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Sunday, May 27, 2018


Three years ago
Carolina runs to Lola takes shoes away and chides her for touching her things. Lola had just gone to get a sweater when she saw the shoes. Carolina immediately makes up a story that she bought them from a friend and is making payments on the “imitation” shoes. Lola says those are not imitation. Santi gets upset and says that they can’t afford to be buying things like that, and leaves. Carol tells Lola to please not say anything more. Lola says that those shoes are very expensive. Carol pleads with her to let things be and not to say anything more to her father because he starts telling her not to spend money, etc. etc.
Raquel goes to Andres’s office and asks why he had to tell Damian about the checks.  Well Andres defends himself and says that he had no choice because Damian was asking about the missing money, and even hired an auditor because he thought Andres was stealing money. “You put me in a bad situation” he tells Raquel. Raquel apologizes. Andres than asks her to sit down and since she put him in a bad situation she should at least tell him what the money was for. She tells him it is for the foundation and for a small side business she is starting to help fund the foundation. He then pulls out an envelope full of money and offers it to Raquel for her foundation. She tells him she can’t take that because he is trying to buy her (go with your gut girl) he says he is just trying to help the foundation. Raquel hesitates but eventually takes the money because the foundation can use the help. She leaves the office but stops and has a moment of hesitation again and then leaves.
Present time
At Fernando Godoy’s house he is on the laptop, Laura asks him “what are you looking for?” he answers that he is trying to verify some facts, she walks over to him hugs him and gives him a quiz, he tenses up and looks her way. She tells him that she is grateful for the message because they were able to double their ratings because of it. She asks what he is looking for, he tells her that the day of the accident there had been a lot of rain, that they had not taken that fact into consideration, including that the river level rose about 1 meter. This would mean that if Carol was dead the river could have dragged her. Laura asks if he has already discussed this with Antonio. Fernando has already done so, and they will be sending a team back out tomorrow. Laura can’t believe that they will wait until tomorrow, there is a possibility that an injured woman is out there. If the police do not go out today, she will get her news team on it and they will go out to the site. Fernando does not want her to do that because if they find something people will say he did not do his job well. He will go out there today, Laura wants to tag along. Fernando does not think that’s a good idea. Well she will go or else she will send her people. Fernando has to allow her to go but not without first telling her that she is blackmailing him into letting her go.
At Santiago’s house he is packing a bag, when Lola comes into the room she asks what he is doing. He tells to get Benji’s things ready because they are going to Valle Bravo (town where Vicente lives – Carolina’s brother). Lola asks Santi, why may be her aunt lied. No the one that lied is Vicente; he knows where Carol is at. Santi is yelling at Lola when he says this, and then Nico walks in to let them know that Raquel is there and wants to talk to Santi. Santi goes to see Raquel. Nico asks “what is going on?” Lola tells him “nothing just gets your things ready because we are going to see Uncle Vicente”
Santi goes to talk to Raquel who has just met Lisa; Raquel wants to know if Santi has any updates. Santi can’t talk about anything right know because they are getting ready to go to Valle Bravo to follow some leads. Raquel says “what leads” some leads that Lisa has given us. He mentions that Carolina had been seen in that town with another man. Raquel has a slight reaction of shock but then tells Santi that he should let the police investigate that lead. Santi says that the police won’t do it so it is his job to do it. Raquel insists that he should not go, but Santi is determined to go.
At the scene of the accident Godoy and Laura are searching, Fernando seems to want to stop looking, because it appears that there isn’t anything. Laura wants to continue the search. She is dressed in rain boots, rain coat and is limping as if she injured her foot. She continues limping along because she is sure they will find something, Fernando disagrees.
At a road, the truck that Santi is driving to Valle Bravo has stopped working so he is fixing it; in the meantime his kids are in the car asleep with the exception of Benji who is being tended to by Lisa. She walks over to Santi and asks him to not mention that she was with them to Vicente. Santi won’t but just needs Lisa to help him find the house that Carolina bought, to continue with her lies. Santi can’t believe that he was such an idiot and did not realize all of Carolina’s lies. Inside the truck Nico overhears this conversation.
Back at the scene of the accident Laura limping along discovers a red shoe, yells at Fernando to come over. She reaches down and grabs it with a handkerchief. She is sure it’s carol’s Fernando is not sure. (But we all can tell that it is one of the Red shoes Damian bought her 3 years earlier.
