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Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Inez has smeared the fingerprints on the glass as Isidro tells her idea was brilliant but she should have worn gloves and put the glass in a plastic bag. Clearly she needs more time watching forensic pathology shows. But she is sure Renata is the real daughter and Roberta is the other, Renata alone in her bedroom at home is sad that Jero lied when she only wants to help him. Augie invites Anibal to stay longer so they can get to know each other better even though he still denies being his father he doesn’t want to be thought an ogre. Really? But, he thinks to himself he really wants a spy at La Bonita so he can track his prey better. Back in his bedroom, Anibal reveals a letter in his blue backpack. He tenderly opens and rereads it as he swears the only thing he wants is to confirm that Augie is his father. The mystery of his past continues.
When she calls him, Augie disappoints his Renata saying he can’t get involved with saving Jero. His lawyer has advised that he can’t act to prejudice himself in the eyes of the law in the case of Dr. Alvaro McNasty. He is SOOOOO sorry.
Constanza and Honorio come home. She makes excuses to go to the kitchen to make tea, he will await his yummy wife in the bedroom. She of course goes straight to the servant’s room to see the sleeping nasty little mommy and the cooing baby. She is way too glamorous to wear baby vomit well. What is she thinking?
Chema finally comes home. He is so distraught from being tricked and betrayed. They need to talk, his Dad tells him. He knows what happened to him at casa Monterrubio. Chema pitches a well earned fit. He feels betrayed and humiliated that they all tricked him. His dad assures him that it was done by all of them as an act of love. He is mostly feeling betrayed because he thought Adriana was his love. He thought he was about to be engaged to her but it turns out that she has been engaged to Matias for some time.
Meanwhile Adriana, Julieta and Matias still in their wedding clothes try to figure out how to find him. Adri is ready to go out searching, but where? Just in time, Adri gets a call from Chema’s Dad that he has returned to his apartment. Adri is all ready to dash off to save Chema from himself again but Matias insists with a cooler head that it is not up to them but rather to his Dad to deliver the truth to Chema.
Dad says it all started when Adriana had him come to her house to tell him they were not to be together. The stress apparently caused him to faint in Adri’s house. He suddenly remembers waking up on the floor wondering what he is doing there. She asks him what does he mean and tells him of how he came in and what happened through his various symptoms. He tells his dad he remembers coming in and talking to Adriana. Then, he fainted but he remembers nothing. His dad starts to list the fainting and the headaches, the dizzy spells. Chema says, then does this have to do with why you are here too? Yes, Adri called me that I needed to come. It was a chance to mend the distance that had grown between us. You mean the restaurant was also because of this. Yes I wanted to help you realize your fondest dream. Chema says but this fainting and migraines and all. Am I condemned to death? The tragic face of papa says it all as Chema pleads, tell me papa. They hug and Dad says what you have is a brain tumor. I didn’t want you to know so I convinced your young friends to hide the truth from you. Why all this drama? Dad has to say because the tumor is inoperable. So what do I have to do. What treatments must I take? Dad has to tell him that there is nothing that will work. You mean that I have to die? And thus sadly, the end is near for our favorite “Other” who never deserved to be so, well, inconvenient. However, in this telenovela, that is a condition that nearly always results in death.
Augie introduces himself by phone to his next accomplice. He knows this person used to love Marina and he can help and Augie will solve his problems. This will provide so many benefits to him, like paying his debts. He needs to come.
Anibal calls Alison and wants her to visit Cruz but she says, my grandmother doesn’t want me to be near your father. So what to do, they need to see each other. Hold on to this cute scene with a warning. It ‘s the only cuteness you’re going to see for a bit. And too bad Manuela has never shared her dislike of Augie with Renata but I digress.
Carlos and Matilde exit from the Padres’ talking and planning their wedding. which for his fault has been postponed too long. Matilde makes a stupid country girl slip and says because of his influencia (influence) while Carlos corrects her by saying influenza. So, when can he do it? . How soon do you want it to be? As soon as possible, beams Matilde. Carlos says, as soon as Jeronimo is out of jail. Renata and Jeronimo are supposed to be the padrinos of the wedding. They are all happy. Too happy for this to work out well, me thinks.
