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Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Part 1 3 years earlier Nacho continues asking Carolina if she is cheating on Santi with Damian. Carolina immediately pretends she is being offended by such questions and asks Nacho to leave. Nacho tells her that he cares for her and Santi and that is why he is asking. Carol does not want to hear it and kicks him out. She is left worrying about the situation, she feels like all her world is crumbling around her. At Gabriela’s house her husband arrives and tells Santi he needs to be supervising the work because that is what they pay him for. He trusts Santi but not his workers.
Mia asks Damian why he has abandoned his family, Damian says he has been having a lot of problems but then Damian offers to make Mia tea, like he used to do when she was a little girl. He goes off to make her tea and leaves his phone on the couch, Carol calls his phone and Mia picks up but says nothing Carol says “I just turned in to a professional liar today” Mia then says “Carolina it’s Mia” Carol realizes she has just made a big mistake. (world continues crumbling)
Present time: At the hotel room Cynthia continues to undress for Godoy, he tells her to stop, he then says “you have the wrong person little girl” shows her his badge and then tells her “get dressed and I’ll say you out front” Cynthia is floored with shock. At Laura’s house Juan keeps trying to rape Laura, tells her that he knows she wants him and is just afraid to show it. Laura pushes him away and tells him to leave At police station Nacho tells Antonio that he knew that Carol was cheating on Santi, but he never told Santi. He asks for an attorney because he did not kill Carol, but since there is a death involved he wants an attorney. Antonio not really listening continues to question him about Carol and Santi and asks him what did you feel when you found out about Carol and Damian. Nacho confesses that he did feel hatred for Carol. At the foundation Raquel finds out that the money from Damian’s company has been donated to the foundation. Raquel is surprised. At the Alvarado home, Lola walks into her father’s bedroom and Santi tells her to sit. He tells Lola that he knows she has many questions. He then says that he is not sure what is going on but he loves Raquel and that “I never thought I would heal bur Raquel is doing something that makes me heal." Jovita at the Becker home tells Raquel that Andres paid for everything and even left money for the house. Raquel gets upset and calls Andres to tell him she does not need his help. He tells her that he loves her and will not allow her to run to the "construction worker" for help, HE will help her. Godoy at the hotel wants to know who hired Cynthia; she does not want to tell him but tells him that it was Rafa Estrada the police officer. He tells her she has two choices cooperate with the police or go to Jail Antonio goes to see Santi and tells him that things are getting complicated for him and for Nacho because Nacho confessed that he knew about the affair before Carolina was killedAt Dam’s hospital bed Mia tells Dam that now she understands the phone call from Carol that she heard. Mia also says that it is Carol’s Fault that Damian is in a coma. At the hotel Room Godoy restates that he wants Cynthia to help him trap Rafa. Cynthia doesn’t want to because if Rafa finds out he is bound to kill her. Santi continues to discuss case with Ant, Antonio tells Santi that all he wants is the truth.
