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Wednesday, July 11, 2018


We continue where we left off as Santi dressed as Marcelo has a flashback. Remembering Ramiro's words, he ponders why Leticia wants a divorce & doesn't want him to find Lucia.
Cue the devil herself, Ana Lucifer barges into her grandmother's room while Ernestina is checking her Tinder. Just as abruptly as she entered, she asks her what she's up to. Ernestina lies & says it's just a message from Miranda (but we all expect it's someone that may or may not rhyme with BRodrigo....or *crosses fingers* BEvaristo!). Leticia says she came back for her. Ernestina calls her out & says she thought she wanted to stay w/ her uncle. Leticia says in spite of him begging her to stay, she knew that her abue needed her more. Gag me. She then asks for the earrings Ernestina gave to Jenny to match a dress she bought. Indeed, Leticia's heart is more frigid than the body that hasn't even gone cold yet. Inaki asks the secretary about the key he gave her. Lucky for him, she hadn't had a chance to give it back to Leticia. He concocts some story about needing her to run urgent files he needs signed. He rummages in her desk for the key & like Jaime Bond, he goes through Leticia's drawer. I'm not sure if he's looking for money or is just being a nosy stalker. As usual not to let us down, the writers include a near-miss with the passport as he puts everything back.
We return to Ernestina inviting Leticia to eat with the family. Leticia says she has plans to have dinner w/ Inaki. Instead, we see her head to a salon to get a Llora makeover. The hairdresser comments that the hair is virgin (ohohoho, much like our Llora. I bet the writers thought they were clever for that one). She limps while modeling the Llora wig and I can only imagine what trouble she plans to cause. I'm guessing this might be one of the ways Ramiro's plan will backfire on him.
Remedios gets dropped off at Santi's place by the only Taxista left in Mexico. He tells her to ask Santi to come visit & that the taxista team (of one?) misses him. Santi as Marcelo gets another flashback entering Alfredo's car. Alfredo asks about the confrontation & Santi responds that she's not telling the truth regarding why she wants a divorce (having expected her to come clean about her affair w/ Daniel). He asks for marriage advice, but Alfredo says not to ask him as he's lied to his wife (Remedios) for so long. Alfredo mentions his intention to do better by her & that he owes Marcelo alot after what he's done for him. Marcelo then sees Daniel, to which Alfredo asks what he plans. Marcelo cocks his gun exclaiming that he plans to kill him, kill them both. End flashback & we see him face-to-face w/ his madrina. She's shocked to see him as he is, he explains he just recalled a memory & remembers her hubby.
We see Inaki in Mission Impossible Part Dos. He finally sees the passport & connects that Ana Leprosa was in Costa paraiso on June 9th, the day Jen died. His reaction is very nonchalant & I'm left wondering if he's suspicious at all or if he had already suspected as such. Llora then interrupts his musings & is calling him b/c she can't reach Leticia, but finds out Leticia lied about having dinner w/ Inaki. "White feather", as Inaki calls him, went to grab some din-din so he has the secretary check jefe's desk for those signed papers while Inaki swiftly puts the key back.
<<Ay, if I see one more Icy Hot commercial w/ Shaq, I'm going to drop my tv on a hobo!>>
Ramiro gets a call from a nervous Llora & immediately recognizes her voice (maybe Letonta won't be as successful playing Llora after all?). He confesses he's got a date w/ Leticia. Llora is shocked, but he confirms it's not the 1st lie Letonta has told them & it won't be the last. Just then, Llora hears Leti's arrival & is left wondering what's going on. She calls Leticia who explains that they misunderstood her plans. She's out w/ Daniel, not Inaki. (Busted like a boosted buster in a busty bustier!)
Remedios and Santicelo are discussing his attire. She didn't recognize him, especially b/c he hates ties. And it's not just his attire, it's his eyes & gaze. "Ana Lu was right, you're not the same". He says he's dressed as Marcelo to help his recollection. But it's only fragments that makes him feel even more trapped & confuzzled. She asks what she can do. The sad music starts. In tears, he cries "I just need you to hug me, I feel scared...and lonely." (Awwwwww. As I mentally push Rem out of the way, I hug my tv. *Whispers* It's ok Santi, Anna is here *smooshes boobs even closer*)
<<Ugh, damn you commercial breaks & your interfering ways! I was having a moment!!>>
Anibal tries to convince Ana Lu to not give up on her dreams, or otherwise end up in regret. He offers to speak to her mom, but she insists Solebad is stubborn. He then offers double her pay but it's still not enough to sway her.
Ramiro gets a little strokey as he confesses to LeTeaseYa that her words affected him & wonders what would've happened if Llora hadn't shown up that day. She responds that she knows exactly what would've happened (yeah, it ends with leaving money on the nightstand). Too bad he ditched her for Llora. He admits that for so long he's had his heart on Llora, but he can't seem to resist this attraction he feels for her. LetsGettitOn replies she only needs 1 night. He says he can't accept that, but that fires her up even more. She likes that he's a good guy, but mischief makes the fondling grow heartier. He accepts this based on the fact he's resigned himself to friendship w/ Llora & respecting her relationship w/ Villantin. He laments they could never have a real relationship b/c of of her family. He explains how alike they are in their losses, She interjects that she's not capable of being satisfied. He feels that while everyone else finds happiness, she could too with someone who can make her find love again. She gets sad & talks of an impossible love (her mind seems to wander off). When he inquires who it is, she catches herself & claims that it is him. She says it's impossible as he is her "Amor Prohibido" (Star-Crossed Lover). He puts it that she made it impossible by turning everyone against him. She says it's nothing she can't fix. He says he wants her to be his partner, in front of the whole world. She's got a big Cheshire grin.
Mariano bumps into Viridiana (Sue) and invites her to dine w/ him. She's not so willing as she has alot to do. He says he had his lawyer cancel the eviction, so she has more time & he'll throw in real-estate advice, free of charge! She laughs & finally concedes. They have a nice dinner where she makes sure he knows she doesn't play around. He says he now has a different view of her than he expected. She hopes to erase her perception of him too. They find out they have similar taste in food! Giggles and googly eyes. In the background, cupid is shooting arrows like it's the Hunger Games!
Santicelo and Rem discuss her hubster. He explains that he and Evaristo were employees of his, but there's alot he still doesn't understand. His real name is certain. They both also confess their knowledge about the triplets and that Solebad always knew who he was, which is why she didn't want him near Ana Lu. And that's why he needs to stop her before they leave the city!

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