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Monday, May 21, 2018


Brigi has no idea where Amadiva is because she swears he was just here. As the police search the entire house, Brigi who is beyond shocked to learn that her husband is even more sinister than she originally thought; asks Detective J if it's true that her husband is responsible for Trini's death. Yes ma'am, we have the person he hired and they've confessed everything! The police confirm that there is no sign of Amadiva in the house, but there is a back door service entrance and that must be how he got away. Meanwhile we see that indeed Amadiva is on the run by foot, hiding out in what appears to be a nearby park. Rod gets a frantic call from his mother who doesn't give him details only that something bad has happened. He and Sergio head over to the Zuniga compound.
Over at casa Gax, Marcelo wants Lucia inside safe and sound but she insists on walking him out especially because she has to lock the gate. He relents but not before demanding a promise for the umpteenth time, that nothing will separate them. She barely has time to swear to it when Marcelo is sealing it with a passionate and prolonged kiss.
Rebecca checks herself into a clean and nicely appointed hotel, but it's still a far cry from her luxurious bedroom. All she has with her are the clothes on her back. #RebeccaRevisitsherRoots
Naz meanwhile gets a visit in his sleep by Trini. He wants to go with her but she says it's not time She spoons him and encourages him to spend what remaining years he has with someone. He strokes her face and asks to look at her but when he reaches for the light she's gone. He collapses back on to the bed with a slight smile #GasXRidsTheEx
Rod arrives home to see Brigi frantic. The house is surrounded by authorities and Brigi tells him that the police came to arrest Amadiva but he escaped. Why? Because he's involved in the murder of Trini. Rod is at once shocked but also aware that his suspicions of his father being involved in Ligia's murder are valid. Brigi confirms everything to Rod and confesses that she was going to leave Amador over it. She can never forgive him for letting Rod go to jail for something he did. She feels like a fool for being duped again. Instead of being mad at his mother, Rod comforts her.
Nazario whom I believe just has really bad indigestion, knocks on Ig-NORE-mita's door after his Trini visit. She's in her pajamas and looking a little disheveled from being awakened. She hope he's not here at this hour as was the case last time, to tell her that someone has died He tells her this time it's to apologize for not appreciating her and treating her like the valuable woman that she is. He loves Trini and always will, but it's not fair to compare IgNormita to her. There's no comparison, but the snooty passive aggressive secretary has her own special qualities. Naz tells the bratty biddy he wants to try to have a relationship with her. Why now at this hour? Because I didn't want these nagging gas pains to continue. So sleep on it okay? Boo-hiss! #TeamRafi
sNora and Lucia wait in a restaurant for Mario. sNora is nervous and rethinks the whole thing, she is about to leave when Lucia insists that she follow through with the meeting. sNora thinks Mario will turn her in, but Lucia assures her sister that Mario is the best attorney and will look at things fairly and from sNora's perspective. sNora agrees to meet with Mario and when he arrives she tells him that she has some information regarding the death of Ricardo Marquez.
Mili awakens not to the ghost of past husbands but to the vacuuming of maids past…Rafi to be specific. She wanders out into the hallway only to be greeted by a cheerful and kind Rafi who tells her good morning and asks if she'd like some breakfast. Yes please, replies a humbled and grateful Mili. Rafi suggest Mili shower while breakfast is being made. #StayOffTheStairs
sNora meanwhile insists Ricardo's death was an accident. Mario Matlock questions her carefully, cautious not to obtain information that will not incriminate her. He wants to know if she touched the glass at all. No. Does anyone else know about this? Yes. Aflredo Suarez, Whinelia's dad. Lucia says que the hell? Why didn't you tell me? Well with all due respect Lucia, the way you started going off on her, I wouldn't have told you either. Anyway sNora explains he showed up unexpectedly but Rebecca persuaded him to keep his mouth shut.
Alfredo leaves a voicemail message for Rebecca, presumably to discuss those DNA results.
Naz tells Marcelo that Vini has been caught and confessed to Trini's murder and that Amador paid him. Naz says he wants to go see that wretched dude's face. Marcelo offers to go with him as support.
Sergio tells Lety that she's her father's beneficiary. She is aware that her Dad had shady dealings and isn't comfortable claiming what is most likely dirty money. Sergio tells her if she doesn't claim it then the bank will. Lety still doesn't think she wants it but Sergio tells her to think about then decide. He gets a call from the office and heads straight back to find Mario waiting for him. The boss says he aware Sergio has been handling Ricardo's file and he wants Sergio to give him everything from the investigation including the statement from the landlady. Now? Yes, right away. Mario warns Sergio…do not say a word to Lety about this.
