just filth in his mind, he just keep planning and plotting, there is only filth and dirt behind this face and when he open his mouth, he just spit venom against people and destroy their lives, she then asks if it is enough or he want to listen more? Yuvi stops car. He comes out of the car, he is injured, he brings Twinkle out of car, she tells him to leave her hand and asks what he want to do and why he have brought her here? Yuvi says says he wanted to thank her. Twinkle is confused. Yuvi sits on his knees and looks at Twinkle with guilt.
Yuvi sits on his knees, he pleads with Twinkle for forgiveness and thanks her for saving him, he says he pained her so much but still she saved his life by putting her life in danger. He dont know how to pay her back but he will try to pay this favor, he know she is not believing him but she will see change in him and remind her that she want him to change? He assures her that he will be a changed man, she will see him as she want he will change himself for her happiness and for her. Twinkle, however, refuses to believe him that he can never change and tells him to stop this drama. Yuvi gets up and says he will make this impossible into possible. He asks if she think he is selfish, mean and rude? And now she will see how he change, till now he have just hurt her, in return he promises to change his ways and from now on he will not be a problem in her life, and that she said that love is not about getting but he will prove to her that he have always loved her and she will see new Yuvi and it will be only for her. He will make her see new Yuvi, she will remember that a lover came in her life who madly loved her and he starts leaving from there while Twinkle stands there confused.
It's night, Kunj applies ointment to Twinkle’s wound. She later speaks about Yuvi to Kunj that Yuvi seem changed this time and asks if she should believe him?. Kunj too feels that Yuvi can never change and is certain that he is up to another of his new plans and they can't trust him. Anita tells Yuvi that this new game plan of acting goody goody is good. Yuvi tells his mom that it's time to stop all this game plans. He try to convince his mom to think what if Twinkle had not saved him from the fire?. He says this is enough, he can't fall in Twinkle’s eyes more and it's time to end this animosity.
Kunj kisses Twinkle’s hand and asks her not to worry, they have lifetime together and they will handle him. Twinkle tells Kunj to promise her that they will remain together for life, they will face all problems together and will never think about getting separated. Kunj asks why is she saying this? He promise her that he will never leave her hand, he will always be with her. Twinkle hugs him. Anita asks Yuvi if he have forgotten what they did to them? Yuvi says he remember everything, this animosity has not given anything to Kunj and Twinkle or them, this has just made their lives hell, he request his mom to accept all this, he leaves. Anita, on the other hand, is surprised to learn that her son has decided to change for real and vow that she will never move back and she won't let Yuvi do all this.
The next morning, the family comes to Guradvarah temple. Babee tells Usha that a person called her and said that he has arranged prayer for Twinkle in Guradvarah. Twinkle says it must be her mom. Leela comes there and praise Bebe that she did great work by arranging prayer on Twinkle’s name. Bebe is surprise and says they thought she have arranged it. Leela says no. Kunj says anyone can arrange it and it's good work, they all go in. Twinkle and Kunj enters Guradvarah temple and sees Yuvi washing the feet of people at entrance. Twinkle calls Yuvi's name and he says he is serving here and he washes her feet. Kunj still doubt him and tells him not to do this drama. Yuvi says for a change he is not going to give him justification as he have promised someone that he will change and will prove to the world that he have changed and that there is no trick in all this, he is doing all this for Twinkle as she has given him new life, if she wasn't there that night then he wouldn't be alive today, he again thank Twinkle and says he is just trying to live this new life peacefully. After a while, he tells Kunj that he have arranged prayer for Twinkle and if he trust him a little bit then to come inside, he leaves. Kunj says they can't believe him, Twinkle says they will know if he is saying the truth or not and suggest Kunj to lets them go in. Kunj comes in Guradvaraj. After a while, Twinkle and her family is in for a shock when they find out that Yuvi has arranged a prayer meet at the Gurudwara for Twinkle. Leela says Yuvi here? Yuvi prays to Babaji, Twinkle and Kunj comes there and are confused too. Yuvi starts serving food to the poor people. He clean dishes after lunch. Twinkle comes to Yuvi and asks if he really want to change? And that he promised her that he will go away from her life and will not create any problem, so he will fulfill this promise and later asks Yuvi for the divorce papers that he has. Yuvi says she want her to give her the divorce papers back so that she and Kunj can officially get back together, he tells her to meet him at court around 1pm, he also want to give those papers back so that she and Kunj can officially be with each other and request her not to be late as the court will be closed for 1 month after 1pm, he leaves. Twinkle is shocked as Yuvi readily agrees to give it to her.
Yuvi is at home, he calls his mom and informs her that he is going give the divorce papers back to Twinkle and Kunj as he want to end this fake marriage drama. Anita who don't like the change in her son says she will not let him do all this and she will see how he give those papers to them. Yuvi asks his mom to promise him that she won't do anything wrong, she ends the call and says she will not let him do this.
Yuvi comes outside the house and says it's 12pm and he will reach the court till1pm, some goons come there and kidnaps him. Kunj and Twinkle are at the court, Kunj says it's 12:30pm and he don't think he will come and Yuvi must have lied like always. Twinkle says there is still time till 1pm. Yuvi is brought to some isolated place, he is tied to a chair, Antia calls him and says to Yuvi that she won't let him go to court. Yuvi realize that his mom gets her men to kidnap him on the way to court and says he want to reach there till 1pm, he requests her to ask her men to leave him. Anita asks her son if he think they will accept him if he become a good person? She tells him that they can never accept him and she won't let him give the papers back, she ends the call and the goons leave, Yuvi is tensed.
