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Sunday, May 20, 2018


Yuvi is in hospital, the nurse gives him food and he says he doesn't want sick people food. The nurse says patients only get this, she leaves. Yuvi says he is in bad condition and don't know if his mom did right by sending him here or not, and only these cuffs were missing, he have tied handcuffs too. Anita comes to meet Yuvi and brings him food saying she know he is bored seeing hospital food. Yuvi is happy, he eats it and praise her that she is the best that this is great food. Anita tells him her plan that when doctor comes tomorrow, he should pretend to be ill, like he used to act in jail, till he act like ill then that is the only way to keep him away from jail.
While Twinkle is in her room, Kunj comes there and tells Twinkle he is not dying and she doesn't need to keep fast, Twinkle stops him and says to him to promise her he won't talk about death. He says okay that he wont, but this fast is not needed. Kunj then asks why is she doing all this? Twinkle says he can think she is dieting as. she has become fat. Kunj says she is chubby and he like her chubby so that he can pull her cheeks. Twinkle says he called her fat, Kunj says he didn't and he tickles her and they both fall on the bed together, Saajna Ve sad version plays in the background. Twinkle tells Kunj to let her keep the fast for her satisfaction, she tells him they will meet the donor tomorrow. Kunj touches his head with hers and says okay, Twinkle hugs him and gets happy, Sajna ve sad version plays.
Twinkle is in the temple in order to do the chant and meets the priest, she tells him her husband’s name. The priest tells her she needs to the chant 108 times without stopping in middle. Twinkle starts doing the chanting. Bebe and Manohar are in car, Manohar tell Bebe that she made good plan of going to Guradvarah temple and it was good idea. Bebe says their driver is nice, he drives nicely and they will reach home too, she asks the driver to take them to the temple and that if they can go to Guradvarah then they can go to the temple too. Manohar says she is right. Twinkle completes one chant, the priest says before the next chant, she have to take oath infront of God and pray for the person for whom she is doing this for. Twinkle prays to Lord and says she is doing this for Kunj’s long life and plead to God to listen to her prayers. Bebe and Manohar arrives at the temple. Manohar listens to the chants, he tells Bebe that it seems like someone’s life is in danger, his family must be tension, and he hope he gets fine. While Twinkle is praying to Lord, Bebe and Manohar comes inside the temple to find only the priest. Bebe says there is no one here, Manohar says all must have gone, they pray to lord. Twinkle comes out of the temple and says the priest wants her to bring wood for havan and she can do anything for Kunj’s life and tell them to keep blessing them. Bebe prays to lord, she sees the paper on the floor which has Kunj name on it, she doesn't read it and gives it back to the priest and just when she starts leaving the temple, Twinkle comes there but they don't see each other. Bebe leaves. Twinkle brings the wood and the priest prepare for the Havan.
Bebe comes home, she tells Leela that it was a nice day, they went to temple and Guradvarah. Leela thinks how can she hide about Kunj’s illness from them and if they ask her about Twinkle then what will she say to them? Manohar asks where Twinkle is? Leela lie that she has gone nearby only. Kunj comes there and says Twinkle has gone to distribute food to poor. Bebe praise her that she is a great daughter-in-law. Manohar says after all she is their daughter-in-law. Bebe says they should let Twinkle prepare for the distribution and when it start, they will go there. Twinkle goes and stands with Kunj, Kunj asks if she is happy now? She nods yes, he asks if she will eat food now? She nods. Bebe, Leela and Manohar distributes food to the poor. The priest says to Twinkle that she have done chants with full heart, he wishes for her husbands long life and tell her to be happy always, he leaves, Kunj smiles at her.
Everyone comes back home, Bebe says it was a nice day. Twinkle tells Kunj not to worry that everything will be fine and God will set everything right. Everyone is going upstairs, Bebe loses her balance and is about to fall from the stairs, Kunj saves her but slips and falls down the stairs, he strikes with glass piece, and in return, he gets injured badly and his hand is bleeding heavily, all are shocked. Twinkle screams his name, she comes to him and recalls what the doctor said that he can't get hurt, all get worried for him, Manohar says they have to take him to the hospital, they take him.
Kunj is brought to city hospital. He is taken for treatment, Bebe blames herself that all this happened because of her and he is injured because of her, she prays for him. Twinkle is tensed and she goes from there. Twinkle calls doctor Baseem up, she tells him that Kunj is injured, and she is in city hospital, he also says he is in city hospital and tell her to meet him near blood bank, she says okay.
Doctor Baseem meets Twinkle, he says it's good that she brought Kunj here and informs her that there is donor of Bombay blood group here and Twinkle should be with her husband now as he needs her right now, he will meet the donor in room 209 till then. Twinkle leaves. Twinkle comes back to the family, Leela says only one person can stay with Kunj, and tell Twinkle to stay with him, and they will go to the waiting area, they leave with Bebe. Twinkle past room 209 and says the doctor told her that the donor is in room 209 while Yuvi is there listening to music.