Part 2 Antonio and Santi continue discussing and Santi says “this means you don’t trust me” “no I just don’t understand why you defend Nacho so much”
3 years earlier Damian is in the kitchen and tells Mia that her tea is almost ready. Mia tells him that he left his phone on the sofa and he received a phone call and she answered it. Damian as any guilty person would react, gets upset and tells Mia that he has already told her that she is not supposed to answer his phone “well I answered it because it was Carolina and she said something about a lie, what is she talking about?” Damian comes up with his usual back up lie and tells Mia that it has to do with Lola, and the Job and how Carolina has lied to her husband about Lola, but it is their problem and he has nothing to do with it, Mia tells him that Raquel should be the one talking to Carolina and not him, she says she is too old to be having tea with dad, so she leaves. Raquel is at a plaza talking to a doctor about Mia’s situation, he tells her that the best thing to do is to be supportive of Mia and to try to get her help. Cutting has become an epidemic among teenagers her age because of how fast videos about cutting have spread. Again he recommends that Mia get support and possibly be seen by Doctor Moreno. At the Alvarado household Santi is upset at Carolina for not being frank about having had an argument with Damian “why do I have to find out from other people?” Then Santi goes on a tangent and starts telling her that if she was home more often where she “belongs” this would not be happening. Carolina does not understand what he is getting at (and to be honest neither do I), he brings up Lola and her much older boyfriend and how this is somehow linked to Carolina and her new career, and if she was home with her kids and husband, blah, blah, blah. (I tuned out because it was getting ridiculous) Nico walks in on them while they are arguing and tells them to stop fighting. Vicente calls Carol to threaten her that if she doesn’t pay or tell Damian to pay he will get in his car and go to the city to talk to Damian. She asks him for one more day, Vicente will give her a day but it’s going to cost her more in interest. For every day that his money is delayed she will pay more. Damian follows Mia into her bedroom wants to talk to her about the situation with Carol, but Mia refuses she does not want to talk to him and wants him out of the room. They continue to argue and Mia is leaving her room when they run into Raquel who is wondering what is going on. He tells Damian to leave Mia alone, that they need to talk. At a restaurant Agustin tells Nacho to stop butting into other people’s lives, Nacho says that Carol denied everything because she has something to hide. He knows when a woman is lying. Agustin is panicking and tells nacho to stop interfering. Santi tells Nico not to butt into an adult conversation, that he will handle things with his mother. Lola walks in and now Santi wants to talk to Lola. He tells her that he does not approve of her chasing around for Juan and he does not approve of her relationship with him. She needs to concentrate on school work and that is it. Damian is crying his crocodile tears and says “I have failed as a husband and as a father” (yes indeed you have sir) Raquel reassures him that it’s not his fault that Mia needs help but it’s not his fault. “Oh and what were you arguing with Mia about?” Damian loads his lies and shoots them at Raquel who believes him. Raquel says we have to support Mia not judge her. Damian than says “I have to change because our daughter is hurting her body and her soul." He steps out of the room and texts Carol to call him. She calls him and says “I am going to need you to talk to Vicente” don’t worry I will fix it he replies. “I called you and your daughter answered” “don’t’ worry I will handle that too” Damian then tells her “I think you are right, we are losing control and it probably is best that we stop seeing each other” Carol is shocked to hear Damian say this.
Present time: Antonio tells Godoy that Santi says that Nacho could not have known about the affair, but he asks Godoy to investigate all of Nacho’s moves before and after the accident. Godoy tries to tell Antonio that he has another investigation to conduct having to do with drug dealing. Antonio says that they need to let the department in charge of drug dealing handle the investigation, Godoy then tells him that Rafael is involved in the drug dealing. Cynthia gets home and Raquel asks her where she has been, if she has taken drugs? Cynthia denies it but understands that Raquel wants her out of there so she asks for a few days and then she will leave. Godoy is home when Laura gets there, she again insinuates and instigates to try and get an argument from Godoy. She tells him that she is going to do the same thing that he did to her and at that moment she gets a picture of a very naked Juan, she says “what would you do if I was sleeping with someone else, obviously that turned Godoy on because he grabs Laura picks her up and kisses her and takes her up to the bedroom. Alina goes to see Nico apologizes to him but tells him he needs to go to her house right now, “it’s now or never Nicolas” Nicolas choses now and goes to tell Lola he is leaving with his boss because she has some work he has to do (yes she does, really) Mia calls but I am too frustrated to repeat what she says, bottom line Nico lies to her and goes with Alina. When he leaves Lola tells him to be careful Santi goes to see Raquel, who is calming her nerves with a shot of tequila, he asks to join her. They embrace in a very sweet embrace and then they drink a shot of tequila. Santi says “I miss you I can’t be without you, how do you feel?” "I feel desire and fear” “Why fear?” “I don’t want to make a mistake with you, everything is against us” Santi agrees. Santi then tells her that Antonio suspects Nacho because he knew about the affair years before the accident and that makes Nacho a suspect but not only that, he becomes a suspect as well.

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