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Friday, May 18, 2018


At the center, Inez has a fit that Constanza is so besotted with this baby. They are supposed to give aid and support to the mothers that come to the center, not take over their responsibilities. But, it’s only for the night that I agreed to keep her, croons C over the baby whose mother has disappeared.
Padre Severino’s house is full, Jero has just carried in Marina to bring her home when Antonio knocks comes in and Jero introduces them. Jero glosses over some problems introducing Antonio as a great friend of Regina’s and Marina is explained as the niece and preggers so staying in her uncles’ house she is having twins. Jero is relieved this holy man will be in the house HE leaves quickly.
Regina and Renata talk on phone and that Regina and Gonzolo are going to have a civil ceremony and will they come. Of course they wouldn’t miss it, says Renata. And how are you doing asks Regina. Last weekend was total chaos, but doesn’t want to take Regina’s time. Regina has all the time in the world for hearing Renata’s problems. They are so that super mother and daughter zone again.
Augie Skypes’ with Roberta that he needs to nail Ezek (really he is trying to be a thorough hacienda owner. She remembers with a sly smile that sexy evening after the fiesta when she so easily seduced a reluctant Ezeke. Augie presses, he doesn’t care what she did, but he needs to know whether he can trust his foreman and he further asks her to present a story to Renata that she was forced into action by Zeke against her will, but was afraid to tell anyone. Renata won’t believe any of it, insists Roberta. Augie pushes that she will if Roberta is convincing enough. He needs to make Renata doubt Ezek’s trustworthiness. She calls him perverse, and grins that she will do it just to show him how much she want to cooperate with him. They grin their wicked grins so well don’t they.
Zeke and Alfonsina dine with anvils on the ceiling that they can’t see. Alfonsina is having another moment of guilt that she betrayed him and will never feel good about her bad wicked deeds. He allows that he is not the saint that she thinks and in the past he did some things that if she knew about his saintly image would fall and break on the floor into pieces. She looks worried about what this might mean. We know at least two stories he is considering. The anvils teeter gently back and forth.
Lazaro and Kari hug and talk about how scared she was. She tells him that she told Alvaro (refer to NOK’s incredible list for your own favorite aliases) that she wanted to be with Lazaro not him. He says, my love you were so brave. He is so proud. She says tomorrow I am going to file for divorce. She only wants to be with hem and he only wants to be with her. They hug tenderly avoiding their bruises and scratches.
Consta comes home with the baby and tells the maid to set up the baby’s things for the night. Hon comes in already wary of the presence of this bundle of not joy. Why is this thing here with you he demands. He is as irritated as I am at the crying. He doesn’t want to lose sleep or work so hard at his age he only would for grandchildren. She says it is only for the night and besides the screaming bundle is hungry; I need to fix her something to eat.
Jero and Renata meet in the living room to catch up on their news and she tells him that Regina called. Gonzo is better and there is to be a civil wedding ceremony which they agree to attend. They cuddle on the couch in a light moment. After all she is his spoiled pet. They dissolve into kisses on the neck and more giggling. Sigh, finally a sweet zone.
Back at the Padre’s house, Marina tells Antonio that Jero is more than just a friend, he is the father of her babies. Antonio visibly jerks. Yes it happened when Jero was separated from Renata and maybe Antonio is shocked enough that he wants her to stay elsewhere? Antonio recovers quickly. He was only surprised, not being judgmental. He assures her that he feels for the difficulty and discomfort of her situation and he understands a lot more than she may think.
Manuela drives in her own little knife. As she finishes serving them a delicious looking dinner she pauses to add she wants to tell them something about Dr. Marina. She wants to be able to care for Marina and feed her well so the twins will be healthy. She only wants to make food for her. Renata retracts visibly then asks, are you going to leave us? No way, protests Manuela, but the twins need to be born in the best health possible. Jero thinks it is a marvy idea. Renata says coldly that she thinks that if the babies need then of course it is the right thing to do. She starts to tell Jero how hard this is for her when worse news come with the maid who brings a note from the police station. Jero is being investigated for his role in the faked death of Alvaro Nesme (drop in NOK alias here). Now he is the one really worried about Augie who seems to be trying to file charges against him.
Jero says he doesn’t know what this will mean. Penal and the prison doctor both involved him and even though voluntarily he did what they wanted. She consoles him, it wasn’t your fault. You need to explain what happened to them. He says, don’t worry. But, Renata lovingly assures him, I am always going to worry about things that concern you. She thinks they sould relax from their complicated day. They will finish their supper and then have baths and they will meet in the bedroom.
Manuela talks with Kari in the kitchen and says she is going to cook for Marina and her other problem is that her granddaughter is still coming any day. She doesn‘t know where she will stay. Kari says she and Lazaro will marry very soon and there will be plenty of room for Manuela’s granddaughter and she is sure that Jero and Renata will be glad to help her out and welcome the young girl.
Renata comes out of the bath and asks what is this to the candles, wine and amorous looking Jero. Well he flirts, we married people and a proven formula is that with wine and kisses and much affection… They begin to kiss and sip wine. She says she was ready to throw in the towel with this Marina and babies business. He holds her on his lap as she tells him that she frequently needs to pray for peace and patience. He says I bet last night was one of those when we nearly threw in the towel and she says well… He offers her a grape and one thing leads to another toward a sensuous love scene behind the candles. Whew. Enjoy the scenery while I catch up with the typing.
