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Sunday, May 27, 2018


Laxmi Bai reaches the prison but is told that Samar Singh has already been taken for hanging. She is shocked to know that Nelson got the time preponed.
Laxmi Bai rushes to the place where Samar Singh is about to be executed.
Not withstanding the fact that he will soon face death, Samar Singh is satisfied that he has done his duty towards his motherland. He walks towards the gallows reciting patriotic compositions.
On reaching the place, Laxmi Bai calls out to Samar Singh. At that time, Samar Singh is being taken away by the guards. Samar Singh rushes to the wall separating him from Laxmi Bai and tells her that he is happy to be martyr. He says that his death will inspire the people of Jhansi to rebel against the British thus giving the movement that Laxmi Bai had initiated momentum. Saying so, he moves away.
Laxmi Bai tells him that she has secured a stay order to prolong his hanging. However, Samar who has already moved away does not hear her.
Laxmi Bai then addresses the subjects of Jhansi waiting outside the premises where Samar Singh is to be hanged. She inspires them to wage war against the British and not let Samar's martyrdom go waste.
Before going to the gallows, Nelson asks Samar his last wish. Samar retorts that his last wish to drive out the British from the country will be fulfilled by his fellow countrymen. Samar Singh is hanged to death. Outside, Laxmi Bai prays to God so that Samar Singh's soul may rest in peace. The subjects are still shouting slogans hailing Samar Singh when Gangadhar Rao arrives.
Laxmi Bai prays to God so that Samar Singh's soul may rest in peace. The subjects are still shouting slogans hailing Samar Singh when Gangadhar Rao arrives.
Laxmi Bai tells Gangadhar Rao that she has fulfilled her promise of driving out the British battalion from Jhansi without any bloodshed. Gangadhar is pained to know from that Samar Singh is already dead.
Gangadhar Rao decides to cremate Samar Singh himself. Laxmi Bai, Tatya Tope, Karma and the subjects of Jhansi are also present. Nelson arrives at the crematorium much to Gangadhar Rao's displeasure. Nelson warns Gangadhar Rao that the driving away of the battalion has not gone down to well with the British high command and that they are taking a serious note of it.
Meanwhile, observing the turn of events in Jhansi, Lord Dalhousie appoints an assistant political agent Major Ellis to manage the territory. Inspite of being a British officer, Major Ellis follows Hindu customs.
At the palace, Laxmi Bai sees a member of the Royal family of Kanpur talking to Gangadhar Rao about his daughter's marriage alliance. Laxmi Bai is pained thinking that Gangadhar Rao plans to marry again.
Later, in the chamber Laxmi Bai once again apologizes to Gangadhar Rao for inadvertently losing his child. She says that she had to take the decision to exert herself at that time to save the prestige of her husband and Jhansi. Gangadhar Rao is left thinking.
The next day, a couple arrives in court to seek justice. The wife alleges that her husband threatens her everyday that he will abandon her. The husband says that he is angry with her as she lost his child in trying to save another person. The wife pleads before Gangadhar Rao that what happened was an accident. She adds that no mother would ever want to lose her child under any circumstances.
Gangadhar Rao is continuously reminded of Laxmi Bai who uttered the same words while seeking justice from him. Gangadhar Rao is caught in a dilemma. Will he render justice to the commoner's wife and Laxmi Bai?
14th September
The words of the commoner's wife and Laxmi Bai reverberate in Gangadhar Rao's ears. He sets thinking about the justice that should be meted to the two women.
He goes to her chamber but gets angry to find that she is not there. A maid tells him that Laxmi Bai has stepped out of the palace for some urgent work.
Laxmi Bai is at the crematorium where the last remains of Samar Singh lie. She sits by the ashes in silence. Just then, Major Ellis arrives and picks up a handful of ashes. Laxmi Bai immediately trains her sword at him and warns him to keep the ashes down. Major Ellis politely answers that he had come to pay obeisance to the ashes of a great martyr and was not aware that she would be offended. Saying so, he walks away.
His colleague who is waiting for him nearby asks him why the woman trained her sword at him. Major Ellis says that the woman hates the British from the bottom of her heart.
Worried for Laxmi Bai, Gangadhar Rao orders Raghunath and Pradhan Mantri to search the entire kingdom. He too sets out in search of Laxmi Bai.
