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Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Reviewing from last night: Hons doesn’t want to be a daddy, Ezequiel is stressing about testifying (about Nesme? I’m not sure, maybe he just doesn’t want to go back to the police station?). And remember that Augi is majorly steamed about Anibal, Renata, then hearing about Ezequiel. It’s not good.
Tonight: Augustin calms himself by coolly ordering his big henchman Melesio to “take care of things”. Melesio’s eyes sparkle as he confirms he is Very Clear on what he needs to do. Augi wraps it up by saying those who betray him pay very dearly. For Augi, ordering a hit is more soothing than an hour at Yoga class.
On the other end of the daddy spectrum our endangered ranch hand is cuddling and cooing to his infant daughter. In spite of his past he is every bit the loving father that Augi is not. He tells Luz that when he was young and without children he did something that would affect his whole life. He tells Luz (who happily gurgles safely in daddy’s arms) that he would give his life to relive his past and get rid of the actions that haunt him. He cries over this baby who is so loved, while Alfonsina tearfully listens in the background.
In arftul comparison, we move to Dirty Director’s office where he escorts CruelFakeMom Corina and the stolen escuincle out, giving Fina and Blanca a chance to laugh amongst themselves. Blanca thinks maybe DD went too far by kidnapping the child. Al contrario cackles Fina, Coni and Regina will be blamed for the kidnapping; they will kill two birds with one stone. Fina feeds Blanca’s starving ego by saying soon Blanca will be head of all Empresas Monterrubios!
And speaking of two birds, we go to the new restaurant where Chema declares he can’t believe he’ll be realizing two dreams on the same day, the opening of his own restaurant and marriage to the girl of his dreams. Dad insists that before they go into business they need to take out life insurance and get medical exams. The sinister music plays and Chema comments he hopes they’ll never have to use it. Dad mutters to himself hopefully, hopefully. (I originally thought perhaps Ben was being a bad daddy by taking out a life insurance policy on Chema, but Vivi pointed out he is just using the life insurance story to get Chema to his follow-up exam. That makes me feel better.)
In the one other restaurant in Mexico City we find Roberta sucking up to the new partner German, she tells him their age difference doesn’t bother her. After her experience with Matias she has become bored by boys her own age, blah blah blah. He asks why does Berta want to work at EM? She says her road has been difficult because daddy always had eyes for Matias and Renata. She’s no saint but she’s repentant and wants to prove it. She goes on about herself ad nauseum, brought up to be rotten by her imposter mom, boo hoo, and now she wants to change even though her family doesn’t think she can. He says on the other hand he does believe she can change. Her sweetness bubbles forth as she thanks him for being her one friend in EM. They toast as Mana’s “Mariposa Traicionera” (Treacherous Butterfly) plays in the background. (Who remembers this song from Tontas? Theme song to another rotten sister I might add.)
Matias and Adri have decided to dine out tonight and of course their choice is limited to the very same restaurant. Adri is particularly amused to spy the perfidious pair and they join them to get a few friendly jabs in about German, how is his wife (on vacation), how long has he been married (25 years), etc. All great fun.
The La Bonita clan is also sitting around the table enjoying dinner. When they start asking Anibal about his personal life he becomes uncomfortable and hobbles off to his room. Naturally they start gossiping about him being Augi’s kid and Mati makes a crack in that case the sooner he leaves the better. Renata jumps down her throat, the sins of the parents should not be visited upon their children! (I think I just figured out what tonight’s theme is.) Mati is all “Oops, I forgot about YOU...and Oops I didn’t mean...and Oops, why don’t I just shut my big fat mouth right now?” Yes indeed Mati, we’ll leave you to wrassle that foot out of your mouth while we move on.
Alf calls Kari to ask for a favor. She whispers so Ezeq doesn’t hear. He doesn’t want her to go with him tomorrow when he testifies. But she has a bad feeling, she wants to go to be with Ez and she wants Kari to go with her.
Jero and Renata tease Mati, tell her to let Anibal sleep (Jero scoffs at Nata’s mothering), and are off to have some fun together. Later Mati tells Anibal they went off for a ride and he decides to check out the hacienda.
Alf (and Luz) and Kari are at the police station waiting and fretting about Ezeq being a no-show. Maybe he met with trouble along the road? It’s all very weird.
Augustin paces in his office and gripes about his newest torture, the appearance of his alleged son Anibal.
