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Monday, May 7, 2018


The Old:
-Nora remembers Ricardo’s insinuations about her mother.
-Sara tells Alfredo to speak to Ric if he wants to learn more about Rebeca.
-Marcelo and Lucia catch each other up on Vinicio’s and Daniela’s shenanigans.
-Nora goes to Ric’s place to find out more about her mama, and freaks out when Ric implies her mother is a murderer. She smashes the wine glass in his hand with her purse, and Ric gets a shard to the jugular. He pulls the shard from his neck and swiftly begins to bleed out. With his last bit of strength, he grabs on to Nora, leaving bloody streaks down the front of her grey silk dress, before he drops dead to the hardwood floor.
The New:
Nora screams, and then runs to the door, forgetting her purse as she does. Alfredo is just about to knock on Ricardo’s door, when a blood-soaked Nora opens the door. Alfie is horrified by her state and asks what she’s doing there, but Nora is shaking like a leaf, still in shock . “I didn’t do anything! I didn’t do anything! I swear!”
Rebeca meets with Amador and tells him she doesn’t like the police poking around through their files (especially the ones they illegally changed to frame Marcelo). She also doesn’t like that an employee of the fábrica is involved in the murder of someone very beloved to the employees and town. Remembering how Amador tried to intercede in Vini’s firing, and that Alonso told her that Nazario suspected Amador of being behind Trini’s murder, she definitely knows Amador is up to his eyeballs in this mess. “I don’t like working with a murderer, much less having the police digging through fábrica business.” Amador assures her he’s got it all under control, but he’s sweating bullets.
As she leaves her secret meeting with Amador, Rebeca gets an urgent call from Alfie. “I need you to come to Ric’s apartment immediately. It’s about your daughter. She’s in big trouble!” Rebeca tries to call Nora and gets no answer. She calls the house phone and gets Lucia, who hasn’t seen Nora either. Her car is gone.
Leticia has turned in early and is crying in bed. She tells Sara it’s because her father is leaving Puebla for a job in Guadalajara. She can’t help but feel sad. That’s your papa-- a rolling stone! “I feel like I’m never going to see him again.” Sara tells her that if they want to see each other, they will . “Yes, Ricardo is a lout, but you’ve managed to bring out the best in him…I’m sure you’ll see him again, sooner than you think.”
Rebeca gets to the apartment and pushes past Alfie, who tries to shield her from the gruesome sight.
“I don’t know what happened here, but your daughter is in no condition to give a statement.” He tells Rebeca how he found Nora covered in blood at the door. “My daughter couldn’t have done this.” Well, she was the only one here, Alfie points out. He was waiting for Rebeca before calling the police. Rebeca begs him not to, then goes into the bedroom to see Nora . “I’m here my love. Everything’s going to be ok.” Nora is crying and shaking uncontrollably. Rebeca starts to walk her out of the apartment and Alfie wonders where she’s taking her? “Things don’t work this way!” Rebeca says she’ll take care of everything, and she’ll call him tomorrow. Alfie goes back into the apartment, sees Nora’s purse, and takes it with him before leaving.
Magdalena serves Mario dinner as she tells him about the Vinicio affair—she wants him to make sure Vini rots for his crimes. He’s lost in thought and tells her he’s thinking about the medical tests he’s taking tomorrow (the fertility test). He lies that it’s just a routine check-up.
Marcelo and Nazario put Trini’s birds to bed, as Marcelo says he’s checking in with his investigator tomorrow about the contract Amador pushed through. Naz intends to go back to work tomorrow, because he wants to see Amador’s face as the Vinicio crap hits the fan. He’s determined to fight Amador, Rebeca, and even Nora if she jumps into the fray. Marcelo’s not lumping Nora with the other two because he often feels sorry for her. Naz agrees.
Rebeca tries to sneak bloody Nora into the house without being seen. Lucia comes out of the office, and becomes alarmed when Nora won’t turn to face her or answer her questions about how she is. Rebeca barks that Nora is fine, and hustles her up the stairs before Lucia can see the blood stains.
Rebeca takes Nora to her (Rebeca’s) room, and tells her shell-shocked daughter that she needs to take a bath. Nora neither says anything, nor moves. Rebeca has to undress her and guide her to the shower. She continues to reassure Nora that everything will be ok, while clearly not believing it herself. She puts Nora under the water, and then leaves her daughter there to sob alone, while she gets rid of the bloody evidence.
Alfie returns to the Puebla apartment looking for Daniela, but doesn’t find her in her room. He calls her and she informs him that she’s already back in Mexico City. She got tired of waiting for him. He says he’s not sure when he’ll be able to return. Dani’s over it. “Do whatever the hell you want, papa!”
