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Thursday, May 31, 2018


Laxmi Bai slips from the boulder and starts falling down. Major Ellis manages to save her in the nick of time by positioning a hand cart at the bottom of the cliff. Laxmi Bai is saved but becomes unconscious.
While everyone else is relieved, Vahinisahed and Nelson get disappointed with the lost opportunity.
Laxmi Bai is immediately rushed to the palace where Gangadhar Rao summons the royal physician. The physician examines Laxmi Bai and says that she will take a while to completely recover as she has a few internal injuries.
Gangadhar Rao asks him if the child in her womb is fine. The physician reveals that Laxmi Bai is not pregnant much to Gangadhar Rao's surprise. The physician confirms that someone must have misdiagnosed Laxmi Bai as pregnant.
Hirabai who is also present in the chamber gets angry on hearing this. She screams at Daimaa for falsely informing Gangadhar Rao about Laxmi Bai's pregnancy without verifying.
Daimaa is ashamed but wonders how she erred inspite of her four-decade long experience.
After Laxmi Bai regains her senses, she apologizes to Gangadhar Rao and says that the incident was unintentional. She adds that she is thankful for the fact that Major Ellis saved her in the nick of time so that no harm is caused to the unborn child. Gangadhar Rao is pained to hear her but does not find words to tell her the truth that she is not pregnant.
Laxmi Bai goes on to say that she plans to host a meal for all the children in the kingdom so that their child is blessed. She adds that they should present Major Ellis too with a gift for saving the heir of Jhansi. Gangadhar Rao still does not muster the courage to tell her. When Moropant and Chimnabai enter Laxmi Bai's chamber, unlike her usual self Laxmi Bai takes extra precaution while climbing down from her bed.
Major Ellis takes a stern view of Nelson's attempt to murder Laxmi Bai. He threatens him to back off else he would report about his misconduct to Fort William. Nelson completely refutes the allegations and claims to have no role in the mishap with Laxmi Bai.
Laxmi Bai organizes a bhoj (meal) for a few children for the health and well-being of her unborn child. Aware of the fact that she is not pregnant, Laxmi Bai's enthusiasm pains Indu and Moropant who are also in the hall.
Hirabai too arrives and is upset seeing Laxmi Bai rejoicing out of ignorance. With a heavy heart, she tells Laxmi Bai that the royal physician has confirmed that she is not pregnant.
Laxmi Bai looks at her in utter disbelief. She runs to Indu, Moropant and even approaches Gangadhar Rao and questions them if Hirabai was true. However, seeing her hysterical condition, none dares to spell out the truth.
Laxmi Bai rushes to the physician and questions him. The physician admits that she was misdiagnosed as pregnant by Daimaa. Laxmi Bai is distraught hearing this and goes into a state of shock. Meanwhile, Vahinisaheb breaks the news to Nelson that Laxmi Bai is not pregnant. Nelson rejoices and says that he wished he was there to enjoy the sight when Laxmi Bai turned hysterical.
Precap: Heerabai ask LB to find a new bride for GR.
Janaki bai was talking with nelson n they were happy to see LB in state of shock n says that now thy hv to do nothing as thr state wil destroy them n then had a evil laugh.GR was talking with hirabai n telling her that LB is in bad state of shock , she was not talking to any1 n stilling like a stone, hirabai says that she'll handle her n then goes to her n takes her to a pandit to know the future of jhansi, LB  was still quite. They reached thr n pandit was happy to see LB there, hirabai ask him that whatever he told abt sambalpur's future is true now so she wanted to know abt jhansi's future now, he checked the kundli of LB n told the future of jhansi is in vain as rani has death written at a small age, both were shocked , hirabai ask abt future n he told that "maharani ki kundali me maa ka sukh nhi hai" , so thy evalute it that LB couldn't become mother but he also says that if the stars changed she'll surely become mother, they reached the palace, LB was thinking abt heir n jhansi's future n got very disturbed n ran toward stabble takes a new untrained horse n started riding it roughly, a servant informs GR abt it, moropant told GR that whenever she was so distured she do like this, GR got worried n followed her tries to stop her by calling but she couldn't so he has to jump on the horse to stop her n after a while when LB realised that GR is at the horse she stopped n goes away but GR  stops her n consoled that everything is gonna be f9 n he trusts her rani n they hugs. They get back to mahal n hirabai takes her to temple n told her lord ganesha's story abt his wives n ask her to find a new girl for GR firstly she denies but then in thinking just bcoz of jhani's heir, janaki was listening the convo got happy.
Precap: Lb tellling moropant that she'll sacrifice her marital life for jhansi's future.
Laxmibai is stunned when Ira Bai suggests getting Gangadhar Rao to marry a second time if the East India Company was to be stopped from annexing Jhansi.
On witnessing Laxmibai's silence, Sakhubai reminds her that the entire Jhansi was waiting for an heir to the throne.
Laxmibai visits Moropant and informs him that to safeguard Jhansi, she had to sacrifice her own emotions. She cites the example of Lord Ganesha who also had two wives.
Nelson calls on Gangadhar Rao and informs him about the fate of Sambalpur and Satara which were annexed under the Doctrine of Lapse. He assures the King that Jhansi had no cause for fear as the queen was expecting. Maharaja assures Nelson that he didn't have to fear about Jhansi's successor.
Gangadhar Rao informs Nelson that he was busy as he had organized a game of chess for monarchs of neighboring kingdoms. Nelson challenges Gangadhar Rao that he would defeat him in the game. Nelson smiles viciously when Maharani accepts the challenge.
Precap: GR introduces LB as a player against nelson.
Gangadhar Rao accepts Nelson's challenge.
Gangadhar Rao tries to reassure Laxmibai saying it was just a game of chess and the queen had no reason to worry. Laxmibai warns the King to remain alert during the game.
Laxmibai decides to play on behalf of Gangadhar Rao to thwart Nelson. Gangadhar Rao is surprised to learn that Laxmibai knew how to play chess. An elated Gangadhar Rao promises Laxmibai that he would give her whatever she wanted if she wins the game.
The entire court is present to witness the game. Nelson gains an upper hand. However, Laxmibai manages to checkmate Nelson's move.
After the game, Laxmibai asks Gangadhar Rao to honor his promise. Laxmibai reveals her wish: the King should remarry. Gangadhar Rao is taken aback by her wish.
Precap: GR imagines LB killing herself.
Gangadhar Rao rejects Laximbai's request to remarry. Gangadhar asserts he is not willing to sacrifice Laxmibai.
Meantime, the raj vaidya sends medicine for Laxmibai through Sunder. The medicine will help the queen conceive.
When Gangadhar Rao rejects repeated requests to marry, Laxmibai tries to commit suicide. Gangadhar Rao saves Laxmibai before she can resort to the extreme step.
Motibai worries for Gangadhar Rao when he tries to drown his sorrow in alcohol. The King reveals to Motibai how Laxmibai was prepared to sacrifice her own life so that he could remarry and get an heir for Jhansi.
Gangadhar Rao finally agrees for the marriage but he puts forth a condition. Gangadhar Rao insists that the entire wedding would be held under Laxmibai's supervision. In the court, Laxmibai announces the news of Gangadhar Rao's marriage. Laxmibai also informs the court that she would find a suitable bride for the King. Laxmibai's announcement leaves the entire court shocked


Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
A scared ishaani asks who is talking. The guy says that he is the guy from the posters, and asks if that shall help them be caught anywhich way. She is shocked and tensed. Leeringly, he asks her to remember the nightmare that they put her through, or forgot, as they definitely cant. he says that if its becoming hazy, they can meet again, for reliving old memories. She is tensed at the lewd behaviour. Shaurya and damini tensedly ask who is it. karan enters just then too. When shaurya speaks in the phone, the guy cancels the call. Ishaan is dazed and they all ask her why is she so scared. urmi is shocked too. She drinks the water. While tears stream down ishaani’s cheeks they are all very tensed and worried. she sits down in a state of shock,
after having received the call. shaurya asks her to tell who was it. she says that it were the same goons. he asks who. she stammers out of scare and shock, and hesitatingly tells them, and then tells everything. they are shocked. She says that it was the same person who had done wrong with diya. Diya hears this from the balcony and is shocked. they ask ishaani to speak up. She says that he said that they havent had enough and shall come again. she is highly scared and traumatised at the phone call. urmi along with others are shocked and apalled. he says that its okay. damini says that its not okay, as her worst fears of threatening calls are coming true, and that the threats are coming for ishaani now, due to diya. Shaurya says that the threats were for diya. damini asks what if ishaani is the next target, and asks how is he so engrossed, that he can forget about his sister, ishaani for the sake of that girl, diya. shaurya protests that he cares for his sister. Damini says that if he is so concerned, then diya should be out of the house, and it isnt her concern, where she stays, whether she goes to hell, or better yet dies even. they are outraged at her callousness. Anirudh asks how can she be so cruel to diya, and where would she go in such a time, where it isnt safe for her at all. urmi asks her to think about it. sandhya says that diya too is someone’s daughter, just like theirs. Damini says that diya isnt her daughter, and she only cares for ishaani, and she doesnt care where diya goes. She points out to karan, that he being the fiancee, its his responsibility to take care of diya. karan is in a fix. karan is shocked, and says that he cant take diya, as his mother wont allow. damini asks him to go and convince then, as she doesnt care, if diya is in his house or on the roads, but she wont stay here. Diya steps down saying that she is right, as she wouldnt want anything to happen to the house or ishaani due to her, and that she shall leave. damini snidely thanks her. Karan asks whats she saying, and where would she go. Diya comes to him, and begs him to take her, while he is irritated, saying that she shall convince and beg his mother to take her anyhow. she then turns to ishaani, asking her not to be afraid as nothing would happen to her. she assures that they have supported her immensely and she cant become the reason for their problems. uirmi comes and asks her to stop, and then is again adamant, that diya wont go anywhere, as her going out, after the threats isnt safe at all. diya says that she cant stay here and pose a threat to ishaani. anirudh finally stands up and speaks that she wont go anywhere, and shaurya is right. He says that for humanitarian sake, and for the safety and security of diya, she is welcome to stay here as long as she wants. damini taunts and claps them for their selfless service to diya, and asks what about ishaani. Anirudh says that he cares for everyone, and till he is here, nothing would happen to anyone, as he too loves ishaani as much as she does. he says that he shall arrange for police protection, and that noone needs to be scared as they cant stop living, due to some petty goons. He asks diya not to go anywhere, as she neednt be scared and she can stay here always. karan is immensely relieved. He asks diya not to be bothered by anyone, and asks if she trusts him. She breaks into tears and complies. He assures her that all would be right. He then turns to ishaani and gets on composing and assuring her too, who is visibly traumatised. He cites her as his brave girl, and asks how can she be weak, when her grandpa is there. damini eyes urmi and diya angrily.
