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Saturday, September 22, 2018


 Ramiro and Ana Laura have had another lover’s spat. They make up, vowing NEVEREVER to have another. Just then Ernestina, La Gran Abuela, makes a grand gesture of sanctioning premarital passion by presenting the two an all-expenses paid 3 day getaway holiday. (Dunno, but having Granny pay for my first out-of-wedlock, secret fantasy roll in the hay just seems sooooo wrong.)

 Samuel and Mariano discuss the fine and finer points of Mo’s first and second encounters with Soledad and Ana Lucia. “—Instead of contacting us she kept the girl! She kidnapped my niece.” So, first off, Mo wants Sam to change his will. He’s now giving 50% to Ana Lucha and 25% each to the other triplets. This will even the score for 20 years of financial deprivation she suffered. Sam says that’s all well and good, Bro, but stop and think how Ana Leticia will react to this. (Good catch, Sammy Boy. It ain’t gonna be pretty.)

 Speaking of the Queen of Rome, she and Iñaki are still in their 5 star no-tell motel. They exchange their video confessions with each other. (I guess it beats cutting their palms and exchanging their blood, kemosabe, but still, this is really more like the Sickies Are Ichies and They Я Us!) They seal it with more sexual satisfaction in Suite 666.

 Meanwhile, Ernie and A Llora argue over the fact Ern has given Ana Lucia’s golden ID bracelet to Mo supposedly to get rid of it since Ana Lucia’s “proven” to be dead and it was a fake bracelet. A Llora says, hey, Ram spent a fortune of his own cash to buy that from the dude who found it. How could you be so cavalier about it? “--Well, she’s dead and that’s that.” A Llora says she disagrees and that PI could have been wrong, ya know. She isn’t dead. So I want it back to keep myself. I’ll give it to her someday.”

 Across town at Ramiro’s bachelor pad, Marcelo supplies the missing facts to Ana Lucha’s past. While living in Costa Paraiso, he was a PI and did specifically missing persons. "--Your grandmother (Ernestina Revadinera) came to my offices desperate to find you. She gave me this I.D. bracelet” A Lucha recognizes her lost bracelet. “--I have a grandmother???” That’s when he met and fell hopelessly in love with her sister, Ana Leticia. They even had the love rune tattooed onto their backs as a symbol of their undying love. (Makes me wonder if they end up together as Mr. and Mrs. Santi or as Mr. and Mrs. San-Marco, will she force him to get it removed—and will he???? And, just when did A LETMEEEEE turn so nasty? She seems pretty reserved and harmless in this backflash.)
So, each of Ana Lucia's sisters has one. Sisters – plural??? Yep. There are three of them. She dreamed of three faces always looking back at her in a mirror. It was a nightmare she couldn’t explain. Marcelo explains. Simple enough: they’re tripets [trillizas]. (Must be a real bummer to learn after all those years—especially when you’re that beautiful--that you are not ‘unique among the universe’.”)
 “—I came to San Nicolas and met Soledad. I threatened her with jail. That same day I had my car accident and lost my memory. It was the same highway and spot of the river where your parents lost their lives, where Soledad found you after losing her daughter—her ONLY daughter, her true daughter." Suddenly Ana Lucha remembers that fateful day and time of her life.
 Solebad has taken refuge at Chana’s place and refuses to let Chana say a word to A Lucha. Chana hopes Sole will see things differently in the morning. It’s best she tells A Lucha the truth and the whole truth.
 Later that evening, Ana MiMi has agreed to meet Orlando in a classy restaurant to discuss his demands. He informs her that he not only knows Ana Lucia, but Sole and Don Isidro. He’s been A Lucia’s friend since childhood. As for old I-sindro, she should know he’s sly as a fox [colmilludo] and a real opportunist [ventajoso]. So, if she’s as smart as she thinks she is, she’s better off dealing with Orly to get to Ana Lucia than I-sindro, cuz that old geezer hasn’t the slightest idea where to find her, but yep he does.
 After a while, Santiago reappears and finishes the story for Ana Lucha. She wonders what kind of woman must have raised her. The woman raised her, but to avoid her loneliness, not for any special love towards her, she insists. “--Marcelo is right!” Santi suggests she listen to Sole’s explanation. Ana Lucha is more than upset. She’s angry because she realizes how the woman took control of her life and kept her away from her real family. “--Soledad saw how much I suffered all my life with the nightmares I had growing up and she said nothing! I can never ever forgive her!”

 Back at the restaurant, Orly lies that he’s doing this on his own. Ana MiMi is too smart by half for that little act. “—Naw. You’r nothing but a miserable alleycat. Who’s your owner?” [amo=master, boss, employer] It’s all we and she can do to keep from upchucking while watching Orly’s lowbrow, loutish behavior at the table. Double ugh.—But, hey, it’s nothin’ this sick bitch can’t handle. She’s all about murder and magnificent mayhem, right?  He waves a paper with his financial demands and gives her 24 hours to come up with the cash. Otherwise, he goes to the manse and negotiates with Granny or Sissy. Her choice.
 Ana Lucia puts a few more of the pieces together for Santi. “—The same day Marcelo came to speak to Soledad, he had his accident.” Evaristo was always hanging around Sole. Then Remedios’s husband told her to protect Marcelo. “—Your life was in danger- is in danger. Evaristo is a criminal and my mother was his accomplice!”
 At the same time, Ram and his papi are going over the new funds for The Foundation. Ram begs for a few more days to prove Valeria’s innocence in the embezzlement of foundation funds before Ed reports her to the police. Edmundo agrees to that. (Viewerville wonders if he’s really got a lock on that or not. Is he going to plead victimhood once Ram finds out what he’s done? And if he’s done it once, has he done it before????????)
 Santi shows A Lucha a picture of him and Ana Leticia together. She’s two-timed-angry-woman-impactada at the likeness to her triplet. “—You lied to me this whole time. You weren’t in love with me. It was HER you saw in your dreams all this time!" He tries to explain that he, as Santiago, truly loves her. (Yep. That’s why you told Ram you still have the hots and lots and lots of luhhhvvv for A MiMi too, right big guy???) She rips the picture of a much more innocent-looking Ana MiMi in anger, tells him never ever to come after her or to seek her out again, and races out the apartment door, slamming it for all she’s worth. Santi weeps tears of loss and longing. (Sheesh!! SantiAgo, you are sooooo five minutes ago. GET.A. LIFE! --And, to A Lucha, I say there are lots more fish in the sea and do not be so short-sighted. Become a famous acrobat and find a sexy suitor like Javier or something. Forget weepy, wimpy, walk-all-over-me dudes like this one. You'll thank us in the end.) “—Forgive me my love,” Santi sobs to nobody there

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