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Monday, May 21, 2018


Scene 1:
Location: Diya’s residence
karan’s mother expresses her desire to meet diya, but her mother gives an excuse that she is sleeping under the sedative injection of the painkillers, and shouldnt be disturbed. She complies. She is asked to inform them of karan’s appearance, while she adds that she shall come and visit diya the next time, and till then they should keep giving her updates about her health. She leaves. Her mother, Nirmala then asks her father what was he going to do. Her father asks nirmala, whats she upto, as they cant keep this for long. She says that they cant let it be known to her, whats happened to diya, as the lady is diya’s mother in law. Diya’s father reminds them that karan was with diya only. Devesh says that he was, but they
have no clue where he is right now. Pressurised, diya’s father asks her to do whatever she feels okay, but asks them to keep her ready, while he gets a taxi. She says that diya wont go anywhere, for keeping this tragedy a secret. Her father is apalled, saying that diya needs immediate treatment, and has to be taken to the hospital asap. but they dont allow. He is distraught.
Scene 2:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Urmi finds shaurya hollering at one of the employees on the phone, due to missing a particular page, about youth problems. Alok likes the idea, but asks shaurya to chill. urmi too asks him to calm down. urmi asks shaurya not to be angry, while he is in a rage. damini callously comments and says that he shall obviously get angry, as blood does show its effect, as had his father, and categorically points out, samrat singh rathore been here, he would have murdered a couple by now. urmi and shaurya are hurt and tensed. damini smirks. urmi says that shaurya gets angry but not at the wrong thing, unlike samrat, who got angry at the wrong things. Alok too says that shaurya is diabolically apart from samrat, despite being his son. Alok also gives mythological examples to suuport his arguement. damini says that its everyone’s perspective, and that the world may think differently. Shaurya addresses damini as badi maa, which bothers her, and then he goes to her, saying that he cant change her perception about him, but one thing is sure, that samrat isnt his father, but Ishaant Sinha, and he has always considered him as his father, and shall continue doing so, even though she doesnt and he doesnt care that she doesnt. She is tensed and angry but doesnt respond. he walks out in a huff. urmi stands tensed too. damini comments that such forced relations dont actually materialise nor does the truth change. urmi doesnt respond.
In her room, ishaani is jogging and exercising to music, when damini comes in and asks her to lower down the music. When she does, damini brings up her stupid wish of getting married, as she is too young, and has lots of life ahead of her. ishaani says that she isnt thinking about it, and said that just to spite urmi, and that she was just kidding. damini is surprised, and ishaani asks if she actually thought she is ready to get married. ishaani says that she wont leave, till she irritated urmi to the core, and asks damini how could she not understand her humour. damini is visibly relieved, and says that its her house and shall remain so, and asks her to do whatever she wants to. She hugs ishaani, and asks then asks her to continue her exercise, and takes her leave. ishaani continues. damini eyes her evilly.
Scene 3:
Location: Karan’s residence
Karan’s mother comes home to find karan shamelessly and callously enjoying tv. She hollers at him that all are tensed for diya, and he is shamelessly watching TV. he casually asks how is diya. she tells what happened. He asks if diya is okay. she asks if he is so concerned about diya, then why did he run away last night. he asks her not to start it over again. he asks if they talked about him, and she complies, and then adds how long he plans to hide, and talks about the probable police complaint. karan is tensed at the mention of police. she asks him to let bygones be bygones, and he has a responisbility towards diya, and asks him to be by her side, in these testing times. he is tensed.
Scene 4:
Location: Doctor’s clinic
the doctor does karan’s bandages, surprised, that he is okay, and is still getting a plaster for a broken hand. He gives the excuse of acting, and actually says that he wants to get into the character hence is doing so. the doctor believes it too. karna belittles his job, as much more xeaggerated that it actually is, while the doctor tells that he gets to save lives. but karan, being egocentric, thinks that its he who did the hard job.
Scene 5:
Location: Diya’s residence
Later, the maid comes with the newspaper, and is about to get busy with her usual chores, when nirmala stops her, and asks her to come later, if possible after a week or so. the maid asks if everything is alright. all sit tensed. the maid asks if they are going out somewhere. She keeps a casual face, and asks the maid to leave. Diya’s father asks nirmala why is she behaving like this, and think of everyone but diya. she asks what should she think of diya. Her father says that she is unconscious for long hours, and that she needs immediate hospital and treatment. sjhe says that she too is concerned, and is doing all this for her safety and respect only. Her father warns nirmala, her mother, that nothing should happen to his daughter at any cost. Nirmala and her husband are surprised as karan walks in just then, with his pretend bandages and pain and wounds. he asks about diya, and noone is able to respond. devesh however gets angry, and grabs him by the collar asking him where was he, when diya got into this. her mother sets them free, while karan pleads that he was with diya. devesh angrily asks how could he flee and run away then. karan lies that three men overpowered him and knocked him unconscious. her mother confirms if he was unconscious and doesnt remember anything. He says that he doesnt and since then, he woke up straight in the hospital. he pleads and begs for a chance to see diya, but he too is given the same excuse, saying that she is fine, just sleeping due to the injection. Just then, a strong scream emenates from diya’s room, and all are scared and shocked. they rush to diya’s room, as her screams haunt the room. When they enter the room, they are shocked to see diya, covering and clutching herself tight in between her legs. Diya recounts the horrific nightmare she went through, and as her family, and karan, dressed up in bandages to implicate that he too had injuries, try to come close, she goes berserk, and asks them all to keep away and not touch her, as she is still in a traumatic state after the incident. karan is in a state of shock, seeing her like this. They try to identiy themselves, but she is still in that nightmarish state. She feels her hands and body as if its been soiled. the screen freezes on karan’s shocked face.