In her room, diya remembers ishaani’s phone call and damini’s retaliation, and the discussion that ensued. just then, shaurya and chiku come in laughing and guffawing. Shaurya asks chiku to do it again for diya. They try and cheer her up. she resignedly asks what happened. Chiku says that he had a breakup. She tries to follow the link, as shaurya talks about chiku’s various hilarious breakup, where the gf took revenge by posting pics of chiku dressed as a girl. this causes diya to laugh, and they revel and enjoy seeing her happy after so long. shaurya gets emotional seeing her happy. Chiku is relieved too.
meanwhile, on the roof, urmi calls the police and asks if there are any developments, and then talks about the threat calls. She asks them to catch the culprits soon, and the police takes it on the ego of the police department, and assures her that soon they shall be nabbed. shaurya comes and urmi tells everything, adding that it feels they shall have to follow up. He takes this responsibility on himself, saying that they can also print the pictures in the newspaper, AWAZ. she asks about diya, and he talks about her laughing. they are both happy for her, and hope that everything is soon okay.
Scene 2:
Location: Police Station and AWAZ’s office
Shaurya is prompt and diligent in his follow up with the police, about any whereabouts or leads in diya’s case. In the office, shaurya instructs the employees, that the sketch shall continue to be printed till; the goons are nabbed. he is highly thorough with his follow up from the newspaper and the police too. Many days pass. One evening, shaurya waits in the police station, while the inspector begins to get irritated with him and his pstering. He asks him not to be here so much, as his pestering wont help them catch the goons. Shaurya says that its been 23 days, and he is no closer to finding a single clue, and asks how long would they take. the inspector shamelessly says that they havtn been able to. shaurya asks how and what effort are they putting in. the inspector says that they are doing their work, but maybe they have left the town. he asks if he found a clue through the newspaper. shaurya says that its his effoert, but for the police, its their duty, and he is answerable to them for that. the police asks if he is reminding them their duty. shaurya says that he would remind him, if need be, and its due to this attitude, that the police is being degraded these days. he assures that the minute he gets any info, he shall tell him. Shaurya resignedly leaves, in a huff.
Scene 3:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Shaurya comes inside, and finds the entire house in darkness. he hollers as to why the lights are off. He then starts shouting for urmi, ishaani asking where’s everyone, seemingly worried now, as noone responds back. Suddenly the lights go on, and all wish him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Ishaani gets a cake for him, and asks him to cut the cake. But since he is so frustrated, fr their safety, he screams at ishaani and asks her to shut up. Ishaani is hurt and boggled. All others are surprised too at this reaction. The screen freezes on shaurya’s angry face.
Scene 1:
Location: Urmi’s residence
Shaurya lashes out terribly at ishaani, saying that she doesnt care about the environment in the house, and isnt she mature enough to understand that he wouldnt want to celebrate the birthday. Anirudh asks him why is he overreacting, as its just a small celebration. he lashes out saying that he doesnt want, as he is sick and frustrated of running after the police, and doesnt feel like celebrating. he says tht ishaani should understand this. Anirudh says that ishaani went to great lengths to orrganise this. Shaurya says so what, after what happened to diya, he doesnt need anything, Alok says that its understandable he is stressed, but he doesnt need to be angry like this. urmi asks him to calm down too and asks him to take a look at ishaani.
he finds ishaaani sulking and in tears. urmi says that they can enjoy a little. Shaurya calms down a little, and then apologises to her, saying that he vented out his frustration on her. She dumps the cake on the floor, in aggression, and leaves. Shaurya apologises, but she rushes to her room. Anirudh is upset. damini however evilly smiles. shaurya collapses on the floor disappointed. all are tensed.
The next morning, while ishaani and damini are in the drawing room, shaurya comes down and finds her still angry and ignoring him. He asks if she is still angry. she denies, but he pesters on. she asks him not to fight, while he tries to cheer her up, again apologising profusely, and ishaani finally gives in and they smile again. they shake hands. just then, urmi gets diya down, and Diya wishes him for his birthday. he immediately lets go of her hand, and turns to diya, shocking ishaani. ishaani eyes her stranded fingers, while shaurya gives attention to diya. ishaani gets irritated. urmi suggests that its a good time, and they should all go to shirdi. he complies, thinking it would be good for diya. he asks damini and ishaani to get ready. damini deneis to go. he turns to ishaani. ishaani says that she doesnt believe in worship and all. Shaurya says that he shall be there with her. but she asks him to carry on, as its his birthday and he should celebrate it the way he wants. He asks if she sure doesnt have other plans for him. she denies, and then he leaves. damini again instigates ishaani, that when she wanted to celebrate he didnt, but when diya wanted to, shaurya instantly agreed, and that this was what was her fear all along. Ishaani says that she is right, as shaurya has changed a lot. damini is relieved.
In the room, ishaani searcehs for her laptop charger frustratedly, while damini comes in saying that she shouldnt take out her frustration on things. Ishaani tells damini that diya isnt shaurya’s gf. damini says that diya isnt, then he cares so much, then what if she becomes the gf. Ishaani is frustrated. Anirudh hears this from behind the doors, while damini saying that shaurya isnt her blood brother too, as he is samrat’s son. she says that they dont love or care for her. She says that neither shaurya nor urmi loves her, and they both just enact to love. ishaani leaves in a huff. Anirudh comes in angrily, and hollers at her for being so callous, and becoming such a lowlife, while she listens least bothered. She shamelessly says that she has no shame, and she shall break this relation. She asks him not to react, as he forced her to do this. she says that she shall, as the property is ishaani and hers only. She tells him that the decision is his, if he includes shaurya in his will, then she shall continue like this, and if he doesnt, then she might think about her motives again. she leaves. Anirudh is tensed.
Scene 2:
Location: Gaurav’s residence
Chiku is looking for his hankey, when nupur comes in with it, saying that she got it. He takes it frustratedly, tauntingly saying thank you. She shyly says that in friendship, No Sorry No thankyou. She rushes out, while he is irritated. he gets one of his gf’s call, and nupur finds him talking lovingly, she gets irritated and asks jealously who was he talking to. he tells her unabashedly about his many affairs. Nupur is outraged, and decides to get asha. when she comes, nupur insists that she asks what her son is upto. Chiku gets frustrated, and finally nupur tells her that he has a gf. Nupur is shocked, that asha takes it very casually, much to chiku’s amusment. She begins that a girl and a boy can never be friends. Chiku gets frustrated and asks asha to take her out. she complies.
Scene 3:
Location: Shirdi and Karan’s residence
Shaurya gets a call from karan and he receives it no resignedly. Karan says that he had called and why isnt diya receiving the call, and where is she. shaurya says that she had aclled but he didnt pick up. he says that he wa sbusy in auditions. Shaurya says that its good, since he has had his media coverage from diya enough. karan asks him not to taunt, and asks where’s diya. when shaurya says that they have come to Shirdi, karan gets berserk, asking why wasnt he informed, as he too would have come then. He asks why wasnt he told. shaurya says that he doesnt have an information bureau for him, and besides why does he want to know. karan says that its his right. Shaurya asks what he wanted to know, as there’s no media coverage here. karan asks him not to cross limit and talk nonsense. Shaurya cancels the call. karan is angered.
As shaurya along with urmi and diya rest in a restaurant, shaurya and urmi assure that she would win and particularly after visiting the temple, as his blessings would open new doors for her. Shaurya asks them to wait in the car, while he just comes. they comply. urmi gets a call, and asks diya to sit inside, while she just comes. she complies. urmi goes to receive the call. Meanwhile, the same rapists arrive on a bike, and get down. While diya waits in the car, she hears some people humming the tune, the same song that the goons were singing that terrible night. They leeringly talk about how they need to find a new prey, and reminisce, as to how wonderful the last one was, talking about diya. she eys them in the rearview mirror, and is recounted of the nightmarish incident. she scaredly peeps out of the window, and finds that its the same people, at the tea stall. She is shocked, and immediately puts her head back inside. She is petrified. the screen freezes on her face.
Precap: Just then, Urmi comes inside and finds diya completely shaken and terrified. She hurriedly asks diya what happened. Diya points to those people, from the rearview, stammering and unable to speak up. urmi is tensed. shaurya too asks whats the matter, finding diya so scared. Finally Diya speaks up. shaurya asks where are they. She tries to say that the people are there beside the Paan stall. shaurya hurriedly looks outside.


Gist : Rishab Determined To Investigate Against Prithvi
Sarla asks what Shrishti saying is. Preeta says there was a thief at house and she thought he intended something else. When she had caught him, he was approaching Janki. It seems Janki is aware of some secret. Prithvi says he doesn’t understand who would kill a mere servant? Sarla tries to remind Janki everyone standing there. She tries to inquire Janki about anything that could have caused enmity among anyone for him. Rishab notices Karan and Prithvi share an intense stare. He takes Karan outside. Only Shrishti was left with Janki as Preeta and Bee ji take Sarla to the room. Bee ji scolds Sarla for questioning Janki so emotionally. Preeta asks her to be calm. Sarla was furious that they didn’t tell her about an attempt on Janki’s life. She begins to cry blaming herself. Bee ji now scolds
Sarla for taking everything over herself. Sarla blames herself. Preeta now calms Sarla down for taking a lot of care for Janki.
Prithvi comes to Sherlin excited about Janki’s memory loss. Sherlin was also cheerful. They were caught by Bee ji. Prithvi says they were discussing Janki is awake and it seems a burden was taken down their shoulders. Bee ji wonders when did Prithvi and Sherlin became such good friends. The doctor arrives them.
Outside the house, Karan asks Rishab why he brought him outside. Rishab asks Karan if he attempted to break Preeta’s relation. He knows well Karan lied to Preeta’s family and gathered them in hotel. Karan says everyone insists Preeta is important for him as well, why would he hurt him or his family. Karan says he saw Prithvi with another girl there, but at the last moment he called Preeta there. Rishab says Prithvi is a very cunning man; but Karan must not interfere in Preeta’s life anymore. Karan says he can’t let Preeta marry Prithvi at any cost. Rishab promise he will handle the matter, and doesn’t want any more discussion about this matter. Preeta comes out and hear they were discussing about him. Karan denies, as she gives herself more self-importance. Rishab also denies talking about her. Preeta smiles that what she likes the most about Rishab is his honestly and truthfulness. Rishab was lost about what else she had said there. She asks them not to argue for her. Karan jokes but Rishab tells Preeta they were talking about Prithvi. Karan was sure she won’t understand. Rishab says he doesn’t trust Prithvi to be true, he asked his manager to find about his past. Preeta tells Rishab this is pointless suspicion. They had a roka and she has accepted him as her fiancé. Karan asks if her own life doesn’t matter to her. Preeta requests Rishab to stop this investigation about Prithvi, her family trusts him. Rishab takes her promise that she would share if there is any problem in her life with Prithvi.