A parallel bedroom scene has Constanza giving all her affection and love to this screaming infant and Honorio is less than romantic. She can only see the baby; he has disappeared. Where is she going to sleep? Asks the irritated Hon. In the middle of our bed, of course, so she doesn‘t fall. We have no crib for her. He is aghast, no she can’t be in our bed. She is little and we might roll over on her and crush her. So she says she will go to Matias’ room and he says no I will go there. She doesn’t care as he stomps out. She is talking in baby swoon googoos and says she will care for her and the writers make that baby wail poor old Honorio right out of the room.
Matias and Adriana talk with Chema’s dad to tell him that they cannot continue the farce. She cannot accept the ring while setting him up to think he is marrying her. They have their real life to lead. But Chema’s dad says don’t desert me now. Adri says the real thing Chema needs now are the tests to follow his progress with the illness. Chema’s dad says you aren’t parents yet but a parent wants only to protect their child. Please help me prolong his happiness as long as we can. Doesn’t look like Chema has a prayer of hearing the truth.
Alone in his apartment, Chema toys with the diamond ring he has purchased for Adriana while remembering that first hot kiss they shared. He looks happy for the moment.
Carlos and Matilde are ready to see the house that his Mama has prepared. She lets them in like Nate Berkus doing a reveal and they are thrilled that she actually used their taste to decorate. Carlos thanks his mom and tells her that he really loves her (inspite of all the meddling) and Matilde comes back from another room declaring she likes ALL of it. Mom says let me know about the wedding so I can round up the brothers (with the plural hermanos, there could be a sister in there too) She will be back to help them (ustedes) because now I have a new daughter. That would be me, beams Matilde. Mom has come a long way.
Manuela makes her first food drop and Marina seems in a good mood. Antonio is there telling Manuela in front of Marina that he wants to go to the La Bonita to see Renata with her. Marina promises to stay quietly in bed. Think there are too many smiles? So do I.
Ezeke finds the black soft bag in the back of Augie’s car while he is cleaning it and it is full of perfume tape and a black mask, he remembers something Augie said about his next plan. Why would the boss have these things, this isn’t good, thinks Ezeke. You should run far away now and not look back, thinks CherylNewMex…
Next morning Jero and Renata are at the police station. The officer is questioning Jero, so why did you agree to pretend Nesme wasn’t dead? Jero shrugs. The officer want to hear the story and Jero tells him about the theft of the wine vine branch and Nesme‘s role with Augie. In order to solve this case we need all the information we can get. Was anyone else at all involved in this situation? Jero hesitates and then gives up Ezekial‘s name.
Ezeke brings in the incriminating bag of Augie’s tricks and says I found this bag full of perfume, tape and other abduction toys. Augie screams like a mean older brother, don’t touch my stuff! Ezeke’s quick response was that it didn’t seem like something that would belong to Augie so he opened it unaware of the contents. He then beats a hasty retreat, if you don’t need anything else. Augie mutters that Ezek is more of a thorn all the time. Is he numbering Ezekials’s days as an employee or as a live employee?
Jero and Renata finish up with the officer and he will be in touch and he will continue with the investigation. After they leave and console each other in the hall leaving arm in arm, the officer tells the secretary to call the Cruz hacienda right away to tell them he needs to question Ezequiel Fierro now.
Julieta shows up at Chema’s who is eating with his Dad. She has brought the publicity and menu proofs. He is so excited about the work she did and Dad chimes in that he will help get them printed. They talk about foods and desserts to be served. Chema says this is absolutely all he needs to have all his dreams come true.
Roberta and Regina are at the only bank in Mexico City filling out the paper work to get Roberta (aka Regina Junior) the inheritance from her father’s estate. She urges impatiently, how soon will I get this? The male bank manager with our friendly bank manager woman says it will not take much time but at least two weeks. We have to prove her identity. Regina assures them that she has the DNA proof that they are mother and daughter. The manager has Roberta sign and then casually has her drop her finger prints on a page saying this is all the signing they will need. Roberta happily chats that she wonders if she will have to change her name, she is so used to Roberta that Regina will seem strange to her. They are so happy this is going well.
Our white gowned girls are at it again. They discuss when the next favors will be granted by the director. Fina tells Blanca with many sneers that Constanza will fall hook, line and sinker for this Trojan baby they paid to be dropped into her life. Blanca questions, will she really fall for it? Fina smiles, I know her. There is no question that it will work. And then she mimes holding a baby. When Blanca tries to touch and coo at said baby, as Fina says and Regina is next. She feigns jealousy in front of the guard.
Gonzolo shows up at work with Matias at his side As he steps out of the elevatorthe whole staff is standing near reception to applaud seeing the boss back. They are ready for the day to start. On the ground floor Hernan steps into the elevator for his first day and a tardy Roberta runs with her hot coffee into the elevator and dashes the well clad Hernan with the entire cup of hot coffee. She looks up at Hernan with her engaging smile. Is it love at first spite? Errrr I mean first sight?
Stay tuned: Roberta’s gaffe isn’t the only collision, looks like Marina is going to go into second trimester whines to get Jero’s attention and Renata and Antonio are skidding in her car toward a collision with a motorbike. Okay, it's over to you LILA. I hope you all turn out tomorrow night to welcome Lila to her first recap night. The first of many we hope.

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