Jero in jail is brought a blanket and a little paper bag of goodies, as Marina on wheels has cleaned up with careful hairdo and make up as though she is going on a date with her favorite jailbird. She further woos him with the pictures of his unborn children. She assures him they are perfectly okay. But, she couldn’t sleep last night because he is in jail. She takes his hand and says she would do anything for him to get him out of jail. (even on top of a desk?) Just as Renata shows up to say good morning and the look on her face at the handholding from behind the “other”, is priceless. I half expected her to do a wheelie for Tatas and push her chair fast down the hall to get her away from her husband.
Jero is surprised that she is there, but Renata assures him that as soon as she heard she took the earliest flight to be with him. Tata puts away her tearjerking pictures and says she better go. No one argues with that super truth. Renata is mad too that she was the last to know as she is the wife. She could have had a chance to bring him things like Marina did.
The “other” aka Tatas rolls herself to the waiting room with more tears and cries to the sympathetic nurse who thinks she shouldn’t have come to this awful place. Marina whines that it isn’t the place but the situation and that SHE came. She? His wife she chokes out. She is rolled to the side while the wife takes his heart and she can’t believe that she is not the one at his side but the wife is, in spite of her being the mother of his children. OUR place isn’t at your side she snivels to her belly. She seems like it is news that she didn’t get the big prize of winning Jeronimo after her great desk performance.
Jero and Renata have a cute make up and kissing through the bars scene of promising not to lie to each other ever again. She has been so worried and he wanted to avoid any hurt and worry. They laugh and tease and quickly get back to the romantic way they are together. She says, I wanted to bring you food and comfort because who is your wife? Renata! Not Tata of the twins. He raises his hand in boy scout’s promise that he won’t lie again. They kiss and he asks how was the wedding? Lovely but, Roberta was a problem as usual. “Others” tend to do that. Jero acts like that was to be expected. And what about her Ezequiel story? She is continuing to make the same claim. He explains that he is now being held responsible for the whole pretense of the death of Nesme. She promises she will devote herself to doing everything to get him out of jail because she wants him with her and ask for a hug.
Adri shows up at Chema’s apartment to ask his Dad, does Chema know that she didn’t intend to hurt him. His dad says yes, but he wants to be left alone she wants to go back to his room but Dad says he has gone to see his doctor to learn more of the truth. His dad says he now knows that he has little time left. She feels so bad about tricking him. Dad, soothes her saying he knows very well that you were trying to be noble and kind to him.
Chema is at the doctor’s office asking, what has happened? I am feeling better with the medications. I’m not having such pain or fainting. Doctor says, this is just the medicine. Chema says but my dad says the tumor is inoperable. Isn’t there something else that can be done? No. So I just sit and wait to die? No just the opposite, when death is near, my counsel is to live with intention in the time you have left. What matters is the quality of life not the quantity. Live fully and with intensity, do everything you can in this short time, before you pass over to the Other Side.
Renata rolls her bag into the Bonita livingroom as the maid has a fit what are you doing here? Manuela nervously tells her the patron is not here right now. Renata tells them all to quit lying to her she knows he is in jail and she just got back from seeing him. I know, so stop lying. Stop lying. Lazaro comes in and gets scolded too. Then she urges him to go with her so they can work on getting Jero out of jail.
Regina calls Antonio to tell him as her old “other” that she is going on her long postponed honey moon but she wants him to be aware that Renata and Jero may need help and he is to call her back her honeymoon so she and Gonzolo can run to help. We hardly remember that they were once involved. Perhaps Antonio has found his proper calling as a counselor and comforter. He knows more than most about being the “other”
The nasty Mommy comes into the livingroom after Honorio leaves to take the honeymooners to he airport so Constanza can bring her out of her hiding place. The young woman eats hungrily as they plan and she asks if Constanza could please keep the baby for a very little time. She needs to leave the baby so she can go get other clothes and it will be much easier to do it if she can leave the infant with Constanza so she can go and return quickly. Consta coos and babytalks, not aware of the sneers on the not angelic face of the little mommy dearest.