The doctor assures the family that Janki is completely fine. It will take her some time to recall everything. It’s because of damage of her brain cells due to head injury. The clot will soon dissolve, they must stay with her and recall her everything. Sherlin thinks she wouldn’t let this woman’s memory return. Prithvi furiously stares at Sherlin. Sherlin wonders why Prithvi is angry at her now.
Outside, Rishab talks to someone on phone. Karan was staring at him and asks if he would cease his investigations against Prithvi. He says Prithvi is a faulty man with a huge doubt. Rishab tells Karan he would not stop his investigation against Prithvi. Preeta is a very simple girl but he doesn’t trust Prithvi at all. But he will do it calmly. Actually Karan doesn’t do anything calmly and creates a drama of each matter. Karan thinks if Prithvi already has a girlfriend, why he wants to marry Preeta. Sherlin hears Rishab say he must first find out who exactly is Preeta. Sherlin thinks they are gathered around by enemies, but till good luck is there with them no one can ruin their planning.
PRECAP: Prithvi was enraged about everything going wrong in their plan. There, Rakhi comes to invite Arora’s and Prithvi for a celebration about Karan’s selection in International cricket team.


Gist : Simonika Plans Bomb Blast In Mehra House
The Episode starts with Simonika coming to meet Pragya in night. Pragya says sorry and feels guilty for doubting her. Simonika says its ok and says she came to talk to her about something. She says you shall not tell anyone about Munni or Pragya’s matter and says if your enemy comes to know this, then they can harm Munni. Pragya says you are right and thanks her. Simonika says you gave me job, it is my responsibility to take care of you. She thinks trust is to break and comes to Sangram’s rooms. She wakes him up and says she came for pitch reading about tomorrow final match. She tells him tomorrow is special day for her, as she got married to her husband on that day and will kill Abhi and Pragya on the same day. She says she will give Shradhajali to her husband. Sangram asks what is her plan. Simonika
says I will blast the house tomorrow. Sangram says then Disha will also die. Simonika asks him to let her die. Sangram thinks he has to do something and save Disha. Simonika says tomorrow Jwala mukhi will blast.
As Pragya writes on the paper about the arrangements, Abhi gets happy and says tomorrow is 11th march. Pragya says it is an usual day and tells that she is going to shopping with Disha. Abhi thinks Pragya don’t remember special day of his life. Pragya thinks I want to make it extra special. She tells her that Dadi reminded her that tomorrow tailor is coming to take their measurement and asks him to let her sleep. Abhi asks her to sleep and thinks she can’t be his fuggi, and thinks Dadi and his family members will wish him. When the clock strikes 12, pragya comes near Abhi and wishes him happy birthday, goes back to couch. Abhi wakes up and looks at her. Dadi and Dasi pray to God for Abhi’s long life and happiness. Sangram thinks Simonika has planned his death and I am going to buy stuff of his death.
Abhi wakes up wishing himself happy birthday. He thinks everyone forgot rockstar’s birthday, sees pragya sleeping and thinks she must be keeping gift in her hand. He tries to check in Pragya’s hand for the gift. He turns her towards him and checks for gift. She wakes up and asks what happened? Abhi says he held her from falling down. He says you are forgetting many things. Pragya says thank you for reminding me and tells that Dadi told her about puja and she has to make Prasad. Abhi gets upset. Pragya thinks he is a child.
Pragya comes to the jewellery store to get Abhi’s bracelet. Manager assures her that it will be ready. Saleswoman brings bracelet. Manager says it will be artistic and stylish. Pragya asks him to pack it. Manager says there is some work needs to be done and it will be send before cake cutting..Pragya says ok and goes.
Mitali and Purab talk about decoration. Abhi says it is best and gets glad thinking Purab remembers his birthday. Purab asks if Disha will like it. Abhi says why her. Purab says it is her birthday today.
Dadi shows Disha’s big pic. Simonika comes to the jewellery shop wearing burqa and asks for the jewellery bag. Saleswoman says they don’t give bag without purchase. Simonika says they have purchased last week. Saleswoman gives her jewellery bag when she says she wants it to keep her jewellery. Manager gets doubtful about her and checks what she is writing on note in CCTV footage. He thinks why she wrote happy birthday Abhi on the note. Simonika thinks Mehra family’s trusted shop will get them killed. Manager tries to stop her, but in vain.
Purab tells Pragya that he has tackled Abhi, but he was upset. Pragya says she is enjoying to pull his leg. They laugh. Abhi thinks why they are happy, there is something surely. Pragya sees Abhi listening to them and signs purab. She asks what he is gifting Disha. Purab says saree. Abhi gets upset and calls Pragya. Purab asks Pragya to go. She comes and asks what he needs? He says knife and says he is not getting his stuff. He asks her to search her stuff. Pragya asks him to manage. Dadi calls Pragya and asks her to come downstairs. Abhi gets upset. Simonika asks Vikram to fit bomb in gift box. Vikram says how? Sangram says it will be caught in security check. Simonika says they will not doubt thinking Pragya bought it. She asks sangram to take bomb via kitchen door. Simonika threatens him and says once abhi dies, she will give double party to them. She asks Vikram to pack the bomb.
Manager calls Pragya and tells her about the lady who got their jewellery bag and then wrote happy birthday Abhi on it. Pragya is shocked and drops phone on the floor. Simonika thinks today she will repay the pain to Abhi.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Gist : Simonika Fools Pragya And Feigns Innocence
The Episode starts with Pragya accusing Simonika. Simonika says I have always tried to protect you and your husband. When snake incident happened, I was in the same house, it would have bitten me. You gave me address of Khan Chacha, I was having guitar in my hand, it would have blasted my hand. Pragya doesn’t believe her. Simonika asks her to trust her and says I will not lie in the name of mother. She goes inside and says I am Simmi. Woman says Rimmi left me, and asks will you also leave me. Simonika says I will not leave you.. woman says Rimmi will come. Simonika says I have to go from here for few days and tells about her boss. Woman says yes, she came and asked about you. Simonika pretends to be nice with her and says she will ask neighbor to cook food for her and asks her to take care of herself.
She tells that she took her report to doctor and got medicine for her. woman says Rimmi is better than you, she don’t ask me to have medicine. Simonika says I am going now. Woman asks her to take care.
Pragya hears her and falls in her trap. She asks Pragya to come. Pragya asks her to tell what is going on and says she said she has one daughter. Simonika says she forgets herself and tells that she has Alzheimer and tells that her younger daughter Rimmi eloped with a guy. Pragya asks why there is no pic of yours..Simonika says she got Rimmis’s pics framed all around in the house for her mother. She shows her photo album with Rimmi and woman. Pragya says Jyoti said that you are married.
Simonika says she is not married and can’t leave her mother. Pragya says whenever Abhi was attacked, you was near him. Simonika says I got related to you emotionally and thought of myself as your young sister and tried to help you. She says I am upset with you, but I understand that you have love for Abhi and that’s why reacted this way. She says she knows how one feels when loved ones is gone forever and says I can understand your tension. She says I will come with you to Police station. Pragya says sorry and tells that she doubted on her because of Jyoti. She says may be your lookalike had went to Jyoti’s clinic.
Simonika asks her to sit and says she will get water for her. Pragya apologizes to her and goes. Simonika smirks. Pragya takes auto. Simonika thinks it is not easy to defeat me, I am Simonika Dushyant Rana. She recalls Doctor suspecting her, Pragya telling that Disha is from Haryana also. She then thinks to solve her questions, and sees Pragya following her. Old woman comes and asks if she has fooled her boss. Simonika says you have given her sadma and calls her sasumaa. She is Dushyant’s mother. Simonika says I won’t let her come out of shock.
Pragya comes home and tells Abhi that she went to drop Simonika. Abhi reminds of her promise and gets romantic with her. He hides with Pragya seeing Dasi. Dasi comes searching Pragya and goes. Pragya says she would have died. Abhi says I need 2 hours. Pragya says I will not give. Abhi says I have kept staff room vacated. He takes her there and says he asked Servants not to disturb them. Pragya says can you stay here. Abhi says he is happy to be with her and was used to stay in chawl before. They romance with each other, but just then Abhi shakes up and tells that bed bug is biting him. He asks her to scratch her back. Pragya asks him to get up and says there are bed bugs on bed. He tries to kiss her when Dasi comes there. Pragya gets shy and goes home. She sees someone hiding and sees Sangram. Sangram says my dhoti is stuck. Pragya thinks if she is doubting him unnecessarily.
Purab, Disha, Dadi and Dasi plan a play. Dasi says tomorrow is March 11. Pragya says it is his birthday. Sangram hears them and thinks he will be happy to see disha. Purab says abhi will get surprise, but he will get shock before that. Dadi says we will not wish him in day time. Pragya says he will feel bad. Disha asks Pragya to support them. Mitali asks pragya not to tell Abhi. Disha and Purab convince her.
Simonika and Dushyant’s mum drink wine. Dushyant’s mum says they have fooled pragya. Sangram calls Simonika and tells about Abhi’s birthday party. Simonika says I will make the party as their last day. Pragya says how we will do the arrangements. Purab says Disha and I will do the arrangements. Purab says I will get him engaged in meeting. Disha says he will understand. Pragya says we can tell that it is Disha’s birthday. Disha says she won’t miss the arrangements. Dadi and Dasi blesses her.
Simonika tells Pragya that if she tells everyone about Munni and her, then the attacker can kill them or Munni. Pragya looks on worried.


Preeta and Sarla both try to ask Janki wake up. Sarla scolds Janki to wake up now. Preeta asks Sarla to give her some way, they have been waking her up for long. Preeta asks Sarla to do it carefully, Janki will be perfectly fine. She looks towards Rishab emotionally and says Rishab is always there when there is a problem in their family. Today, Janki is conscious as Rishab arrived. Rishab hands her his handkerchief, as she wipes her tears. Sarla was now worried and suggests about calling the doctor. Preeta says it takes time, she had been unconscious for last three days. Bee ji goes to call the doctor. Rishab offers his phone but Dadi says there is no number here.
Shrishti turns to leave Sameer’s side. Sameer calls her idle, she always wastes his time. Shrishti says it suits him more.