Twinkle sees room 209, she finds Kunj there, she thinks that there should have been donor in this room and wonder what's happening, she comes to Kunj, she is tensed, she sees a curtain which is in the middle. Yuvi is on bed on the otherside of the curtain. Twinkle says she will meet the donor once as Dr Baseem is there. Twinkle assured Kunj that he will be fine. Dr. Baseem comes to Kunj, he says to Twinkle that he is fine. Twinkle asks if she can meet the donor since the donor is in same room. Baseem says yes, Twinkle who is eager to meet Kunj's blood donor - little does she know that it was actually Yuvraj and she goes to other side of curtain but doesn't find anyone and the nurse says he must have gone for ECG as he had chest pain. Twinkle tells the nurse to take her to him that she want to meet him and the nurse tell Twinkle to come with her.
Twinkle goes to the ECG room to meet the donor, Twinkle comes to ECG room and the nurse shows Yuvi to Twinkle, Yuvi has his back towards her but Twinkle doesn't see his face. As she starts going towards him, she strikes with an elderly patient man, she starts helping the patient, Yuvi turns and Twinkle sees him and she is shocked to see Yuvi that he is the donor, she turns away before Yuvi can see her face. The nurse comes to Twinkle and asks if she meet the donor? She tell Twinkle that his name is Yuvraj Luthra. Twinkle sees Yuvi and leaves, Yuvi looks here and there but he sees no one. Twinkle leaves from and as she is walking in the hospital, she has flashbacks of everthing that Yuvi has done of how Yuvi tried to kill Kunj and Mahi, she thinks that this can't be possible and says she can't let Kunj have Yuvi Blood.
Doctor meets Yuvi who is Initially, admitted to the hospital on the pretext of chest pain and says he seem fine now, you had chest pain because it was just a gastric issue and now he is fine. Yuvi, on the other hand, was ready to do anything to stay out of jail and thinks to himself that if he want to stay here then he need to find solid illness. However, the doctor tell Yuvi that he need his help as his blood group is bombay blood group and if he agree to donate his blood that belonged to a rare blood group called the Bombay Blood Group, he would be allowed to stay at the hospital for a few more days and will talk to the jailer. So, he readily agreed to it and says blood donation is good charity, and he is ready to donate blood and tell the doctor to ask his mom and she will do the formality, doctor says the one who needs his blood, his wife wanted to meet him and he will talk to his doctor now, he leaves.
Twinkle tells her mom that she saw the blood donor. Leela says she wish that donor get everything and he must be such a nice person. Twinkle informs her mom that Yuvi is the blood donor and she can't let Kunj take Yuvi’s blood. Leela who is relieved that a blood donor had agreed to donate blood to Kunj, is shocked to found out that the person is none other than Yuvi and says this is strange and assures Twinkle they will find another donor and that she has asked many blood banks too and soon they will find a donor. Twinkle says she just hope they find donor soon, she tell her to take the family home back and they should not know about Kunj’s illness till they don't find donor. Dr. Baseem comes there and says the donor is ready to donate blood. Twinkle says they are not ready to take blood from that donor. Leela informs the doctor that it's a personal problem. The doctor remind Twinkle that she know Kunj is ill and he can need blood any moment and he needs this donor. Twinkle says they are finding another donor and the doctor says okay. Twinkle asks her mom to take the family back home. Kunj is getting up from bed, Twinkle comes to him and helps him, Twinkle thinks that if she tell about Yuvi being a donor then he will get tensed and decide not to tell him. Twinkle asks Kunj to drink juice, he says she seem fine and asks if she find donor? Twinkle says they are trying to find it, and they will find him soon. Kunj says she can't lie to him and further says that the donor must have denied to give his blood. Kunj tells Twinkle not to worry that they will find donor and these things happen in big countries. Twinkle says it's enough of his heroic dialogues and tells Kunj to rest that they will find a donor. Twinkle comes to the nurse and says they asked to change his room and the nurse informs her that they don't have any empty room.
Bebe blames herself for the fiasco that Kunj is injured because of her. Leela consoles Bebe and asks why is she blaming herself?. She tells her Kunj will be fine that everything will be fine, so they will find a donor and will return home soon too. Leela sees Anita coming there, she thinks that if they see Anita here then it will be problem and she have to do something, she tell Bebe and Manohar that they should tell the receptionist that they are leaving. Leela takes Bebe and Manohar with her and leaves from there to avoid conversation with Anita before Anita can see them.
Anita comes to Yuvi and says she is happy that he is staying here and doesn't need to go to Jail. Yuvi says he will gladly give lots of bottles of blood to stay in hospital. Doctor comes to Yuvi and tells Yuvi the family have refused to take his blood, so now he will have to go to jail. Anita says how can they deny to take his son’s blood? Doctor says they can't force them and Yuvi seems fine so he should return to jail. Anita asks for the patient's name so they can convince the family and maybe they will agree to take Yuvi’s blood but the doctor refuses and says she can't divulge their details as they have denied taking his blood, he leaves. Anita sees file a file in nurse’s hands, asks the nurse for the patient file, she gives the nurse money and says she work so hard, this is her reward. The nurse leaves file there so they can see the name of the patient. Anita shows file to Yuvi and says we will get the name of the person who needs his blood then they can convince him, she opens file and is shocked to finds out that it is Kunj that needs the blood and she thinks that Kunj Sarna needs Yuvi’s blood? Kunj is on the otherside of the room? She moves the curtain slightly and sees Yuvi and Twinkle on the otherside of the room where Twinkle is feeding Kunj soup, she is stunned.
