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Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Raquel slipped under the surface and was staying there, as if trying to drown herself. Jovita was outside in the hall calling her name. Maternal instinct won in her and she entered the bathroom to find Raquel at the bottom of the tub. She pulled her up and embraced her as though she were a child. Raquel began to cry.
Santiago was searching in Valle Bravo for Nicolás, who had walked off and was not answering his cell phone. He turned to Lola, who had not seen her brother for a while and had last seen him when he walked off, crying. She held her baby brother, Benjamin. Vicente chose that moment to begin taunting his brother-in-law. “ He couldn't handle what he was hearing us talk about? Some truths are too difficult to accept.” “ Only stupid things come out of your mouth. Isn't that the truth?” said Santiago. “ You know what, Santiago?” he asked with a malicious grin. “This shack is my house and I don't like your tone.” “ I think Benji's diaper needs changing,” said Lola, looking at her father. “ Your daughter is smarter than you. You've got five minutes to get away from my house. Do you understand?” Santiago took out his cell once more, muttering half to himself about Vicente's attitude. “ He's crazy. He's got guns in the house,” Lola said, “And a grudge against Mother. You're the one who has to decide at the moment.” “ He may not be talking at the moment but we have to find Nicolás.” He called Nicolás' cell and left another message to call him right away as he walked to the driver's side of the car. “ What could Nicolás have heard that he did this?” Lola asked.
For a moment Lola thought back to three years previously when they had gone on that weekend in Acapulco. She had ziplined with Nicolás, Mia, and Federico, then rode back in the dune buggy to the beach where they took selfies before rejoining their parents. They splashed in the water while their parents lounged in beach chairs drinking fruity cocktails that needed toothpicks and paper umbrellas. One of the boys proposed a ball game. Santiago and Raquel got up to join the kids, leaving Carolina and Damián on the sand. Lola was the last to get out of the water to join Mia on a boulder. She motioned to her to take out her earbuds. “ What are you listening to?” she yelled. “ Music.”
“ You don't want to hear the local sounds?” “ I'll follow you back to the house.” “ What?” “ You have a problem?” “ No. I don't see a problem.” Lola turned around and decided to join the others in the game. “ I like the sea very much, but I have a lot of respect for it,” Damián told Carolina. “ I like the sea, too, but I'm not a good swimmer,” she replied. “ That's why we started teaching the kids when they were very young.” “ Yes? Well, I like the sea but I grew up in Valle Bravo. The river there is very cold.”
“ Valle Bravo is an incredible place, very quiet and beautiful. Like you.” He took off his sunglasses. “You are very beautiful, Carolina.” She started to look back at him with a knowing expression, but it froze at the sound of Raquel's voice. “ Come on, join us, Carolina!” Carolina and Damián had no alternative than to join their spouses and their children at the water's edge. They played ball and took turns taking selfie group shots. Later they got on the boat and drank champagne before dining on the boardwalk. Everyone seemed animated at dinner except Mia, who looked as though she had said fewer than a dozen words. The following day Lola and the boys were playing in the pool when Mia sat reading in the hanging chair. Raquel encouraged her to join them. “ Alright, I'm coming,” Mia said, a bit annoyed. She reluctantly walked over to the edge of the pool and sat down to dangle her legs in the water as Raquel and Carolina walked by, talking. “ It seems like yesterday they were so little,” Carolina said. “ And we were all so young, so active,” Raquel continued. “ Life is no joke.” “ But we are still young!” Raquel insisted as they sat on the bamboo settee. “ I was very young when Lola was born.” “ Yes, I was young, too, when I got pregnant,” said Raquel, looking over Carolina's shoulder at the kids in the pool. “ And with both of them!” “ Imagine it! The craziness, the madness of it. Now it's a bit worse. Don't take this the wrong way, but it was difficult for them to separate from each other. Federico was always fighting with Mia, almost didn't have friends.” “ Really?” “ Yes. Well, Federico is much better but Mia is a bit... reserved. But if you heard my mother-in-law on this, dear God!” She took a drink. “ Hm, could it be that she's a bit jealous because Federico and Nico are hanging out together?”