Rakhi comes there and enjoys their argument and fighting. She says their fights are so cute. Rakhi asks Sameer if he likes Shrishti. Sameer says no. Shrishti also replies in negative. Rakhi was worried that what will happen about their marriage planning? Sameer says it’s cancelled. Rakhi says not the wedding, but fights must be cancelled. Karan comes to save them and sends Rakhi to get him something to eat.
Rishab brings Sherlin aside and asks how she dare behave so rudely with him. No one, even Sherlin can behave so ill with him. Sherlin hits his foot with her heel and leaves, saying she is always right and no one can consider her wrong.
Shrishti was excited to take Preeta’s call and informs Sameer. Sameer was also excited but Shrishti remembers she didn’t have to speak to him anymore. Preeta says Janki is in a little pain, may be because of head injury. Sameer tries to stop Shrishti, Karan asks her about the good news. Shrishti excitedly tells Karan about Janki and hugs him. She tells Karan to ask Sameer get away her way. Sameer says there is an auto strike today. Shrishti was tensed, Karan counters Sameer and offers to drop her.
Sarla sat with Janki, she calls for water. They were all excited. Sarla cries emotionally. Janki asks them for water.
Prithvi comes to Sherlin and makes her up. She agrees and was worried about the next development. She asks him to think about a story they can make up even if Janki blames them. Prithvi says Preeta trusts Rishab and Karan more than him, and he senses their end is very near. He was shocked to see Rishab staring at them. Sherlin turns around worried and wonders if he has heard the talk. He says he knew it very well, his heart said and he was right; he speaks to Prithvi that he never thought he and Sherlin… Prithvi asks Rishab to speak directly to him. Sherlin takes the blame. Rishab explains he senses Prithvi is as nervous and worried for others as Sherlin is. He heard they are concerned about Janki, so Janki is now conscious and they can meet her. Prithvi and Sherlin were worried. Shrishti and Karan arrive them, Shrishti was excited about Janki. Rishab takes Sherlin inside.
Shrishti sat beside Janki and asks who put Kumkum Bhagya hall at fire. Karan comes to her side. Preeta says they doubt Janki is aware the reason of fire. Janki points towards Prithvi, her hands trembled badly. They all notice she was pointing towards Prithvi. Janki attempts to get up while she pointed towards Prithvi. Rishab holds her and gives her a glass of water, helping her in bed again. Preeta asks Janki if she needs something. Janki asks who you are. Sarla introduces herself and Preeta and Shrishti. Janki recognizes Sarla has two daughters only, Pragya and Bulbul. Sarla asks her about fire. Janki asks which fire? Prithvi and Sherlin smirk. Shrishti says Janki definitely knew something, and that’s the reason someone attempted to murder her.
PRECAP: Preeta tells Rishab and Karan that Prithvi is her mother’s choice. There is no reason for pointless lack of trust in a relationship, it would only ruin it. Karan asks if her own life isn’t important for her?


At Shimla, the woman asks if she had said anything wrong. Durga tells her that her daughter-in-law had a accident not long ago which resulted in her miscarriage. Soni tells everyone that they have to be happy. Soni tells Jeet to give the gift to Durga and DD. Jeet brings the gift and saw Soni sad. Jeet brings DD to a room and there is Soni and Durga inside as well. DD remembered something. Jeet tells his father that it's the same room that they both came to 30 years ago. Both Jeet and Soni leaves.
At Shabd's uncle's room, Aunt Billo comes there. Aunt Billo entered and started singing whiles her husband tells her not to do so and that she should stop singing. He said that Soni is sad about the news. Aunt Billo tells him that if there is a child and if there is not, it's also the same thing. Aunt Billo tells her husband that they have 2 children and asks of what have they have done for them? Aunt Billo sadly tells her husband that they have done a lot for them but their children didn't even care about them.
At Mahi's room, Mahi is feeling sad and Shabd asks her what had happened? Mahi tells him that she was worried about Soni and says that they didn't do well by breaking the news about her pregnancy at the anniversary party. Shabd tells Mahi not to think too much about Soni.
At Jeet and Soni's room, Jeet saw Soni sad and asks her if she was happy. Soni says that she was fine. Jeet tells her that he knows how she was feeling and he perfectly knows that she cannot share it with him. Soni tells Jeet that she will give a lot of love to Mahi's child.
At Shabd's room, Shabd brings water for Mahi and Mahi says that at least she can do that herself. Mahi tells Shabd that she has pains in her feet, she asks Shabd if he can massage her? Shabd was going to do it but Mahi says that she was only joking. Shabd tells Mahi that he can give her a good massage. Soni and Jeet entered. Soni comes and tells Mahi that she was very happy for her. Soni tells her that she will start preparing the clothes for the child. Shabd tells her that there are 8 to 9 months still left and she had already started the planning. Soni jokingly tells Shabd that she had started the planning when she had come to know that she was also going to be a .... Soni stops and get sad and also the rest of them present. Soni starts crying. Mahi hugs Soni. Soni tells Mahi that she was sorry for spoiling the moment of her happiness. Soni tells Mahi that she will also be called an Aunt now. Soni tells Mahi that she will love the children more than Mahi will, she tells Mahi that whenever she will see the child, all her sorrows will be gone. Soni tells Mahi never to scold the child.
Aunt Billo decided to do a pooja for Mahi and his future child and Shabd agreed. Aunt Billo tells them that they will do it in about 2 months or before that. Aunt Billo says that Mohini will also be coming. Mahi looks upset because of Soni. Meanwhile Kamya is also at the Gurdaware and she is still upset. A strange woman comes and saw her upset and tells her not to worry as every problem in her life will be gone. Jeet tells Soni that it was only one doctor who had said that she can't be a mother. Jeet tells her that they will meet more doctors. Durga is preparing Kheer for his brother Micky who is coming to visit them for some work and will stay with them torn some days. Lovely gets happy and asks if he is married. Durga tells Lovely that he was not yet married. Lovely gets happy and says that she has to be ready. Soni comes to the doctor. The doctor show the report to Mahi and Soni. The doctor tells them that there are only 5% that Soni can still have a baby after the miscarriage. Durga calls Lovely and tells her that Micky had arrived. Lovely comes and saw a car coming and a man came outside and comes in running toward Lovely. Lovely is happy. Durga introduced Micky to Lovely. Lovely was dreaming. Lovely saw a scooter and it was Micky. Lovely gets shock as he was wearing glasses. Micky comes inside and Durga introduce him to everyone. Micky saw Lovely and kept looking at her. Lovely leaves. At the hospital,Soni saw a baby's room and gets sad.


Raquel slipped under the surface and was staying there, as if trying to drown herself. Jovita was outside in the hall calling her name. Maternal instinct won in her and she entered the bathroom to find Raquel at the bottom of the tub. She pulled her up and embraced her as though she were a child. Raquel began to cry.
Santiago was searching in Valle Bravo for Nicolás, who had walked off and was not answering his cell phone. He turned to Lola, who had not seen her brother for a while and had last seen him when he walked off, crying. She held her baby brother, Benjamin. Vicente chose that moment to begin taunting his brother-in-law. “ He couldn't handle what he was hearing us talk about? Some truths are too difficult to accept.” “ Only stupid things come out of your mouth. Isn't that the truth?” said Santiago. “ You know what, Santiago?” he asked with a malicious grin. “This shack is my house and I don't like your tone.” “ I think Benji's diaper needs changing,” said Lola, looking at her father. “ Your daughter is smarter than you. You've got five minutes to get away from my house. Do you understand?” Santiago took out his cell once more, muttering half to himself about Vicente's attitude. “ He's crazy. He's got guns in the house,” Lola said, “And a grudge against Mother. You're the one who has to decide at the moment.” “ He may not be talking at the moment but we have to find Nicolás.” He called Nicolás' cell and left another message to call him right away as he walked to the driver's side of the car. “ What could Nicolás have heard that he did this?” Lola asked.
For a moment Lola thought back to three years previously when they had gone on that weekend in Acapulco. She had ziplined with Nicolás, Mia, and Federico, then rode back in the dune buggy to the beach where they took selfies before rejoining their parents. They splashed in the water while their parents lounged in beach chairs drinking fruity cocktails that needed toothpicks and paper umbrellas. One of the boys proposed a ball game. Santiago and Raquel got up to join the kids, leaving Carolina and Damián on the sand. Lola was the last to get out of the water to join Mia on a boulder. She motioned to her to take out her earbuds. “ What are you listening to?” she yelled. “ Music.”
“ You don't want to hear the local sounds?” “ I'll follow you back to the house.” “ What?” “ You have a problem?” “ No. I don't see a problem.” Lola turned around and decided to join the others in the game. “ I like the sea very much, but I have a lot of respect for it,” Damián told Carolina. “ I like the sea, too, but I'm not a good swimmer,” she replied. “ That's why we started teaching the kids when they were very young.” “ Yes? Well, I like the sea but I grew up in Valle Bravo. The river there is very cold.”
“ Valle Bravo is an incredible place, very quiet and beautiful. Like you.” He took off his sunglasses. “You are very beautiful, Carolina.” She started to look back at him with a knowing expression, but it froze at the sound of Raquel's voice. “ Come on, join us, Carolina!” Carolina and Damián had no alternative than to join their spouses and their children at the water's edge. They played ball and took turns taking selfie group shots. Later they got on the boat and drank champagne before dining on the boardwalk. Everyone seemed animated at dinner except Mia, who looked as though she had said fewer than a dozen words. The following day Lola and the boys were playing in the pool when Mia sat reading in the hanging chair. Raquel encouraged her to join them. “ Alright, I'm coming,” Mia said, a bit annoyed. She reluctantly walked over to the edge of the pool and sat down to dangle her legs in the water as Raquel and Carolina walked by, talking. “ It seems like yesterday they were so little,” Carolina said. “ And we were all so young, so active,” Raquel continued. “ Life is no joke.” “ But we are still young!” Raquel insisted as they sat on the bamboo settee. “ I was very young when Lola was born.” “ Yes, I was young, too, when I got pregnant,” said Raquel, looking over Carolina's shoulder at the kids in the pool. “ And with both of them!” “ Imagine it! The craziness, the madness of it. Now it's a bit worse. Don't take this the wrong way, but it was difficult for them to separate from each other. Federico was always fighting with Mia, almost didn't have friends.” “ Really?” “ Yes. Well, Federico is much better but Mia is a bit... reserved. But if you heard my mother-in-law on this, dear God!” She took a drink. “ Hm, could it be that she's a bit jealous because Federico and Nico are hanging out together?”