Rebeca stuffs Nora’s bloody silk dress in a trash bag meant for leaves in the outside bins. I really don’t think that’s what they mean by “organic.”
The next morning, Milagros is over her hangover and back to her usual bitchy self. Rafaela wonders if she’s not worried about Aida Lugo looking up Marcelo, or Marcelo searching for her. Mili is certain that Marcelo is too caught up in his own drama (i.e. Lucia), as usual, to give a damn about anything else.
Meanwhile, Marcelo meets with the private detective. He hasn’t yet gotten the info on Provedora de Centro, but he’s close. And what about the woman I asked you to find? He has pictures of a few Aida Lugos that he found. Marcelo goes through a few of the pics, and bingo! He finds THE Aida Lugo. Her contact info is on the back of the photo.
Lucia brings juice to Tere in her room, and is not happy to find Tere has gotten out of bed. “How stubborn!” Tere has disobeyed Lucia’s order to rest, and is back in uniform, working, taking out the trash bins to the curb. She’s still obviously shaken and out of sorts, and she drops the organic trash bin on the walkway. The leaves Rebeca shook out of the bag fall out and Tere struggles to stuff them back in the bin. Lucia comes out and helps Tere, opening up the nearly empty trash bag to aid the process. Tere finds the blood-stained dress and identifies it as Nora’s. Lucia is visibly shaken, and goes inside with the dress to find out what’s going on. She approaches Rebeca, shows her the dress, and demands to know what’s going on.
She’ll asks Nora herself, if Rebeca won’t answer. Rebeca restrains her from entering the room, and tells Lucia that the blood was the result of Nora slitting her wrists once again. And the reason she did it, is Lucia getting back together with Marcelo! She forbids Lucia from entering, and says the doctor gave Nora a tranquilizer. Lucia can’t hold back tears, thinking of what her little sister tried to do.
Nora wakes just as Rebeca enters the room again. She begs Rebeca to tell her it was all a bad dream. Rebeca wants to know why she was in Ric’s apartment. She tells her mother how Dani and Ric said stuff about Rebeca, and she went to get more details from Ric. And when he started to say horrible things about Rebeca, she hit him with her purse. “There was so much blood! So much blood! No one will believe it was an accident. They’ll put me in jail! Daniela’s father saw me! He’ll tell the police!” Rebeca assures her she’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. She tells Nora that they have to make her sister believe she tried to commit suicide. She must NOT leave the room! Rebeca leaves a barely functioning Nora shaking in her pjs.
Downstairs, Lucia prepares to take Nora a tray of juice and food. Tere stops her to ask about the bloody dress, and Lucia tells her of the suicide attempt and asks for Tere’s discretion. Then Lucia asks Tere to take Nora the tray, since Nora doesn’t want to see her, and she would likely just worsen Nora’s emotional/mental state.
Ric’s landlady moves quick. She’s already showing a young couple the place, assuming that Ric moved out last night as agreed. She literally stumbles over Ric’s body. Much screaming ensues. Guess she doesn’t have to give him back that security deposit…
Nazario is welcomed back by Lalo and a few of the employees. They discuss Vini—no news yet on his whereabouts from the police. Amador sarcastically welcomes Naz back, from across the courtyard, and heaps some more bad karma on himself by hypocritically saying he hopes the police soon catch his wife’s murderer, Vini. Naz does too, because he’s sure when Vini’s caught, he’ll have a LOT to say. Amador nods, plasters a tight smile on his face, and tries not to hyperventilate as he walks away.
Commander Juarez and Detective Ramos discuss the Vini case. Looks like he’s ditched his cell phone, so they can’t track him that way. As they look through the small mountain of paperwork, Ramos notes that while Amador claims he had no relationship to Vini, he’s listed as Vini’s reference in his work application. A clerk comes up and tells the detectives that a lady just called about a dead body found in an apartment-- Ricardo Marquez. “The same one we know?” Juarez finds it suspicious that yet another person connected to Amador Zúñiga is dead. They’ll take on this case too.
Lucia tells Marcelo about Nora’s bloody dress, her supposed suicide attempt, and that she feels impotent and guilty. Marcelo tries to convince her not to feel guilty about all the crazy crap her sister does. Lucia is terrified that one day one of her suicide attempts will be successful. Marcelo urges her to speak to Roman. Lucia says he’s no longer treating Nora…for many reasons. It’s the only solution Marcelo can think of, but he’s for sure not going to let Nora’s craziness get in the way of their plans. Is Lucia? Lucia tearfully asks him if he would have done anything it took to prevent Federico from committing suicide. Marcelo has to admit he would have done anything. But then he gets huffy and asks Lucia if she’s willing to sacrifice herself and him, just to keep Nora calm? Lucia doesn’t want to do that, but she feels like she has no other option. “I just want Nora to be like she was before. A woman with lots of moods swings, sure. But, normal.” Marcelo reminds her that that’s not up to her, or Rebeca, or anyone. “It’s totally dependent on her (Nora).”