Said torture is hanging around outside when who should come rolling up with her suitcase but the lovely diversion Alison. Seconds later a new song plays and we know there has been an instant Love Connection.
The man behind the desk calls Ezeqiel’s name and informs Alf they will grant only 15 minutes leeway. Luz starts crying to further accentuate the stress that all of us are feeling. Alf calls for Ez from a pay phone. The demon Augustin answers and smugly tells her he doesn’t have a clue about Ez because he gave him the morning off to make his statement in Ensenada.
Cut to the joyful pair of Jero and Renata riding through the country and Gitana looks just fine, whew! They dismount to hug and cuddle a bit and to bestow kisses upon one another. Renata pretends to chase Gitana so Jero can chase her, this game of love tag goes South when Renata stops short with a look of horror on her face. They both cry out Ezequiel’s name in anguish and we need this commercial break to compose ourselves, pour a shot of Mezcal, tea, chocolate, whatever, and take a deep breath.
Oh dear Lord, as the scene opens we see Ezeq’s legs hanging from the tree behind Renata. NOOOOO!!! This shot is thankfully short as Jero wisely turns Nata around, insisting they return to the hacienda and call the police immediately.
Back at La Bonita Manuela hugs and welcomes her nieta while Anibal looks on, smiling the first smile we have seen on him. Manuela quickly tells him Alison is only there temporarily, “just like you!” Grandma and granddaughter go inside to catch up and Anibal sighs while birdies and hearts practically fly out of his ears.
At the station Ezeq has missed his chance to testify and the official tells Alfonsina they can send another subpoena but if Ezeq continues to be a no-show they will send the authorities after him. Alf promises he will be there next time. Alfonsina frets yet again that she has a very bad feeling.
There are also very bad feelings at La Bonita when the household sees Jero and a hysterically distraught Renata come stumbling into the house. Manuela, Mati, Carlos and Laz hear Jero’s words, it appears that Ezequiel has killed himself, hung from a tree. No puede ser! What a tragedy, exclaims Manuela. Carlos calls the police and Super Laz flies out of the house. Mati cries surely he is going to find his best friend.
Alison joins Anibal at the desert water feature to tell him something bad is going down inside. He thinks maybe he should go inside and find out but Alison wants him to stay with her. He explains he’s in town for personal business, he just met the La Bonita crew but they seem very nice. She says she was sent down to granny’s because her parents think she’s anorexic, but she’s not, they’re just exaggerating as usual. She’s thrilled to hear he has a motorcycle. As soon as he’s better he promises to take her for a ride.
Back inside the sadness and crying continue. Manuela and Mati want to see Ez; Manuela has a deep need to be next to him. Mati points out that Alf and Kari went to Ensenada to meet Ezequiel. Carlos agrees to take Manuela and Mati to see Ezeq’s body. Really? Still hanging from the tree? Is that a good idea?
At the Hons/Cons house Adri wastes no time in telling dad and Coni all about seeing Berta with a married man. “That girl will never change,” insists Coni. Hons also has a tidbit, apparently German is a womanizer and had a long affair with a woman 15 years his junior! His wife left him but since she had the money he begged forgiveness and they got back together. Adri says the joke will be on Berta when she finds out German’s money is his wife’s, not his. (I love it just as much as Adri!!) Coni is concerned that such a thing could happen at EM. ( Eh? Hons and Cons. Mat and Adri. Mat and Nata. Mat and Berta. Just sayin’. And notice I didn’t mention Hons and Blanca. Oh, and Gonzo and Fina from way back when?)
At EM German and Berta bask in their new friendship. German smiles lasciviously when Berta offers to make him a cup of coffee. (Does she know how? Has she ever?) Her flirty bliss is interrupted by MalaMama-in-white calling to demand more money. Berta says sorry but she’s at dad’s work and doesn’t have time so stop bothering her, OK? German comments he feels sorry for this galan whom she is rebuffing. The phone rings again, German drools on his desk and the wicked butterfly music plays on.
Fina curses Berta and tells Dirty Director she doesn’t have the money, if he wants more she’ll need his help.
Some guy gives Isidro documents about Roberta so that Regina can legally proclaim Berta to be the inheritor of Roberto’s trust. Isidro mutters how ironic it is that Roberta turned out to be Regina’s daughter.