“ Yes, definitely, but if this was done when he was a child –” Their husbands arrived, drinks in hand. Santiago kissed Carolina. The women stood up and they all drank a toast. Raquel talked about how she loved the beach house, asking Damián why they weren't there more. “ Well, there is work.” Later at dinner inside the house Damián presented both Federico and Nicolás with new guitars. Santiago was not alright with this, telling Nicolás to return it. “ But, Dad,” he began. “ Don't react this way; it's so the boys can learn and play together,” Damián said. “ Nico, you can't accept that.”
“ If I don't how am I going to learn?” the boy asked. “ Santiago, he has a point,” Carolina said. How will he learn without a guitar?” “ It's a done deal. Nicolás will take classes with Federico,” said Damián. “ Is it wrong to share?” asked Raquel, rhetorically. “Was this wrong? I get it. You're our friends, we like you. There's nothing wrong in this.” Santiago and Carolina looked at each other and he backed down. “ Okay, it's alright.” Raquel more than sighed with relief and they sat down to dinner. After dinner Damián suggested that they watch a movie. Santiago decided to turn in, as he was accustomed to going to bed early. He wanted Carolina to accompany him but Raquel encouraged her to stay and watch the movie with her and Damián. Finally, Santiago went to the guest room and Carolina sat on the couch on Damián's left side. Raquel was on his right as he started the film. Carolina declined her offer of a drink. Whether due to drink or fatigue Raquel fell asleep halfway through the film, resting her head on Damián's lap. When Damián realized she was asleep he inched his left hand onto Carolina's thigh. The room was dark except for the screen. Carolina looked back at Damián but did not resist. Slowly he inched his hand inside her capris, the hand that wore his wedding ring. In the full knowledge of the wrong of the situation, Carolina kept silent as he reached her mound of Venus and what it guarded. He was right on target and knew it from her expression.
Upstairs Mia's cell phone signalled a messaage and she answered to find a group selfie with the caption “The Cage. Mia in Acapulco with her boyfriend's family.” Other messages followed. Here's hoping she stays there and stops annoying our lives. Mia is a loser. Here's hoping she gets on a boat and sinks. She thought back to the time when she was making out in the car with Joaquin. She dropped her cell phone and opened her purse. She took out the x-acto blade taken from her art class and opened it, brushing the blade against her lower lip. She slipped off the bed and sat on the floor almost in a trance, not hearing Lola enter the room.
“ Mia, what are you doing?” Mia dropped the x-acto, got up, and tried to run past Lola, who caught her by the arm out in the hall. “ Wait for me!” “ Let go!” “ Why are you acting like this?” “ Don't interfere in mylife!” By this time Santiago heard them and came out to investigate. “ Get out of this house! Get out of my life!” “ Lola!” called Santiago, but the girls had already gone downstairs and were continuing to argue. This woke Raquel, who immediately got up to investigate. “ What's going on?” “ This girl is meddling in my life, Mother!” “ I had to because you'e sick! You were about to do something crazy.” Mia backed away toward her parents, not knowing how to answer for the moment. “ I'm not bad because she has problems!” yelled Lola. This earned her a slap from her mother, who then insisted that Lola apologize. “ Enough, enough!” Santiago yelled, his forbearance at an end. He then led Lola and Nicolás out of the room and motioned to Carolina to follow. “ What happened?” Raquel asked Mia.
Santiago led his family out of the house and to his pick-up truck. He loaded their baggage into the back and thanked Damián for the invitation. Carolina kept saying “We have to talk” as Nicolás kept asking why they had to leave. He and his sister got into the back seat as their parents got in the front. Carolina gave Damián an meaningful glance as Santiago started the engine and once more as she fastened her seatbelt and they pulled out. Federico was annoyed as he and Damián went back inside. “ Always, Dad! Always Mia gets her way! Always!” “ Calm down.” “ It's true, Dad. They left, Mother. They left thanks to Mia.” “ What happened, Raquel?”
