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Saturday, May 19, 2018


Shreya blaming Niru for Barkha’s death. After the suicide attempt, you took her to hospital. You made sure no one came along, so you get successful in what you want. You took her directly to hotel from hospital. You lied to everyone that she is still in hospital. You murdered her in the hotel room!
Ganga says she is still trapping Babu. We told her everything. Sagar says we made a mistake. We shouldn’t have trusted her. Ganga tells Shreya that this isn’t what she said. Why are you lying? Shreya denies. this is my maths talking. Incidents joined and correlated. Truth joined and lies got minus. I am showing the final picture only. Ganga calls her wrong. My Babu cannot do it. Pulkit watches from a distance. You asked me to tell truth. I did that only. You are trapping
Babu using my name. You are very bad and a liar! My Babu cannot kill anyone. Shreya says you said the truth. But according to that, it gets proved that your Babu only has killed Barkha. He should be punished for this crime. Ganga points out that she took out the wrong meaning from her words. You are cooking up a story. She asks Bahu ji to speak up. Babu cannot do it. Sagar too asks his mother to say it. Niru tells him to leave it. It is pointless to try. Maybe your mother too thinks that I killed Barkha.
Madhvi speaks in Niru’s favour surprising him. You (Shreya) lied. Barkha’s mother questions her. You too are trying to hide the truth now? Her husband seconds her. Niru killed Barkha. Still you are supporting him? Madhvi replies that she doesn’t know what was between Niru and Barkha. According to the theory, the murder happened at 12 at night. He had come to Ratan Bhaiya’s house to pick me up. You can ask Amma ji and Ratan. They both confirm it. Shreya points out that there is a 3rd person as well, who went to that hotel room after Niru left! Pulkit looks tensed. Shreya says maybe that person is the killer. Ganga wonders how to find out who that person could be! If we find any other camera then it can help. Shreya too thinks of the same. They all check the CCTV footage. The footage shows Niru taking Barkha to a room. He is also shown leaving the room. Shreya says maybe it is of the time when Niru went to pay the bill. He leaves after a while. Niru says Barkha was alive at 11:30 pm when I left from there. Raj was inside only. Shreya says it is true that Barkha was alive when you left. But we haven’t seen Raj anywhere till now. They continue watching the footage, to find out who came next. They all are shocked to see Pulkit. They all look at Pulkit.
Shreya talks to Pulkit. Why did you hide it from me? You went to hotel room to meet Barkha? You both fought as well. It is quite possible that you have killed her. You also have a reason – your father having an affair with another lady. You dint like it. You went to confront Barkha. You both had an argument. You followed her inside the room, and killed her there because of your anger. After that you ran away. Your hesitation tells everything clearly while you are coming out of the room. You killed your own Massi? Amma ji thinks of how angry Pulkit was while leaving the house. Ganga too recalls seeing him outside the hotel when she was going to hotel to meet Barkha. How can he do so?
Prabha watches the video in her phone. She sobs. Everyone mocked me. She fears Ratan’s reaction but then gets an idea. She tries hypnotism. Yash is going out to play when she tells him about hypnotism. She thinks of practising on him first. He is against it but she tempts him for chocolate. He agrees. He indeed gets hypnotised. This makes her super happy. Now I will do the same with your papa. Yash laughs as she goes away. I have got a joker mummy and I act so well. She thought that she really hypnotised me!
Raj holds Pulkit’s collar. You killed Barkha? Niru warns him to back off. How dare you touch my son? Amma ji too says the same. Niru calls him a liar. You have no right to misbehave with anyone! Shreya steps in between. Tell me where were you (Raj)? While we were checking the footage, you were not here. Raj says I went to eat Paan. Shreya finds it interesting. How did you think of Paan in this tense situation? She asks him more about his choice of Paan. Raj talks about the footage. Why don’t you arrest Pulkit when the footage clearly shows he went last in that room? Sagar talks in his brother’s favour. Ganga asks Shreya if she cannot see and understand by looking at Pulkit. He cannot do it. Shreya compliments her yet again. You are too smart. Law will get you nowhere.
Raj asks Pulkit why he killed his friend Barkha. Pulkit denies. I did get angry on her. I questioned her. She instead shouted on me that I am saying wrong. We fought but I cannot kill anyone. She was alive when I left from the hotel. I dint kill anyone. I cannot kill anyone. Barkha’s mother talks against him. You had a lot of reasons to kill Barkha. You couldn’t see your mother upset, so you killed my daughter. Madhvi tries to make her understand that her son cannot do it, but Barkha’s mother calls Pulkit a killer. Barkha was your sister too. Does is not pain you? Madhvi is sad, but she trusts Pulkit. He cannot do it. Shreya asks them to stop this family drama. CCTV footage indicates that your son has killed Barkha. Niru must have understood it. He is a lawyer after all. Madhvi refuses to believe it. How can such a small kid kill someone? Shreya talks about many such incidents happening in real life. Pulkit repeats that he dint do it. Shreya gives the night to Pulkit to make up his mind. You can keep lying but it wont become truth even if you say it 100 times. Gather your courage. Confess your crime by tomorrow morning or I will drag you to police station. Niru tries to talk to her but she stays put. Instead of making me understand, try making your son understand. She observes a small smile appearing on Raj’s face. She does not point out on the same. Ganga too observes it. Raj vows not to spare Barkha’s killer. He offers condolences to Barkha’s parents before leaving. Niru can clearly see it that Raj is lying.