“ Yes, definitely, but if this was done when he was a child –” Their husbands arrived, drinks in hand. Santiago kissed Carolina. The women stood up and they all drank a toast. Raquel talked about how she loved the beach house, asking Damián why they weren't there more. “ Well, there is work.” Later at dinner inside the house Damián presented both Federico and Nicolás with new guitars. Santiago was not alright with this, telling Nicolás to return it. “ But, Dad,” he began. “ Don't react this way; it's so the boys can learn and play together,” Damián said. “ Nico, you can't accept that.”
“ If I don't how am I going to learn?” the boy asked. “ Santiago, he has a point,” Carolina said. How will he learn without a guitar?” “ It's a done deal. Nicolás will take classes with Federico,” said Damián. “ Is it wrong to share?” asked Raquel, rhetorically. “Was this wrong? I get it. You're our friends, we like you. There's nothing wrong in this.” Santiago and Carolina looked at each other and he backed down. “ Okay, it's alright.” Raquel more than sighed with relief and they sat down to dinner. After dinner Damián suggested that they watch a movie. Santiago decided to turn in, as he was accustomed to going to bed early. He wanted Carolina to accompany him but Raquel encouraged her to stay and watch the movie with her and Damián. Finally, Santiago went to the guest room and Carolina sat on the couch on Damián's left side. Raquel was on his right as he started the film. Carolina declined her offer of a drink. Whether due to drink or fatigue Raquel fell asleep halfway through the film, resting her head on Damián's lap. When Damián realized she was asleep he inched his left hand onto Carolina's thigh. The room was dark except for the screen. Carolina looked back at Damián but did not resist. Slowly he inched his hand inside her capris, the hand that wore his wedding ring. In the full knowledge of the wrong of the situation, Carolina kept silent as he reached her mound of Venus and what it guarded. He was right on target and knew it from her expression.
Upstairs Mia's cell phone signalled a messaage and she answered to find a group selfie with the caption “The Cage. Mia in Acapulco with her boyfriend's family.” Other messages followed. Here's hoping she stays there and stops annoying our lives. Mia is a loser. Here's hoping she gets on a boat and sinks. She thought back to the time when she was making out in the car with Joaquin. She dropped her cell phone and opened her purse. She took out the x-acto blade taken from her art class and opened it, brushing the blade against her lower lip. She slipped off the bed and sat on the floor almost in a trance, not hearing Lola enter the room.
“ Mia, what are you doing?” Mia dropped the x-acto, got up, and tried to run past Lola, who caught her by the arm out in the hall. “ Wait for me!” “ Let go!” “ Why are you acting like this?” “ Don't interfere in mylife!” By this time Santiago heard them and came out to investigate. “ Get out of this house! Get out of my life!” “ Lola!” called Santiago, but the girls had already gone downstairs and were continuing to argue. This woke Raquel, who immediately got up to investigate. “ What's going on?” “ This girl is meddling in my life, Mother!” “ I had to because you'e sick! You were about to do something crazy.” Mia backed away toward her parents, not knowing how to answer for the moment. “ I'm not bad because she has problems!” yelled Lola. This earned her a slap from her mother, who then insisted that Lola apologize. “ Enough, enough!” Santiago yelled, his forbearance at an end. He then led Lola and Nicolás out of the room and motioned to Carolina to follow. “ What happened?” Raquel asked Mia.
Santiago led his family out of the house and to his pick-up truck. He loaded their baggage into the back and thanked Damián for the invitation. Carolina kept saying “We have to talk” as Nicolás kept asking why they had to leave. He and his sister got into the back seat as their parents got in the front. Carolina gave Damián an meaningful glance as Santiago started the engine and once more as she fastened her seatbelt and they pulled out. Federico was annoyed as he and Damián went back inside. “ Always, Dad! Always Mia gets her way! Always!” “ Calm down.” “ It's true, Dad. They left, Mother. They left thanks to Mia.” “ What happened, Raquel?”
“ I don't know how true this is because we all know Mia, but we need to take precautions. Talk to Santiago and tell him that Ignacio can't come back to the house.” “ Ignacio is working at the house now?” Raquel nodded. “You didn't tell me something this important? What happened?” “ Nothing, Dad. Nothing. That's the fact. Nothing ever happened. Mia made it all up.” He left his parents alone. “ What happens now?” Damián asked. “ Nothing.”
The Àlvarados returned home in silence that was broken when Santiago's cell phone rang. “ Who is it?” “ It's Damián. He sent me some messages.” “ What does he want?” “ That Nacho not come to work.” “ What? Why wouldn't he want him on the job? Has he done anything?” “ No, my love. Nacho is incapable of doing anything bad. What's going on is that Mia has some problem with him.” “ Mia is crazy,” said Lola as she entered. “She's sick.” “ Once again?” Carolina asked. “Lola, you shouldn't talk like this.”
“ It's the truth.” “ You're not like this, Lola. What's going on with you?” There was no answer. “Well, then tell me what happened.” “ You want to know what happened? Then why did you hit me? Answer me.” “ I don't know. It's that I was nervous and I wanted you to apologize for the insult.” “ Then you need to listen to what I have to say.” “ I don't know what you're talking about. I'll listen when I recognize you. You can't talk that way. You can't say such things about this girl.” “ I can't believe you're kissing up to those rich jerks.” “ I'm going to ask you to not show such disrespect because the next time you do you'll be hit worse.” “ Do it. Thanks.” Lola left the room with a petulant expression. Carolina let out a sigh and leaned against the doorjamb, frustated with this exchange. “ Can you tell me why you hit he when you never have before?” “ I don't know. I don't know what came over me. I don't know what's come over her. Nor what's happening to all of us.” She looked away from her husband just as their son entered the room.
Nicolás was walking along a well-worn dirt road in the woods. He let out a cry of frustration and stopped when he heard a car approaching. A grey car stopped in his path.
The doorbell rang at Raquel's house. Raquel came down the stairs and answered before Cinthia reached the door. Santiago entered. After the greeting kiss he asked whether Nicolás was there. “ No,” Raquel answered. “ Hello,” said Cinthia. She gave Santiago a thousand-yard stare. “ You remember Cinthia?” Raquel asked. “ Yes. How are you?” he asked. Cinthia looked at him as though he had crawled out from under a rock lower than any she had ever been under. “ What happened is that I had the idea that Nicolás might be here since he wasn't home. I'm sorry.” “ No. He wasn't with you?” “ And Federico?” “ No, Fede is at school,” Cinthia said. “ Wait, I don't understand,” Raquel said. “What happened?” “ You can trust us,” Cinthia said, in a strange tone. “ What happened was that Nicolás heard a conversation I had with Carolina's sister. He went off, didn't say where he was going, and I'm afraid something might have happened to him.” “ Calm down; we'll find him.” “ I know, but he doesn't answer his phone.” “ You think something's happened to him, like an accident?” Cinthia's expression showed no concern and her tone showed no sympathy for Santiago's anxiety. “ Cinthia!” said Raquel with a subtle warning tone. “No, please,” she said to Santiago as she turned his head to face her. “We're going to find him. We'll look together. Santiago, don't give up now. I need you to be strong.” He seemed to come to his senses. “ It's that I swear if anything has happened to him I'll kill myself.”
“ No. No, no, no.” Raquel embraced him for a moment, not thinking about what was going through her sister's mind at the sight.
Vicente got out of his car. “ Nico, what's going on with you, son?” he asked. “ What do you want?” the boy asked. He was not comfortable around his uncle. “ What do you think I want? It's that your father is looking for you and hasn't seen you. Now, stop causing problems.” “ I don't want to make problems for you.” He tried to leave, but Vicente stopped him by grabbing the shoulder of his jacket.
“ Now I'm giving you problems. You know perfectly well what I'm talking about.” He let go and Nicolás backed away.
Santiago was making a call on his cell. Raquel looked at her sister and asked her to tell Jovita to do something, but Cinthia refused and left the room. “ Tell me what happened. What did Nicolás hear? Why did he leave?” “ Perhaps he heard that Carolina was going to Valle Bravo to negotiate something between Vicente and her sister-in-law. Everyone knows. The whole world knows that there was a man with Carolina. Maybe Nicolás knows, and he left – I'm worried. I went all over the town, made calls. I don't know what else to do.”
“ Did he call or leave a voicemail?” “ I don't know. There is no signal. Maybe he's on the road, but he could be in danger. Something could have happened.” “ No. We're talking about an intelligent boy. He's not a child. Calm down.” “ Yes, he's not a kid but he's my son and I'm very worried. Your sister could be right and now –” “ She's not right. Santiago, listen to me. He's alright. Trust me.”
“ Why do you hate us?” Nicolás asked. “Why do you hate me?” “ Don't ask unless you want to hear it all,” Vicente answered. “You're the same as your father. Two imbeciles who don't get the truth about your mother.” “ Then tell me.” “ Nobody matters more to your mother than herself. I don't matter to her and I'm her brother and I helped her. None of you matter either, son. I've known that from the beginning. We're talking about a slut.” He smirked at that last word and seemed to enjoy Nicolás' reaction, which was to shove him away with a “Shut up!” Vicente laughed. “ You fell into a problem, son. You want to hit me? Hit me hard!” He grabbed Nicolás' lapels as he shouted the last sentence. “You wanna hit me?” “ Hey, is everything alright?” Another car had pulled up and the driver got out.
“ Yes, yes; everything's alright,” Vicente said. “No problem.” “ Can I get a lift?” Nicolás asked. “ Come on in.” Nicolás got into the car and they pulled away. Vicente watched them leave, then got into his own car.
Santiago was texting when Federico came back from school. He had not heard from Nicolás and could not guess where he could be found other than at home or at school. Santiago suggested they look again and call the police if they don't find him. Raquel told Federico to get his coat.
Lola went to Mia's school to see her and tell her that she said nothing about what she saw. “ You came here to tell me that?” “ Yes. And to tell you to tell the truth about Nacho.” “ I don't know what you're talking about.” “ Nacho didn't do anything to you. Don't lie. And don't make judgements about my family.” “ You don't know me, Lola.” “ No, I don't know you. But you can't go on incriminating innocent people. So you tell them the truth and Nacho can go back to work. Or I will tell them about you cutting yourself.” Mia did not look at her. She started walking away. “ Mia. You better do this today. If you don't your parents will know everything.”
Santiago arrived home just as Carolina was about to go out. He had spoken with Nacho and Augustin. “I told them we won't work for a few days. I haven't told them the truth yet. What do I do, love? I can't believe that a bratty girl can do such a thing. That my friends can lose work over an argument, on a whim.” “ But you can understand why they can't go back into that house?”