“ I don't know how true this is because we all know Mia, but we need to take precautions. Talk to Santiago and tell him that Ignacio can't come back to the house.” “ Ignacio is working at the house now?” Raquel nodded. “You didn't tell me something this important? What happened?” “ Nothing, Dad. Nothing. That's the fact. Nothing ever happened. Mia made it all up.” He left his parents alone. “ What happens now?” Damián asked. “ Nothing.”
The Àlvarados returned home in silence that was broken when Santiago's cell phone rang. “ Who is it?” “ It's Damián. He sent me some messages.” “ What does he want?” “ That Nacho not come to work.” “ What? Why wouldn't he want him on the job? Has he done anything?” “ No, my love. Nacho is incapable of doing anything bad. What's going on is that Mia has some problem with him.” “ Mia is crazy,” said Lola as she entered. “She's sick.” “ Once again?” Carolina asked. “Lola, you shouldn't talk like this.”
“ It's the truth.” “ You're not like this, Lola. What's going on with you?” There was no answer. “Well, then tell me what happened.” “ You want to know what happened? Then why did you hit me? Answer me.” “ I don't know. It's that I was nervous and I wanted you to apologize for the insult.” “ Then you need to listen to what I have to say.” “ I don't know what you're talking about. I'll listen when I recognize you. You can't talk that way. You can't say such things about this girl.” “ I can't believe you're kissing up to those rich jerks.” “ I'm going to ask you to not show such disrespect because the next time you do you'll be hit worse.” “ Do it. Thanks.” Lola left the room with a petulant expression. Carolina let out a sigh and leaned against the doorjamb, frustated with this exchange. “ Can you tell me why you hit he when you never have before?” “ I don't know. I don't know what came over me. I don't know what's come over her. Nor what's happening to all of us.” She looked away from her husband just as their son entered the room.
Nicolás was walking along a well-worn dirt road in the woods. He let out a cry of frustration and stopped when he heard a car approaching. A grey car stopped in his path.
The doorbell rang at Raquel's house. Raquel came down the stairs and answered before Cinthia reached the door. Santiago entered. After the greeting kiss he asked whether Nicolás was there. “ No,” Raquel answered. “ Hello,” said Cinthia. She gave Santiago a thousand-yard stare. “ You remember Cinthia?” Raquel asked. “ Yes. How are you?” he asked. Cinthia looked at him as though he had crawled out from under a rock lower than any she had ever been under. “ What happened is that I had the idea that Nicolás might be here since he wasn't home. I'm sorry.” “ No. He wasn't with you?” “ And Federico?” “ No, Fede is at school,” Cinthia said. “ Wait, I don't understand,” Raquel said. “What happened?” “ You can trust us,” Cinthia said, in a strange tone. “ What happened was that Nicolás heard a conversation I had with Carolina's sister. He went off, didn't say where he was going, and I'm afraid something might have happened to him.” “ Calm down; we'll find him.” “ I know, but he doesn't answer his phone.” “ You think something's happened to him, like an accident?” Cinthia's expression showed no concern and her tone showed no sympathy for Santiago's anxiety. “ Cinthia!” said Raquel with a subtle warning tone. “No, please,” she said to Santiago as she turned his head to face her. “We're going to find him. We'll look together. Santiago, don't give up now. I need you to be strong.” He seemed to come to his senses. “ It's that I swear if anything has happened to him I'll kill myself.”
“ No. No, no, no.” Raquel embraced him for a moment, not thinking about what was going through her sister's mind at the sight.
Vicente got out of his car. “ Nico, what's going on with you, son?” he asked. “ What do you want?” the boy asked. He was not comfortable around his uncle. “ What do you think I want? It's that your father is looking for you and hasn't seen you. Now, stop causing problems.” “ I don't want to make problems for you.” He tried to leave, but Vicente stopped him by grabbing the shoulder of his jacket.
“ Now I'm giving you problems. You know perfectly well what I'm talking about.” He let go and Nicolás backed away.