Prabha lights candles in the room. Ratan will go mad in my love tonight. Ratan comes just then. He is disturbed thinking about Pulkit. Prabha tries to hypnotise him. Yash peeks in from the door. He scolds her. There is such a big problem at hand and you are doing all this? Barkha is no more. She has been killed. You dint even ask once about any of it. She is shocked. Ratan says you are acting as if you don’t know about it. You go there so often but you dint even come there once. Barkha is dead. Pulkit is getting blamed for it. You care only about money. Yash overhears it as well.
Niru tells Pulkit to tell him everything in detail. Don’t hide anything from me. Pulkit says I already told you everything. Niru says if you hide the truth, then it wont be good for you. All the evidences are against you. I am asking you as your father, not a lawyer. Amma ji tells him not to doubt on his son. Niru cannot distinguish between wrong or right at the moment. Pulkit asks him if he thinks he can kill someone. If you think so, then hand me over to police! He walks out. Niru tries talking to him as he leaves but in vain. Amma ji scolds Niru for doubting his own son. She leaves from there.
Ganga and Sagar are talking. That officer knows nothing. How can she call Pulkit Bhaiya a murderer? Is this some joke? Sagar says Shreya sounded so serious. It is for sure Pulkit BHaiya hasn’t killed anyone but only if she understands! Ganga talks of her Bappa. He used to say that the one who always say truth, never loses. Pulkit Bhaiya is honest. I trust him completely. Why to worry then?
Pulkit walks inside the room angrily. Dad doesn’t trust me. He thinks I am criminal. How can he even think that I can murder someone? I am not his favourite son like Sagar. Whatever I will do, will be wrong. Sagar asks him why he is so angry but Pulkit scolds him. I am the bad one. I don’t agree with anyone and anything. I say truth always. Papa hates me. I know this is the truth. He doesn’t like me at all. Ganga denies. He loves you a lot. Pulkit does not believe her. You don’t know papa. He doesn’t even like to see my face. The phone rings. Pulkit is not in a mood to talk to anyone. Sagar picks it up. Yash asks Sagar if Pulkit Bhaiya has killed Barkha Massi. Sagar scolds him. Don’t talk rubbish. He ends the call. Pulkit says now everyone thinks I am a murderer. Police will take me away. Sagar trusts his brother completely. Let anyone think whatever they want to. I am with you!
Madhvi asks Niru if he does not trust his own son. Niru is in a fix. Madhvi cannot believe it that he thinks so. Niru too feels bad, but it is about justice here. She stops him from talking any further. You talk about justice but you have been always unjust with your son. You have always opposed him and have never liked or appreciated anything that he has done till date. He is your son, not your enemy. He is being called a murderer and you talk about justice? You say you feel hurt? You are lying! Niru is sad to think this is what she thinks of him. Why don’t you think that a father will be dying that ways? Madhvi says I am a mother. I have given him birth by bearing pain. I dint raise him up to die for some crime he hasn’t done. You are a father. You wont understand. Niru replies that a mother gives birth to a kid but it doesn’t mean that a father cannot feel the hurt. You are not to be blamed for it. I haven’t been through that pain but I can feel his pain. Why don’t you think that ways? She asks him to do the duty of a father. Save your son. He needs you. Use proofs. Prove it that you are a father along with a lawyer. If you fail in doing so, then I will think that you are a father, but could never become the father of our kids! Niru leaves without saying anything.
Ratan shares that all the evidences are against Pulkit. Everyone is so worried. Prabha wants to know everything in detail. Who is this Raj? How does Niru fits in all this? Barkha was not the right kind of girl. Ratan tells her to think before speaking. Barkha is no more. Let us not malign her name. Niru is one of my own. He walks out. Prabha decides to go to Madhvi’s house. I missed so much drama.
Ganga finds Niru sitting all lost. He looks so tensed. Niru thinks of Shreya and Madhvi’s words. Amma ji sits down next to him. Ganga looks on from a distance. Niru says, Madhvi thinks I don’t love my son at all. Amma ji says a sad person says a lot at times. Their words sometimes hurt a lot. Don’t think too much about it. Niru loves Pulkit a lot. He is my son after all. Amma ji knows it already. He wonders why Madhvi said so. She asked me to prove my love for my son. I think I will have to prove my love towards my son! It is time to do the duty of a father. I will have to prove it that a kid is above everything for a father. I will have to save him. I can think of only one way to save him. I will take the blame on myself!
