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Monday, September 3, 2018


Santiago is all telling BadAna bout his luuurve for her sis (oh dude, bad plan, look at her face) Actually she starts to look a little sad when he says Analu is unique. She interrupts him and tells him he's a better kisser than Marcelo. (One more thing for Marcelo to be mad at her for)
Orlando is in trouble at work and at work following trouble/BadAna.
Nerina sees the kiss and confronts Santiago about it, mostly she just thinks he should stop giving Analu false hope. Abue comes in and introduces Santiago and Nerina to each other, awkward.
Analu calls Santiago's cell to cry to him about how she loves him and find out the woman she talked to was not his wife but his sister in law
Bad Ana goes to talk to Llora about why she's not dripping snot and tears all over the place after hearing their sis is fer sure dead. - 'do you know something I dont?' Llora doesn't want her to get mad but she doesn't believe Analu is dead. BadAna wants her to accept "reality" but Llora won't give up hope. Now they girl talk about how hard it is for BadAna to be living w/2 men at the same time. Llora knows about double personality Marcelo, she's met Santiago. BadAna confesses its actually not a hardship its really super fun and she sometimes doesn't want Marcelo back at all as she kinda likes Santiago better. (you and me both sister) Llora counsels that Santi isn't real and Bad Ana teases her about being a psychology nerd and instead of crying Llora gives a shy grin and a 'ya que?' (whatcha gonna do?) and a shrug. Bad Ana goes on for a while about how much nicer Santi is than Marcelo and how weird it is to cheat on her husband w/her husband. Llora is just happy she's happy and thinks this could be a second chance for them both. BadAna looks like she would really like a second chance and to change. (we'll see how long that lasts)
Inaki and his mom
Inaki wants more love/$$ since she's paying him to love her and buying his forgiveness. She knows you can't buy love or forgiveness, she's just buying his time. She hopes that if they spend lots of time together he will really forgive her and maybe even love her for realzies. He demands she not turn his friend in and she says ok but only b/c you asked me, I hope you realize how much its worth to me. Sue arrives and Inaki leaves. Sue thinks he's weird, no its just that Inaki and Daniel wer in love w/BadAna. Oh her again, somebody needs to take her down a peg and its gonna be Sue.
Santiago tells Ramiro how nice BadAna was to him and Ramiro is surprised and worried and is trying to convince him not to trust her when she comes down the stairs and catches him badmouthing her, again. She plays nice though and just tsk tsks about Ramiro's totally unfounded hate of her and whisks Santiago off to spend the day together.
Maribel notices Analu is sad and tells her to look around and notice all the other men in the world (yeah, but all them're not as hot as Santicelo so whatcha gonna do) but really she just wants to pump her for info about Ramiro, who she's already in love with, does he have a wife or a gf? Analu doesn't think he's married but will find out for her. Orlando who?
Analu tells Maribel all bout the bad stuff she thought she was saying to the wife but actually said to the cunada oopsie. Maribel tries to convince Analu to give up already, learn to lose.
Marcelo's dad meets w/TioM to talk bidnez. Cause they're men. Business men.
Abue tells Nerina bout how her nieta is dead and cries. Nerina tries to revive hope, keep looking, then they hear Llora playing and go to listen. Nerina starts singing along. Ramiro watches w/a smile, Valentin watches w/tears and a scowl
The song ends and its explanations of how everybody already knows everybody and compliments all around till Valentin rolls forward and calls Nerina mama. A shock goes through the room, Nerina tears up and asks why he didn't tell her and they leave the room to talk and so everybody remaining can talk about them while they're gone.
Val tells his mom how he feels about Llora and incidentally Ramiro and yeah he knows they're gonna get married.
Its bring your Santiago to work day in BadAna world (I'm not even going to mention her outfit b/c I've run out of new ways to express how  workplace inappropriate they are) and they ignore the secretary telling them Tio is in a meeting w/Marcelo's dad and doesn't want to be disturbed and waltz in on them. Turns out TioM asked Marcelo's dad to help him re-open the how Jenny died case, they're gonna find out who that woman was. Eeep BadAna tries to convince Tio to forget it all and move on but no and now Santiago feels the need to confess that he was there when Jenny breathed her last and TioM leaps to the conclusion that Santi's to blame and leaps across the room to slug him. And BAM! Marcelo's back and throwing punches and words w/deadly accuracy - 'Jenny isn't the first woman you were involved with to end up dead, wanna talk about Gina, punk?
TioM comes back w/ oh how convenient is your amnesia Marcelo, Gina's death has nothing to do with this, you're nothing but trouble and a thug to boot. Marcelo says yeah I am and you are to but everybody thinks you're different, lets take those masks off shall we.
BadAna starts yelling at Marcelo for hitting her precious tio and he finally realizes TioM has and will always come first w/BadAna and stalks out, telling his dad to wrap up whatever his business w/TioM is b/c Marcelo is gonna bring him down so get out while the getting's good. He also on his way out,calls Inaki nobody and that's just uncalled for.
Orlando is noticing and noting it all. (His frantic note taking reminds me of me. I probably look just like that taking notes for my recap, only hopefully w/better hair/personal hygine)
Bad Ana fusses over her TioM (which causes her top to gap in the most distracting way, and I'm not even a dude....or a lesbian) and kicks everybody out of his office. He tells her how he never really liked that Marcelo guy and she thinks its a hint that he feels like she does, she hates to see him w/other women too she coos and starts hinting, - 'I love you the mostest, if I only much do you love me? When I was little you said you loved me all the love...' He misses the point as per usual and assures her he still loves her like he did when she was little *one sided hugs*
BadAna wonders to herself if tio feels like she feels and has just been hiding it like her. He wants to be alone but she wants to ask about Gina - 'you couldn't possibly have been involved w/the woman Ramiro was gonna marry, right tio?'
At the pension Suzy the maid tries to get her cards read by Chana but Remedios sends her off to do her job b/c she doesn't like the cards, they make her nervous, its never good news. Apparently Remedios is completely right b/c when Chana looks at the card Remedios has grabbed, its the death card. Remedios thinks that just proves her point that Chana never has anything good to say and Chana further cements this with her reading; Remedios's life is in danger, she sees a man who has opened the door to evil and lost his way and Remedios needs to be careful.
Marcelo and his dad lunch and talk about his problems w/Santiago, at least Marcelo has his memory and Santiago doesn't but the people in Santiago's life who love him give him strength and keep Marcelo from taking his life back, especially Remedios. Dad offers to get rid of her for him and Marcelo gives him the green light.

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