Santiago was making a call on his cell. Raquel looked at her sister and asked her to tell Jovita to do something, but Cinthia refused and left the room. “ Tell me what happened. What did Nicolás hear? Why did he leave?” “ Perhaps he heard that Carolina was going to Valle Bravo to negotiate something between Vicente and her sister-in-law. Everyone knows. The whole world knows that there was a man with Carolina. Maybe Nicolás knows, and he left – I'm worried. I went all over the town, made calls. I don't know what else to do.”
“ Did he call or leave a voicemail?” “ I don't know. There is no signal. Maybe he's on the road, but he could be in danger. Something could have happened.” “ No. We're talking about an intelligent boy. He's not a child. Calm down.” “ Yes, he's not a kid but he's my son and I'm very worried. Your sister could be right and now –” “ She's not right. Santiago, listen to me. He's alright. Trust me.”
“ Why do you hate us?” Nicolás asked. “Why do you hate me?” “ Don't ask unless you want to hear it all,” Vicente answered. “You're the same as your father. Two imbeciles who don't get the truth about your mother.” “ Then tell me.” “ Nobody matters more to your mother than herself. I don't matter to her and I'm her brother and I helped her. None of you matter either, son. I've known that from the beginning. We're talking about a slut.” He smirked at that last word and seemed to enjoy Nicolás' reaction, which was to shove him away with a “Shut up!” Vicente laughed. “ You fell into a problem, son. You want to hit me? Hit me hard!” He grabbed Nicolás' lapels as he shouted the last sentence. “You wanna hit me?” “ Hey, is everything alright?” Another car had pulled up and the driver got out.
“ Yes, yes; everything's alright,” Vicente said. “No problem.” “ Can I get a lift?” Nicolás asked. “ Come on in.” Nicolás got into the car and they pulled away. Vicente watched them leave, then got into his own car.
Santiago was texting when Federico came back from school. He had not heard from Nicolás and could not guess where he could be found other than at home or at school. Santiago suggested they look again and call the police if they don't find him. Raquel told Federico to get his coat.
Lola went to Mia's school to see her and tell her that she said nothing about what she saw. “ You came here to tell me that?” “ Yes. And to tell you to tell the truth about Nacho.” “ I don't know what you're talking about.” “ Nacho didn't do anything to you. Don't lie. And don't make judgements about my family.” “ You don't know me, Lola.” “ No, I don't know you. But you can't go on incriminating innocent people. So you tell them the truth and Nacho can go back to work. Or I will tell them about you cutting yourself.” Mia did not look at her. She started walking away. “ Mia. You better do this today. If you don't your parents will know everything.”
Santiago arrived home just as Carolina was about to go out. He had spoken with Nacho and Augustin. “I told them we won't work for a few days. I haven't told them the truth yet. What do I do, love? I can't believe that a bratty girl can do such a thing. That my friends can lose work over an argument, on a whim.” “ But you can understand why they can't go back into that house?”
“ If they can't, I won't either.” “ What? Santiago, I don't understand. Are you saying that because of this situation you will lose the work? Is that it?” “ What do want me to do? Keep quiet? Not tell anything to the families of my friends? Is that what you want?” Santiago's patience had ended. “ No, no, no. At this moment we're not their friends, they're your employees. Don't you understand? This isn't about Augustin. This is about Nacho.” “ And tomorrow it could be Augustin and the next day it could be someone else that this child accuses of molesting her. This is about Nacho. Nacho is Nico's godfather. I have to help him!”
“ When you get like this I can't talk to you. We can't talk.” “ Oh, and now I'm a dictator?” he asked sarcastically as he sat down. He paused for a moment, then said, “You know what, I have a lot of things to do, numbers to crunch. Don't feel bad. Could I have some coffee, please?” “ Coffee? Is that what I am to you in this house? That's why you want me locked up here, to serve you. That's it.” “ Caro, nothing more. I'm just asking for a cup of coffee.” “ Then, make it yourself.” She turned and headed for the door. He got up and followed. “ Wait a minute. I don't want to leave it like this.”