Niru talking to Amma ji. I think I will have to prove my love towards my son! It is time to do the duty of a father. I will have to prove it that a kid is above everything for a father. I will have to save him. I can think of only one way to save him. I will take the blame on myself! Amma ji asks him if he has lost his mind. Ganga thinks Babu will take the blame on himself. Niru doesn’t want his son to get into any problem. His career will be finished. A father cannot live seeing his son getting all destroyed. Amma ji warns him not to talk like this again. He says I am only trying to save you, just like you want to save your son. Wont you do the same to save me, if you were in my place? Only a mother understands her kid’s pain. Can you sit peacefully seeing your son in trouble?
She wont be able to take it if anyone calls her son a killer. He reasons that everyone was thinking of him to be the murderer before seeing that footage. Just think that you dint see that footage at all. Just lie to everyone about the timing of my exit from the hotel. Amma ji hugs him tearfully. I cannot do this son! He makes her swear on his head. You will have to support me, so my son and this family can live peacefully. Amma ji cries. I wont be able to do it. He insists. She gives in. Ganga wonders if Babu is really going to this the blame on himself.
Next morning, Ganga hasn’t slept. She speaks to her Bappa in her mind. We are in a big trouble. Wont you help me? The milkman calls outside. Maharaj ji is surprised to see Amma ji still inside her room. She is not in a mood to go for the snan. He is surprised. This has never happened before. She feels all her puja and prayers have gone waste. I don’t trust anyone. Now God will have to appear on Earth to garner my trust. They hear a couple calling for alms. They stand near the window, requesting Amma ji to give them something. God will help you. Amma ji tells them to leave. Ganga walks up to them. She repeats Amma ji’s words. Now God himself will have to come to return Amma ji’s faith in Him. Neither will he come nor will AMma ji’s faith return. We only have to do something now. Ganga walks away. The couple smile. Maharaj ji asks them about it. The guy says, will God tell you before coming at your door? It can also happen that God comes but you don’t recognize him and return him empty handed. Amma ji asks Maharaj ji to get something for the couple.
The couple asks Amma ji why she looks so disturbed. Amma ji gives round about answers. The couple calls her near the window. The lady talks about Ganga. She only will get you freedom from all your pain and troubles. Amma ji talks negative about Ganga. The lady says, all the problems have taught you something. Amma ji turns to look at them in amazement. She is stunned to see Narad ji and Devi Laxmi. She looks at them with love and devotion. Ma Laxmi says, your son brought that lonely girl home but you never accepted her. Gods reside in such people only. She is your guardian angel. She will help you gain freedom from all your problems. She only will help you always. Maharaj ji calls out for Amma ji, saying what all he is giving. Amma ji is about to tell them who these people are. She is taken aback to see the guy and the lady. They bless Amma ji. Maharaj ji notices the look on her face. What happened? She doesn’t share it with him. She thinks it was her dream. My mind is also getting old.
Ganga wakes up Sagar. She is missing Bappa. I am very mush worried. Sagar asks her what happened. You always talk to your Bappa through your heart whenever you miss him. She nods. He used to come to meet me whenever I used to think of him. But it isn’t so today. Sagar gets concerned. Why are you so tensed today? Ganga tells Sagar about Niru and Amma ji’s convo last night; and also of Babu confessing the crime for Pulkit’s sake. What will happen now? Sagar shares that a killer gets death punishment. They both are in tears and shock thinking about the punishment. I wont let it happen. Bappa left me, but I wont let Babu go away. He is your Bappa. You too will cry for him like me if he goes away from us. I wont let it happen ever. We will have to do something. Sagar is clueless. She thinks of telling Madhvi. She will stop Babu. Sagar nods, but then thinks of Pulkit. We have to save him as well. Ganga reasons that Bahu ji will try to find some other way to save Pulkit. They head towards Madhvi’s room.
Niru talks to Amma ji. Are you alright? You dint go for Ganga snan today? She replies that she isn’t feeling like it. Pulkit comes there and looks at them. Niru holds his mother’s hand. I know what you are thinking, but don’t blame yourself for my decision ever. I am doing the right thing. There is no other way. Niru notices Pulkit standing there. Parents sacrifice so much for the kids. Who else can know it better than you (amma ji)? Amma ji is in tears.
Shreya walks in. She greets them good morning. Pulkit is scared. She has also called Raj here. She asks them what they have decided. What is to be done? She looks at Pulkit.