Nora is still in bed, as Rebeca tries to convince her to eat. She reminds Nora to not take off the bandages on her wrists. Nora thinks that sooner or later they’ll figure out she’s lying (about the suicide attempt). Rebeca assures her that won’t happen. Plus, she already has old scars there (from her actual suicide attempt). “Mama, I’m not a murderer. I swear it was an accident.” Rebeca hugs her broken baby bird, and tells her, “I know. Sometimes things happen that we don’t want to happen. Without wanting to, you end up hurting someone.” Rebeca tells Nora she has to leave her alone for a while, to go get Nora’s car that’s parked outside of Ric’s house. “Where are your car keys?” Nora hops out of bed and starts to freak out as she realizes that her keys are in her purse, which is in Ric’s apartment! “How are you going to get my purse out of there?!” Rebeca will get Nora’s spare car key, and find a way to take care of the rest. She leaves a panicking Nora crouched on the floor.
As she leaves, Rebeca gives Tere orders to neither disturb Nora, nor to let anyone else into the room. She then gets a call from a very agitated Alfie, demanding to know if she called the police as she promised she would. “Nope. Not yet. I need more time.” Click!
Mili and Dani have tea in Dani’s house. Lucia, Lucia, Lucia! Bitch and whine. Whine and bitch. Mili tells Dani that if she got Marcelo back with emotional blackmail before, she can make that ploy work for her again, this time with something that will have Marcelo shaking in his boots!
Rebeca starts shaking in her own boots, or stilettos, when her taxi pulls up to Ric’s place and she sees it’s surrounded by police tape, police cars, and the coroner's van. And there’s Nora’s bright red VW Beetle, parked right in front of all the madness. She tries to stealthily cross the police tape and gets stopped by a cop. She insists that she’s just trying to get to her car, and the cop lets her through. In response to her question about what’s going on, he tells her about the body, which then gets wheeled out right in front of her. She shakily gets in the car, and quickly drives away.
Inside, Ramos and Juarez (who would have surely stopped her, had they seen Rebeca), question the landlady, who knows nothing about any visitors Ric might have had. They let her go. Juarez thinks they need to speak to Amador to find out if Ric had any family. He tells Ramos to search through Ric’s phone contacts too.
Dani calls up Marcelo, who’s reluctant to answer. Lucia encourages him to pick up. Dani wants to get her wheelchair from his place. Like, NOW. She doesn’t want to wait until he’s back in D.F. later that afternoon. Marcelo says he’ll call his ex-assistant Lorena to leave the keys for her. (Hasn’t he learned anything about giving crazy stalkers access to his keys?) Lucia’s surprised he’s going to D.F. that day, but he says he has some stuff to take care of, including talking to his mama, and to Aida Lugo, his daddy’s mistress. He has some doubts and questions that he hopes she can clear up.
In another round of “Tere is not paid enough for this sh*t”, she really doesn’t need Rebeca berating her for letting someone wait for her in the den, when she’s dealing with her own trauma. She tells Rebeca that Alfredo said he wanted to bring back the purse Rebeca left in his place last night (hint, hint). Rebeca sends Tere away, and goes into the office/den. Instead of being grateful that Alfie got the incriminating purse, and has so far kept his mouth shut, she immediately scolds him for coming to her house and not waiting for her call.
R: I told you that I would call you later.
A: And I told you that we shouldn’t hide what happened.
R: The police already know. I went to get Nora’s car…and I saw them bringing out the body.
A: What do you intend to do, Rebeca? Keep quiet?!
R: Yes! And I ask you to do exactly the same!
A: Of course not! We agreed to wait a day, and like an idiot, I agreed! But you know what? The deal is off!
R: Please, Alfredo. I beg you to support me in this.
A: I can’t, nor do I want to. I’m not inclined to become Nora’s accomplice. I don’t know what happened, but it’s obvious that Nora needs help.
R: That’s exactly what I’m doing! Helping her! I’m doing what any other mother or father would do for their daughter.
A: Yes, but Nora ISN’T my daughter! And right now, I’m going to the police…
R: Yes, she IS!
A: What are you saying?
R: You can’t turn Nora in. Because she is also YOUR DAUGHTER!

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