“ Am I important to you?” “ Of course you are.” “ I'm on my way to see Raquel to buy things for the business.” She was not looking him in the eye. “ Oh, the business. The catering business. Perfect! I'm doing nothing. I'm just painting –” “ Painting? What are you talking about? No. Raquel said to tell you she needs me for this; I'm the only one who knows what's needed.” “ Why does Raquel get to tell you what to tell me? What does Raquel have to do with all this? Raquel isn't my wife; why are you telling me these things?”
“ Why don't you talk to her?” “ No, no, no. Don't start with this stuff. I just asked a question. Are you going into this business? Yes or no?” “ Yes.” This time she looked him in the eye. “I'm going to do it. And you know why? For our children. Because I want Lola to be able to go on vacation with her friends. Because I want Nicolás to buy the guitar he wants so much. They deserve it. Because we weren't able to give it to them. For that. That's why I'm doing it.” “ And I'm good for nothing. Is that what you're saying to me?” “ Santiago, what are you talking about? That has nothing to do with it.” “ Oh, it does. Answer me.”
“ Santiago, this isn't about you; it's about me. It's about what I think, what I feel. I need this, don't you understand? Not everrything in this house is about you. And you never listen to me. That's it. I'm not important to you for anything.” She left the house.
Damián came down the stairs while Raquel was trying to reach Carolina on the phone. Just as they were about to talk about this Mia arrived home. “ What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class? Who authorized you to leave?” Raquel asked. “ I didn't go into school.”
“ Excuse me?” “ I need to talk with you.” “ What happened, daughter?” Damián said. “We're listening.” “ I lied.” “ Lied about what?” “ About the worker in the house.” “ Explain it to us, please.” “ He didn't do anything to me. He didn't do anything to me.” “ Well, you said –” “ I don't know why I did it, Mother. I don't know why I did it. But I did it. I'm sorry.”
She bolted out. “ Mia,” Damián called after her. “I want to talk –” Raquel stood in front of him to block his way. “ Damián, I will talk to her. You communicate with Santiago and give our apologies.” She followed Mia upstairs while Damián called Santiago to work out the situation. They agreed to talk at Damián's office. Raquel knocked on Mia's door, but Mia didn't want to let her in. She had locked the door in order to insure that she would be alone. She sat on the couch in her room, staring into space. “ I don't like it when you lock yourself in. I want to talk to you.”
“ Mama, I want to be alone, please.” “ Very well, love.” Mia was cutting her inner thighs with the x-acto. The blood dripped onto a white cloth strategically placed so there would be no bloodstains on the furniture cover. Carolina called Raquel to apologize for not making their meeting. “ I had an argument with Santiago. He was angry about the accusation against Nacho.” “ Damián is calling about that; don't worry.” “ But that's not all. He doesn't want me to work.” “ It's the usual macho thing about men being providers. I'm sure he'll get used to the idea.” “ No. I've been through this with Santiago many times. He's very selfish.” “ Oh, I get this, really.” She clutched her head as though she felt a migraine coming on. “Right now I have something to deal with. Can we talk about this later, please? Thanks.” She ended the call and walked back to Mia's door. Carolina went back into the study. “ Are you going?” Santiago asked.
The two boys returned from school and talked about their parents. Federico didn't think that Mia's issues had anything to do with them but Nicolás was concerned about Santiago's attitude about the guitar and the lessons. Federico didn't think that Santiago's pride should be standing in the way of Nicolás' studies but Nicolás wondered about what else they didn't know about their parents.
Damián and Carolina were at a small table of sidewalk café. “ I don't have much time,” she said. “I just came to handle things a better way.” “ I think things are very clear.” “ Damián, you aren't getting how complicated things got. Besides, things are getting more complicated and we can't go on like this.” “ And what exactly can't we go on with?”