“ If they can't, I won't either.” “ What? Santiago, I don't understand. Are you saying that because of this situation you will lose the work? Is that it?” “ What do want me to do? Keep quiet? Not tell anything to the families of my friends? Is that what you want?” Santiago's patience had ended. “ No, no, no. At this moment we're not their friends, they're your employees. Don't you understand? This isn't about Augustin. This is about Nacho.” “ And tomorrow it could be Augustin and the next day it could be someone else that this child accuses of molesting her. This is about Nacho. Nacho is Nico's godfather. I have to help him!”
“ When you get like this I can't talk to you. We can't talk.” “ Oh, and now I'm a dictator?” he asked sarcastically as he sat down. He paused for a moment, then said, “You know what, I have a lot of things to do, numbers to crunch. Don't feel bad. Could I have some coffee, please?” “ Coffee? Is that what I am to you in this house? That's why you want me locked up here, to serve you. That's it.” “ Caro, nothing more. I'm just asking for a cup of coffee.” “ Then, make it yourself.” She turned and headed for the door. He got up and followed. “ Wait a minute. I don't want to leave it like this.”
“ Am I important to you?” “ Of course you are.” “ I'm on my way to see Raquel to buy things for the business.” She was not looking him in the eye. “ Oh, the business. The catering business. Perfect! I'm doing nothing. I'm just painting –” “ Painting? What are you talking about? No. Raquel said to tell you she needs me for this; I'm the only one who knows what's needed.” “ Why does Raquel get to tell you what to tell me? What does Raquel have to do with all this? Raquel isn't my wife; why are you telling me these things?”
“ Why don't you talk to her?” “ No, no, no. Don't start with this stuff. I just asked a question. Are you going into this business? Yes or no?” “ Yes.” This time she looked him in the eye. “I'm going to do it. And you know why? For our children. Because I want Lola to be able to go on vacation with her friends. Because I want Nicolás to buy the guitar he wants so much. They deserve it. Because we weren't able to give it to them. For that. That's why I'm doing it.” “ And I'm good for nothing. Is that what you're saying to me?” “ Santiago, what are you talking about? That has nothing to do with it.” “ Oh, it does. Answer me.”
“ Santiago, this isn't about you; it's about me. It's about what I think, what I feel. I need this, don't you understand? Not everrything in this house is about you. And you never listen to me. That's it. I'm not important to you for anything.” She left the house.
Damián came down the stairs while Raquel was trying to reach Carolina on the phone. Just as they were about to talk about this Mia arrived home. “ What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class? Who authorized you to leave?” Raquel asked. “ I didn't go into school.”
“ Excuse me?” “ I need to talk with you.” “ What happened, daughter?” Damián said. “We're listening.” “ I lied.” “ Lied about what?” “ About the worker in the house.” “ Explain it to us, please.” “ He didn't do anything to me. He didn't do anything to me.” “ Well, you said –” “ I don't know why I did it, Mother. I don't know why I did it. But I did it. I'm sorry.”
She bolted out. “ Mia,” Damián called after her. “I want to talk –” Raquel stood in front of him to block his way. “ Damián, I will talk to her. You communicate with Santiago and give our apologies.” She followed Mia upstairs while Damián called Santiago to work out the situation. They agreed to talk at Damián's office. Raquel knocked on Mia's door, but Mia didn't want to let her in. She had locked the door in order to insure that she would be alone. She sat on the couch in her room, staring into space. “ I don't like it when you lock yourself in. I want to talk to you.”
“ Mama, I want to be alone, please.” “ Very well, love.” Mia was cutting her inner thighs with the x-acto. The blood dripped onto a white cloth strategically placed so there would be no bloodstains on the furniture cover. Carolina called Raquel to apologize for not making their meeting. “ I had an argument with Santiago. He was angry about the accusation against Nacho.” “ Damián is calling about that; don't worry.” “ But that's not all. He doesn't want me to work.” “ It's the usual macho thing about men being providers. I'm sure he'll get used to the idea.” “ No. I've been through this with Santiago many times. He's very selfish.” “ Oh, I get this, really.” She clutched her head as though she felt a migraine coming on. “Right now I have something to deal with. Can we talk about this later, please? Thanks.” She ended the call and walked back to Mia's door. Carolina went back into the study. “ Are you going?” Santiago asked.
The two boys returned from school and talked about their parents. Federico didn't think that Mia's issues had anything to do with them but Nicolás was concerned about Santiago's attitude about the guitar and the lessons. Federico didn't think that Santiago's pride should be standing in the way of Nicolás' studies but Nicolás wondered about what else they didn't know about their parents.
Damián and Carolina were at a small table of sidewalk café. “ I don't have much time,” she said. “I just came to handle things a better way.” “ I think things are very clear.” “ Damián, you aren't getting how complicated things got. Besides, things are getting more complicated and we can't go on like this.” “ And what exactly can't we go on with?”
“ You know what I'm talking about. Besides, Santiago doesn't want our families to see each other much.” “ Because of Mia?” “ Yes, because of Mia. Because he doesn't want me to work. Because he doesn't want you giving gifts to Nicolás.” “ Don't worry. I talked to him and everything will be worked out. As for the business, Raquel will take care of everything. The guitar is a done deal. Everything will be alright.” “ It's not that easy.” “ I'm not going to lose you. Least of all after what happened in Acapulco.” “ Acapulco? I don't know what to think. I don't know if it was the alcohol –”
“ You know perfectly well it wasn't the alcohol. Look at me.” She looked up. “It was you and me.” “ I don't know what to do.” “ I don't want to lose you.” They were not quite close enough to kiss, only to hold hands and stare at each other up close. However, it was close enough so that Gabriela, Raquel's best friend, got a view she wouldn't easily dismiss. “ Damián!” He looked up, then let go of Carolina's hands. “ It can't be,” he almost whispered.
“ Who is that woman?” “ She's a friend of Raquel's. Let me talk to her.” He got up from the table to go to Gabriela, who walked over to meet him halfway and to satisfy her curiosity. They exchanged greetings. “ It seems I've caught you just in time,” she said. She then looked at Carolina. “ She's a colleague of Raquel's,” he said. “ Really? Then I have to get to know her.” She walked over to Carolina and introduced herself. The two women airkissed in greeting. “ She is Raquel's best friend,” Damián said. “ Ex-best friend,” Gabriela said, dismissing him as she looked at Carolina. “It seems she's exchanged me for you. Well, I don't want to disrupt things; just came over to say Hello. It's nice to meet you.” Another kiss and another “Pleased to meet you later” she said “Damián, can I talk to you a second?” Her manner did not go unnoticed by either Carolina or Damián, who had to face the music or be found out. Carolina watched from the table. “ I suppose Raquel knows about this, doesn't she?” Gabriela said. “ I came in her place at her request.” Gabriela didn't believe this and she didn't have to verbalize the thought. “ Please, Gabriela, ditch the fantasies,” Damián said. “ No? You can't tell me what I have to do. Because fantasies are the best things about dates. And I have a lot of them. If you want I'd like to share them.” She threw a flirtatious look at him, knowing that Carolina was watching. She watched for Carolina's reactions. Damián looked confused. “Why, don't you have fantasies? I'll bet you do. Well, see you.” She kissed his cheek and slowly walked away. Too slowly for comfort. “ I'm going,” said Carolina. “ Let me drive you.” “ That is the last thing I need right now.” But she did ultimately get into his car. He stopped in another area. “ What are we doing here?” “ I just need a little breather. A minute to think. Excuse me.”
He got out of the car and entered the building they were parked in front of. She got out of the car and followed him. “ Do you think this is easy for me?” she asked. “ It isn't for either of us. I'm listening to you.” “ I always thought I was a fling for you and that nobody says no to you. Therefore it was the perfect reason for obsession.” “ It's not a fling, even less an obsession. It's much more than that. This is truth. I feel like nothing worse could happen to us.” “ I don't believe that.” “ I'll explode any minute, then.”
“ Then we both have to prevent that.” He went back out to the car. She did not move. “ Damián, wait.” He came back. “ Tell me.” “ I'm not sure. This is the most vulnerable and insecure moment in my life. I feel like I'm walking into a pit.” “ Do you feel we're going to fall?” “ I feel we can lose everything we've had, everything we've built.” “ If we go on nothing can be the same.” “ I don't want things to go bad.”
“ I can't let things go on like before I met you. I see clearly that after you nothing can ever be the same, nothing could ever be the same and not because it can't. It's because I don't want it to be. Here we can have a few hours, just you and me. Two people who have the same things happening to them.” Carolina shook her head and looked inside. “ It's that Santiago and Raquel don't deserve this.” “ Raquel and Santiago have nothing to do with this. I don't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to lie to anyone, but I can't lie to myself. Or put aside what I feel.” “ It's that I'm afraid.” “ What are you afraid of? Of me?”
“ No. Of everything I am feeling for you.”
They kissed and he picked her up off her feet. They were oblivious to everything around them.


Episode 83
Prudencia tells Olegario that she and Narciso made an arrangement based on the fact that she keeps one of the binoculars but never touches her again. Olegario threatens her by saying that neither she nor Mariana will have a dime. Mariana and Marjose arrive at Prudencia after Olegario's departure and while they speak, their mother asks Marijose to tell the truth. It is precisely the truth that generated an emotional break for Mariana who could not understand how it was possible for Marijose to claim to be her. They end up fighting and Prudencia stops them. She also makes Mariana understand that her sister is trying to tell him. Meanwhile, Lisandro sees vivi kiss another man, he begins to follow them. Ana walks on the beach, thinking of Diego who ends up showing up. She tells him that she feels bad and frustrated about what happened to the musical. Then they walk on their relationship. She thinks it can not be that: Diego is a married man and Ana is about to marry Olegario.
They end up kissing each other. Dulce is at school, talking to Miss Nancy, who ends up telling her that she is pregnant. His opinion is to leave school on the idea of ​​"this concentrate on the baby". Vivi shows up at Alex's place. She tells him that she has what he needs and asks what is the plan that is not yet raised. Then Mariana goes to where she lived with Santi. He thinks about how she disappeared after the wedding and wants explanations.
Cosita Linda: week of Monday 18th to Friday 22nd of January
Mariana begins to apologize but Santiago responds with the truth. She finally admits she still has trouble adjusting to marriage. In the meantime, Debbie thinks her father has cheated on her mom with Palmira, that's what Laura told her. She confronts him when she comes home to do her business before going to Diego's house. Lisandro shows up at Alex's apartment after Vivi leaves and tries to blackmail him for 50% of what he's touching.
Finally, Palmira goes to see Laura to make her understand that she does not have an affair with her husband, but it does not finish well. Olegario takes his girlfriend for a dinner at home, but his family is not there. Then Fede shows up in Marijose's room in a theatrical way, claiming that he needs to talk and sort things out. However, she does not intend to listen to her so she asks him to get back on top. She tells him that she does not love him anymore and, by surprise, he tells her that he does not love him either. She leaves and Fede promised to take revenge.