Yuvi asks his where did she go? Anita asks if he know which family needs his blood? She tells him that Sarna family needs it and Kunj Sarna wants his blood. On finding out that the person in need of the blood was Kunj, Yuvi laughs and initially refused to give his blood wishing Kunj would die. But Yuvi, mother Anita convinced him that if he donated his blood to Kunj, he would get to rule Twinkle. She would be in debt and obliged to do whatever he said. She tell him to think about it. Yuvi asks what if they find another donor? Anita says his blood group is rare and it can't be find easily and she will force them so much that they will be forced to take his blood then Twinkle will be in his control. Yuvi smirks. Leela calls Twinkle up and Twinkle plead with her mom to find donor soon. Leela says she is finding him and asks if she met Anita? Twinkle says no that she have avoided her, she just want to find donor and once the blood will be given to Kunj, they will leave from here then, she turns to find notice on the wall, she tells her mom that she will call her later. She reads the notice, and it says that if anyone needs Bombay Blood Group then to call them on the given number, and the name is Mehreen from City Hospital. Twinkle thank the Lord. Anita gives money to the nurse and picks the call from the reception. Twinkle calls the donor’s number, Anita picks the call and talk in different voice that she is Mehreen speaking. Twinkle says she want Bombay blood group for her husband, and that her notice said that she can donate it. Anita says yes and tell her to meet her in room 19 and further informs her to bring her husband to that room, and they will do what they can for him, Twinkle says okay that she will come.
Twinkle does Kunj’s bandage as he is in pain, Twinkle says it's nice that they got another donor, and he will become fine soon and that she will call her mom here too. Anita meets the nurse and tells her to take her son’s blood calmly, he should not get hurt and warn her not to tell anyone about it and to put the blood camp banner outside Yuvi’s room. Yuvi comes to his mom and says he don't know why she is doing this and that Twinkle won't agree to take his blood for Kunj. Anita remind him that she is his mother and she plan everything fully, she shows him burqas, they greet each other like women in burqas and smirk. Yuvi and his mother Anita dress up in Burqas and pretend to be Muslim women
Twinkle and Kunj comes to Yuvi’s room thinking it's the donor Mahreen’s room. Anita greets Twinkle in shrill voice so she can't recognize her, Anita introduces Yuvi as her daughter Ruqsana that she will give them the blood. Burqas and will pretend to be Muslim women. Twinkle didn't recognise them and says she is nice. She thank Ruqsana and just when she is about to hug Yuvi, Anita stops her and says her daughter is very shy, and tell Twinkle to hug her instead of her daughter. Twinkle Ruqsana/Yuvi that she can't hug her but what she is doing is a great work and she is thankful for that. Twinkle asks Mehreen if Ruqsana doesn't speak too? Mehreen says she is shy, she asks Kunj to lie down for the blood transfer. Twinkle is stunned to see that Mehree/Anita knows his name, Anita says the nurse actually told her that the one who needs the blood name is Kunj and asks if he is Kunj? Twinkle says yes he is Kunj and she is Twinkle, his wife. Anita suggests they should start the blood transfer. Kunj lies on the bed, and Yuvi lies on the other bed. As the blood transfer starts, Yuvi takes off his veil and stares at Twinkle, Twinkle turns to see him but Yuvi puts his veil back and the blood transfer is completed. Kunj thanks Ruqsana but is unaware that she is Yuvi. Twinkle tells Kunj that he should go to his room, Anita says he is ill and the nurse will take him to his room on wheelchair. Twinkle says she is right that he should rest and tell him to go to his room that she will come too. Kunj sits on the wheelchair and leaves the room. Yuvi stands behind Twinkle and she thanks Ruqsana/Yuvi and says she have done a great deed for her and she can't thank her enough. Just then, Yuvi says he will explain how to thank him, hee takes off his veil and Twinkle is shocked to see it's Yuvi that donate his blood for her husband, Anita also takes her veil off too. Yuvi calls her baby that he have done great work and have given his precious blood to her loser husband so she have to return his favor and this will make the story interesting. Twinkle asks if this was his cheap plan and that he again came in her life to destroy it? She tells him that he have cheap mentality. Yuvi hold her hand and says before saying anything to him then she should think that her husband’s life is in his hand now and says let the party begin, as he have given only one bottle blood now and he will needs more blood otherwise he will remain on wheelchair. He says so sad that he have done great favor on her so she will do what he will say to her and she can't argue with him. Anita smirks while Twinkle is tensed. Leela comes there and slaps Yuvi hard. Anita is shocked. Leela says he is shameless to use Kunj’s illness and he gave blood to him but they don't need his favor and she tells them that she found another donor for Kunj. Anita and Yuvi are shocked. Leela warn them to stay away from her and her family, and further warn him that she will not take time to put Anita with him in jail again, Yuvi gets angry but controls himself. Leela takes Twinkle from there while Yuvi is furious.

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