“ You know what I'm talking about. Besides, Santiago doesn't want our families to see each other much.” “ Because of Mia?” “ Yes, because of Mia. Because he doesn't want me to work. Because he doesn't want you giving gifts to Nicolás.” “ Don't worry. I talked to him and everything will be worked out. As for the business, Raquel will take care of everything. The guitar is a done deal. Everything will be alright.” “ It's not that easy.” “ I'm not going to lose you. Least of all after what happened in Acapulco.” “ Acapulco? I don't know what to think. I don't know if it was the alcohol –”
“ You know perfectly well it wasn't the alcohol. Look at me.” She looked up. “It was you and me.” “ I don't know what to do.” “ I don't want to lose you.” They were not quite close enough to kiss, only to hold hands and stare at each other up close. However, it was close enough so that Gabriela, Raquel's best friend, got a view she wouldn't easily dismiss. “ Damián!” He looked up, then let go of Carolina's hands. “ It can't be,” he almost whispered.
“ Who is that woman?” “ She's a friend of Raquel's. Let me talk to her.” He got up from the table to go to Gabriela, who walked over to meet him halfway and to satisfy her curiosity. They exchanged greetings. “ It seems I've caught you just in time,” she said. She then looked at Carolina. “ She's a colleague of Raquel's,” he said. “ Really? Then I have to get to know her.” She walked over to Carolina and introduced herself. The two women airkissed in greeting. “ She is Raquel's best friend,” Damián said. “ Ex-best friend,” Gabriela said, dismissing him as she looked at Carolina. “It seems she's exchanged me for you. Well, I don't want to disrupt things; just came over to say Hello. It's nice to meet you.” Another kiss and another “Pleased to meet you later” she said “Damián, can I talk to you a second?” Her manner did not go unnoticed by either Carolina or Damián, who had to face the music or be found out. Carolina watched from the table. “ I suppose Raquel knows about this, doesn't she?” Gabriela said. “ I came in her place at her request.” Gabriela didn't believe this and she didn't have to verbalize the thought. “ Please, Gabriela, ditch the fantasies,” Damián said. “ No? You can't tell me what I have to do. Because fantasies are the best things about dates. And I have a lot of them. If you want I'd like to share them.” She threw a flirtatious look at him, knowing that Carolina was watching. She watched for Carolina's reactions. Damián looked confused. “Why, don't you have fantasies? I'll bet you do. Well, see you.” She kissed his cheek and slowly walked away. Too slowly for comfort. “ I'm going,” said Carolina. “ Let me drive you.” “ That is the last thing I need right now.” But she did ultimately get into his car. He stopped in another area. “ What are we doing here?” “ I just need a little breather. A minute to think. Excuse me.”
He got out of the car and entered the building they were parked in front of. She got out of the car and followed him. “ Do you think this is easy for me?” she asked. “ It isn't for either of us. I'm listening to you.” “ I always thought I was a fling for you and that nobody says no to you. Therefore it was the perfect reason for obsession.” “ It's not a fling, even less an obsession. It's much more than that. This is truth. I feel like nothing worse could happen to us.” “ I don't believe that.” “ I'll explode any minute, then.”
“ Then we both have to prevent that.” He went back out to the car. She did not move. “ Damián, wait.” He came back. “ Tell me.” “ I'm not sure. This is the most vulnerable and insecure moment in my life. I feel like I'm walking into a pit.” “ Do you feel we're going to fall?” “ I feel we can lose everything we've had, everything we've built.” “ If we go on nothing can be the same.” “ I don't want things to go bad.”
“ I can't let things go on like before I met you. I see clearly that after you nothing can ever be the same, nothing could ever be the same and not because it can't. It's because I don't want it to be. Here we can have a few hours, just you and me. Two people who have the same things happening to them.” Carolina shook her head and looked inside. “ It's that Santiago and Raquel don't deserve this.” “ Raquel and Santiago have nothing to do with this. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to lie to anyone, but I can't lie to myself. Or put aside what I feel.” “ It's that I'm afraid.” “ What are you afraid of? Of me?”
“ No. Of everything I am feeling for you.”
They kissed and he picked her up off her feet. They were oblivious to everything around them.

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