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Monday, July 16, 2018


Sona confronts Radha that if youngsters make mistake, elders need to correct them, pointing at Vicky. Radha leaves angrily with Vicky. Ria starts chatting with Sona. Neha goes to Ishwari’s room and says she made a mistake by marrying Ranveer, his family is so poor that they spend each penny very carefully. Sona enters and says she is leaving and thanks Ishwari that because of her, she and Dev are together. Ishwari says wants Dev’s happiness and his happiness is with Sona, so she wants Sona to be her bahu soon.
Sona reaches home and shows Ishwari’s gifted bangles to family. Asha, Dad, Sourav get happy. Asha then shows bangles to Bejoy. Bejoy reminisces Ishwari’s words that Sona came to her house as nutritionist and dreamt of becoming
bahu. He says Sona is precious and this jewelry is immaterial in front of her. He says he is still not convinced with Dev and Ishwari and will evaluate them well first, then will think of Sona and Dev’s marriage. Asha serves dinner to Sourav and tells Bejoy that Sourav wants to sponsor Sona’s wedding dinner. Bejoy says he will take care of his daughter’s wedding expenses and nobody should. Sourav gets sad. Asha says not to worry, Bejoy will agree.
Door bell rings. Bejoy opens door and sees Dev standing. Asha asks him to come in. Dev gives sweets to her and says he bought it on the way. Asha says no need for formality Dev babu. Dev says she should call him Dev and he will call her maa and Bejoy as baba. He says his pandit toldd they can select marriage dates soon. Bejoy says what is a hurry, both families need to know each other first and then they can think of marriage. Asha says Dev he can send his mom and elders for a dinner tomorrow. Sona says Dev let us go out and walks towards door. Elena says enjoy…. Bejoy fumes and Asha smiles.
Sona and Dev go out. Dev says he wants to become a perfect damad. Sona says that is why he brought bengali sweets for her family. Their romantic discussion continues.
Asha calls Ishwari and invites her tomorrow for dinner. Radha starts brainwashing Ishwari that bengalis are nonvegeterians and they are vegeterians, so how will they go and at Sona’s house, she should have called them here instead. Mamaji asks her to shut her mouth.
Asha and Daadi clean house and prepare dishes. Bejoy asks what are they doing, when they did not do any special arrangements for Ritwick’s family, why should they for Dev, their expectations will increase. Ishwari enters with Vicky, Mamaji and Radha. Asha serves them water. Radha starts her drama and says she does not drink outside water and is very keen about cleanliness. Mamaji taunts all germs love Radha. Asha asks them to have dinner. Radha says no. Ishwari also says no. Mamaji says pandit told marriage muhurath is after 1 week or after 6 months. Bejoy says let it be after 6 months, Sona needs to settle down first. Ishwari says she will speak to Dev and inform. Bejoy says Dev accepts only her decisions, then how will he decide.
Dev’s lawyer comes to meet him and says he is being pad to look after his and his company’s betterment, so he suggests him to sign a prenuptual agreement before marriage and gives him papers. Dev angrily throws papers in dustbin and and asks him to get out, his wealth is immaterial without Sona, so he will never think about it and warns him not to discuss about prenuptual agreement with anyone else. Lawyer leaves.
Bejoy tells Ishwari, mamaji, and Radha that they will perform Dev and Sona’s marriage in a simple way and he does not like their culture. Radha asks what does he mean, they are reputed family and if they don’t celebrate marriage lavishly, people will think something is wrong. Bejoy starts yelling they are so arrogant, they came begging
for this alliance. Mamaji asks Radha to sit quietly and Asha controls Bejoy. Mamaji says they should peform their rituals in their homes individually. Radha shouts why…Mamaji asks her to shut up. Asha says Mamaji is right.
Dev and Sona meet at a restaurant for lunch and discuss how their families must be finalizing about marriage. Dev says by now mamaji must have befriended her papa. She asks waht about both moms. She then asks if he knows about prenuptual agreement. He asks what..She says she read about it in today’s newspaper and says how cheap a person is to think about all this, it proves a person does not love his partner at all. Dev says yes. They continue enjoying dinner.
Ishwari and Radha reach home. Radha starts badmouthing Sona’s family and says she will go and take bath as she is stinking with bengalis smell. Dev’s lawyer comes to meet Ishwari and informs her about prenuptual agreement and says if by chance Dev divorces, he has to give 50% of his company share to Sona. Ishwari says Dev built his company with so much hard work and it belongs to him and even his sisters have share in it, she will talk to Dev and asks lawyer to prepare prenuptual agreement.
Sona rushes to Dev’s office and asks why did he call her in a hurry, if he is fine. He says he cannot stay without her for a minute, they should marrry right now. She says they should go to temple for that. He says she knows he does not believe in god. She says they have to follow rituals. He says let us go to temple and marry right now then. They order pizza and enjoy.
Ishwari calls Bejoy and says she needs to talk and settle down something. He says he will and reaches her home. She says she is worried about her 4 children’s future and now Sona is also her daughter and she is worried about her future too, so she wants Sona and Dev to sign prenuptual agreement. Bejoy is shocked and says she was acting so well yesterday and today showed her cheap mentality. She says she is just worried about her children’s future and nothing else. Bejoy says she knows a lot, takes agreemet and leaves. Ishwari calls Dev and asks if he met Sona. He says she is with him and they having pizza. She asks him to finish food and disconnects call.
Bejoy reaches home and tells Asha about prenuptual agreement. Asha says she does not know anything about these kind of agreements. Bejoy says he met his lawyer who told everything is against Sona in these papers, she has to take care of her children after divorce. He returns back to Ishwari and says everything is against Sona in these papers and she is very intelligent, if she wanted all this, they why did she agree for Dev’s marriage. He returns her papers and walks towards door. Dev enters and is shocked to hear their conversation. He takes papers from Ishwari and throws them on floor and says his and Sona’s relationship does not need all this. He tells Bejoy that he does know about this and all these and he will not sign papers.
Bejoy reaches home and fumes in front of Asha. She asks him to lower his tone as Sona is at home. He hears car horn sound and shouts some uncultured person is creating havoc. Sona realizes it is Dev and runs out to meet him. Asha says Bejoy that Dev cannot stay away from Sona even for a day. Sona meets Dev. He hugs her and their chat starts. He says soon he may not love her so much and will love someone else who will be smaller. She says then he should marry her. He says let her come in this world and says he is talking about their daughter. She says what if they get a boy. He says they will get girl next.
Ishwari reminisces lawyer’s words and thinks how to get sign from Dev. Mamaji comes and says the way she spoke to Sona’s family, he is proud of her. She says she just needs her children’s happiness. He says Kichhu told lawyer came to meet her. She stammers and says lawyer came to meet Dev and she sent lawyer to Dev’s office. Mamaji says is stammering like she used in front of gardener while stealing mangoes. She says she is not..
Dev comes home at night. Ishwari chats with him a bit and says Tina sent some papers and he needs to sign them. He says he will in the morning. She insists. He starts signing papers. She diverts his attention saying she prepared palak paneer today. He signs prenuptual agreement without noticing. Ishwari takes papers silently and thinks she is worried about all 4 children’s future and wants to distribute company between them equally.

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