Jikulumessu:Nuno is fired!
Lemba is surprised Bianca still after Joel.he tells her why she is uncomfortable with having him around citing Grandma Candida's death and the necklace he she gave to him when she was dying and the same was found on Bianca in one of her old photos.Joel intends investigating .
Carlos confront Bianca on why she planted drugs on Djemila and Joel and with the way he spoke she(Bianca) suspected Nuno but it must have been Gerson who told Carlos about it.She fired Nuno who threatens to expose their illicit affair.
Vanessa wants Carlos performing his conjugal duties and she sent their maid to get her the pills to use for her husband.
Pedro gives Greg options of selling the house or give him the equivalent of his share in money.Greg does not want to do any and not even Soraia's sick story calmed Pedro
What is Jose Loca up to?He is seen coming out of a house with blood stain Shirts and when he got home he quickly washed it off.His grand daughter Anna was curious seeing her grandpa ....hmmm
Pedro notes Lemba is looking different but he was quick to change his speech (Seems he likes what he is seeing) .The rapist arrested was part of those that raped Nzola!Lemba is furious !It took Lui,Pedro and her other colleagues to calm her.
Bruno and Lui still at loggerheads over Nayr,Roberto advise Ivo to let go of Nayr.Ruth is also missing Ivo as she reminisce about the fun times she had with her husband back in Lubango.
Djemila can start recording her album and shoot videos too.


Jikulumessu:Pedro Kiala is in town!
Bianca is not glad Joel is still in town ,she meets up with Magharita and they start to plan another evil even though Magharita was initially not forthcoming.
Djemila wants Joel to stay away from anything Bianca ,he gives her his word (but not that of Kim hehehe).Kim show Joel the pictures he snapped from Bsports and immediately Joel connected the necklace to that which  grandma Candida gave him when she was knocked down
Mario was really smart as he neatly escaped,the police taught they had tracked him down but he left his phone with a maid.
Joel made a proposal to the owner of the store Djemila was accused of theft for a partnership with Musica and all she had to do was to drop  all charges against the love of his life Djemila who was really excited when she heard the news.
Nina sold the necklace her brother gave her after all the talk from Lemba and Maria and she had to pay double to buy it back when Joel called her to ask for it.Meanwhile Phillipe is really excited about his date with Nina and his new job at Musica.
Pedro arrive in Angola and Walter informed Bianca who did not like the latest returnee,she has Joel and Sara Paca to deal with already.she even noted how the perfume Sara is using is Greg's favourite.
Nuno has his mouth sealed about the drugs that was found at the airport and connecting to Bianca,He is sure doing all to please 'big boss'.
Pedro is back and Greg wants his brother to disappear just like he did when their parents died but seems Pedro has other plans like having their parents house sold since he belongs to both of them


Episode 82
Prudencia is taken on a stretcher while everyone tries to understand what's going on. Olegario wants to fix the situation by saying that the couple must get married and that what has just happened does not matter but the priest refuses the ceremony. Maya is happy that the wedding does not take place, but Mr Lupe says that since there is no marriage, so much to go home. Diego talks to Laura about the quarrel he had with Vicente and about the fact that they have an affair. While Marijose claims to be his sister, she leaves a note to Santiago explaining why she is not here and she leaves him, very sad, because she knows she will never take the place of his sister. Maya intercepts Marijose and tries to make her confess why she is fleeing from her husband but she can not quite do it. Despite the fact that Maya says that to Palmira and Ana, they do not believe it. When Santiago wakes up, he discovers that his wife has abandoned him and is very angry.
Debbie confesses to Memo and Juan Carlos that Mariana has a twin sister and that they have to go looking for her because Fede locked her in a house. They are surprised to see who is Marijose and are going to help his sister. When they arrive, they find Mariana trying to escape. Mariana takes her sister in her arms and when she explains what happened, they see Fede coming behind them. Marijose sees Fede become violent with Mariana, Marijose comes to defend his sister and show him that he is wrong, that he has taken the wrong person. Fede is shocked and without hesitation he takes out a pistol, leaving them all confused.
Even happens to try to end the situation. He gets in between them and helps the guys escape, he stays with Fede and tells him that what he's doing is not good. Finally, Memo leaves Fede alone and feels really disappointed with the guys' attitude. For his part, Olegario begins to investigate to find out the truth about the twin sisters and asks Diego to speak alone to ask him questions. Among others, Olegario lets Diego believe that they can have another brother and if Diego believes in this possibility, Olegario will be satisfied.
In the middle of the episode, Laura is really disappointed when she discovers Vicente and Palmira lying in her own bed. It makes Laura furious and says that Debbie will come live with her. Palmira is very upset and believes she has to explain what happened at another time. Then at the end of the episode, Olegario goes to Prudencia to put an end to his doubts. In the middle of their conversation, he asks Prudencia why she keeps one of the twin sisters that nobody knows about.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Gangadhar Rao hears Ganga's words berating Laxmi Bai and gets furious .
Daimaa too slaps Ganga hard. Seething with anger, Gangadhar Rao reprimands Ganga for insulting the Queen. Hurt and upset, Laxmi Bai walks away from the scene.
Vahinisaheb takes the opportunity to taunt Gangadhar Rao that he will never be able to stop the wagging tongues talking ill of Laxmi Bai as that was the truth.
Gangadhar Rao goes to Laxmi Bai's chamber where he finds her sitting alone and depressed. Gangadhar Rao consoles her to which Laxmi Bai says that she has made up her mind that she will do everything possible to give Jhansi its heir. Gangadhar Rao is elated to hear this.
He immediately asks the attendants to call Daimaa and Ganga back. On hearing the King's command, Daimaa and Ganga at first tremble with fear but bid the courage to meet him.
A surprise awaits Daimaa when Gangadhar Rao tells her that he wants her to take care of Laxmi Bai's health so that she may conceive soon. Daimaa happily agrees.
After Gangadhar Rao leaves, Laxmi Bai asks Ganga to join her for the evening aarti. Ganga presents to Laxmi Bai the small gift she had got for her.
Major Ellis visit Gangadhar Rao's court and says that the British have taken over Sambhalpur only because the king there died of ill health. He assures him that there was no question of the British taking over Jhansi as he was in perfect health and would soon have an heir.
No sooner than Major Ellis utters these words, the conch for the evening aarti gets incidentally blown in the puja ghar. Gangadhar Rao is happy at the good omen and proceeds for the aarti. Major Ellis too requests permission to attend the aarti.
The evening aarti begins with great fervor. However, during the aarti a lizard falls on the hand of Vahinisaheb who at that time has the aarti in her hand. Scared, she flings the aarti from her hand. Laxmi bai bends at that time to offer prayers. Will the aarti land on Laxmi Bai?
Ganga manages to save Laxmi Bai in the nick of time by pushing her aside .
However, in the bargain she burns her hand and even gets slit by a knife. Gangadhar Rao immediately orders the royal physician to attend to Ganga. He is relieved that Laxmi Bai is safe.
After the commotion settles, Gangadhar Rao sees off Major Ellis and comments that he is very different from other British officers. Major Ellis thanks him for the compliment and leaves.
Pleased with Ganga's sacrifice to save her life, Laxmi Bai presents her with a new outfit. Ganga is thrilled.
The episode takes an interesting turn when Gangadhar Rao's elder sister Hirabai, the widow of the king of Sambhalpur arrives with her adopted son Surendra. Hirabai makes a dramatic entry in the palace lamenting the fact that the British have usurped her kingdom. Gangadhar Rao consoles her after which Hirabai states that the British have evil plans to usurp Jhansi too.
Hirabai taunts Gangadhar Rao for not having an heir and thus making Jhansi vulnerable. When Laxmi Bai arrives, Hirabai sarcastically asks her why she has not come to greet her with the heir of Jhansi in her arms.
Hirabai taunts Gangadhar Rao for not having an heir and thus making Jhansi vulnerable. When Laxmi Bai arrives, Hirabai sarcastically asks her why she has not come to greet her with the heir of Jhansi in her arms.
Gangadhar Rao tries to change the topic . Hirabai angrily walks away with her Surendra saying that Jhansi too is headed for the same fate as Sambhalpur.
Meanwhile in Kanpur, Lord Dalhousie hatches plans to usurp Jhansi. He briefs Major Ellis to initiate peace talks with Gangadhar Rao as well as instruct Nelson to keep committing atrocities of the people of Jhansi.
The story takes a pleasant turn when Laxmi Bai feels nauseated. Daimaa examines her and breaks the good news that she is pregnant. Laxmi Bai is overjoyed.
She rushes to Gangadhar Rao to tell him that he will soon be blessed with an heir. When Hirabai arrives, Gangadhar Rao tells her about the good news. Hirabai is jubiliant.
However, elsewhere gloom and tension mounts on hearing the news. Vahisaheb and Nelson get concerned knowing about Laxmi Bai's pregnancy



Inez has smeared the fingerprints on the glass as Isidro tells her idea was brilliant but she should have worn gloves and put the glass in a plastic bag. Clearly she needs more time watching forensic pathology shows. But she is sure Renata is the real daughter and Roberta is the other, Renata alone in her bedroom at home is sad that Jero lied when she only wants to help him. Augie invites Anibal to stay longer so they can get to know each other better even though he still denies being his father he doesn’t want to be thought an ogre. Really? But, he thinks to himself he really wants a spy at La Bonita so he can track his prey better. Back in his bedroom, Anibal reveals a letter in his blue backpack. He tenderly opens and rereads it as he swears the only thing he wants is to confirm that Augie is his father. The mystery of his past continues.
When she calls him, Augie disappoints his Renata saying he can’t get involved with saving Jero. His lawyer has advised that he can’t act to prejudice himself in the eyes of the law in the case of Dr. Alvaro McNasty. He is SOOOOO sorry.
Constanza and Honorio come home. She makes excuses to go to the kitchen to make tea, he will await his yummy wife in the bedroom. She of course goes straight to the servant’s room to see the sleeping nasty little mommy and the cooing baby. She is way too glamorous to wear baby vomit well. What is she thinking?
Chema finally comes home. He is so distraught from being tricked and betrayed. They need to talk, his Dad tells him. He knows what happened to him at casa Monterrubio. Chema pitches a well earned fit. He feels betrayed and humiliated that they all tricked him. His dad assures him that it was done by all of them as an act of love. He is mostly feeling betrayed because he thought Adriana was his love. He thought he was about to be engaged to her but it turns out that she has been engaged to Matias for some time.