Precap: Cheeku gets shaurya a blind package, that has come for them, titled, ANOTHER TRUTH FOR AWAZ. They wonder what scandal is going to unravel now, and are excited as shaurya opens it. However, Shaurya is apalled to see pics of diya, lying carelessly on the floor, after having been violated, raped and abused. he is shocked. Cheeku wonders wuhat did shaurya see.
Scene 1:
Location: Diya’s residence
karan and others are shocked to see her behaving like this. Outside, karan asks them why is she behaving like this. Nirmala makes up some story, and says that she got into a small accident. karan says that diya is a strong woman, and wouldnt be scared by petty things. she says that diya is fine, and asks him not to worry. Her husband fionally asks her to shut up, as she cant lie to anymore people, anymore, and being her fiancee, karan has a right to know. karan demands to ask from the parents what happened, and they are all silent. Diya’s father embarassedly and humiliatingly, in distraught condition and in tears, speaks about diya’s rape, and karan’s entire world comes crashing down. He is still unable to believe, and asks
him if he is sure, as this cant happen with his diya. devesh gets angry and then speaks that diya has been raped, and why cant he understand that. they are mortified, as devesh screams that she was brutally raped, and again reprimands him, that he was with her, and due to him, she has become a victim to this inhumane tragedy today, and asks what was he doing if he couldnt protect her.
Later, in the evening, along with the doctor, nirmala takes food for diya, as they find her slouched in one corner, dazed and speechless. she reacts with a jerk, as nirmala places a reassuring hand on her head. she asks diya to have food, while she shoves them all away angry at them all, and warns them that noone shall touch her. She refuses to recognise anyone, while the doctor somehow tries to introduce her to her own family, and her suuroundings. She says that she shall kill herself if they dont go, and they are distraught. her father assures her that they wont come near her, while she is still shit scared and horrified at the mere thought of someone near her. finally, she calms down a little, and sits on the bed, and buries her face in her legs. The doctor asks them to forcibly hold her, so that she can administer the injection and she can sleep. They do so, stealthily, and come and sit beside her, apalled and unable to control their geif at her condition. The doctor prepares the injection, and they hold her forcibly, while she screams in pain, to be left. She is given the injection and she finally doses off again. Nirmala stands helplessly watching her daughter in pain. The doctor then asks them why dont they understand that she needs medical and psychological treatment rightaway, and needs to be admitted in a hospital. they stand resignedly.
Scene 2:
Location: Awaz’s office
Shaurya is angry at one of the employees, fr not covering up enough stories, and gives him diya’s example of exemplary performance. he asks chiku to assign the work to diya instead, and gets to know that she hasnt reported back to duty. He is baffled along with chiku. Shaurya blames that noone is dedicated to their job. Chiku asks if he should call and find out, but he asks him to let be.
Scene 3:
Location: Karan’s residence
Karan comes home and narrates everything to his mother, who is shocked. His mother is apalled, at this tragedy, while he is cool qand casual about it,a s he takes off his pretense bandages. She says that she needs to meet diya rightaway. he is surprised. she says that she is going to diya, and now she understands why her parents were so tensed. he asks why she wants to go, as it wont solve anything. She says that diya is like her daughter and his would be wife. he tells and clarifies that he was going to get married, but not anymore, as all is over now, and whatever happened in the past should be forgotten and they should move on. She is shocked at his callousness, and then he adds that he didnt like her much,a s he thought she would earn and he would like his acting career to flourish, and now she is of no use to him. he talks shamelessly about her. she reprimands him of his shamelessness, and is guilty of being his mother, and blames it on him, that he fled from the scene, instead of fighting and saving her. she says that he is a big coward and a lowlife. he asks her not to lecture him, as he doesnt need a medal from her. she says that he may do what he wants, but she shall go and see her. he reprimands her that she wont go. she eyes him angrily.
Scene 4:
Location: Jogging grounds
Shaurya finds karan chatting with his friends, while he jogs and hollers at him. karan comes to him tensedly. he congratulates karan, while he adds that they arent going to be married, as its cancelled. karan is casual, while he asks if he is joking. karan says that its sudden as they had a breakup, and then takes shaurya’s leave, who is boggled and tensed, wondering what happened suddenly, and that diya too hasnt returned. he dials her number, and nirmala finds it. She picks up, tensedly, and then shaurya enquires about diya, as he wished to talk to her. She lies saying diya isnt at home. he asks where he went. She lies that diya has gone to lonavala with karan, for celebrating their marriage, and that they shall return in a week, and when she does, she shall make her call him. He complies. he wonders why is she lying, and there’s something thats wrong.
Scene 5:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Shaurya comes back hurriedly to urmi and narrates everything. She is baffled too at Karan’s statements. he then talks about his conversation with diya. urmi is boggled. Urmi says that maybe diya is disturbed at the breakup and didnt want to come out, and maybe she needs time to recuperate. Shaurya says that he was given a week, and she is a reporter and cant afford that. she makes him understand that its a big deal for a girl, and asks him to give her the space needed. he is tensed still.
Scene 6:
Location: Awaz’s office
Cheeku is controlling the office, in shaurya’s absence, while a package comes for him specially. Shaurya coems in just then, and chiku goes after him to his cabin. he gets shaurya the blind package, that has come for them, titled, ANOTHER TRUTH FOR AWAZ. They wonder what scandal is going to unravel now, and are excited as shaurya opens it. However, Shaurya is apalled to see pics of diya, lying carelessly on the floor, after having been violated, raped and abused. he is shocked. Cheeku wonders wuhat did shaurya see. the screen freezes on shaurya’s shocked face.

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