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Sunday, September 16, 2018


Part 1
Madhu cribs that he din let her change n she is 50 kgs more heavier..! RK leaves..! Madhu says. .weird rituals.. those who get married are not allowed to eat…and then asks.. if RK is listening? She turns n finds RK missing n cribs.. where r u? RK says..right here..! Madhu says where is he n that she is already fuming not to irk her more..! RK says.. he will woo her like Madhu..! RK starts to do latka jhatkas.. with hsi back turned to Madhu..! BG- Tum jo mil gaye ho.. remix..! RK is wearing his hat slanted..! Madhu takes the hat from him n puts on her head.. takes the walking stick n closes in on him..! She caresses him…n then she pushes him away.! Madhu takes off her ghunghat.! Madhu starts dancing with the stick…! She again pulls RK close n they do ballroom dance
steps..! She tilts RK to do the RK banner pose..! RK holds her from behind..! Madhu tries to walk away but RK stops her..! They dance again…! RK holds her leg…! RK caresses Madhus face…! Madhu closes her eyes in anticipation n RK snaps her eyes open!
RK walks away. .n Madhu turns him around.. n then pushes him to a wall n blocks him… [like RK usually does]! RK holds Madhus waist..! Rishbala close in and Madhu turns to leave n RK turns her around n blocks her to the wall..! RK touches Madhus face .. n Rishbala eyelocks..! RK says..that after being RK ..this all is to happen ..he will let her be RK forever..! Madhu again tries to leave but RK stops her n says.. don go anywhere..stay right here! RK says.. he saw her for the first time. .right at this studio..! RK removes.. Madhus mang tikka..! Madhu feels shy n walks away..! RK holds her hand and pulls her close..! RK back hugs Madhu n says..that..she hugged him for the first time in the studio..! RK caresses Madhus face. .n she shivers..! RK removes her gajra and opens her hair..n caresses her face..! RK lifts her up in his arms and puts her on the bed… kept in between the studio ..! He removes her earrings .. and Madhu closes her eyes…in anticipation..! RK tells Madhu here.. for the first time.. she kept her head on his shoulder n slept..! Madhu says.. here for the first time..she danced with him..! RK for the first time he saw the feeling of jealousy in her heart.. ! Madhu says. .n they fought n RK says..then all was ok n Madhu says..they fought again n RK was ok again!
Madhu asks RK why do they fight? RK says dunno n Madhu says dunno! RK asks Madhu ..what is my name? Madhu teases him saying RK .. n RK says again..! Madhu says .. Rishabh n RK says.. Madhu…! RK says. .i . .n Madhu says. .i know..! BG – Piyu bole..! Rishbala close in for a kiss..! Camera zooms out..! Its next day morning .. n RK – Madhu are asleep in each others arms..! Madhu is wearing RKs jacket..! Madhu asks RK why is he smiling? RK asks if she has taken the role of being RK seriously? Wearing his clothes? Madhu says shut up..! RK says… she is so tiny …she is covered in his sleeves..! She looks like mirchi..! Madhu gets up and RK holds her and says…its my coat wanna wear! Madhu says.. behave. n says she wants to change..! Madhu says..he was more decent when they were fighting..! RK says..he is her Suhaag…and she is his Biwi…so…its different..! Some people come.. n Madhu says.. culd have been in hotel room..peacefully resting! RK pushes Madhu into a phone booth..covers it with black cloth n gives Madhu her clothes to change into..!
They are both dressed up and the assitants ask..they .. here? RK hides Madhus jewelery behind his back..!
Part 2
They ask RK if he is shooting? RK says. .no ..he came to show studio .. n that in the morning they had gone for long drive.. so showed off the studi..! Madhu says.. beautiful studio..! They rush out.. n the assistants congratulate them..! They go aside n RK calls Bittu n says plan changed.. send car..! He warns Bittu not to tell anyone.. or Madhu wont talk to him ever..! Madhu chides RK..!