The lawyer tells Kunj that it's already 12:45pm and he don't think he will come. Twinkle decide to call him, she calls Yuvi up but he doesn't pick up. Yuvi sees the clock and says he have to reach the court till 1pm and if he don't reach there on time then Kunj and Twinkle will think that he have cheated them again, he have to reach there and wonders how? He sees a knife on the table and moves the chair towards it. He takes the knife and tries to cut the ropes. Kunj on the other hand tells Twinkle that he has lied again and he won't come. Twinkle says she can't believe that someone can lie in Garadvarah temple too, she mean evil persons are scared of God too but Yuvi can never change. Yuvi manages to frees himself and his mom's men come there. Yuvi beats them badly.
Kunj tells Twinkle that it's 1:30pm, he won't come, Twinkle says she did mistake by trusting him and he can't be trusted and they should go home. One of the goon call Anita up and informs her that Yuvi is beating them. Yuvi takes the call and Anita asks why is he doing this and why is he helping them? Yuvi says she won't understand, he is telling her that he have to reach the court and request her to tell her men to not stop him else he will teach them a lesson in his language. Anita tells him that he can go there but he won't be able to give them papers and that's her promise, she ends the call. Yuvi suspect something fishy and asks his mom's men what is his mom was saying? He demands them to tell him her plan and then goons informs him that his mom have planted bomb in Kunj’s car and when Kunj and Twinkle start car, the bomb will be activated and when the car stop, then the bomb will explode. Yuvi gets angry hearing that his mom plants a car bomb on Kunj's car and shouts no. He immediately leaves from there. Yuvi comes out of the den and calls Twinkle up. Kunj tells Twinkle that there is no use to take his call as he must do another drama and Twinkle doesn't pick his call. Yuvi wonders why she is not taking his call and what should he do? He sees a bike there and starts it. Meanwhile, Kunj and Twinkle sits in their car, Kunj starts car and the bomb is activated. Yuvi is driving the bike to reach them.
Twinkle and Kunj sits in the car and starts driving. Yuvi is on bike and says it seems like they have started the car and he have to save their lives and the bomb can explode but he can't let that happen. Yuvi sees Kunj’s car ahead of him, he drives fast and tries to call Kunj but Kunj and Twinkle doesn't listen his voice. Kunj is driving calmly while the bomb is running on time. Yuvi gets stuck at signal and he is disappointed. He starts driving as signal opens up. Kunj tells Twinkle that he is thirsty but Twinkle tells him they will eat at home as he get ill by eating restaurant food. Kunj tease her that she take care of him so much and asks what will he do without her? Kunj sees Yuvi following them from the view mirror. Yuvi comes beside their car and knocks on their window, Kunj asks what he is doing here and what he wants? Twinkle takes off the window glass and asks Yuvi what happened? Yuvi informs them that there is a bomb in the car. On hearing this, Twinkle is shocked and Kunj asks in what? Yuvi says there is bomb in their car, hand tells Kunj that his mom has fixed bomb in his car. He tells him to trust him and plead with him not to let the car stop and keep driving at fast speed else the bomb will explode. Kunj starts driving fast, he assured Twinkle that nothing will happen. Kunj tells Yuvi that he can't leave the steering and Yuvi have to diffuse the bomb. Yuvi jumps from his bike and hangs on Kunj’s car bonnet. Twinkle asks Yuvi to be careful and prays to Lord to save them. Yuvi is hanging with a car while Kunj is driving fast. Yuvi sees the bomb at the side of the car, he tries to reach it but it is difficult as cars are passingby him too. Twinkle prays to Lord to protect the three of them, she gets worried for Yuvi and asks him to be careful. Yuvi moves down from the car’s bonnet and tries to reach the bomb. Kunj asks him to be careful and as the time is running short on the bomb, Yuvi gets hold of the bomb and throws it away before it explodes, he falls down from the car and lies on the road, he thanks God for helping them. Kunj and Twinkle comes there, Kunj gives Yuvi his hand and Yuvi smiles and holds his hand, he gets up and says today he enjoyed being hero so much which he never got being villain, he tells them not to worry that he have held his hand and he will not backstab him. Kunj says it will take time to trust him Twinkle smiles.
Yuvi, Kunj and Twinkle comes to the court. Yuvi hands over the divorce documents to Kunj and Twinkle and says they both are legally husband and wife from today. The lawyer check the papers and says its fine. Yuvi says he know they both don't trust him and plead with them to trust him that he have done all this without thinking about any gain, there is no planning or plotting and it's only happy ending. He further congratulates them on their happy married life and agrees with what Kunj had earlier stated to him about love that true love means sacrificing and not gaining, if he love someone then he can leave the whole for them and he have understood this after much time but he lost his Twinkle and he will apply this in next birth and maybe in that life Twinkle will forgive him, then maybe she and him will be together as he can do this for Twinkle, maybe this is true love, and wish them both good luck and he starts leaving. Twinkle and Kunj looks on confused and tensed, Yuvi smiles and leaves. Kunj tells Twinkle that she must be happy today. Twinkle smiles and hugs him, Sajna Ve song plays in the background. Kunj says no one can separate them now, they have only happiness in life. Twinkle says she pray that they remain happy like this. Kunj asks God if He is listening?.

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