Santi and the kids arrive at Vicente’s home; Vicente sees them arrive and is ready with a rifle, just in case. Vicente asks them why are they there. Santi tells him to calm down he just wants to know everything about Carolina. “Tell me what you know of her, where is she?” Vicente responds that she is in hell to look for her there because she is dead. Nico reacts to this and says “my mother can’t be dead” Vicente clarifies that to him Carolina is dead; she died as his sister the day she took Lisa’s side against Vicente. Vicente then tells Santi that he should not be accusing him; instead Vicente wants to know what Santi did to Carolina to push her into running away with another man. Santi reacts violently to this comment and says he did nothing to Carol. Nico gets between both men and calmly asks Vicente to tell them everything he knows because they want to find their mother. Vicente sees their angst and says he will talk.
At Raquel’s house she comes downstairs to find Miriam waiting for her. She has come to ask her to sign an authorization that will allow her to take Damian out of that hospital to another better hospital, closer to Miriam’s house of course. “Oh so you need me know” says Raquel , “well only because the doctor insists that his wife be the one to authorize, and since Carolina has not surfaced yet, you are the only one left” (ahhhhh, she makes me scream). Raquel very patiently says that if she wasn’t in the situation she is in she would reply to that comment the way that Miriam deserves it, but she won’t because of the current situation. Raquel says “well MY HUSBAND is going nowhere he is fine where he is” Mia walks in and Monster Miriam tries to insinuate that Raquel does not want her father to get better care. Raquel tells her to not get Mia into this mess; well Miriam will do whatever it takes because Mia needs to know how Damian means nothing to Raquel.
Three years ago
Santi and Raquel are at her house going over color samples for the remodel; they are being spied on by Mia, when Santi notices her she leaves. Raquel finally picks a color and leaves. Santi goes to tell the workers that Raquel selected her colors, he also tells them to try to make less noise. Mia walks in on them and yells “when are you going to stop with all of the noise?” Santi tells her they will be done soon. Then Mia goes a little looney and says “my mother is so busy with you guys, I can’t even eat, when are you getting out of my house? I saw you were too close to my mother.” Santi and the guys are left speechless at the absurdity of Mia’s complaints. Jovita shows up and tells Mia that she can go eat in the kitchen. Well Mia is not hungry anymore she is actually disgusted. She begins to leave when she trips, one of the workers tries to help her and she yells at him not to touch her.
Raquel and Carolina are at the pasta shop discussing their business venture; Raquel is excited saying that this is the time for them to take risks, and Carolina is apprehensive. Raquel says that the only thing they need is to have some confidence. Carolina says she will try. Raquel then changes the conversation, she wants an honest answer from Carolina about Damian, and about Santi, and about herself.
At the offices Andres tells Damian they need to talk about what’s going on. Damian doesn’t have to tell him anything. Well Andres wants to know “what is going on with that woman”, “what woman?” Andres says “Carolina, you want to have her be part of our business?” Damian clarifies that the banquet business was Raquel’s idea, so he tells Andres to keep his nose out of this business. “I know those people, Carolina does not like you, and she is only after your money”
Nico and Fede are at school, Nico asks Fede about Mia. Fede tells Nico to take some advice and forget about Mia. “Well that’s the problem, I don’t think I can forget Mia” says Nico.
Back at the shop Carolina and Raquel continue with conversation, she says that she senses Santi is not all in with the business that they are going to have, but she wants Carol to know she will convince him, as long as Carol is clear that she wants the business partnership with Raquel. Carolina says she is sure and she is grateful for the opportunity. Damian walks in on them, and then Raquel gets a call from the center, she will need to leave but can Carol and Damian finish the meeting on their own. She leaves without first kissing her man. When she leaves Damian and Carol begin their flirtatious ways.
At school Joaquin continues to try to get Mia’s attention, he cuts her off and tells her that he wants to get to know her. She tells him why, and what for. He tells her because she is driving him crazy, he kisses her, and she backs away but then goes in to kiss him.