Lucia is suspicious why Alfredo would keep his mouth shut about what he knows regarding Ric's death. sNora who is a quick study figured out that her mother slept with Alfredo in exchange for silence. Oh please..your mom ain't that good. He has to know that keeping his mouth shut makes him an accomplice and can land him in jail. sNora says she doesn't know then and trying to figure it out agitates her. Lucia assures her sister that Mario will look at the police report and if sNora's fingerprints aren't on the glass then it sets up a case to prove it was an accident and not premeditated. Snora says maybe but she never said she was confessing. Lucia tells sNora to calm down and assures her everything is going to be okay. Lucia heads back to the Fabrica, she tells sNora to stay home. Tere greets her and tells her that a man called looking for her mother. sNora tells Tere that her mom does not live there anymore. Yeah that's what I told him. Who? The man that called for her, his name is Alfredo Suarez, he's been here before. Oh yeah…it seems someone was also calling your phone too. Snora says nope, that can't be because she has her phone, it's right here in her purse. Tere says well there was a phone ringing by the bag she took up to sNora's room last night. sNora realizes that it's her mother's phone and she races upstairs to see that her mother's phone has several missed calls and there is also a voicemail. She listens to it. Hello, It's Alfredo. I called to tell you that the DNA test is positive. Tomorrow morning I'm going to Puebla, if it's possible please call me. sNora realizes in that moment that her first encounter with Alfredo Suarez and her mother's interactions with the man have all been shrouded in mystery and conflicting stories. Lucia's skepticism about why Alfredo would allow himself to be an accomplice to sNora intersect with the timely call announcing a DNA result. sNora realizes Alfredo's need to discuss DNA with her mother could only mean one person. No that can't be…that can't be. #TimeToCallMaury
Lucia finds a sniveling annoying IgNormita crying about ..guess who? Yup Naz. Once again he hasn’t kissed her feet the moment she got to work. In fact he hasn't shown up at all, which must mean he's regretting what he told her last night. Blah blah blah. I can. Not. Stand. This. Lady. Lucia has to talk her down and tell her that Naz actually has more important things than her. Like his wife's murderer being caught. #DieNormita #ViniHasOneMoreJob
Naz gets to see Vini, who blubbers that he didn't mean to kill Trini. He was just there to start a fire but she came out of nowhere. Naz could care less all he wants is to get his fingers around Vini's throat. The guard comes and tells Naz to scram, but Naz gets the final word. Amadiva is going to be caught too and you will both rot in hell! Vini insists he never meant to kill her.
Alfredo answers his door to find his DNA test positive daughter standing there and she's demanding answers. She plays the voicemail he left on her mother's phone. He tries to wiggle out of it, but she only wants to know one thing. Am I your daughter? Answer me! Yes, you are. Hearing it confirmed throws sNora for a loop and when Alfredo say he's just as stunned as she is, she asks for the DNA test results. There in writing is the undeniable proof and in a fitful protest she rips them up. Alfredo wants her to know it's hard for him too but she doesn't care; he's nothing to her. Her father is Alonso Gaxiola. She runs out and Alfredo calls after her. Poor sNora, losing her mind and her identity.
Rebecca calls the fabrica looking for her daughter, but IgNormita tells her no dice, but she did get a call from Aflredo Suarez. He's been trying to reach her at home and on her cell. He can find her at his daughter's apartment.
Roman seeks a consult with Sara regarding sNora. He's not able to help her anymore, too many things were mishandled and he wants Sara to help. He thinks Sara could help since she's a family friend. She says nope, I’m the last person who can help. I'm no friend to Rebecca. Roman says someone has to help because sNora is a step away from falling off a cliff. Right now, she's laying on a tombstone…. Alonso Gaxiola's. She lovingly strokes it and say I don't care what they say, I'm your daughter and I always will be.
Ignormita is about to leave for the day and heads into Lucia's office to announce that Rebecca called looking for sNora. She's witnessed so much drama in the office that she has to know what is going on and ask Lucia to tell her. Don't get butt hurt Normita and start crying, but it's a personal family issue, k? Normita says she understands and hopes it all works out. Lucia says unfortunately there is no way this one will be resolved. Right then Lucia gets an attack of foreboding in her heart. Oh no! She heads home urgently. Marcelo runs into her and she explains to him that something doesn't feel right. He offers to go with her but she doesn't want him to. He insists but a call from Rafi announcing she's back at Milagro's, detains him. Lucia uses the opportunity to slip away.
Rafi tells Mili that she has told Marcelo where she is now. Mili knows her son didn’t ask for her, but Rafi is optimistic. Mili wants to take Rafi out to eat. Rafi is surprised, but accepts and insists it has to be someplace good. She goes to get changed. It looks like the two gals will have a new friendship
Rebecca lands at Alfredo's and doesn't give him a chance to speak instead blathering on about how she's glad he's there because she had to leave her house; and now she's looking for sNora. He manages to get a word in and announces that sNora was just there. Why? He explains that since yesterday he's been leaving her messages at her house and her cell phone. What kind of messages? About the D.N.A. results. Rebecca wants to know if he told sNora the truth. Yes, I had no choice. Rebecca loses it and he tells her to calm down. Alfredo thinks sNora is an adult woman who will be able to handle this eventually. Rebecca who has a clearer view of this tattered landscaped tells him no..not this.