We know how Fina is when she doesn’t get her way and she’s howling up a storm. Dirty Director says he’s not running a hotel where she can come and go as she pleases. Fina insists the only way to get the money is to let her out. He finally relents under her sarcastic mocking, but says they will do things his way, not hers. Famous last words Director Dumba$$. I’d hide the letter opener if I were you.
The beautiful, yet saddest song in the CME repertoire is playing. The SEMEFO forensic van has arrived (Servicio Médico Forense, thank you Google), and Ezequiel’s friends have gathered next to him but behind the yellow hazard tape. He is at last peaceful, supine on the gurney. Laz says Ez has had problems and lately has been very bothered and nervous but never did he think anything like this would happen. He is in torment imagining the circumstances and why did Ez not say anything to him? They have been friends forever. He demands an investigation! (Do it! Do what my boyfriend Super Laz says.)
Alf has just arrived home and Jero and Nata are there to talk to her about Ezequiel. She hopefully assumes they must know why he didn’t show up to testify. Oh yes they know, and they solemnly and reluctantly tell her that no, there wasn’t an accident nor is he in the hospital. Kari deftly removes Luz from Alf’s arms as Alf assumes that Ez has left her and the children. Jero sadly corrects her; Ezequiel is dead. We hear her heart pound above her cries of anguish as she rushes to Jero, trying to beat him into changing his story. She collapses in his arms while Renata also tries to comfort her, and she falls onto the floor like a rag doll.
A young worker runs into Augi’s office with the news that Ezeq hung himself from a tree at La Bonita.
Alf is up off the floor, going hysterical while teetering precariously on her spiked heels. Jero and Renata hold Alf up while she demands what is she going to tell the children about their father? Ponchito arrives on cue, “My papito is dead? My school told me but it’s not true, right?” (Dang, news travels fast in the country!) Alf cries and hugs her son. He is dressed like a little man and tells her not to cry, he’ll take care of her. She sobs with renewed vigor.
Augi drives down the road grinning broadly (I want to smash his gleaming white teeth!!) while recalling Ezequiel’s fate. Melesio had set up an ambush in the road knowing Ez would be on his way to town. He feigns engine problems and when Ez leans in to check, Melesio chloroforms him and dumps Ez in the back of the truck. Augi, having learned not to trust his employees, steps out from behind a bush to watch. Note that he is wearing his stinky windbreaker of death.
In the next scene Melesio has set Ezeq’s unconscious body on a horse and has placed a noose around his neck. Please please please say he is going to do this while Ez is unconscious. Oh noes! Pour a shot, grab a chocolate, chug some tea! Augi is there and he waits for Ez to regain consciousness so he can taunt him. Ez calls him a coward, that is the difference between them; but Augi says after they find him hanging Ez will be thought to be the coward because only a coward would kill himself. (**See note below.) Ez yells Augie wouldn’t dare! But Evil Incarnate says yes he does dare. Ez asks Augi to think of his children, his wife. Augi smugly points out Ez should have thought of them. Ez keeps calling Augi desgraciado, as if he is cursing Augi, but Augustin just smiles and says “Adios amigo,” and thankfully the scene ends there. Oh that Augie is a bad bad dog.
Next we see a split screen of Ez on the gurney and Aug in his truck, smiling and saying “If you go against me you won’t live to tell the tale.” The bastard drives up to the scene, rushes out and cries a bucket of crocodile tears over the body while Laz cautiously observes.
Chema and dad are at the doc’s for a “Check Up” as Ben says in English. Chema wants to make it quick as he is keen to get back to work.
Back at the body Augi tearfully demands how could Ez do such a thing? Laz says he knew Ez didn’t want to testify but he never thought this would happen. Augi pretends and exclaims now that Laz mentions it maybe Ez was much more affected than Augi thought. He says Ez had a great fear that the authorities would find out about something in his past, something that might end up putting him in jail. It happened a long time ago, when Ez left the Valle de Guadalupe to look for a better life. But we were kids then, says Laz, it was a very long time ago, 18 years ago at least. Manuela wonders what could he have done that was so bad? Aug says Ez committed robbery while in the U.S. and they put him in jail. When he returned home from serving time he never told them that's what happened to him. The others can’t believe it, more “No puede sers.” (That’s it? That’s the big crime of 18 years ago? Am I missing something?)
Augustin is satisfied, believing he has secured his perfidy with a neat little knot of exaggeration. Yet behind him stands Lazaro, giving him a powerful stink eye filled with suspicion.
And now presenting in fashion color Wine Country Burgundy...

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