Meanwhile Adriana, Julieta and Matias still in their wedding clothes try to figure out how to find him. Adri is ready to go out searching, but where? Just in time, Adri gets a call from Chema’s Dad that he has returned to his apartment. Adri is all ready to dash off to save Chema from himself again but Matias insists with a cooler head that it is not up to them but rather to his Dad to deliver the truth to Chema.
Dad says it all started when Adriana had him come to her house to tell him they were not to be together. The stress apparently caused him to faint in Adri’s house. He suddenly remembers waking up on the floor wondering what he is doing there. She asks him what does he mean and tells him of how he came in and what happened through his various symptoms. He tells his dad he remembers coming in and talking to Adriana. Then, he fainted but he remembers nothing. His dad starts to list the fainting and the headaches, the dizzy spells. Chema says, then does this have to do with why you are here too? Yes, Adri called me that I needed to come. It was a chance to mend the distance that had grown between us. You mean the restaurant was also because of this. Yes I wanted to help you realize your fondest dream. Chema says but this fainting and migraines and all. Am I condemned to death? The tragic face of papa says it all as Chema pleads, tell me papa. They hug and Dad says what you have is a brain tumor. I didn’t want you to know so I convinced your young friends to hide the truth from you. Why all this drama? Dad has to say because the tumor is inoperable. So what do I have to do. What treatments must I take? Dad has to tell him that there is nothing that will work. You mean that I have to die? And thus sadly, the end is near for our favorite “Other” who never deserved to be so, well, inconvenient. However, in this telenovela, that is a condition that nearly always results in death.
Augie introduces himself by phone to his next accomplice. He knows this person used to love Marina and he can help and Augie will solve his problems. This will provide so many benefits to him, like paying his debts. He needs to come.
Anibal calls Alison and wants her to visit Cruz but she says, my grandmother doesn’t want me to be near your father. So what to do, they need to see each other. Hold on to this cute scene with a warning. It ‘s the only cuteness you’re going to see for a bit. And too bad Manuela has never shared her dislike of Augie with Renata but I digress.
Carlos and Matilde exit from the Padres’ talking and planning their wedding. which for his fault has been postponed too long. Matilde makes a stupid country girl slip and says because of his influencia (influence) while Carlos corrects her by saying influenza. So, when can he do it? . How soon do you want it to be? As soon as possible, beams Matilde. Carlos says, as soon as Jeronimo is out of jail. Renata and Jeronimo are supposed to be the padrinos of the wedding. They are all happy. Too happy for this to work out well, me thinks.
Jero in jail is brought a blanket and a little paper bag of goodies, as Marina on wheels has cleaned up with careful hairdo and make up as though she is going on a date with her favorite jailbird. She further woos him with the pictures of his unborn children. She assures him they are perfectly okay. But, she couldn’t sleep last night because he is in jail. She takes his hand and says she would do anything for him to get him out of jail. (even on top of a desk?) Just as Renata shows up to say good morning and the look on her face at the handholding from behind the “other”, is priceless. I half expected her to do a wheelie for Tatas and push her chair fast down the hall to get her away from her husband.
Jero is surprised that she is there, but Renata assures him that as soon as she heard she took the earliest flight to be with him. Tata puts away her tearjerking pictures and says she better go. No one argues with that super truth. Renata is mad too that she was the last to know as she is the wife. She could have had a chance to bring him things like Marina did.
The “other” aka Tatas rolls herself to the waiting room with more tears and cries to the sympathetic nurse who thinks she shouldn’t have come to this awful place. Marina whines that it isn’t the place but the situation and that SHE came. She? His wife she chokes out. She is rolled to the side while the wife takes his heart and she can’t believe that she is not the one at his side but the wife is, in spite of her being the mother of his children. OUR place isn’t at your side she snivels to her belly. She seems like it is news that she didn’t get the big prize of winning Jeronimo after her great desk performance.
Jero and Renata have a cute make up and kissing through the bars scene of promising not to lie to each other ever again. She has been so worried and he wanted to avoid any hurt and worry. They laugh and tease and quickly get back to the romantic way they are together. She says, I wanted to bring you food and comfort because who is your wife? Renata! Not Tata of the twins. He raises his hand in boy scout’s promise that he won’t lie again. They kiss and he asks how was the wedding? Lovely but, Roberta was a problem as usual. “Others” tend to do that. Jero acts like that was to be expected. And what about her Ezequiel story? She is continuing to make the same claim. He explains that he is now being held responsible for the whole pretense of the death of Nesme. She promises she will devote herself to doing everything to get him out of jail because she wants him with her and ask for a hug.
Adri shows up at Chema’s apartment to ask his Dad, does Chema know that she didn’t intend to hurt him. His dad says yes, but he wants to be left alone she wants to go back to his room but Dad says he has gone to see his doctor to learn more of the truth. His dad says he now knows that he has little time left. She feels so bad about tricking him. Dad, soothes her saying he knows very well that you were trying to be noble and kind to him.
Chema is at the doctor’s office asking, what has happened? I am feeling better with the medications. I’m not having such pain or fainting. Doctor says, this is just the medicine. Chema says but my dad says the tumor is inoperable. Isn’t there something else that can be done? No. So I just sit and wait to die? No just the opposite, when death is near, my counsel is to live with intention in the time you have left. What matters is the quality of life not the quantity. Live fully and with intensity, do everything you can in this short time, before you pass over to the Other Side.
Renata rolls her bag into the Bonita livingroom as the maid has a fit what are you doing here? Manuela nervously tells her the patron is not here right now. Renata tells them all to quit lying to her she knows he is in jail and she just got back from seeing him. I know, so stop lying. Stop lying. Lazaro comes in and gets scolded too. Then she urges him to go with her so they can work on getting Jero out of jail.
Regina calls Antonio to tell him as her old “other” that she is going on her long postponed honey moon but she wants him to be aware that Renata and Jero may need help and he is to call her back her honeymoon so she and Gonzolo can run to help. We hardly remember that they were once involved. Perhaps Antonio has found his proper calling as a counselor and comforter. He knows more than most about being the “other”
The nasty Mommy comes into the livingroom after Honorio leaves to take the honeymooners to he airport so Constanza can bring her out of her hiding place. The young woman eats hungrily as they plan and she asks if Constanza could please keep the baby for a very little time. She needs to leave the baby so she can go get other clothes and it will be much easier to do it if she can leave the infant with Constanza so she can go and return quickly. Consta coos and babytalks, not aware of the sneers on the not angelic face of the little mommy dearest.
Matias shows up in an unbelievably ugly shirt. Is that some team’s colors? He sits at the breakfast table while the maid tells him she will take care of him while the parents are away on the honeymoon. Roberta shows up to share a coffee. He is glad since he wants to tell her about German. Tell me? He surprises her by telling about German’s penchant for being a Don Juan and has been known for office romances in prior jobs, seducing lovely young women in the office and he tricked one in particular saying that he would divorce his wife but he didn’t and he never will. Roberta says, she would never go after a married man and besides German is such a good friend of her father’s. Why would Matias think this has anything to do with her? Our ultimate “other” seems to forget what Matias knows about her.
In parallel breakfast scenes, Gemma is saying I didn’t know you were working with so many beautiful and young women. He innocently counters that every office has lots of young people. But I saw how beautiful Adriana, Roberta and Renata are and I saw you oogling Renata . If you get into trouble again like that last adventure, I won’t give you the money to invest in the Empressas Monterrubio. Not missing a beat, German insists, but it is such a good investment. Guess who holds not only the purse strings but the purse as well.
Chema comes back. HIs dad asks him what he wants to do, postpone the opening of the restaurant? No I want to go one as planned but I want you to talk to Adriana Matias and Julieta, Inez and Consta. I can’t talk to them now but I want them all to be at the inauguration of the restaurant..
Back at the jailhouse Carlos brings more food and blankets to Jero behind bars and they talk about how Jero doesn’t trust that Augie, his “other”, won’t take advantage of Renata while he can and use Jero’s jail time as an excuse to get closer to her again, to drive a wedge between them. He begs Carlos to keep close track of Renata so this won’t happen. Carlos says you know how independent your wife is, this won’t be easy. The laugh at the fact that this is certainly true but Jero begs, try to keep her safe while I am stuck in here.
The rolling “other” comes in and cries to Antonio (Regina’s old “other”.) and he tells her as if she doesn’t know, she felt put out by Renata’s arrival. It is logical he says, she is his wife. She can’t, she can’t she keeps sobbing about this situation. I know you are friends with Renata. And don’t you know how I feel? If Renata had gone, I could have been in a happy relationship with Jeronimo by now. Kindly and knowingly, Antonio says, but things are NOT like that. Yes and I know that he is in love with his wife. For this reason she knows she needs to leave at least for the time being because she is acknowledging that she is the OTHER. No kidding. She needs to go but he says the fact that Jero is the father of her children and nothing can change this fact. I can’t go on this way. She disolves in tears which leaves us thinking that she deeply thinks she could be with him based on that afternoon romp on the desk but then she needs to leave because no one else is into her delusion.
Augie greets the new accomplice who he takes into his office. Accomplice says, you seem to know so much about me it is like an investigation. Augie smugly says I know that you could get Marina back. Why do you want to this? Why would I reconquer Marina? That is my business but, I am offering you so much money that it will solve your debts and doubts and concerns and give you money to start anew. Will this result in hurting Marina? No, it won’t at all, but I want her to have a safe, calm pregnancy and stay out of the way. Marina is pregnant? Yes, but not by me. I would never leave a pregnant woman all alone. Good thing he isn’t talking in front of Anibal. He suggests they drink some good wine then talk about what has happened to Marina since she came to the valley.
In the lawyer’s office with Matilde, Kari gets the official divorce papers laughing in her joy with Matilde and the lawyer. Now finally she is free to marry her beloved Lazaro. Matilde calls her sister-in-law and they all laugh in a happy moment.
In a not too happy moment, Renata goes to see Dr. Nasty Nesme in his big boy jail. She asks him can’t he come forward to tell the truth about Jero not being the one who wanted to fake Nesme’s death. She want him to aid her to get Jero freed from jail. He knows Jero was not to blame. Our unchanged Dr. Nesme’s slimey reply is and what is in it for me? What will you do for me if I go to the authorities and tell them that Jero isn’t at fault.
Next scenes: Renata’s relentless quest to free Jero proceeds, Augie makes the payoff to Marina’s “other” so he will help Augie the trickster, Isidor tells the bank manager who the real daughter is. It looks like Renata will faint in front of all of her girl friends. OMG what could THAT mean? Her heart or… ;> D