Part 3
Rishbala sneak into their room n ask. .each other if anyone saw them? RK says nope..! RK says..welcome .. meri Suhagan.. Madhubala Rishabh Kundra..! Madhu goes to get ready n RK holds her hand
RK tells Madhu not to be RK anymore n be a sweet Madhu .. his Biwi! Madhu says..she has trapped him so no need to ! RK asks if she is not scared of him? Madhu says no..! RK asks if she can be mad like him? Madhu says no..! RK asks she wont be embarassed? Madhu says no! RK says.. she wont be embarassed even after seeing his ‘Pyaar ki Nishani?’ Madhu is confused! RK goes to change..! Madhu finds a mark on her neck.. n is blushing! Madhu says. .wil ldrink ur blood n RK says.. thats the mark..! Madhu hides with her hair n RK says..suits u.. ! Madhu blushes..!
Precap — RK grabs Madhus hand while taking glass n asks her to pass the parathas..! Madhu does with one hand..! RK says.. given parahes.. how will she eat? Madhu says.. he forgot.. she is lefty not righty! RK leaves her hand..!
Part 1
Radha is getting the dining table set.. when Sikky comes to her n says..he has a plan for business .. of Match Making n says will ask RK to participate..!
Sikky asks..where is MY BHAI? Dips comes n teases saying Rishbala got married just a day wont come early Dips shut up n says.. feel embarassed n RK says.. its breaking news..that Dips feels embarassed..!
Madhu is serving RK… n he grabs her hand..! He asks to pass Parathas n Madhu asks to leave her hand.. but he refuses n says.. Maa sab samajhti hai..!
He tells Maa.. what type of Bahu is this.. n Radha gives Paratha to Madhu n she gives to him! RK asks how will she eat n Madhu eats with left hand n says..Patidev.. m lefty..!
Radha says..have announcement .. n RK says.. not Sikky is to be
launched.. or Dips is preggers..! All are shocked..!
Radha says..she wants to go to Delhi for 3-4 months.. Madhu is shocked! RK refuses..!
Sultan is walking with Meera.. n Kaka-Aryan out of the hosp premises..! Aryan asks why she is coming with them? Kaka explains.. Meera is his granny! Aryan asks Kaka why Meera is looking at things with big big eyes.. as if watching 3D movie for first time!
Meera watches a mother walking on street..with a baby … n smiles n Aryan asks why smiling . .n Kaka offers him water..! Sultan touches Meera but she jerks off..!Aryan observes her crying..!
Radha says ..that .. their old house is in tatters.. n RK asks so why does she wanna go there as if she is an antique watch? Also Bittu suggested that RKs next movie is to be shot there..! RK says. not going.. at any cost.. !
RK fumes n says.. ph will pay.. for the hotel so dun worry! Madhu says.. its matter of few months.. n RK says..he knows she wont return. .if she goes there! RK walks off..!
Sultan brings Meera to his home.. n she is scared…of him… n tries to run off.. but Sultan tries to calm her..! She ends up dropping the toy n Sultan picks it up but Meera fumes! Aryan keeps asking questions so Sultan sends him inside..!
Meera hears the word GHAR n is anxious.. Sultan takes her inside..! Aryan watches a nurse tending to Meera.. helping her dress n change..! Aryan asks Sultan who is SHE?? n Why is she here? Sultan explains to him that Meera is his mom.. ! Aryan says dun like her.. n Sultan chides him n asks him to give her time!
Nurse asks Meera to remove her bangle but she refuses!
Part 2
Madhu follows RK to the room .. n asks him to listen to Radha..! RK asks why Radha wants to go there?
RK says..he is not a burden that Radha feels relieved.. after handing him over to Madhu! He says.. neither Madhu nor Radha is going anywhere from him..!
He says..he is building his family n Radha wants to go ! Madhu asks him to calm down!
Radha tells him …she is not getting relieved from him .. nor leaving him..! RK say sorry..! He says..he wants to start something n doesnt want her to leave..! Radha agrees! Madhu says.. she has spoilt her son… ! Radha says..such a sedha bachcha.. n Madhu says. .like jalebi..!
Part 3
Sultan is listening to news… when Meera comes.. ! He helps her sit but she jerks from him..!
Sultan asks Aryan to show the marbles he plays with to Meera. he is scared.. of her.. n Meera backs from him..! He finally shows her the marbles… she takes.. n is watching.. when she hears news of Sitara studio re opening..
Precap — Dips tells Rishbala.. things will feel sweet as its new but soon they will feel they have gulped a bitter pill Neem .. n keep fighting n separate! Madhu holds RKs arm n duo say in CHORUS … NEVER..!!

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