At casa Gax, Lucia arrives home as it begins to storm heavily. Tere tells Lucia that sNora went out and then came home in a bad way, she won't tell her what's wrong, but Tere is worried sNora is going to do something. She tells Lucia, sNora is in her father's study. Lucia finds sNora curled up on the floor, clutching a picture of Alonso. What's wrong? A heartbroken sNora tells Lucia that she's not his daughter and that's why he never loved her the way he loved Lucia. Lucia is confused and wonders what sNora is talking about. My Dad…I'm not his daughter. You were right about that was strange that he would keep his mouth shut. He couldn't do it because I'm his daughter. Lucia is at first dismissive of the notion, but sNora says he admitted it and also showed her a DNA test with her name and his name on it. It's too horrible for even Lucia to wrap her head around and she says it must be a mistake. sNora knows it isn't. No, my mom lied to me…she lied to me about that too. My whole life is a lie. sNora turns to Lucia and realizes that the new relationship she has come to embrace with Lucia is now gone…they are not even sisters. Her mother has taken even that away from her. I hate her!!! I hate my mom! I hate her so much that I want her to die! The raging storm outside that crackles and rolls mirrors the internal storm gathering inside of sNora. It's going to be a stormy night!
Marcelo calls Lucia's cell but the storm is affecting the service. He leaves an anxious and worried voicemail. Outside the Gax house Rebecca stands in the rain, screaming for her daughter. Lucia offers to handle it, but sNora says she wants to see her mother's face one last time. Rebecca is drenched and screaming outside and Tere tells sNora she's sorry but she was instructed to not let her in. sNora says it's okay let her in. Lucia gives the nod to go ahead. Rebecca comes in to see Lucia's blazing eyes condemning her for all she has done to those she loves. Her aunt, her mother, her father and now her sister. Rebecca knows that her secrets are out now and there is nowhere to hide anymore. She calls out for her daughter who is in the study. I'm right here, what do you want. Rebecca says she wants to explain things but sNora says it's all very clear to her. You killed your sister so you could stay with her husband, but since he never loved you, you slept with another man so you could tie him down. Rebecca denies it but sNora knows her mother lied and used her to blackmail him and it worked. Rebecca says that Alonso loved her like she was his own daughter, but it's hollow to sNora, because her mother made her believe something that wasn't true. Deep down she knows her father instinctively knew it too, and it's why he could never love her the way he loved Lucia. Lucia watches and weeps for a pathetic and lost sNora who was nothing more than a pawn in her mother's sick games. sNora knows now why Alonso always felt guilty with her. Rebecca says Alonso adored her and in the end blood doesn’t matter he loved her as if he were her real father. sNora can't hear it anymore and she tells Rebecca to shut up as she heads toward the stairs.
R: Nora, please!
N: I don't want to see you ever again! Leave!
(Lucia comes out of the study to witness her sister's tirade)
N: Lucia was right..this house isn't yours! Or mine either!
(Rebecca lunges toward her daughter)
R: My love forgive me..forgive me!
(Nora pushes her mother away)
N: Don't you dare touch me! (She runs up the stairs)
R: Nora listen to me!
(Nora pauses at the first landing)
N: I already told you I don't want to know anything about you, forget that I exist!
(She continues running up the stairs with Rebecca now chasing after her)
R: Nora think about everything I've done for you. No one will love you like I do!
(Nora now at the top of the stairs still clutching Alonso's photo)
N: Well I hate you!
R: No my love, I'm your mother. Although now you hate me, you can't keep me from you, I'm going to be with you all your life. Please.
(Nora looks down at her mother, shaking her head as the reality of what her future will always look like stares up at her)
N: Well I…don't want to be your daughter anymore.
Nora runs to the very spot where Adriana fell and looks down with sorrowful eyes at Lucia, the one person after Alonso who most likely did love her unconditionally and selflessly. The one person who more than anyone else, deserved some sort of retribution for the loss of her mother. sNora gives a final defiant filled look to her mother before purposefully climbing over the railing. This will be the ultimate punishment to her mother. An eye for an eye for Lucia, A horrified Rebecca realizes what her daughter is about to do and both she and Lucia race up the stairs begging sNora not to do it.
L: Nora…no! Nora.. Nora!
She opens her arms wide..embracing her ending all while holding on to her father's picture.
The piercing screams echo as she slowly falls; landing with eyes wide open.
Please notify us immediately if there's a mistake

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