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Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Jikulumessu:Greg Joins the Prisoners
Hmm like were expecting Greg Kiala joins the prisoners.Greg made sure he set Bianca up with the recording,Sara Paca was very happy to be escaping with the love of her life but their plans was foiled when Elena heard her daughter's conversation and not wanting to loose her she quickly informed Lui who knew he was avoiding punishment and quickly started pursuing them
Pedro and Lemba no longer hiding their romance and when the former couldn't stop disturbing her at work she decided they go for lunch but this was stopped when they saw Greg's mail.
Bianca rushed home trying to stop Greg but he wouldn't allow her,he leaves hurriedly and forgot his passport.Lemba and Pedro arrive at the Kialas and Bianca sighted them,she quickly escaped and foolishly all she could do was lock herself in Greg's boot.
Joel is back home .Kim and Bruno tell him to take take some rest ,he teases them they are his nurses but loving their gestures.Djemila arrives and he apologises for stressing her through his revenge plan.Djemila tell him that their lives are about to change......(Hmmmmmm i can guess what it is especially as she is glowing)
Lui inform Lemba what's going on as he was able to spot Sara and Greg ,he calls for reinforcement and Greg was arrested.Sara says she will wait for Greg(This kain loff na wa ooo)
Back at the station Lemba interrogates Greg and starts it with a slap,she asks about what happened that day at the warehouse,Greg told her he did rape Nzola but didn't kill her,he says William might have done that and his sample was also taken for DNA
Walter got Hannah to agree on his idea but Vanessa makes it known she will be in charge of finances.
Soraia is worried after all the strange things that happened and what Pedro told them an how it will affect their accommodation but Walter feels Pedro will not send them packing.
Ivo is about to begin his tour and he says goodbye to his family he lives with ,he also went to see Gerson his son .Nayr told him she has no problem with it if he decides to come to her wedding with Bruno.Ruth also informed them she is moving out.
Phillipe now a star,Celso was reading about the match he played and how his coming into the game secured victory.Zico now part of their family though not official but Celso intends to if Weza agrees.
Weza visit Maghraita in prison but the visit didn't go well as Magharita was not receptive at all.
And Bianca she will surely die in that boot going by all we saw.

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