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Saturday, September 15, 2018


LMD is stopped by his tracks by the Emperor’s head eunuch who tells LMD that he shouldn’t come to the palace anymore and if there are news, the Emperor will send a messenger to him. Annoyed, LMD asks him if he’s under house arrest but the Eunuch chuckles and says that nowadays the city is not safe, “The Emperor is doing this for your safety”.
Looks like it was TBY’s plan who asked the Emperor to do this since TBJ only has 3 days to find evidence. But since LMD won’t be able to help TBJ, TBJ’s task to find the evidence within the time frame is even harder.
LMD then surprises the Princess with those wind toys, “How did you know I like these? When I was young, my mother used to make these”. The Princess then brings up Weiyang’s situation and how she’s in the dark, “You guys are hiding something from me”. LMD tells the Princess that they are not doing it on purpose but that it is not convenient to let her know. Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 8.56.10 am.png Meanwhile, Juntao and Chengde are following Changan’s every move. Suddenly a huge bunch of soldiers come in holding a portrait of Juntao. So Chengde quickly hides with Juntao since she can’t be caught by them. Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 8.59.28 am.png Later, LMD reveals the whole situation to the Princess who is shocked that her brother TBY harmed the Crown Prince. LMD tells the Princess to pretend that she doesn’t know anything before telling her that he received the Emperor’s order to move into a posthouse, under house arrest. The Princess tries to rush to the Emperor to try and change his mind but is stopped by LMD who says that it won’t be easy to withdraw the order.
Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.02.33 am.png Meanwhile, Changle is throwing a tantrum since she’s not allowed to leave her room. Hong Luo tells Changle that they must take revenge and that she will help Changle with hers. Hong Luo suggests Changle to notify TBY to help her but Changle says that she can’t even leave her room. But Hong Luo says that she can do it and leaves the room. We see her knocking out the guards before taking one of them to disguise their face onto hers. Then Hong Luo goes to meet TBY at his residence. Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.09.38 am.png Later, Weiyang and TBJ are back at Lord Zongzheng’s place still trying to find clues. Weiyang asks TBJ whether his father’s retrial will have a good outcome. TBJ tells her that because it has been so long, a lot of the evidence and witness are no longer her so it will be hard. Weiyang then finds chests which contains the same black stone TBJ has received previously. She continues to open up all the chests to find that one of them is missing the item. She tells TBJ to see what she found and proceeds to put the missing black stone in its place. This triggers something as one of the safe is unlocked and inside there’s a black case. They open it to find a scroll and an account book. This is the evidence they’ve been looking for and TBJ can’t believe that his father was actually framed by TBY!!!!! Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.14.02 am.png They quickly head to the palace to tell the Emperor of their findings. TBJ tells the Emperor that he has found evidence of his father’s innocence which surprises the Emperor, “You found evidence?”. TBJ gives the Emperor the two pieces of evidence and says that these are enough to show that it was TBY who framed TBJ’s father. After going through the evidence, the Emperor gets angry that TBY harmed TBJ’s father. The Emperor wants to get TBY here so that he can kill him but Weiyang advises him not to because TBY has the power to get an army and revolt which would be disastrous. Thinking over her words, the Emperor agrees with Weiyang but he is still feeling betrayed by TBY. Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.19.12 am.png Outside, Weiyang and TBJ hug as they finally solved his father’s case. Then they see the Head Eunuch leaving the Emperor’s side as he says that he’s going to the Imperial Kitchen to make soup for the Emperor (is he one of TBY’s men?). TBJ says that he will inform someone to make the soup and that the Head Eunuch can go back to the Emperor’s side to assist him. Knowing that he can’t say no or else he will arouse suspicion, the Head Eunuch goes to assist the Emperor. After he leaves, TBJ informs his soldier to observe the Head Eunuch and ensure that he doesn’t contact anyone outside. Weiyang gets suspicious and asks if he’s suspecting the Head Eunuch. TBJ says that he’s no suspicious but being extra careful at this time. Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.31.39 am.png Later, we see the Emperor regretting his previous actions towards the late Crown Prince as he tells Weiyang his thoughts. Weiyang tries to comfort the Emperor by stating his accomplishments which makes him happy, “You always know how to make me happy”. The Emperor also seems regretful for his previous attitude towards Weiyang and understands that TBY must have had an underlying plan when he wanted to marry Weiyang. He then tells Weiyang that he has been sitting on this throne for too long, is he foreshadowing that he’s going to die soon? Weiyang then comforts the Emperor, “The Crown Prince will forgive you”, before helping him go to sleep. Note that the account book is under the Emperor’s pillow.
Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.36.33 am.png Next, we see TBJ and his men getting ready for tomorrow as they make sure everything will go as plan.
Back in the palace, we see the Head Eunuch, still followed by TBJ’s soldier, heading inside the Emperor’s room. He quietly walks in and was about to take the account book but the Emperor woke up. Shocked to see the Head Eunuch betraying him, the Emperor scolds him.
Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.48.22 am.png Soon, we see TBY inside the palace, asking the eunuch why did the Emperor summon him so early in the morning. The eunuch says that he doesn’t know and leads TBY to the Emperor. As he walks inside the room, we hear the sounds of lightening as the soldiers outside clutch their swords tightly. TBJ quickly orders the soldiers to capture TBY who is shocked at his current situation. Meanwhile, Weiyang goes to the Emperor’s room to wake up him but her face becomes shocked. Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.51.20 am.png
Then we see arrows shooting at the soldiers and at TBY. TBJ becomes anxious because it will be all over if TBY is dead. But then, more soldiers go inside the room and capture TBJ as the real TBY comes in laughing at the situation, “Did you really think that I will be captured so easily?”. TBY tells TBJ that he lost because he got sold out by his wife aka Changle. Seems like Hong Luo heard all of TBJ’s plans last night and notified TBY of his plans. TBJ tells TBY that the Emperor will not forgive him but TBY says that he will go and see the Emperor to make him abdicate his throne.
Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.54.12 am.png Back to Weiyang, we see why she was so shock. The Emperor is wounded and is unconscious. Weiyang quickly calls for help. We then see the Head Eunuch telling TBY what he did to the Emperor. This angers TBY, “You killed my father?!”, as the Head Eunuch pleads forgiveness from TBY, “It wasn’t on purpose. I did it for you.”.
Then the Emperor regains consciousness and tells Weiyang that it was his Head Eunuch who did this to him. Before he passes away, the Emperor tells Weiyang that he is passing the throne to his grandson, TBJ, and that he has trusted her with TBJ for a while now. Then an eunuch comes in to inform Weiyang that TBY has brought an army with him and is killing people inside the palace.
Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 9.59.04 am.png TBY comes into the room killing everyone except for Weiyang. Weiyang tries to escape but he quickly knocks her out and orders his men to bring her out. He then walks closer to his dead father and laughs at the sight but then we see him grieve for his father. Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 10.06.19 am.png
Meanwhile, we see LMD with the Princess who is looking down. The Princess tells LMD that she had a dream last night that something bad is going to happen. She then tells LMD that she hopes that there won’t be any problems with Weiyang but if that happens, does that mean that TBY will be in trouble? LMD tells the Princess that justice must be served and TBY did so many wrong things so he must be punished.
Then Changan with his group of soldiers arrive as he orders his men to kill LMD. The Princess tries to save LMD by fighting against the soldiers gets knocked out. Then Li Ang and his men arrive to save LMD.
Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 10.08.08 am.png Back at the palace, we see Weiyang lying on a bed. She then wakes up and remembers everything. Changle then walks in as Weiyang realises that Changle betrayed TBJ. Changle doesn’t deny anything and affirms that it was her doing. Weiyang tells her that her actions killed so many innocent people but Changle doesn’t seem to care, “It’s better for them to die than me right?”. Changle tells Weiyang that she’s not going to love anymore since it brought her so much pain and that she will now live for herself. Screen Shot 2016-12-09 at 10.12.53 am.png TBY then comes in just as Changle slaps Weiyang’s face. He dismisses Changle as Weiyang tries to get his sword but then slaps his face.

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