Gangadhar Rao finally spots Laxmi Bai at a temple on the outskirts of the kingdom. He approaches her after the puja and asks her to return to the palace. However, Laxmi Bai says that her presence is of no significance to the palace anymore.
Hurt with her words, Gangadhar Rao implores her to be a part of his happiness. He says that he will be overjoyed if she approves the alliance from Kanpur. Though completed distressed, Laxmi Bai decides to return to the palace with him for 24 hours.
At the palace, the prospective bride is presented with gifts. Gangadhar Rao asks Laxmi Bai if she has approved of the alliance.
Laxmi Bai is left with no answer. Will Gangadhar Rao marry again?
Gangadhar Rao asks Laxmi Bai if she has approved of the alliance that has come from Kanpur. Laxmi Bai is completely distraught thinking that Gangadhar Rao plans to marry again.
The pandit calls for the groom. The groom enters from the other side while Gangadhar Rao comes from the opposite one. Laxmi Bai is shocked to see Gangadhar Rao standing beside her and not with the bride. She turns to find Nanasaheb in the groom's place.
Laxmi Bai heaves a sigh of relief and asks Gangadhar Rao why he was playing a cruel joke on her. Gangadhar Rao smiles and asks her how she could even imagine that he planned to marry again when he had a loving wife like her. But Laxmi Bai is still upset and runs away crying.
Gangadhar Rao tries to make up to her in every way. He sends a toddler into Laxmi Bai's chamber with a letter apologizing to her. Laxmi Bai reads the letter expressing her husband's undying love and respect for her. However, she continues to be displeased.
Nanasaheb comes into her chamber and sternly asks her the reason behind her distraught look. Laxmi Bai says that the strained relationship with her husband is the reason. Nanasahed reprimands Laxmi Bai for not making up to a loving and caring husband like Gangadhar Rao. He adds that Gangadhar Rao had visited Kanpur to convince Lord Dalhousie to release Samar Singh and Karma. Laxmi Bai is shocked to hear this and realizes that she had completely misunderstood Gangadhar Rao.
Later, dressed in royal finery, Laxmi Bai enters the marriage hall much to the delight of Gangadhar Rao. She lovingly casts a glance at him. Gangadhar Rao too reciprocates through his eyes. The following day, Gangadhar Rao announces in court that Laxmi Bai will attend all court proceedings hence forth and that all her administrative powers were being conferred back on her.
Gangadhar Rao orders the court to assemble immediately after a spy reveals that the British are marching towards Sambhalpur to usurp it.
Gangadhar Rao expresses his concern over the strategy of the British. Moropant wonders how Sambhalpur can be usurped as the King there had already adopted a son. Gangadhar Rao explains that the British have attached the states using a law called 'Doctrine of Lapse'.
Nanasaheb says that Jhansi need not worry about the developments as Laxmi Bai has already driven out the British battalion from there.
Vahinisaheb who is also present in court scoffs that the court seems to be more concerned about Sambhalpur and Satara than Jhansi. Gangadhar Rao gets angry at her comment and asks her to clarify. Vahinisaheb taunts that what was most important at that moment was to get an heir for Jhansi. Laxmi Bai has no option but to keep quiet and bear the humiliation.
Meanwhile, Daimaa's granddaughter Ganga strays into the palace. She enters different chambers and is enamored by the grandiosity. Wondering where Ganga could be, Daimaa too searches the palace high and low.
Later, Vahinisaheb has a secret meeting with Nelson. She tells him that since both of them have a similar goal they should team up.
Ganga enters the sports arena and sees the malkhamb pole there. She makes several attempts to climb it but being inexperienced she fails. Laxmi Bai notices her and pleased with her attempts asks her who she is. Nervous, Ganga falls at her feet. Daimaa too arrives and reprimands Ganga for straying into the palace. She tells Laxmi Bai that Ganga wanted to meet her as it was her birthday.
Laxmi Bai smiles and Ganga and lovingly says that she will teach her how to maintain balance on the malkhamb. However, Ganga stops her. She pleads her not to climb the malkhamb as she would then validate all the gossip about her. Laxmi Bai is shocked to hear her and asks Ganga what the gossip is. Ganga trembles as she reveals that the people of Jhansi say that because Laxmi Bai practices malkhamb, horse riding and sword fighting she will never be able to give Jhansi its heir.
Unfortunately, Gangadhar Rao too hears Ganga's words.

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