Sagar and Ganga wait impatiently outside as Madhvi is taking a bath. They don’t want to lose any second. Ganga heads downstairs. She asks Sagar to bring Bahu ji asap. He nods.
Amma ji prays that both her son and grandson are safe. Please help them. Raj walks in. Ganga joins them too. Ganga hopes that Babu shouldn’t say anything, especially about confessing the crime for Pulkit Bhaiya’s sake. Shreya waits for the final answer from the family members. Amma ji shakes her head at Niru but he stays put. Niru says I want to tell you something.
Madhvi finally comes out. Sagar wants her to come downstairs. There is a very big problem at hand. She is worried for Pulkit. She is applying vermilion when Sagar tells her about Niru’s plan. Ganga told me about it. I came to seek your help but you aren’t helping me.
Barkha’s parents too reach Chaturvedi Sadan. Shreya asks Niru to speak. Raj interrupts. He will cook up a fake story to save his son only. Niru agrees to tell the Shreya what happened that night. You don’t know the complete truth. I will tell you. I went to hotel with Barkha. Pulkit reached there once I left. No one knows what happened afterwards, except me. I went back there after Pulkit left. Pulkit was saying the truth. Barkha was alive when he left the hotel room. She was still alive when I went back there.
Madhvi rushes downstairs to stop Niru.
Ganga knows why NIru is saying all this. She also thinks of her promise to Sagar. I wont let Babu leave you like Bappa. Ganga cuts Niru’s sentence. I will tell the rest of the story, not you. I went to hotel after Babu and Pulkit bhaiya. I went to meet Barkha Massi. I was very angry. Bahu ji and Babu fought because of her only. I tried to make her understand why she is doing so. She pushed me. I got angrier. I picked up a knife and killed her! Niru calls it a lie but she stays put. Call police now. I will go to jail. I should be hanged. I killed Massi. No one else killed her. Everyone looks at her in shock and disbelief. Madhvi is in tears. Sagar asks his mother if Ganga is doing this to save Papa and Bhaiya. Madhvi nods. Amma ji thinks of Ma Laxmi’s words. Niru refuses to believe Ganga. You are lying! Don’t trust her words. How can such a small girl kill someone? She hasn’t killed Barkha. I have killed Barkha. Shreya says wow. Earlier we dint have even one killer. Now we have two. The third one, the real culprit, hasn’t confessed his crime so far. I wonder why. So many interesting twists are happening in this story! She turns to Mehri who gets all scared and blabbers on. Shreya asks for tea. I thought I wont trouble anyone today but it seems like this drama will continue for some more time. I need tea. Sagar and Ganga look at each other. He wonders why Ganga is taking such a big step. She thinks that she will not let anything happen to Babu. He cannot leave us all like Bappa!
Prabha still cannot believe that Barkha is dead. Pulkit is being blamed for her death? Ratan disagrees. It is better to go there and meet Bhabhi. She is so sad. You dint even meet Mama Mami. Yash asks his mother when he will go to school. Ratan asks Prabha if she hasn’t paid the fees yet. She replies that he took the money. Ratan gives her money. He leaves without eating breakfast. She gets Ginny’s call. Ginny says sorry to Prabha from her friends’ side. I was so against hypnotism but no one listened to me. My friends too are feeling bad. They want to apologize to you too. Come for a little while. Prahba acts modest. She agrees to come over.
Shreya writes down Ganga’s confession in a letter. She asks Ganga to sign it. Pulkit tells her otherwise. Don’t fall for her words. You wont sign. Ganga takes the pen. Sagar also tries to stop her followed by Madhvi. Don’t be mad. Do you even know what will happen if you sign this? Shreya again asks Ganga to sign the papers. Amma ji looks at the file. Niru tells Ganga against signing the papers. I can bet you are innocent. You haven’t killed anyone. You have to listen to me. You wont sign. Pulkit requests Ganga to listen to papa. We all know you cannot do it. Why are you lying? Maharaj ji too has full faith in Ganga. Mehri cannot understand what Ganga is up to. Madhvi tells Ganga that this time she cannot do things as per her wish. Barkha’s mother too cannot understand anything. Sagar requests Ganga to speak the truth. Raj asks everyone why they are stopping Ganga. no one is forcing her to say it. She herself is confessing it. Shreya asks Ganga if she will sign on it or not. Ganga looks at Sagar. I will sign on it. The shock is visible on the faces of everyone. Madhvi tells Ganga not to do anything for which she will have to repent. Ganga thinks of last night. Amma ji pulls the pen from her hand just when she is about to sign. You cannot become great even if you want to! I know you are doing this to save Niru and Pulkit. Niru asks her about it. Pulkit says you don’t have to do it. Neither of us (NIru or him) has killed Massi. Don’t sign. She is lying. Please don’t listen to her. Epi ends on Ganga’s face.

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