In a car Damian is with Carol. He pulls over and tells her that he can’t drive because she distracts him. She asks what is this?” he says “this is inevitable” he leans in to kiss her but carol gets a call and it is Raquel. Carol tells Damian that “this is insane”
Present time
Vicente will talk but he needs the kids to go inside so he can talk to Santi alone. Nico, Lola and Benji go inside and Vicente begins to tell Santi, that he does not care what happened to Carolina; he used to care but not anymore. Especially after she took his parents’ home away from him. “That is the snake that she is, you don’t even know her one bit”. Santi does not pay attention to Vicente and tells him to please tell him where Carolina is. Inside Nico and Lola find a sweater that belongs to their mother. So they are assuming that she had to have been there.
At Raquel’s house she is going over Damian’s accounts, she seems upset when Cynthia walks in and asks her what’s wrong. Raquel shows her a set of keys which belong to a house that Damian bought for Carolina. Cynthia says how you know, she knows because Lisa told Santi, and Santi is now investigating in Valle Bravo. She tells Cynthia that every day she finds a new detail that makes her hate Damian even more, and she breaks down and cries.
Three years ago
Carolina and Damian continue in the car, she does not answer Raquel’s call. And she tells Damian that she is leaving. “Does your wife know what you want with me?” to which Damian says “does your husband know what you want with me?” she then calls Raquel, and apologizes for not picking up the call. Raquel tells her that she is now with Santi and that they seem to be “swingers” referring to the fact that Carol is with Damian and she is with Santi. At this Santi begins to walk away. Raquel then says that she is having a bright Idea why don’t they all go to Acapulco. Carol says “Acapulco?” Raquel says that Mia is having some adolescence issues and that going away would help her. She wants Carols help, Carol doesn’t understand what kind of help, well “let’s all go away, sun, beach sand” Carolina is going to check with her husband, “No need Santi already said yes”.
Damian takes Carolina home and tells her that it’s a good idea to go to Acapulco he would be honored to go with them; they (Raquel and Damian) like Carol and Santi.
In a car Joaquin and Mia are making out, she takes of her blouse, and then she tells him that’s enough. Joaquin says that’s fine but he wants to take a picture with her. He takes several selfies including one of them kissing. (This will not end up well, those pix will end up on social media, and they will probably haunt Mia)
Lola is in her room with her “friend” discussing the situation with Andres this “friend” tells her it’s not a matter of whether she wants to do it or not, Lola will do it because she will do it and she has no choice. She is convincing Lola to half sex with Andres, because Lola has no choice.
Raquel talks to Damian about the reasons for the trip to Acapulco, and Damian thinks the trip is a great idea. He will not be opposed to that opportunity.
At Santiago and Carol’s house, Santiago is not sure about the trip, there are money issues and he is not sure it’s wise to go, besides do the kids really want to go? Carol does not like that Santi is not supporting the trip, so she tells him that since he does not want to go, “here are your cookies, your milk and have everything in your perfect little box” Santi notices the sarcasm in her voice and he explodes, and asks her “what is her problem with him?”
Present time
Vicente tells Santi that he does not have much to tell him about Carol. All he knows is that she came by a couple of times to accompany Lisa so that he would not do anything to her. But with time he found out that Carol was not there for Lisa or for him. She was there for herself, to get half of the house that belongs to their parents.
“Tell me the truth was she here with another man?” “I never saw it but in town they said she was here with a very elegant, rich man that was here to get her a house”
“Show me the house” “I don’t know where it is. But go into town and you will find out in 5 minutes."
At the offices of the pasta shop, Miriam is at a laptop, and Mia arrives. She asks her grandma why she is there; well someone needs to take care of the business while dad is in a comma. Miriam tells Mia to start coming to the office so she does not have to depend on her mother anymore. She tells Mia that Raquel was that brought Carol into the family. And if carol ended up going to bed with Damian it’s only Carol’s fault. (Man that women is pure venom). Andres overhears them and walks in, Mia goes out of the office, and then Andres tells Miriam to watch what she says to Mia because she is Raquel’s daughter after all.
At Raquel’s house she is taking a bath, she has broken a picture frame of her and Damian. She lies down in the tub and she looks very upset she lets herself go under water and does not come out; she begins to lose control of the situation and appears to want to drown herself.
Stay tuned to FALL INTO TEMPTATION on UTV from Mondays - Fridays at 8:00pm - 9:00pm Mondays - Thursdays at 12:00noon - 3:00pm. You will then realize that, Somehow, all of us might… Fall into Temptation!!!! God Guide Us.

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