Matias shows up in an unbelievably ugly shirt. Is that some team’s colors? He sits at the breakfast table while the maid tells him she will take care of him while the parents are away on the honeymoon. Roberta shows up to share a coffee. He is glad since he wants to tell her about German. Tell me? He surprises her by telling about German’s penchant for being a Don Juan and has been known for office romances in prior jobs, seducing lovely young women in the office and he tricked one in particular saying that he would divorce his wife but he didn’t and he never will. Roberta says, she would never go after a married man and besides German is such a good friend of her father’s. Why would Matias think this has anything to do with her? Our ultimate “other” seems to forget what Matias knows about her.
In parallel breakfast scenes, Gemma is saying I didn’t know you were working with so many beautiful and young women. He innocently counters that every office has lots of young people. But I saw how beautiful Adriana, Roberta and Renata are and I saw you oogling Renata . If you get into trouble again like that last adventure, I won’t give you the money to invest in the Empressas Monterrubio. Not missing a beat, German insists, but it is such a good investment. Guess who holds not only the purse strings but the purse as well.
Chema comes back. HIs dad asks him what he wants to do, postpone the opening of the restaurant? No I want to go one as planned but I want you to talk to Adriana Matias and Julieta, Inez and Consta. I can’t talk to them now but I want them all to be at the inauguration of the restaurant..
Back at the jailhouse Carlos brings more food and blankets to Jero behind bars and they talk about how Jero doesn’t trust that Augie, his “other”, won’t take advantage of Renata while he can and use Jero’s jail time as an excuse to get closer to her again, to drive a wedge between them. He begs Carlos to keep close track of Renata so this won’t happen. Carlos says you know how independent your wife is, this won’t be easy. The laugh at the fact that this is certainly true but Jero begs, try to keep her safe while I am stuck in here.
The rolling “other” comes in and cries to Antonio (Regina’s old “other”.) and he tells her as if she doesn’t know, she felt put out by Renata’s arrival. It is logical he says, she is his wife. She can’t, she can’t she keeps sobbing about this situation. I know you are friends with Renata. And don’t you know how I feel? If Renata had gone, I could have been in a happy relationship with Jeronimo by now. Kindly and knowingly, Antonio says, but things are NOT like that. Yes and I know that he is in love with his wife. For this reason she knows she needs to leave at least for the time being because she is acknowledging that she is the OTHER. No kidding. She needs to go but he says the fact that Jero is the father of her children and nothing can change this fact. I can’t go on this way. She disolves in tears which leaves us thinking that she deeply thinks she could be with him based on that afternoon romp on the desk but then she needs to leave because no one else is into her delusion.
Augie greets the new accomplice who he takes into his office. Accomplice says, you seem to know so much about me it is like an investigation. Augie smugly says I know that you could get Marina back. Why do you want to this? Why would I reconquer Marina? That is my business but, I am offering you so much money that it will solve your debts and doubts and concerns and give you money to start anew. Will this result in hurting Marina? No, it won’t at all, but I want her to have a safe, calm pregnancy and stay out of the way. Marina is pregnant? Yes, but not by me. I would never leave a pregnant woman all alone. Good thing he isn’t talking in front of Anibal. He suggests they drink some good wine then talk about what has happened to Marina since she came to the valley.
In the lawyer’s office with Matilde, Kari gets the official divorce papers laughing in her joy with Matilde and the lawyer. Now finally she is free to marry her beloved Lazaro. Matilde calls her sister-in-law and they all laugh in a happy moment.
In a not too happy moment, Renata goes to see Dr. Nasty Nesme in his big boy jail. She asks him can’t he come forward to tell the truth about Jero not being the one who wanted to fake Nesme’s death. She want him to aid her to get Jero freed from jail. He knows Jero was not to blame. Our unchanged Dr. Nesme’s slimey reply is and what is in it for me? What will you do for me if I go to the authorities and tell them that Jero isn’t at fault.
Next scenes: Renata’s relentless quest to free Jero proceeds, Augie makes the payoff to Marina’s “other” so he will help Augie the trickster, Isidor tells the bank manager who the real daughter is. It looks like Renata will faint in front of all of her girl friends. OMG what could THAT mean? Her heart or… ;> D

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